East Riding of Yorkshire Council Allocations Development Plan Document Sustainability Appraisal Part II Scoping Report Consultation May 2010 Part II Scoping Report (Draft)3 FINAL EAST RIDING OF YORKSHIRE COUNCIL – SUSTAINABILITY APPRAISAL OF THE ALLOCATIONS DEVELOPMENT PLAN DOCUMENT Part II Scoping Report East Riding of Yorkshire Council Allocations Development Plan Document Sustainability Appraisal Part II Scoping Report May 2010 Notice This document and its contents have been prepared and are intended solely for East Riding of Yorkshire Council information and use in relation to Sustainability Appraisal of the ERYC Allocations DPD. This report may not be used by any person other than East Riding of Yorkshire Council without East Riding of Yorkshire's express permission. In any event, Atkins accepts no liability for any costs, liabilities or losses arising as a result of the use of or reliance upon the contents of this report by any person other than East Riding of Yorkshire. Document History JOB NUMBER: 5039046 DOCUMENT REF: 5039415 ERYC Allocations DPD SA - Part II SR V4.1.doc 4 Final Report CS/LP LP/MH MH MH 8/4/10 3 Final draft CS/LP LP/MH MH MH 26/2/10 2 Second draft CS/LP MH MH MH 12/2/10 1 Draft for Comment CS/LP CW MH MH 23/12/09 Revision Purpose Description Originated Checked Reviewed Authorised Date Part II Scoping Report (Draft)3 FINAL EAST RIDING OF YORKSHIRE COUNCIL – SUSTAINABILITY APPRAISAL OF THE ALLOCATIONS DEVELOPMENT PLAN DOCUMENT Part II Scoping Report Part II Scoping Report (Draft)3 FINAL EAST RIDING OF YORKSHIRE COUNCIL – SUSTAINABILITY APPRAISAL OF THE ALLOCATIONS DEVELOPMENT PLAN DOCUMENT Part II Scoping Report Contents Section Page Glossary iii 1. Introduction 1 The Allocations Development Plan Document 1 Sustainability Appraisal of the Allocations DPD 1 2. Other Relevant Plans and Programmes 4 Introduction 4 Methodology 4 3. Baseline Information 25 Introduction 25 Methodology 25 Baseline Key Features 25 Specific Baseline Information for Major Haltemprice Settlements and Principal Towns within East Riding 51 4. Key Sustainability Issues 55 Introduction 55 Methodology 55 5. Sustainability Appraisal Objectives 60 Introduction 60 Methodology 60 6. Remaining Stages of the SA 64 Introduction 64 List of Tables Table 2.1 – Relevant Plans and Programmes 5 Table 2.2 – Derivation of Key Sustainability Themes 14 Table 3.1 – Business Survivals Rate, % 27 Table 4.1 - Key Sustainability Issues 55 Table 5.1 – SA Objectives from ERYC LDF SA Scoping Report 60 Table 5.2 –Allocations DPD SA Objectives 62 Table 6.1 – Remaining Stages of the SA 64 Table 6.2 - Prediction and Assessment Techniques for SA 66 Table 6.3 - SA Report Structure 66 List of Figures Figure 3.1 – The East Riding of Yorkshire Area 26 Figure 3.2 - Income to House Price Multiple 29 Figure 3.3 - Humberside Tranquillity Map 36 Figure 3.4 – Countryside Character Areas 41 Figure 3.5 - Landscape Character Assessment 42 Figure 3.6 - Statutory Protected Areas 48 Part II Scoping Report (Draft)3 FINAL i EAST RIDING OF YORKSHIRE COUNCIL – SUSTAINABILITY APPRAISAL OF THE ALLOCATIONS DEVELOPMENT PLAN DOCUMENT Part II Scoping Report Figure 3.7 - Landscape and Heritage Assets and Designations in East Ridings 50 Appendices Appendix A - Baseline Tables 68 List of Tables Table A.1 - Baseline Data, Indicators and Trends for Social Issues 69 Table A.2 - Baseline Data, Indicators and Trends for Environmental Issues 76 Table A.1 - Baseline Data, Indicators and Trends for Economic Issues 99 Part II Scoping Report (Draft)3 FINAL ii EAST RIDING OF YORKSHIRE COUNCIL – SUSTAINABILITY APPRAISAL OF THE ALLOCATIONS DEVELOPMENT PLAN DOCUMENT Part II Scoping Report Glossary Abbreviation Definition AQMA Air Quality Management Area BAP Biodiversity Action Plan BVPIs Best Value Performance Indicators CQC Countryside Quality Counts DPD Development Plan Document EIA Environmental Impact Assessment ERYC East Riding of Yorkshire Council GVA Gross Value Added IRS Integrated Regional Strategy JSP Joint Structure Plan for Kingston-Upon-Hull and the East Riding of Yorkshire LDD Local Development Document LDF Local Development Framework LDS Local Development Scheme LNR Local Natural Reserve LPA Local Planning Authority LBAP Local Biodiversity Action Plan NNR National Nature Reserve NO2; NOx Nitrogen dioxide; oxides of nitrogen ODPM Office of the Deputy Prime Minister PCPA Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 PPC Pollution Prevention and Control PPS Planning Policy Statement PPG Planning Policy Guidance RIGS Regionally Important Geological Sites PM10 Fine particles RPG Regional Planning Guidance RSDF Regional Sustainable Development Framework RSS Regional Spatial Strategy SA Sustainability Appraisal SM Scheduled Monument SAP Standard Assessment Procedure SEA Strategic Environment Assessment SMP Shoreline Management Plan SPA Special Protection Areas SPD Supplementary Planning Document SPZ Source Protection Zones SSSI Site of Special Scientific Interest SUDS Sustainable Urban Drainage System UA Unitary Authority WWTW Waste Water Treatment Works Part II Scoping Report (Draft)3 FINAL iii EAST RIDING OF YORKSHIRE COUNCIL – SUSTAINABILITY APPRAISAL OF THE ALLOCATIONS DEVELOPMENT PLAN DOCUMENT Part II Scoping Report 1. Introduction The Allocations Development Plan Document 1.1 East Riding of Yorkshire Council (ERYC) is required by the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (PCPA) to replace their four Local Plans with a Local Development Framework (LDF) for the Unitary Authority Area. 1.2 Comprising a ‘folder’ of Local Development Documents (LDDs), the East Riding LDF, together with the ‘Yorkshire and Humber Plan’- Regional Spatial Strategy for Yorkshire and Humber (RSS), will provide the spatial strategy and planning policy for the East Riding. 1.3 ERYC is progressing with the development of the Core Strategy which sets the key elements of the planning framework for the East Riding. It will comprise a vision and a number of objectives for the area for the period up to 2026. It will also include a spatial strategy and suite of development management policies and identify preferred areas of growth for future development around larger settlements. 1.4 As part of the LDF, the Council is also preparing an Allocations Development Plan Document (DPD). The DPD will allocate specific sites for development (or conservation) in the East Riding and establish when they will be developed, and by whom. The DPD will contain: Specific site allocations for a range of uses, including retail, employment and housing for the period up to 2026; A proposals map showing the allocated sites identified through the DPD; Requirements to be met in order for the allocated sites to be developed, involving issues such as suitable access, screening, flood prevention measures, etc; and A broad indication of how the allocations will be implemented. Sustainability Appraisal of the Allocations DPD 1.5 ERYC is required under the PCPA to undertake Sustainability Appraisal (SA) of its DPDs, including the Allocations DPD. SA takes a long-term view on the effects of a plan, taking into account environmental, social and economic effects. 1.6 When preparing or revising DPDs, it is also a statutory requirement to conduct an environmental assessment in accordance with the Strategic Environment Assessment (SEA) Regulations 2004. The objective of SEA is “to provide for a high level of protection of the environment and to contribute to the integration of environmental considerations in the preparation of plans and programmes with a view to promoting sustainable development.” 1.7 Although the requirements to carry out SA and SEA are distinct, the ODPM’s guidance of November 2005 states that it is possible to satisfy both through a single appraisal process and provides a methodology for doing so. This methodology goes further than the SEA methodology (which is primarily focused on environmental effects) requiring the examination of all the sustainability-related effects, whether they are social, economic or environmental. However, those undertaking the SA should ensure that in doing so they meet the requirements of the SEA Regulations. 1.8 This report is a Part II SA Scoping Report, which updates and refines the initial LDF SA Scoping Report completed in 2006, and is tailored to the role and purpose of the SA of the Allocations DPD. Part II Scoping Report (Draft)3 FINAL 1 EAST RIDING OF YORKSHIRE COUNCIL – SUSTAINABILITY APPRAISAL OF THE ALLOCATIONS DEVELOPMENT PLAN DOCUMENT Part II Scoping Report 1.9 It sets out the results of the scoping stage of the combined SA/SEA process for the Allocations DPD. To be consistent with terminology used in the ODPM Guidance, throughout this report, the term SA is used to refer to this combined SEA/SA process. The SA Process 1.10 According to ODPM guidance, the main stages in the SA process are as follows: Stage A – Setting the context and objectives, establishing the baseline, proposing the scope, and consultation on the proposed scope of the Sustainability Appraisal; Stage B – Developing and refining options and assessing effects; Stage C – Preparing the Sustainability Appraisal Report; Stage D – Consultation on the draft plan and the Sustainability Appraisal Report; and Stage E – Monitoring implementation of the plan. Relationship of the Allocations DPD SA Scoping Report to the LDF SA Scoping Report 1.11 In March 2006 a LDF SA Scoping Report was released for consultation by the Council. This document was designed to cover the first stage of the SA processes for the various LDDs that will make up the East Riding LDF. It sets out all of the elements common to SA of the LDDs, with the recognition that an additional (Part II) Scoping Report may be required for the SA of each LDD to further focus the SA processes. 1.12 The LDF SA Scoping Report set out a set of SA objectives against which the LDF would be appraised. These objectives were subsequently slightly amended in the SA processes conducted for other DPDs, produced or being produced by the Council, to make each SA process fit for purpose.
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