<p> Toby gambles Solar house MHS, EC gridden on grassroots on four here both victorious ... page 3 ... page 11 ... page 15</p><p>Cloudy, cool Manchester, Conn. on Tuesday Monday, Oct. 11, 1982 — See page 2 Single copy 25tp ilanrljpHtPr IpralJi</p><p>Dow soars </p><p> post 1,000; </p><p> volume up</p><p> that the inflationary momentum has By Frank W. Slusser ^ UPI Business Writer been broken.” He told the Business Council the Fed will continue In NEW YORK — The Dow Jones in- fight inflation but “ that policy does dustrial average cracked the not imply continuing pressures on magical 1,000 barrier for the first interest rates.” time in more than 15 months today In leaks to the news media last as lower interest rates fueled the week, the Fed said it would not Great Stampede of 1982 and pushed drive interest rates higher in </p><p> the stock market's historic two- response to an expected bulge in the month rally toward new highs. nation's money supply this month. Volume was heavy. The first-hour The money supply dropped $2.7 turnover was the fifth busiest ever. billion in the latest reporting week The Dow industrial average, but is expected to surge in coming which climbed 20.88 points Friday to weeks as All-Savers certificates . its highest level since June 26, 1981, mature. was ahead 19.31 points to 1,006.16 at The embattled Reagan ad- 11;30 a.m. EDT. ministration said the picture would The Dow last closed above 1.000 on improve in the coming months. But June 23, 1981, when it stood at 1.- even administration aides conceded 006.66. It hit a high that year of 1,- the jobless rate would remain high Sii.*- 024.05 on April 27 as President over the next vear. Reagan pushed his economic Herald photo by Tarquinio program through Congress. The Dow soared 79.11 points A wet ride overall last week, second only to the PLO chief 81.24-point surge the week ended Aug. 20— the first week of the Great Lutz Children’s Museum officially moved from Its Cedar Street raise $380,000 In the new two years. The museum Is scheduled Stampede of 1982. And its 209.93- location to a new home In the former South School Saturday to open at Its new location Sunday with a ribbon-cutting point or 27 percent gain since Aug. with a celebration In a circus wagon, despite the wet weather. ceremony at 2 p.m. More photos on page 10. 27 is unparalled for such a short warns of Saturday’s event was part of a fund drive that officials hope will period. Advances led declining issues by a </p><p>13-1 margin. Solidarity calls for strike New York Stock Exchange new fight volume amounted to about 51.21 million shares in the first 90 By Jeffrey Heller minutes. First-hour volume of 36.58 United Press International was the fifth busiest ever. Friday’s turnover amounted Palestinian guerrilla leader 122,25 million shares, the fifth Yasser Arafat warned of new Polish telephone links cut heaviest on record. That brought the battles “ soon” with Israeli forces in weekly turnover to 488.34 million Lebanon, but he hinted at a major shares, second only to the 549.83, breakthrough in his talks continuing By Bogdan Turek by the military government. bloc’s first independent labor union. prayed that Poland’s 17th saint million traded the week ended Aug. today with Jordan's King Hussein on United Press International Unconfirmed reports said Gdansk At its height, Solidarity boasted 10 would protect the 500 to 700 Solidari- 27. a Jordanian-Palestinian confedera- shipyard workers were planning to million members. It was suspended ty leaders still imprisoned under In the 45 sessions since Aug.'12, tion. WARSAW, Poland (U PI) - stage a sit-in strike today. with the declaration of martial law martial law, Big Board volume has totaled 3.276 In Tel Aviv, a three-man Israeli Telephone connections between Telephone links with the three Dec. 13, 1981, and banned by parlia- billion shares for a daily average of 'commission investigating the Warsaw and the northern port cities major southern cities of Krakow, “ My brothers and sisters, we ment on Friday, 72.8 million. massacre of Palestinians in Beirut of Gdansk and Szczecin were cut Katowice and Wroclaw were know that whatever is just is an “ Let this violation of the fun- “ I think there is more money refugee camps today urged tho.se today on the heels of a call by the working normally, according to ideal that contains in itself an in- damental rights of man be known,” around than in the past and the wishing to tesify to come forward. Solidarity underground for a four- operators. destructible value and this value John Paul shouted to 150,000 people, market is headed for new all-time In nationwide radio and television hour general strike next month. The communications blackout will not perish. Its structures can including 10,000 Poles and an eight- highs,” said Ralph Acampora, vice broadcasts, the commission, headed Warsaw’s Post Office Telephone with the two major port cities came member government delegation, perish but its values will not,” . president of Kidder Peabody in New l?y Chief Justice President Yitzhak and Telecommunications office said less than a day after Solidarity un- Glemp said. gathered in St. Peter’s Square. York. “ The economic news is bad Kahan, said anyone, including ser- all telephone connections with derground leaders began circulating Cheers, wild applause and shouts The archbishop postponed a visit and probably will get worse and the vicemen, could submil documents Szczecin and CMansk, the birthplace leaflets calling for a general strike of “ Long Live Solidarity” rang to the United States and to Rome to market is thriving on it because concerning the mid-September of Solidarity, were “ damaged” with Nov. 10, and Roman Catholic through the square packed for the remain in Poland for the parliamen- things eventually will get better.” slaughter by Israel's Christian no possibility to call there. Other leaders issued their angriest con- canonization of Father Maximilian tary vote that form ally banned The Federal Reserve may have rightist allies. PTT operators said that the lines demnations of Poland’s military Kolbe, who sacrificed his life for Solidarity. set the stage for more frantic activi- Officials have said 337 bodies were simply “ cut.” rulers for banning the union. another man in the Nazi concentra- ty this week by cutting its discount were found after the massacre. A Communications Ministry ’The strike date marks the second The remarks of both the pontiff tion camp at Auschwitz in 1941. rate to 9 'z percent from 10 percent Though it is not likely the bodies of spokesman said there was “ a fault anniversary of the day Solidarity and the archbishop were their most In the village of Niepokalanow, Friday, the fifth reduction in three many of the victims will ever be somewhere on the line and it is was formally registered in a War- Polish Primate Archbishop Jozef stinging condemnations of Poland's ;nonths. recovered, Lebanese officials have being repaired by our technicians.” saw court, thereby becoming the Glemp told 15,000 worshippers at a martial law. Mellon Bank of <a href="/tags/Pittsburgh/" rel="tag">Pittsburgh</a> estimated the actual death toll at But he warned that “ it is not possi- first legal independent labor union service honoring the new saint that The strike leaflet was signed by lowered its prime lending rate to 12 about 1,500. ble to predict how long it will take to in the Soviet bloc. despite the outlawing of Solidarity Solidarity’s top leaders — Zbigniew % percent and other banks — many In Jerusalem Sunday, the Cabinet repair this impairment.” Canonizing a Polish saint at the Friday, the ideals of the trade union Bujak of Warsaw, Bogdan Lis of of which are closed today for the said Lebanon must agree to the The communications blackout Vatican Sunday, Polish-born Pope will never die. Gdansk and Utadeusz Hradek of the Columbus Day holiday — were creation of a security buffer zone in raised speculation that shipyard John Paul II raised his voice to a Speaking in a resounding voice Krakdow region, who reportedly expected to cut their key rate soon. its southern territory bordering workers were reacting angrily to near scream and denounced the out- from the altar outside the basilica pushed for a one-hour work stoppage Paul Volcker, the Fed chairman, Israel before the estimated 70,000 the outlawing of Solidarity Friday lawing of Solidarity, the- Soviet started by Kolbe in 1938, Glemp but was overruled. said Saturday there was “ evidence Israeli troops will be withdrawn from Lebanon. Israeli troops searched for gunmen who wounded one Israeli </p><p>Amtrak gunman surrenders; soldier Sunday in ambushes on a bus and a jeep in the wooded hills east of Beirut.</p><p>Israeli soldiers closet .he nearby Beirul-Damascus highway, imposed sister and infant found dead an all-night curfew, lighted the night</p><p>I’ leaxe lurn (<> page 10</p><p>RALEIGH, N.C. (U P I) - A gun- Evangelista Navas Villabona, 29, had barricaded himself since Friday man who held out for more than 70 from Bucaramanga, Colombia. morning. hours in a foul-smelling Amtrak Authorities did not say why he was The girl who was released un- Inside Today passenger car surrendered using the Rodriguez name. harmed was identified by peacefully today and police found Villabona was charged with two authorities as Mrs. Ramirez’ the bodies of his sister and her in- counts of first-degree murder and daughter, Julie or Zuli Ramirez. 20 pages, 2 sections, fant son inside a sleeping compart- one of kidnapping. He was Villabona had claimed there also D&L advertising supplement ment. questioned briefly by police then was a body of an adult male in the Advice ...... Authorities said the man sur- taken to Central Prison, North compartment but Haley said only ...... 13 Area towns ...... rendered at 5:46 a.m. EDT after Carolina’s only maximum security the two bodies were found...... 7 Business...... 20 talking to a man he alternately institution. “ We have gone into the room,” Classified...... ; 18-19 described as a friend and his god- “ We are concerned about his Haley said. "W e have the body of a Comics...... father. Earlier today, he released a safety,” police Maj. Tom Justice female which is dead and a body of a ...... 8 Entertainment ...... 4-year-old girl unharmed. said. “ We did get a lot of calls from small baby that looks to be a male ...... 9 Lottery...... ■ The woman had been dead since people who are irate about this and the female adult. There is no ...... 2 Obituaries ...... Friday while the baby apparently thing.” one else.” ...... 10 Opinion...... ^ ...... died Sunday morning, police said. Police Maj. Jack Haley said the The cause of death was not known...... 6 Peopletalk...... 2 The cause of death was not im- bodies of a woman, identified as Police had surrounded the UPI photo Sports...... mediately known. Villabona’s sister, Isabel Ramirez, sleeping car since 7:20 a.m. EDT ...... 15-17 Television ...... The gunman identified himself as and her 9-month-old son, John Friday, shortly after shots had been ...... 9 Mario Rodriguez, but Police Sgt Ramirez, were found in the 6-by-lO GUNMAN SURRENDERS TO POLICE Weather...... 2 C.A. Watson later said he was foot compartment in which the man Please turn to page 10 . . . ends 70-hour siege aboard train MANCHESTER HERALD, Mon., Oct. 41, 1982 — .3 2 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Mon.. Oct. 11. 1982 NAT«N*L weather SERVKE EORECA8T .o 7 AM E*T^ 30 ?4 30 00 . ' (m He can't match Welcker's campaign fund news Briefing V</p><p>8AH FRAMCISCO Moffett gambles on grassroots strategy Italians to protest Environment policy ( draws criticism By Paul Hendrie younger Democratic candidates, marine just as provocative, Moffett L O W E ST renlied that he,opposed the Trident synagogue attack TEM F ER ATUR E 8 Herald Reporter have made a huge mistake by not WASHINGTON (UPI) - The ad- /40 _40 going to the campuses and high II missile for that reason, but sup- ROME (DPI) — Police hunted for four ministration is ‘‘shortchanging the Democrat Toby Moffett knows schools to get a big core qf ports the Trident I subs. gunmen who killed a 2-year-old boy and American people” with lax enforcement ^ ^R A W 1/ a a|8WOW there’s no way he will he able to volunteers,” said Moffett. “I think Committee imsignmenis: wounded 34 other Jewish worshippers at of environmental laws, Rep. John Moffett said, if elected, be would j^^S M O W E R s'' Fl 5 w raise and spend more money than high school students and boUege Rome’s main synagogue and officials Dlngell, the chairman of the House Republican incumbent Lowell P. students are enormously influential like to serve on a com m ittee expected thousands of Italians to Energy Committee, charges. 1 WCATMtn FOTOCA8T fV Weicker in the U.S. Senate race. “having, to do with economic demonstrate today against the attack. in their families, so it’s very impor- Dlngell made his comments Sunday in So, Moffett, a 6th District con- tant. development.” He said he also Authorities Sunday released composite releasing a staff report that claimed en- gressman, is gambling on a new would like to keep working on issues sketches of the four suspects aged 30 to forcement of the hazardous waste super- grassroots strategy that’s never “I'LL TELL you right now, if I he’s been interested in in the past, 35, two with dark complexions, who are fund, drinking water, and toxic sub- been tried on such a large scale win this race, there will be many like the environment. thought to have tossed grenades and stances laws has bMn ‘‘dangerously before. And, although he wa$,forced people to thank, but at the top of the “The key, as far as I’m con- sprayed machine-gun fire Saturday on deficient.” Weather into this strategy by his inability to list will be the college students and cerned, is jobs and that’s got to be worshippers leaving the synagogue. “Civil enforcement actions came to a match Weicker dollar-for-dollar, recent college graduates who came my first priority,” said Moffett, “I No group claim ^ responsibility for virtual halt during the first 14 months of Moffett said he wouldn’t trade his into the campaign and the high want to be in a real position to be a the attack that took place after religious the Reagan administration,” he said in a student volunteers for all of school students. Right at the top of real advocate for arms production.” services marking “Simkhat Torah” (Joy statement. Welcker’s money. the list. ‘They’re going to be ab- Black votcrH; Although Weicker of the Torah), in which children are Dlngell said enforcement has im- Today’s forecast “One school of thought is that solutely the people who deserve the is seen as being very strong among called to the pulpit for a blessing from proved recently, but "continues to fall momentum is created in the last six most credit.” black voters, particularly because the rabbi. short of the record of the previous ad- Today sunny but cool. Highs around 60. Light and weeks of the campaign by media Still, Moffett knows he needs lots of his fillibuster against a proposed City officials said buses will stop for ministration and fails to meet projec- variable winds. Tonight a clear start but increasing buys,” said Moffett, in a recent in- of money. Although he said be was ban on busing for school desegrega- two hours before the afternoon rush hour tions set forth in budgetary submissions clouds late at night. Lows 35 to 40. Winds becoming light terview, with the Manchester not disappointed by his campaign’s ■^v tion, Moffett said he is optimistic. today and hundreds of shops will be to the Congress.” southerly Tuesday cloudy with a 30 percent chance of Herald, Conducted while the can- fundraising, he did admit that — at “ I tell you right now that a lot of closed as people take to the streets to He ad d ^ , “This administration is showers by afternoon. Highs 60 to 65. Southerly winds didate was en route from Hartford the time of the interview — his cam- Weicker’s strength in the black protest the attack and mourn the vic- paign was about fl80,IXX) short of its short-changing the American people by around 10 mph. to a high school'football game In community is reflected in the fact tims. failing to enforce aggressively those North Haven. “If that’s the case, goal and had been forced to reduce that they think he’s pretty good for a laws which were specifidally put in place then we would not be able to sustain the budget for media buys from Republican” Moffett .said black Coup plot widens to protect their interests.” momentum the way Uiat Weicker 2700,000 to $350,000. Democratic leaders tell him he can Extended outlook would. Moffett said he is raising money expect to do well. Spanish split “I think momentum in a race like at at least the same pace as Latin American policy: Extended outlook for New England Wednesday this — a more important kind of Democrat Christopher Dodd did in “Reagan has now institutionalized a MADRID, Spain (U P I) — A foiled coup Sub escape through Friday: momentum — comes from a his successful 1980 campaign Herald photo by Hendrie constant applause as part of our has raised Spanish concern about Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut: grassroots effort. He’s no match for against Republican James Buckley foreign policy,” said Moffett. for the Senate. Dodd raised $1.4 “Applause for Pinochet and his military plots to trample democracy and UPI photo report a ruse? Chance of rain Wednesday. Fair Thursday and Friday. our volunteers, in fact, there’s no REP. TOBY MOFFETT CAMPAIGNS AT UNIVERSITY OF HARTFORD injected uncertainty into what had been Daytime highs in the 50s and low 60s. Overnight lows in semblance of a Weicker organiza- million to Buckley’s $1.8 million. right-wing junta in Chile. They . . . counting on students to take him to the Senate expected to be an easy Socialist victory BERGA, Sweden (UPI) - Sweden’s the 40s and low 50s. tion anywhere. No one can find it. “The problem was, Dodd was up should focus on the fact that good in the Oct. 28 national elections. Today In history military commander said the uniden- Vermont: A chance of showers Wednesday and He has a fake campaign, in terms of against Buckley — a much easier people, decent people, are being Defense Minister Alberto Oliart, after tified foreign submarine trapped outside ‘Thursday. Clearing Friday. Cool. High 55 to 65. Lows in it being a real, people-oriented race,” said Moffett. “Weicker’s. determine which man emerges vic- something. First of all, I like him. bludgeoning them. The key to me is yanked out of their homes in the a week of confusing and contradictory of- On Oct. 11, 1962 Pope John XXlll opened the Second Vatican a top-secret naval base may have es- the 40s to around 50. thing. He’s out there at the fairs total, before we are through, torious.’ That’s right. They then And, secondly there are Democrats how do the consumer and en- middle of the night and tortured and caped but defense sources tdld a give the attached summary and all over the country looking at this ficial statements, was reporting today to Ecumenical Council In St. Peter’s Basilica. He blesses the crowd as he Maine, New Hampshire: Chance ot showers shaking hands and so forth, but probably will be $2.5 million. So, vironmental leadership in America very often killed. That’s happening. newspaper today the report was a trick. brag how Weicker opposed wage and . race. This race has a lot to do with the standing parliament commission on Is carried In procession to the Basilica. Wednesday. Fair Thursday. Chance of showers again there’s absolutely nothing, there’s he’ll be outspending me $2.5 million and the state of Connecticut feel. Do We’re not making it up." the coup that had been planned for the Intensive surveillance by land and sea, Friday. Highs in the 50s north to low 60s south. Lows in no support organization, there’s no to $1.4 million. In terms of media price controls, he’s been in favor of what happens to poor children in they buy the theory that I’m not as Middle East: Moffett said he op- the oil companies, comparing it to eve of the election. meanwhile, continued for the 11th day the 3()s to low 40s. huge core of volunteers. We think buys, he’ll probably be outspending America, what happens to the en- much of an advocate as I was? No.” posed Israel’s last move into Beirut, The election campaign turned to today coupled with efforts to force the we can beat him because of that.” me 3-1. So, I guess we’re not doing my record, B-1 bomber. I’m against vironment and what happens to civil Moffett said the Nader criticism just before the massacre of Palesti- defense of Spain’s 6-year-old democracy ACLU: Reagan Two people killed submarine, suspected to be from the Moffett’s campaign organized a well by that yardstick which, again, it and he’s for it, and public finan- liberties. has had little political effect. nian civilians. He supported a return after three plotting officers were Soviet Union or a Warsaw Pact country, door-to-door fundraising canvass reminds us how crazy this has cing of Congressional campaigns. “If you can accept the idea that “It’s not a referendum on me, it’s of the three-nation peacekeeping arrested Oct. 2 and arraigned on con- foe of freedom in Western storms to the surface with explosives. last summer, similar to the way become. This is a national problem, There you have it.” • Thurmond and Helms and Hatch are , an election,” he said. “There are no force to Beirut. Moffett said he sup- spiracy charges aimed at stopping a ‘”rhe probability of the submarine still National forecast many consumer groups raise the role of money in politics. Money Moffett has argued consistently right-wingers who chair those major candidates. Weicker’s ports Israel and understands the Socialist victory. WASHINGTON (UPI) - The By United Press International remaining in Horsfjarden Bay is money. The canvass employed is an obstacle to a fair fight and that Weicker’s liberal image runs Senate committees and have an consumer record is not a good one. Israeli desire to clear the PLO away International Socialist leader Felipe Gonzalez, the American Civil Liberties Union called Searchers in Wyoming recovered the decreasing,” Supreme Commander Gen. By United Press l/)s Angeles f 83 63 .... mostly college students and recent money is an obstacle to people of or- counter to a voting record which, enormous amount of power because He’s for taking controls of oil and from their northern border. He said Lennart Ljung said in a statement Sun- City & Fest Hi Lo Pep Louisville pc 78 49 .... Moffett claimed, follows closely of those chairmanships, they can’t clear favorite before the election-eve the Reagan administration a foe of in- bodies of two people killed in a plane 63 46 graduates. dinary backgrounds having a fair gas. He’s one of the biggest pro-oil the ultimate goal for Lebanon must Albuquerque pe Memphis pc 79 53 .... President Reagan’s Republican coup plot was discovered, said the same dividual freedom, but praised Congress crash during a two-day storm that day about the search for the vessel out- Anchorage r 36 22 Miami Beach f 86 78 .... chance to win an election. be toppled unless we win seats that senators, in fact, he’s the biggest be to get all foreign forces — Israeli, extreme rightist circles that wanted to for defeating efforts by the New Right to dumped 4 feet of snow on the Rocky side the sensitive Mosko naval base. Asheville r V 54 .re Milwaukee cy 63 46 .... “ NO ONE (IN POLITICS) has “You may also recall that I made line. But how effective has he been are currently held by Republicans. pro-oil senator in the north. Again, Palestinian and Syrian — out of Atlanta pc 05 61 .23 Minneapolis sh 57 46 .13 done the door-to-door stuff we’re in communicating that message? “This is the best shot in America, prevent his victory made plans for two overturn Constitutional rights. Mountains and Plains and wind that Hillings pc se 39 Nashville pc 79 56 .... a real pitch for Weicker, and at the compare the two candidates, there’s Lebanon. further coup attempts. This year has seen “stunning victories created “blowtorch” brush fires in Birmingham cy 80 61 New Orleans r 89 71 .... doing, never, anywhere in terms of time. Bush, to have our represen- “The thing you have to remember right here, everyone agrees, for the really no comparison on those issues Lubur cnilorscincntH: Moffett Boston sv 50 40 New York sy se 44 .61 fundraising,” declared Moffett. is that we’re not going on statewide Republicans to lose a seat in the and painful defeats” for the Bill of California diminished. Kohl’s party wins Brwnsvll ' Tx.ts 90 68 ’. C Oklahm Cly sy 70 42 .... tatives meet and come to some and people are smart enough to said he was disappointed at the Rights, said a report released Sunday by A touch of early winter interrupted Buffalo pr 67 SO .38 Omaha cy 53 46 .... He also talked about his cam- agreement on spending limitations, TV everyday with advertisements Democrats to pick one up. So, all figure that out.” failure to win the endorsement of rhrlsin , S.C. cy 78 66 .... the civil rights group’s Washington of- autumn along the East Coast today, Philadelphia pc 61 30 paign’s door-to-door voter canvass, ’niat’s just so sensible. Common on that issue, what’re we’re doing is this gives me an enormous respon-" During the interview, Moffett dis- Briton, 2 Swedes state elections Charltt N.C. cy 70 57 04 PhfK'nix sy 81 56 ...t the State Labor Council, AFL-CIO, ■ fice. plunging morning lows into the low 20s in Chicago cy 66 45 Pltfsburch cy 63 S7 .01 designed to identify voters and what Cause came out for it, many League beneath the surface when we’re sibility that goes far beyond what I, cussed his positions on a wide range but was satisfied that the individual ’The report said the Justice Depart- upstate New York and New England. Cleveland sy 71 49 .02 Poitland M. sy 53 30 .... they’re concerned about, literature of Women Voters chapters came out making that argumuent,” said as an individual, want on a par- of other issues including: share Nobel Prize BONN, West Germany (UPI) — 80 48 unions that did endorse him are, he Columbus sy Portland Ore. f 73 44 .... distribution and what he predicted for it and Weicker just laughed at it. Moffett. “You have nuclear freeze ticular issue.” ment, “bent on dismantling federal civil Albany, N.Y., registered its first frost of Chancellor Helmut Kohl’s Conservative Dallas pc 73 54 Providence sy 40 36 .... Mililiir) Defense: Moffett said, the hardest working and most STOCKHOLM, Sweden (UPI) - A rights enforcement, has made steady the season at 30 degrees. Party won a massive victory in the Denver pc « 29 Riihmond cy 63 53 ...; would be a “tremendous” get out I thought I would have a chance to advocates around the state doing Moffett.claimed that his thoughts pointed out that he was the first active ones. Dos Moines cy 57 49 .03 St Louis cy 66 54 .... the vote effort. He called it mailing and phone calling pointing of challenging O’Neill for the guber- British scientist and two Swedes today progress toward its goal... Gusty winds along the. Carolina coast Bavarian state elections, but his coali- Detroit pc 72 44 .03 sell them on it.” member of Congress to sign a peti- Celebrity c n d o r s c m c n I s : Salt Lak Ctysy 53 33 .... “political missionary work.” out the differences in our records. natorial nomination were not based jointly won the 1982 Nobel Prize in “Civil rights and liberties in 1982 have pushed breakers over an Outer Banks tion partners suffered another crushing Duluth r 50 41 .12 San Antonio sh 68 61 .11 Moffett said he is raising just a tion endorsing a bilateral nuclear Moffett’s campaign has included 0 Medicine for their pioneering research highway near Rodanthe, N.C. Even more K! Paso pc 72 40 San Diego f 89 62 .... “So, it’s a race between our small percentage of his fun^ from “ You have the environmental bn dissatisfaction with O’Neill’s per- freeze. He criticized Weicker’s sup- been defended in many areas in Congress defeat that could harm the new govern- Hartford sy 56 30 San Francisco f 83 53 .... appearances by movie stars Robert into blood pressure, pain and the hor- by open debate and effective organizing, overwash was expected at high tide later ment in Bonn. Honolulu sy 89 76 San Juan 90 ?6 .... grassroots and our Main Street and political action committees, partly coalition doing the phone calling and formance. He said he felt it was the port of the B-1 bomber and the MX Redford and Paul Newman and pop- mone that controls them. but they have encountered an implacable today. In-the first state election since Kohl Indianapolis cy 75 43 Soalllo f 67 50 .... his Madison Avenue,” said Moffett. because he’s not actively pursuing doing the mailing pointing out the right of any Democrat with missle, but defended production of ular singers Steven Stills and Carly Sune K. Bergstrom and Bengt I. •lacksn Mss. pc 81 61 Spokane 1 57 32 .. “You have to always, when you’re PAC money and partly because the differences in our records.. You have statewide appeal to run for gover- and increasingly isolated foe in the Winds gusting to 30 mph howled across became chancellor, the Christian .lacksonvllle po 90 72 .12 Tami'a sy 80 73 the Trident submarine, which is Simon. Does it do any good? Samuelsson of Stockholm University and Reagan administration,” it said. the northern two-thirds of the Plains Democrats Sunday retained their Kansas City cy 56 47 Wa.shington cy 64 53 . .. making a campaign plan, get down PACs just won’t give it to him. children’s advocates doing that. nor, if he so desired. Moffett said he built in Connecticut. Dr. John R. Vane of Wellcome The ACLU listed the records of Sunday in a preview of winter as record overwhelming majority in the Bavarian I.as V ^as sy 71 52 Wichita sy 58 37 .... on paper what you think your We’ll be doing an elderly project, thought it was better for himself and “ IT'S IMPORTANT BECAUSE Little Rock pc 70 40 “ I HAVE MONEY from some “IVM NOT AGAINST Laboratories in Britain jointly received senators in civil rights roll calls, and low temperatures — dropping to 5 parliament over former Chancellor strengths and weaknesses are. My with elderly advocates, showing his the party if he ran for the Senate. we’ve got to draw crowds and raise labor political action committees DEFENSE,” said Moffett. “I’m not the $157,(KX) prize, the Nobel citation none had perfect scores. Five scored degrees — iced the northern Rockies and Helmut Schmidt’s Social Democrats. weakness is my inability to raise record on social security — he voted money off those crowds,” said and some from the insurance in- “ ITUS IS X MARRIAGE of naive on denfense. So, we all have to given by the Royal Caroline Institute of zero — Republicans Mack Mattingly of hampered efforts to dig eastern But in a blow to Kohl’s coalition, the money among traditional sources, to reduce the cost-of-living Moffett, “Now. we raised $7,000 to C my refusal to go to big economic in- dustry, but other than that, it’s a yardstick. necessity and a marriage of con- have our own vision of what defense $8,000 when Steven (Stills) was Stockholm said. Georgia, Don Nickles of Oklahoma, Wyoming and South Dakota’s Black Hills voters handed the Freq Democrats of venience and it’s a marriage on The three were responsible for the terests, big political action com- very, very little, a very small should be. Mine happens to include here, that’s not a bad day’s work. Strom Thurmond of South Carolina and out from heavy snowfall. Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich percentage of the overall total,” WHILE MOFFETT stresses his which the party depends this year,” groundbreaking discovery that aspirin ’The Wyoming Civil Air Patrol found Lottery mittees, to get a big chunk of my the Trident as the most important We signed up maybe 300 volunteers. Orrin Hatch and Jake Gam of Utah. Genscher another humiliating defeat said Moffett. “But we’re not going support among consumer and en- said Moffett of his relationship with component of our defense. My and similar anti-inflammatory drugs the wreckage of a small plane that money. “ So, you know, people who Two senators — Alan Cranston of that threw them out of the state parlia- out, we’re not sending letters to the vironmental groups, some liberals’' O’Neill. “I disagree with him on defense budget, the alternative prevent the body’s formation of the sub- California and Gary Hart of Colorado — vanished Fridayln weather that “wasn’t ment in Munich. . “My strengths are an ability to criticize it, they must be crazy. rally lots of troops, particularly corporate PA(^ saying we want — notably his former mentor Ralph some issues, just as he disagrees defense budget which I helped draft, What do they think we’re going to stance prostaglandin, and for identifying had no negative votes, but absences on fit for birds or anything,” CAP Major The Bavarian branch of the (%ristian Nader — have charged he is deser- with me on some' issues. We also Numbers drawn in New 4865. students, so you try to play to your your money.” included a strong role for Pratt & do, if we have a chance to bring the hormone’s relation to heart disease one or more roll calls prevented a 100. Ted Taylor said. Democrats, the Christian Social Union Moffett said Weicker is making ting his idealism for political happen to like each other.” England Saturday: Rhode Island daily: 7132.- strehgths. If somebody said to me Whitney jet fighters, it included a these people in? It’s a very impor- and the accumulation of cholesteral in percent score. The bodies of pilot Gene Liebel, 55, led by Franz Josef .Strauss, won 58.3 per- such an appeal. He fumbled through expediency. Moffett also downplayed the the blood. Eighteen House members — all Brighton, Colo., and his daughter, Jen- Connecticut daily: 778. Vermont daily: 437. you,could have Welcker’s millions strong role for Blackhawk tant thing, not in terms of direct im- T cent of the vote compared with 31.9 per- a stack of papers on the car’s Others point to his embrace of criticism from Nader. helicopters — there is not currently pact on the voters. That’s not the "Well, that’s incredible,” said Vane, Democrats — had 100 percent ratings, nifer, 12, were found in the plane in a cent for the Social Democrats, 3.5 per- Maine daily: 084. M assachusetts daily: and you could borrow his personal fortune for this race, but we’re dashboard to produce a letter by Gov. William A. O’Neill — after “It was like the old high school a major weapons system being point. I’m not that crazy, I give peo- 55, reached early today in Boston, where while 34 — 28 Republicans and six field west of Albin, Wyo., two miles from cent for the Free Democrats and 4.6 per- New Hampshire daily: 0579. earlier considering running for coach,” said Moffett. “Reggie all three were to attend a symposium at going to have to take away your Sen. Robert Packwood, R-Ore., sent being built in the state I would not ple more credit for being smarter Democrats — scored zero. the Nebraska-Wyoming border. cent for the Greens Party. to corporate PACs on Weicker’s governor himself — and the Jackson’s old high school coach Harvard University. grassroots operation and give it to support.” than that. But campaigners have to Him, I would not make that deal. Not behalf. Democratic party hierarchy as probably still doesn’t think Reggie He said he has opposed some attract crowds. on your life.” “It’s pretty incredible, as far as examples that Moffett is shifting to Jackson is a very good hitter. It’s Connecticut-built defense systems “ Hey, look, our campaign is the Moffett also is bucking the con- Weicker’s blatant pitch to corporate the center. Moffett denied he has the nature of old mentors. Ralph in the past, like the ill-fated F-lllB. only one that attracts crowds, let’s Almanac iventional wisdom about young political action committees,” said changed. told me six months ago, ‘I’m going He criticized the MX missle and B-1 face it. It attracts big crowds and voters, which says they don’t bother Moffett. “Yeah, here it is, when he “Some people said to me how can to keep you on your toes.’ And I said, bomber as provocative. When part of the reason is that these peo- Feopletalk to. vote. (Packwood) says, ‘financial support you embrace the governor?” said ‘Well Ralph, you have a funny way reminded that many nuclear freeze ple are nice enough to come in and , “I think politicians, particularly from the PAC community could well Moffett. “Listen, I want to tell you of keeping people on their toes, by advocates consider the Trident sub- do it” Today is Monday, Oct. 11, the 284th day of 1982 with 81 Sane ventriloquist . to follow. The moon is moving toward its new phase. Jay Johnson doesn’t know why ventriloquists are The -morning stars are Venus and Mercury. pictured in fiction and film as crazy. The evening stars are Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. "Ventriloquists should be more psychologically Those bom on this date are under the sign of Libra. Reagan gets high, low marks in our poll stable than anybody,” he said. “We have a safety Anna Eleanor Roosevelt, wife of President Franklin valve, a puppet who can say the things we can’t." D. Roosevelt, was born Oct. 11, 1884. P resident’s Reagan’s 15.7 percent .of the men Mexican government. soiutions and 12.9 percent 50.5 percent of the 30; 9.3 percent aged 31 to 59; 13.4 percent aged 60 to liigli, with more than 60 Johnson played Chuck Campbell, who believed On this date in history: overall performance gave the same answer. Forty-three percent of said they didn’t know. respondents approved of 65 and 31 percent over65. percent having some his puppet Bob was real, on the TV sitcom “Soap.” 39; 11 percent aged 40 to In 1811, the first steampowered ferry in the world 'received' extreme high and Of the 789 men who the respondents agreed On Reagan’s stand Reagan’s veto of the spen- 49; 18.5 percent aged 50 to Educational levels were college experience or “We played the comedy side of the crazy ven- started its run between New York City and Hoboken, extreme low marks in the responded, 17.1 percent with Reagan’s policy of against the shipment of ding bill presented by degrees. triloquist because Chuck was mentally out to lunch. N.J. ,third Grass Roots Opinion rated Reagan a 10, while assisting the Mexican equipment for use on the Congress and 41.6 percent We showed what happens when the crazy ven- In 1868, Thomas Alva Edison filed papers for his first Poll conducted earlier this 13.8 percent of the women government in its present Soviet pipeline, 51.4 per- disapproved. Of the men, triloquist comes down to breakfast.” m invention-... an electrical vote recorder to tabulate floor month. did. financial situation while cent overall approved and 57 percent approved and Johnson, who with Bob now hosts Ralph votes in Congress in a matter of minutes. Congress On a scale of 1 to 10, the A total of 1,427 people 25.8 percent said it was too 38.5 percent disapproved. 37.1 percent disapproved. Edwards’ syndicated TV show, “So YouThink You rejected it. largest percentage of responded to the poll, much and 10 percent said it Again, more men (54.1 per- Among women, 42.6 per- OO WITH THE LEADER Got Troubles?” says people love ventriloquists and In 1962, Pope John XXIII opened the 2nd Vatican respondents—17 percent— which appeared in 19 com- was not enough. Women cent) approved than cent approved and 47.1 per- their puppets because they represent “the im: Ecumenical Council in St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. rated Reagan’s perfor- munity newspapers and men answered the women (47.9 percent). cent disapproved. aginary playmate everyb^y had and always In 1975, Vice President Nelson Rockefeller urged a mance a one — but more throughout the United question almost identical- The strongest affir- Most of the respondents C O N N E CTICUT TR A V EL SERVICES wanted to come to life.” swift federal loan to help New York City avoid economic than 40 percent gave him States, including the ly. mative response came in to the poll were Thu Laodar In Vneoti $n A Bufinass Traval From Brodlay bankruptcy. marks of eight or more Manchester Herald. Overall, 55.7 percent of regard to a question on Republicans (44.8 percent) CONNHCTIClin TRAVIL M RVICRf A (15.1 percent rated him an Most of the questions on those polled approved of whether the U.S. should re- while ^ .2 percent were UNITID AIRUNRS Such Is fame A thought for the day: Anna Eleanor Roosevelt wrote, eighth; 10.7 percent a nine; the poll dealt with the the president’s proposals main friendly with Peking Democrats, 17 percent “You gain s tr e n ^ , courage and confidence by every and 15.6 percent a 10). president’s foreign policy. for solutions to problems in while selling arms to were independents. SLASH HAWAH RRKSS SOR 19R3 Melanie Chartoff, of the canceled ABC series You no longer need to leave from New York. Fly from Bradley at Incredibly low DON AMECHE DR. JOYCE BROTHERS ROSE KENNEDY experience in which you really stop to look fear in the Women gave Reagan A majority of the the Middle East. More men Taiwan. A total of 70.4 per- “Fridays” and costar with Dyan Cannon in the Almost one-third of the friges. . fears mediocrity . . . soap guest spot face.” respondents approved the — 61.1 cent said yes and 15.8 per- Call Connecticut Travel Sarvlcaa, Hawaii Deik Immediately and lind out wfiat the apeclal lares era. network’s made-for-television movie “Having it . . . back at piano lower grades than men: percent — approved respondents were over age 18.3 percent of the 601 president’s actions on than women — 48.9 per- cent said no. 65. Nine percent were aged Seats are limited, so don't < All,” has been supporting a Taiwanese orphan for mcnviLT iMiaaoiATiLT several years. But for a long time they had a com- female respondents gave several questions except cent. Overall, 28 percent On the only question 14 to 17; 2.4 percent aged 18 the president , a one while his policy toward the disapproved of R agan’s regarding domestic policy. to 24; 4.3 percent aged 25 to COHHECnCUT TRAVEL M aV IC U A munications gap. Mrs. Kennedy’s father, onetime Boston Mayor John is where television is today.” DELTA AIBUNEE ' The little girl, writing through an interpreter, F. “Honey-Fitz” Fitzgerald. The duet went so well lianrhpBtpr Hrrald appeared to have difficulty understanding exactly the Kennedv familv demanded an encore. SLASH WALT DISMSY WORLD PRICES Richard M. Diamond, Publisher a lound-Ntp Q i tronsportofion horn Brodlav to O donde via OClTA AMILINFS what it was her benefactor did for a living. So Miss The Chieftans start their latest U.S. tour today, Glimpses a Bewnd trip lron$4ar$ batwaan #ta oirport and hetal. Chartoff decided to spell it out. including an Oct. 17 appearance at'New York’s Thomas .1 Hooper, General^li^nager Candidates Are Saying special purch a se a 7 n«ght$ occommodottons oi fha IKTEBNATIONAl fNN a Holr'l 'Oe “I wrote to her and said, ‘Here in America we Carnegie Hail. Georgia Engel is in New York rehearsing for her a FANYA^TiC discount bo o k w idi ova< s o faotura$ mclwding diocowntk to mony ofao rtk la min a t e d ra vara lbla •ovfonh TW O FOB ONE coupons to- myslTY ^ Heuoa, AlUaofartend Sofori. lie n Country have a box and because of electricity, a light comes starring role In the new musical, “Nurse Jane Goes USPS 327-500 VOL, Oil, No. 9 Sofon, Be$w O 'O redy's, iho M u $<otm O i n ^ Thootra, G r o ^ Bf*s Intarnaiienol, MoTibu through the box and a little play is put on and I’m to Hawaii” ... pla c a mat e C fond Prts, CotHa GoN end Gom es, U*da Wheats OalCen Trochs, Daisy's Boaomant; Cankol PubllBh«d dally ax«apt Sunday The endorsement carries with it a $400 i«g. 1.ks Nofido Ctvic Thaoha. Scank Boot Tours. Oaldan Bodi. Leiarwerld. Wendy i BAX Boost Boot, one of the people in these little plays.’ She wrote Quote of the day Howard Hesseman, Johnny Fever on “WKRP In Suggaated carrier ratea are campaign contribution. Arby s. Buraar Chef. Lumt. Herdaas. CryMellbreeli Gold Oub. ALKombro GOH ond Tannit back and said, ‘Are you Laveme or Shirley?”’ and caHaIn holldaya by tha -,tt.2 0 waeldy. tS.12 (or one Zinsser backed ond W lndtommer Borateos Cruisat. Clncinatti,” will host the Oct. 23 edition of N ^ ’s Manchettar Publlsbing Co., 18 month, $15.35 for ttiraa montha.l OBIA is a business lobby group which a D-kouN s to SEA ^ T A tl H ^ ll O f f f U f j fY***** ilAlDCNS ood.lU$CH Don Ameche, now in his 70s, calls radio his “Saturday Night Live” ... Brainard Placa. Manchaatar, n o w 4901 . GAWedS ,, $30.70 lor alx montha and $61.40 represents more than 3,600 member »iiuo.u i^ tUQht Insurance at no coet.-* Conn. 06040. Sacond data by unit of CBIA irlno favorite medium but has grave doubts about series John Johnson, chairman of One To One, and lor one year. Mall ratea are companies. Ml l h 7 fuM pottaga paid at Manchaatar. 2/890 Irish musicale television. Geraldo Rivera will host a party ’Tuesday at Sfudlo available on requaat. ’ state Sen. Carl A. Zinsser, R- Z in sse r’s opponent in the 4th ♦ ll% se B servtsai _ __ las A Conn. POSTMASTER; Sand ad- |t **BM Irragutan *299 W aakand SuretToroa*159 a.Aa aa ~ servioee. He told Bill Diehl of ABC Radio in a program 54 celebrating One To One’s lOth anniversary ... dresa changaa to the Manchaatar Manchester, today announced that he Senatorial District is Manchester’s Paddy Moloney, the chief of the Irish traditional taped for airing this week: “You know, by the To place a daaaHlad or diaplay fltn l - jm ids • $«$■$$ • pattsms Coll ttw Wolt DIsn eyworld Desk. Seofs ore limited. Dr. Joyce Brothers will do another guest spot Herald. P.O. Box 59t, advartlaamanl. or to report a' .. has been endorsed by the political action Democratic Mayor Stephen T. Penny. group; the Chieftans, recently was invited hy Sen. nature of the business, econonhics, and finance, and Oct. 19 on the CBS soap opera, “As ’The World Manchaatar, Conn. 06040. nawa Item story or pictura klaa. 'arm of the Connecticut Business and In- THESE TRIPS CAN BE CHARGED WITH MASTERCARD Ted Kennedy to meet his mother. Rose Kennedy, time, you can’t do 22 one-hour class shows a season. call 643-2711. OtIIca houra are Turns” ... To vobacrtba, or to report a dustry Association. 92, at the Kennedy compound in Hyannisport, Mass. You can’t do it, it’s impossible. So what disturbs me Emery King has been named an NBC White 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday, CONNECTICUT TRAVEL SERVICES SWvary proMam. call 647-0046. through Friday. Zinsser received a letter on Sept. 17 Mrs. Kennedy, who Moloney was told hadn’t mostly is that I’m so fearful that it’s getting people House correspondent ... Dllica houra are 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 from (}BlA’s Elconomic Political In- O&L (Lower Level) Manchester Parkade Bangladesh has the highest population played the piano in years b^ause of her un- into the mood of accepting mediocrity. And I think Paul Dooley, who usually plays the hero’s best p.m. Monday through Friday and The Manchaatar Herald la a dustry Committee said the endorsement 647-1666 trustworthy eyesight and frail fingers, sat down to this is a dreadful thing to say about a civilization .7 to to a.nt. Saturday. Dallvory aubacriber to United Praaa Inter- density of any country in the world with friend in Ijlms, will play the arch villain in the com- ahoukt be made by 5 p.m. Mon- was based on Zinsser’s “commitment to MOUR^ MON »Hl 10 AM 6P M THUPS Y U ‘J I* M play. Moloney picked up his Uilleann pipes and they because this is the beginning of the demise of all edy “Strange Brew,” ^ th Dave Thomas and Rick national nawa aervlcea and la a 521 persons per square mile, according f«n Y'AHKINf. • Ot'( N (’.'I HY SATl)HHAr I' AM 4HM day through Friday and by 7:30 mambar of the Audit Bureau M budgetary restraints” and “su^iort of played a tfuet of “Sweet Adeline,” a favorite of to the United Nations Demographic I prices are based on double occupancy and are rates in effect at of civilizations, and always has been. And I think this Morinas. a.m. Saturday. '' CIrculaUona. k(gislatioa that would encourage job ptMtkm.” Yearbook. ‘ - MANCHESTER HERALD. Mon., Oct. 11. 198?- 5 MANCHESTER HERALD. Mon., Oct. 11, 1982 Reagan faces barrage of criticism for jobless rate Lead er of state Libertarians says their day will co me</p><p> be a dramatic election issue or a Reagan’s political advisers and Rep. James Collins who has an up- calls "a patently political address the great harm of so many people so By Mark A. Dupuis The Libertarian Party is made up of a mixture df Brennan said. , power for inappropriate purposes and dropped out of j By Helen Thomas watershed event” as far as the the GOP campaign committees hill battle against incumbent for an election.” quickly,” said Kirkland during an United Press International former Democrats, former Republicans, and people Brennan said he was a Goldwater Republican jf* the politics until three years ago when he became a Liber- UPl White House Reporter balloting on Nov. 2 is concerned. were working out the final stages of who have made Libertarian Party their first party, mid 1960’s but began to feel the GOP was using political jarian. Democrat Lloyd Bentsen. NBC said it will air the address, appearance on CBS’ “ Face the the president’s participation in the He said the administration does HARTFORD — 'Dieir plans for defense sound like SANTA BARBARA - President Afterwards Reagan will head but a spokesman for CBS said “no Nation.” campaign. not believe it will be hurt badly something out of a lie n ee fiction movie. Their ideas on Reagan, facing a barrage of back to Washington, where he will iinal decision” had been made Chief of Staff <a href="/tags/James_Baker/" rel="tag">James Baker</a> said in So far, only one other date has because it had been anticipated for cutting back the size of government would make Ronald criticism for an upsurge in un- spend the rest of the week, although it was “ likely” the network a broadcast on ABC-TV Sunday that been set for the president to travel. Reagan deplores the 10.1 unemploy- some time that the jobless rate Reagan look like an ultra-liberal. employment, intends to stress his highlighted by a nationally broad- will carry the address. ABC said it He will fly to Peoria, 111., Oct. 20 cast “progress report" on the was undecided. ment “and we’re going to do what would top 10 percent. With about 100 members in Connecticut, the Liber- “dramatic progress” in lowering in- Furthermore, he said that “the 99 for an appearance in support of Rep. terest rates and inflation in the economy at 7:30 p.m. EDT The harshest criticism for Reagan we can to remedy that situation.” tarian Party has virtually no chance of success in its to 100 million Americans who are Bob Michel, the House Republican waning weeks of the congressional Wednesday. Sunday came from AFL-CIO Presi- But, he added, “We’re making first full swing at a statewide election, but the party’s employed are considerably better leader, and the following morning state leader says the day to vote Libertarian will come. campaign, aides indicate. White House spokesman Larry dent Lane Kirkland. dramatic progress on two fronts — will fly to Omaha, Neb. CHOICEST MEATS IN TOWN After spending a relaxed weekend Speakes has labeled the address “Never before in history have two inflation has been reduced by over off than they were two years ago by "We’re trying to establish a base,” explained Jerry reason of increased purchase power. Speakes said it is still up in the air ______Brennan, a com- at his mountaintop ranch, Reagan “nonpartisan,” but speaker Thomas crack-brained theories like supply- 50 percent, and interest rates are whether Reagan will return to flies to Dallas today for two political O’Neill already has made a protest side economics and cultist down by some 40 percent.” “Their taxes are down and infla- puter consultant tion is dpwn, and they’ve got more California to campaign in support of from Danbury MEAT DEPT, SPECIALS appearances .in support of to all three major networks for monetarism had a more extensive Baker also insisted that the 11.3 Pete Wilson, mayor of San Diego. Republican senatorial candidate giving Reagan time for what he trial and been proved so wrong, to million people out of work would not real take home pay,” he added. who holds the OUR OWN dual role now of state Liber- U8DA CHOICE BEEF LOIN BAKED HAM .l b . tarian Party SWITZERLAND chairman and H oaxes slo w police search SWISS CHEESE .lb . 5th District con- BONELESS RU88ER GERMAN BRAND gressional can- ______didate. STMP STEAK WUNDERBAR BOLOGNA .l b . '■“There would TOBIN’S MOTHER GOOSE BRAND for Tylenot-cyanide killer be people out there who would be generally sympathetic LIVER SAUSAGE with us but may not knovJ we exist, or have heard of us U8DA CHOICE 1st THRU 4th RIB HERMEL CHICAGO (UPI) — Investigators, Extra-Strength Tylenol. pay a price” if they try to cash in on but may ... not know enough” about the party, Brennan THURINGER once worried the cyanide poisonings State Attorney General Tyrone tragedy. said recently. of seven area residents would in- Fahner said eight agents — three With the help of a telephone “hot Brennan said the party’s philosophy basically is that MB ROAST LAND O’ LAKES no one has the right to impose his or her values or spire copycat killers, now find much from the FBI, three from the state line,” the task force, which is using .lb. AMERICAN CHEESE of their time is spent tracking down and two Chicago police officers — a computer, has received more than opinions on others by the initiation of force or the threat OF BEEF MUCKE’S were diverted from the main in- 1,000 leads. Fahner said a quarter of of force. hoaxes and pranks. SKINLESS FRANKS . lb. A task force of more than 100 vestigation to snuff one extortion them have been ruled out. Generally, he said, the party found the principal federal, state and local in- attempt. A 6-month-old Philadelphia violator of that ideal to be the government, something of BLUE RIDGE FARMS — REG. vestigators sifted through informa- “Obviously, this detracts from the suicide and a California poisoning which Libertarians want less — from none to a little, U8DA CHOICE WHOLE BEEF LOIN POTATO SALAD tion today, hoping to find who dis- investigation," Fahner said, war- grabbed attention but were not con- depending on the personal philosophy involved. guised deadly cyanide as capsules of ning troublemakers “are going to nected to the Illinois deaths. When a libertarians oppose minimum wage laws, labor laws, strychnine poisoning in Oroville, most types of licensing and regulation — including licen- BONELESS Calif, was announced, fears arose sing of doctors — foreign aid, the draft and most, if not that criminals were duplicating the all, tpxes. STMPS GARDEN FRESH methods of the Chicago deaths. For example, Brennan said a person would be N O W taking offensive But then two of the most spec- threatened with force — punishment — if he offered to QQ$ tacular leads in the deaths a week hire someone for $2 an hour, less than the minimum DELICIOUS A P P L E S ...... 3-lb.bsg W and a half ago turned out to be wage. A person could go to jail for refusing to “con- Cry-O-Vac Cut To Order at No Extra against abortion foes hoaxes. tribute” taxes. Charge — Untrlmmed. Jerome Howard, 20, an un- The Libertarian Party was established in Connecticut B AN AN AS...... 29< employed Chicagoan, is accused of in 1974 and this year is running its first full slate of can- INDIANAPOLIS (UPI) - The not renew its drive for the Equal didates in statewide elections for governor, the U.S. threatening to use cyanide-laced WEAVER DUTCH FRYE feminist movement will take the Rights Amendment until the Tylenol capsules to kill patients at a Senate, and underticket spots such as lieutenant gover- offensive against attempts by the enemies of feminism are removed suburban hospital where he once nor and secretary of the state, as well as candidates in LEHUCE...... ! ...... 09* far right and Roman Catholic from office. She said the enemy is worked. UPI photo eadi of the six congressional districts. $059 Church hierarchy to outlaw abor- “the right wing and the Reagan ad- ’The party has yet to elect a candidate in Connecticut 0RUM& Howard was arrested late Satur- tion, delegates to the National ministration,” and especially Sen. FIREFIGHTERS WET DOWN RUBBLE OF EXPENSIVE HOMES but has elected state legislators in Alaska and can- .28 ox. pkg. Organization for Women convention Jesse Helms, R-N.C. day on extortion charges. He is ac- . . . fast-moying fire hit Orange, Calif., on Saturday didates in other races with about 70 victories to its THIGH PEPPERS...... 29* vowed. The former University of Wiscon- cused of writing a letter demanding credit, Brennan said. Some 1,800 delegates attending sin English professor said NOW also $8,000 from Gottlieb Hospital and Brennan said the party’s goal in Connecticut this year the annual convention approved a will strive to become one of the claiming responsibility for the seven is to reach more voters to build a base that in the long resolution Sunday requiring their stronge;st political action com- poisoniqgs. Prosecutors say he ad- run would allow it to show Libertarian is the way to go. leadership “to develop comprehen- mittees in the nation. NOW current- mitted making the threat, California fires confined “I think things are going to continue to get worse and sive action and electoral strategy to ly has two national PACs and 81 A federal magistrate Sunday set worse because of the policies of the major parties and I defeat the far right and other an- PACs on the state and local level. his bond at $100,000. think that will drive people more and more to look for an ti-woman l^islators." “ We are building forward to The letter introduced into court alternative,” he said. ---- TUESDAY ONLY---- Judy Goldsmith, 43, Manitowoc, 1984,” she said. “By 1984 we expect records says in part, “Like seven after 'devil winds' su bside As a first step for Connecticut, that way would mean a Wis,, was elected NOW president, to be one of the largest independent deaths isn’t funny but eight more 25 percent cut in state spending with corresponding succeeding Eleanor Smeal, PACs in the country. We hope to will be.” elimination of several taxes and a cut in the sales tax Genuine Waybest Chicken Breasts .Ib.’ 1.19 Pittsburgh, Pa., whose term expires have a very dramatic impact on the FBI agents were hunting for two LOS ANGELES (UPI) - Howling No deaths were reported, but 150 Residents dumped silver and frori 7.5 percent to 5 percent. Dec. 1, elections then.” disgruntled former employees of a “devil winds” that blasted flames people, including more than 20 precious antique lamps into swim- Walter Gengarelly, the party’s gubernatorial can- The resolution said NOW would Ms. Goldsmith, in an interview man who runs six (IJiicago-area across three Southern California firefighters, were injured, most ming pools, then filled automobiles didate, recently released a worksheet on where the cuts jcenuine Waybest Chicken Le g s___ . .lb . 79* “continue to expose the role of the today on NBC’s “Today” show, also travel offices. The businessman’s counties subsided today, allowing from smoke inhalation .'Carcasses of with valuables before abandoning couki be made. It called for abolishing several state Roman Catholic Church hierarchy said NOW is putting an emphasis on name was signed to a letter deman- firefighters to corral blazes that small anirnals, some of them multimillion dollar oceanview departments and cutting budgets for many more. in the anti-abortion and anti-birth getting “ more women into the ding $1 million to prevent more destroyed $22 million worth of household pets , and others the homes to flam es licking at Gengarelly also has spoken out on the Libertarians’ control movement.” legislative bodies of the country. homes and injured 150 people. jackrabbits that abound in the doorsteps'. idea for defense, saying the way the Libertarians see it, Domestic Cooked Ham ...... ib^2.49 cyanide deaths. “The right wing is attempting to One of the clearest lessons of the The fiery weekend of terror in Los scenic hillside areas, could be seen In Orange County, officials said Authorities quickly decided the delense has become a state issue as well as a federal repress the victories in reproductive ERA fight was that that is Angeles, Ventura and Orange coun- iverywhere. the fire destroyed 16 homes and isaie. rights of American women by necessary if women’s issues are to ransom letter was “ leading to ties, declared disaster areas Sunday “A lot of birds were falling right I\o Substitute something else than solving” the damaged numerous farm structures The Libertarian idea of defense is just that — defend foisting upon us their reactionary get full and fair consideration.” by Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr., out of the sky,” said Malibu ranch about 35 miles southeast of Los We Give Old Fashioned deaths. the United States, don’t build missiles that can kill views of the place women should Four other resolutions were ap- destroyed at least 36 houses and 42 foreman Erich Garland. Angeles. Damage was estimated at rrfillions of people in other nations and don’t pitch in for Butcher Service ... For Quality have in society,” the resolution said. proved during the three-day conven- Two more apparent hoaxes mobile homes, and damaged at least At the height of the fires that $16 million. th? defense of other countries. “We know the present atmosphere tion. which began Friday. cropped up during the weekend. 45 others. began early Saturday with an ap- About 60 miles northwest of that The plan supported by Gengarelly was proposed by a is hostile to the rights of women,” The resolutions called for an end Jerome Oman, 57, of Chicago, was Officials said they were confident parent arson blaze in the rocky hills blaze, the season’s feared Santa Ana retired general. It conjures up visions of a science fic- Bridget Whitley, Harrisburg, Pa., to discrimination in the insurance arrested late Saturday for disorder- both the 17,000-acre Gypsum Canyon west of the San Fernando Valley and winds — “devil winds” — had tion movie, though Gengarelly said it is feasible with STORE HOURS; , said. “I don’t believe we should be in industry, full recognition of the ly conduct. He was upset over a bad blaze in Oranee County and the spread quickly through tinder-dry arrived with a vengeance and blow- existing technology. 317 Highland S t the business of giving the right wing rights of lesbians, the promotion of canned ham and began making 54,000-acre Dayton Canyon fire in brush, horses jammed narrow ca- torched flames over 54,000 acres on The plan calls for devices to be placed in space above Mon. & Tues. 'til 6:00 an opportunity to hand us a big feminist consciousness-raising threats to a telephone operator to Los Angeles and Ventura counties nyon routes of escape, searching for a 20-mile rampage to the sea. thj Earth that would be capable of detecting missiles, Wed., Thurs., S Fri. ’fil 9:00 defeat.” programs and increased efforts to “do the same thing to ... hams as he would be contained by tonight if a haven from the hot, orange glow At least 20'homes were destroyed tracking them and then destroying them before they hit RMNCHESTER Ms. Goldsmith said NOW would recruit minority members had done to Tylenol,” police said. winds continued to diminish. from the north. in Latigo Canyon. the ground and caused destruction. Sat. & Sunday Despite the relatively unusual nature of their 'til 6:00 CONN. phjosophy, the Libertarians have attracted little atten- Safe ty pro gra ms d oub ted tio» in this year’s campaign. Gengarelly is not even in- HZCHLJLITS Energy clided in debates of gubernatorial candidates. Radiation contamination reforms Gam e head denies skyrockets at reactors GROCERY SPECIALS FROZEN & DAIRY PLEDGE sought charges by Rome Q REE N Q IA N T By Robert Sangeorge fixes,” said Donald Winston, spokesman for the Atomic FURNITURE POLISH .140X. CORN A PEAS IN B U T T ER S A U C E ...... 10 01. United Press International Industrial Forum, a major nuclear industry association. HARTFORD (UPI) — Connecticut’s gaming director SHOUT LIQUID Q REE N Q IA N T ______WASHINGTON (UPI) - A coali- “But since about the last year, there’s been a negligible WASHINGTON (UPI) — The four-fold increase in the increase.” dtnies campaign claims the offtrack betting contract he SOIL & STAIN REMOVER...... zz». MIXED VEG. & LEAF SPINACH tion of Frost Belt congressmen total radiation exposure of workers at the nation’s mgotiated is a losing proposition for the state when Q REE N Q IA N T O D * charged the nation’s energy policies The GAO found three main factors contributed to the FUTURE nuclear power plants between 1969 and 1980 is causing exposure rise: cunpared to previous contracts. RICE & VEGETABLES 3 V A R IE T IE8 ...... l O o i . " are “seriously out of balance” and Alfred W. Oppenheimer, executive director of the FLOOR WAX doubts about the adequacy of radiation protection —Increased radiation levels due to plant age: “As called for sweeping reforms aimed Djpartment of Revenue Services, concedes there will Q REE N Q IA N T — C H IC K E N OR SPI N A C H programs, a congressional report says. plants get older, radiation levels increase because at promoting energy efficiency and The study — based on industry figures supplied to the b« “a substantial increase” in what the state will pay GLADE LASAGNA...... * 1.49 use of renewable resources. radioactive corrosion products accumulate within the AIR FRESHENER...... Nuclear Regulatory Commission — found the increase reactor system in pipes, pumps, valves and heat rtw York tracks, but denies there will be a $4 million S A R A L E E ______has sparked efforts to improve efforts to protect piofit loss. .1902. The N ortheast-M idw est exchangers.” CHEF BOY-AR-DEE PUDDING CAKES • 1.( Congressional Coalition made the workers from radiation. —NRC-mandated modifications to correct safety Republican gubernatorial candidate Lewis Rome said recommendation Sunday as it However, the report by the General Accounting Of- d a news conference outside the Capitol Saturday the SPAGHETTI & MEATBALLS H O W ARD JO H N SO N problems, which often require workers to work in the MACARONI A CHEESE 10 01.1 released a major energy policy fice, the investigative arm of Congress, noted that utili- most contaminated areas of a reactor. 0TB contract Oppenheimer signed with New York ty companies have kept individual radiation doses at low CHEF BOY-AR-DEE study that found Northeast and —Premature failure of major plant components: tBcks shortchanges Connecticut. M IN U TE M AID levels “by substantially increasing the number of The terms of the contract “nearly double Connec- CANNELONI&BEEFARONI Midwest residents pay home energy “These include steam generator failure in pressurized ORANGE JUICE WITH P U L P ...... 16 02. • workers exposed to radiation.” tfcut’s payments to the tracks while decreasing the 1.49 bills up to twice as high as those in water reactors, as well as cracking of major com- The report, requested by Sen. John Glenn, D-Ohio, state’s profits by about $4 million,” Rome said. MOTTS NATURAL the West and South. ponents in the reactor coolant system in boiling water focuses its review on figures showing the “collective” And it is Gov. William O’Neill, the Democratic incum- YOGURT . . /* The group reported that 1980 reactors.” APPLESAUCE 3 1.90 radiation dose to all nuclear power plant workers, btnt, who has allowed the “outrageous mis- figures show total annual household H O O D _____ rather than individual doses. nanagement” by Oppenheimer, Rome said. SWEET LIFE — UNSWEETENED RICOTTA ...* energy costs — electricity, natural Rome said the contracts signed in April will pay the 1.19 gas and-or heating oil — ranged The collective dose is the total amount of radiation Roller rink fights erupt GRAPEFRUIT JUICE...... received by all workers at a particular plant or for the hfew York tracks from 7 percent to 8 percent of the H O O D from $1,325 for New England MEDFORD, Mass. (UPI) —' A melee triggered by a ASSORTED SIZES ORANGE JUICE .64 02.• residents to $676 for people living in nuclear industry as a whole. atiount bet at 0TB parlors, compared to an average of 4 1.29 “While individual exposures have, for the most part, fistfight erupted early today at a roller skating rink MALTEX, MAYPO or WHEATENA the West. percent that had been paid. B RE A KST O N E UPI photo been kept well below the regulatory limit, the collective jammed with as many as 600 youths, prompting state Last year the state paid the tracks $6.7 million and « COTTAGE CHEESE .1602. I Similar annual energy costs were dose has dramatically increased,” the GAO warned. and local police — several with dogs — to disperse the nade a profit of $14.9 million, he said. “With the new $1,150 in the Midwest, $1,100 in the PRINCE CHARLES AMONG DIVERS The agency warned that a possible decrease in the unruly crowd. cmtract, the state expects it will have to pay the tracks KEN-L-RATION . 6p«ck Mid-Atlantic states and $896 in the . . . Inspecting wreck of Mary Rose number of employees available to work in nuclear “We’re calling it a major disturbance,” said $a million to make a $10.9 million profit,” Rome said. South. plants could lead to higher individual doses of radiation. Patrolman George Hickey. Oppenheimer said under the new contracts there “A careful analysis of past energy “If worker supply should fall short of demand, w>uld be an anticipated loss of “no more than $500,000” policies reveals a strong bias toward utilities may not be able to maintain low individual Something Different...... Wish Someone A bit it would be covered by an increased take in the oil and gas-producing areas that is Mary Rose to be lifted exposures by adding more workers. As a result, f©lowing years. seriously out of balance with exposures to individual workers — particularly those in Be said the state could expect a net profit of “not less T national energy needs in the 1980s,” highly skilled technical positions — could increase.” Happy Birthday than $14.4 million for the year” and the take from the ■ irfl/i coupon & 7,50 purchaae I icith coupon-S: 7.50 purchase P trith coupon A 7.50 purcnasi || >with coupon & 7.50 purchase loiin coupon or 7.5o purenase the " coalition asserted. “Current PORTSMOUTH, England (UPI) the 24-hour postponement of the ship It added, “The continual rise in the collective dose with A Herald Happy Heart hAidle will increase to $17 million under the contracts federal policies continue those — Prince Charles dived to inspect raising. and the 1979 accident at the Three Mile Island nuclear thit run through 1987. I HOOD I FOLGER’S | HECKER’S IDUNCAN HINES I BOUNTY JUMBO ! biases to the detriment of energy- the Mary Rose, the sunken flagship power plant raised serious questions over the adequacy Only Rome said Oppenheimer should have checked other I of King Henry VIII’s navy, The Mary Rose lay forgotten in of radiation protection programs at nuclear power sUtes with tracks, such as Florida, for competitive I ICECREAM I COFFEE ] FLOUR dependent areas.” the mud barely three-quarters of a I ! PAPER TOWELS ^ declaring it fit to be lifted today facilities." $6.00 fipires. But Oppenheimer said New York tracks “are 23 OZ. * Rep. James Oberstar, D-Minn., mile offshore for 400 years until the from the muddy English Channel The average collective dose per reactor rose from 178 the best in the world. If we went elsewhere, the handle coalition chairman, cited natural seabed where it has lain for 437 wreck was pinpointed in 1967. Since gas policies under the Federal then a trust, headed by Prince man-rems in 1969 to 791 man-rems in 1980— a four-fold w*uld drop.” years. increase,” the study said, adding that during that time, Regulatory Energy Commission as Charles, has prepared to raise the : Oppenheimer, in acknowledging the increased cut for MoDOOff! *1.89 79* ! 9&« I 73* The $7 million dollar effort to the number of workers expos^ at each reactor has ;the tracks, said horseowners have become “very ac- I V A LID O C f . 12 T H R U O C T . 17 | V A LID O C T . 12 T H RU O C T . 17 I V ALID O C T . 12 T H R U O C T . 17 I O C T . a current source of suffering for the bring up the Mary Rose was delayed 700-ton vessel. Northeast-Midwest. jumped “approximately eight-fold.” ’ tire” in negotiations and are demanding more of a share I Lim it 1 p or euoiomor . U m H 1 por etitt om or I Lim it i por 04 w u m*nm I u m it 1 Sunday due to a bent leg in the The spokeswoman said the hull A “rem” is a measure of radiation’s effect on fer the televised thoroughbred and trotter races. 1^ NNNUND nUM MMKn MOUND PMM MllWn J MGHLiM) PMM lUNXn ^ HNHUHB He argued the commission has not cradle that will be used to lift the was safely seated in its cradle of humans. “ I feel we got a good deal even if the math sounds un- “acted aggressively” to encourage warship 40 feet to the surface for steel and air cushions Sunday. Industry officials a r ^ e that much of the rise can be reasonable to some people,” said Oppenheimer.” gas pipelines to renegotiate con- transfer onto a barge. Divers removed the bent cradle leg attributed to extensive modifications on reactors Rome has called for Oppenheimer’s firing, claiming troversial take-or-pay contracts that “One more day makes no and attached extra slings and hooks 643-2711 IM tried to cover up a recent episode ii^hich the state ordered by the NRC after Three Mile Island. Ask for.... require them to purchase expensive difference when we have waited this to the frame to hold the ship in posi- “ M y ii n r t p rsl f l n r ii n c in t l m t a f l o r Mio Jg la n d bid to turn back millions of lottery ^tickets because it derantrolled gas. long,” a spokeswoman said about tion. ' thing there was a sharp increase because of TMI-related Ptm , mS'determined they could be fixed. iiniiuiiiiitnittiiiiiiiii 6 - MANCHESTER HERALD, Mon., Oct. 11, 1982 MANCHESTER HERALD, Mon., Oct, ll, 1982 - 7</p><p>Richard M. Diamond, Publisher Dan Fitts, Edljlor O PIPilO N Alex Qlrelll, Cliy Editor £> Area towns Andover Bolton /Coventry Jack Long te n ures an d a short clinch er Anderson Washington News analysis But by the time Bob Gorman’s happened to downtown Main Merry-Qo-Hound Street in 75 years.” It was “ time FOR SALE: Parking turn to speak came, the longevity Spaces, Prime downtown question had become a bit funny. to move Main Street into the 20th Manchester iocation - He spoke with chracteristic Century.” It “ will make an walking distance to some Manchester humor, and his words carried us otherwise dying Main Street G u g lielm o p ush es job issu e downtown stores. ONLY viable.” It was a “ place to be, a $25,984.25 per space. Call Spotlight back to the turn of the century. Now! 000-0000. Young Lee Watkins put an end place that is comfortable for the Elections , pedestrian.” By Richard Cody He said he didn’ t know if charges. to all by saying he did not wish to Herald Reporter The PAC at General Dynamics, There was a bit of a contest in By Alex GIrelll — City Editor bore the audience with an ac- But it remained for A1 Coelho called the General Dynamics Volun- Guglielmo was even evaluated at all ACCORDING TO progress Wednesday night when count of Watkins 109 years’ of of Personal T to put the matter Republican D. Anthony Guglielmo tary Political Contribution Plan out in reaching the decision and in- (UIGLIELMO’S camp, however, dicated that it sometimes doesn’t the State Department of corporate hresence on Main into a hard-headed perspective may hinges claims U.S. defense contact with of Arlington, Va., voted to support laborers at Electric Boat are sup- Gejdenson financially sometime matter. porting the challenger, and Kiddy’s Transportation held a hearing on Street. using language that was simple Electric Boat would be safer if he I before June 30, the 2nd quarter comments are off base, and the the plan to reconstruct Main more often than he. Street. 1 don’t know if. anyone kept but also had rhetorical^ power. were to win the 2nd District con- GEJDENSON has been credited Biz Swensson made no claim of gressional seat from Democrat Rep. deadline for financial statements significant voter sentiment. Street. At times it almost It was as though Keith had score, but'I call it a draw. He said: “ We can’t go to tiie by (General Dynamics executives in on AAidegst Samuel Gejdenson. required by all candidates. Diane Locke, Guglielmo’s press threatened to obscure the Main thrown down the gauntlet. From seniority. She said simply: rest of the people in town and ask St. Louis, Minn., and by union Electric Boat is a big division of It donated $200 then, and since has secretary, said officials both at event. that point on some speakers vied “ Main Street. I love it.” IN MY MIND the real winner leaders at Electric Boat for for a large bond issue if we turn the giant General Dynamics and added $800, according to Jonine Electric Boat and General I can’t do a blow-by-blow ac- for the honor of having the George Marlow said he was of any rhetorical contest was an WASHINGTON — The Lebanese bettering the reputation the firm down this plan just to save 127 eastern Connecticut’s biggest Griffis, Gejdenson’s press Dynamics are just playing politics. born on Main Street and his upstart with a mere seven year’s crisis has had political reper- has with the Pentagon. count of it, because I was trying greatest longevity of association parking spaces.” employer. Electric Boat builds the secretary. “ You're not about to anger the in- experience as a downtown Thomas B. Kiddy, president of the to pay attention to the Main event with, and devotion to. Main business has been there for 71 cussions not oniy in Israel but in tie “ During his term in Congress, Mr. cumbent congressman who is going He was referring to the $3.3 Trident submarines, and those Metal Trades Council, the union that and I did not realize the competi-' Street. years. merchant. United States as well. Both pro- Gejdenson has been supportive of to be more than likely million estimated cost of im- UPI photo federal contracts mean jobs to more represents about 12,000 Electric tion'Hvas developing until it was Bernie Apter, not pretending to The hearing produced an im- Israeli and pro-Arab factions will be Electric Boat’s submarine re-elected,’’ she said. “ Not By the time the hearing was proving utilities in Main Street, than 25,000 laborers. Boat workers, said Gejdenson be a real contender, threw in the pressive parade of movers and watching the November elections programs,” a General Dynamics to say that Sam is going to be re- well under way. over, Dave Keith’s 33 years had draining it right, taking the high DELTA OF DIRT RESTS IN SEEKONK RIVER AFTER RAINS So understandably .Jobs is the big helped prevent the possible boycott 42 years of Regal’s business, shakers, people who are spokesman said after preparing a elected, but that’s what the thought Even then I did not see the ciosely for signs of any change in the . . . dirt came from 80-foot-deep ditch issue in the campaign. of Electric Boat a year ago. paled to meagerness. crown out of it and resurfacing it. process usually is. They’re not going significance of it. almost parenthetically. respected because of their pre- voters’ attitudes. Gejdenson does not support the statement to a reporter’s inquiries to do anything in public (for The competition began, as I BEH'I’ PEAKI. took up the Of course, there was a serious sent influence or past It would be $3.3 million of local Pro-Israel sentiment has MX missile and B-1 bomber, the about the rationale. ” A decision was “ He was probably one of the peo- made based on that,” he said. Guglielmo) when this guy (Gejden- recall it, with attorney David challenge first. He said he has purpose behind it. The idea was prominence or both. ’Theirs were money. dominated Congress in the past. Bat other two pieces of the defense ple most responsible and triad. Guglielmo, a Reaganite, does. “ That’s all I can tell you. We don’t son) has power to influence Keith, who observed that he had practically lived on Main Street to establish credentials, to in- the names that are known. When you divide $3.3 miliion by cooperative when EB has its now there are genuine policy usually divulge our reasons.” decisions in Washington concerning since 1929 and he asserted that he dicate that each speaker had an They made little speeches. 127, you get $25,984.25. Coelho When rains ca m e, And Gejdenson has said supporting problems,” he said. "Sam’s support been on Main Street for 33 years. differences between U.S. and Israeli contracts to Electric Boat. It’s what thinks the voters won’t buy. He’s the Tridents bothers his conscience, When asked, he said the PAC has a of labor is unparalleled as far as any He wondered aloud in anyone believes no man has worked informed opinion on what should This was a “ golden moment.” leaders. There are also signs that and the fact that they are built in the trend of supporting incumbents, but congressman in this state is con- you’d expect, and it's good goes up and down Main Street harder for the welfare of Main happen' to Main Street. It was "the best thing that has right. the public’s support of Israel is 2nd District is not immaterial to un- “ clearly if an incumbent has been cerned.” business.” eroding as a result of the recent the ground o pened derstanding why he votes for them. non-supportive we wouldn’t endorse She declined to comment on the events in Lebanon. him.” record about whether or not the ad- BUT HIS SUPPORT of the Tri- Like the PAC the union voted ear- BUT IF YOU THINK ABOUT IT, THERE'S Two close congressional races — He said he didn’t know exactly ministration at Electric Boat TWNQS ARE LOOKINS PR6TTV 6R»hA FOR dent has been politically astute, ly this summer to support Gejden- In Manchester ALWAYS SONIEBOPY WORSE PROVIDENCE, R.I. (UPI) - of 15,000 gallons of oil. Oil was being when the decision was reached, but secretly endorses Guglielmo. US-THIS RECESSION IS REALLY one in California, the other in because despite Guglielmo’s well son. And the vote was unanimous, Construction crews worked Sunday pumped to the hospital by pipeline, it was made before the financial But she said the laborers “ are hitting US HARP.*. OFF THAN YOU ARE... Illinois — have becom e publicized contentions, the biggest with all 66 delegates side-stepping to fill a half-acre, 80-foot-deep hole Hallan said. statement filing deadline, way buying” Gugliemo’s contention that battlegrounds for pro-Israel and labor union at Electric Boat, the Guglielmo. created by torrential rains that It was the fourth slide in four before Guglielmo’s campaign plat- Gejdenson’s defense stance can’t be 1-- pro-Arab interest groups. Con- Metal Trades Council supports form began gelling into anything “ We didn’t buy it,” Kiddy said trusted. “ In fact, they love it,” she G re e n is right gobbled up a pickup truck, a building months at the site, which runs over Gejdenson. tributions from political action com- and a parking lot on the grounds of a comprehensible about the challenger’s recent said. an outfall pipe of the city’s sewage And neither is General Dynamics mittees have bMn based heavily on private psychiatric hospital. and storm drainage system. buying Guglielmo's campaign. It’s the candidates’ real or perceived There were no injuries and the Hallan blamed the Narragansett pumping money into Gejdenson on one point views toward Israel. As a result, the ditch never threaten^ anv occupied Bay Commission, a state panel that through its political action com- PAC donations themselves have buildings of the 108-bed Butler operates the system, for the slide. mittee. It has already donated about Coventry PZC e yes chan ge Hospital, spokesman James Hallan He said the hospital is "frustrated” It isn’t hard to see how the been virtually nonexistant in the become a campaign issue. $1,000 with more expected before said. “ The washout occurred quite a In the Illinois district that Abe because the commission “ assumed feet of road frontage. The plan Legislative Program Review recent past, not meeting in four the Nov. 2 election. COVENTRY — A proposed regula- business. Lincoln once represented. Rep. Paul good distance from the hospital,” he full responsibility” for "the situation would allow such a business to and Investigations Committee years. The legislative com- The reason for these en- tion change which would allow Kortmann hasn’t found that site Finley, the senior Republican on the said. after a June washout, yet failed to dorsements are not that clear-cut, employ up to six people. came to the conclusion that mittee blamed that on the lack solve the problem. professionals to house certain yet, but he said he is attracted to the House Middle East Subcommitlee, The big hole was filled with sand and because it’s hard to come down He said his business does not at- of a clear duty and the large The commission denied respon- businesses in residential zones will idea of living in a rural, residential changes are needed in the state 7IR X TELL YOU ABOUT N\Y NEPHEW HE'S A REAGANOMICS REPUBLICAN faces Democrat Dick Durbin. The and gravel late Saturday and early to the real nitty-gritty it’s likely that tract a large customer flow, so it sibility for hospital land. be the topic of discussion at a public zone and he feels he should be able Commission on Human Rights size of the committee. FRON> SOUTH SUCCOTASH running for CONGRESS - - • Sunday. any explanation will remain would not disrupt a residential challenger describes Findley as “ We always told the hospital they hearing to be held by the Planning to have his business close to home. TALK about trouble ...M E R C Y ... "W e’re pretty satisfied that even debatable and equivocal. Here's neighborhood. and Opportunities. To revitalize the committee, “ Yassir Arafat’s best friend in were free to take whatever actions and Zoning Commission Tuesday The current regulations allow if we get a little rain, it’ll hold up,” why: Kortmann applied for the regula- Consider these facts: the legislators cut its size in half 7 Congress,” citing as evidence the to nrotect their interests.” said Eric night, residents to have businesses in their Hallan said. tion change late in June, but • The average complaint in — to 10 members, mostly from congressman’s .meetings with the R. Jankel, commission executive <;ENEK\I. dynamics won’t Richmond Road resident Robert homes but limit the operation to -- two employees and 25 percent of the withdrew the plan after some W. Kortmann said he wants to live 1981 took 365 days to be decided the executive branch of govern-, Palestine Liberation Organization An early-morning rainstorm director. “ We don’t feel responsible explain its reasons fully: Gejden- members of the commission raised next door to his wetlands consulting total floor space. — although the average amount ment - and put it in charge of leader and other PLO represen- Saturday washed the land away into for the real estate of Butler son’t camp is claiming that the concerns about spot zoning. business. He plans to purchase a Kortmann’s proposal would allow tatives. the Seekonk River. At one point, it Hospital.” reason is simply that he's the better “ What I’m proposing isn’t spot of investigative time per case heiping agencies design accep- small building, located in a residen- certified professionals to run their Findley, in turn, is trying to make threatened two 10,000-gallon oil The washout on the neatly man; and Guglielmo’s side says of- zoning,” said Kortmann. “ I want to was 11.5 hours ^ and almost 59 table affirmative action plans. tial zone, where he will house the businesses out of a building which is storage tanks at the edge of the manicured hospital grounds ficials in the union and in General extend the right to all land owners. an issue out of Durbin’s financial business. If the regulation change separate from their homes as long percent of all complaints were That, as Green said, is “ like washout and the hospital’s main expanded earlier slides, carving a Dynamics are playing smart politics The meeting will begin at 7.30 support from pro-Israel groups out- goes through, he will be free to build as the two structures were located dismissed for lack of sufficient asking the fox to guard the heating building. 200-foot-wide by 300-foot trench — but the many laborers covertly p.m. in the Planning Office at the side the district, like the Sae his residence adjacent to the on at least two acres of land with 250 evidence; henhouse.” The tanks were emptied Saturday along the river. support the challenger, . Town Hall. - , ETiA Francisco-based Americans for • As an employer, the state, The executive committee .©i«z rm v«Bm«n«-'tetesBA»»~HUtME Good Government. “ Durbin gets 81 which is monitored by the would be composed of the lieute- U percent of his money from outside CHRO, has a worse record for nant governor, secretary of the district,” a Findley aide said, Six people killed on Connecticut roads Clues sought affirmative action than most state, treasurer, comptroller, “ from people who are upset with the private businesses. attorney general, commissioner A struggling Reagan convert congressman’s approach to the Mid- in slaying The legislative committee last of administrative services, com- dle East.” By United Press International Watts was charged with two counts of second degree pickup truck ran over his body and hit Branji’s car. Police said they believe Collela was already dead when week recommended changes missioner of labor, two depart- Findley gets 30 percent of his manslaughter with a motor vehicle while intoxicated' COLCHESTER (UPI) - About 80 volunteer ALIQUIPPA, Pa. — Here in the money from outsiders. Five pedestrians and a motorist were killed on and one count of second degree assault with a motor the pickup truck ran over his body. firefighters from Colchester and eight surrounding designed to address those ment heads and the chairman of Connecticut roads this weekend, including a man and vehicle while intoxicated, police said. No other injuries were reported. hometown of Rep. Eugene Atkinson, “ Findley is trying to highlight tlw communities searched for cluse over the weekend in problems and to bring the com- the CHRO. woman struck by a driver later charged with driving Police said Watts was being held on bond pending an State police said no charges had been filed yet and the the Kennedy Democrat who a year the slaying of a 59-year-old widow found stabbed to mission into closer contact with Jack Qermond fact many of my supporters ate appearance in New London Superior Court. As Green noted, these are the while intoxicated. accident was under investigation. death, police said. ago became a Republican for the Jewish,” Durbin iuld my associate In New Haven, Hans Collela, 15. of Bristol, was killed Deborah Toth, 15, was killhd Saturday night after legislative and executive branch same people who submitted the Lawrence Kripps, Sr., 49, of Waterford, and Bridget State police spokesman Adam Berluti said love of <a href="/tags/Ronald_Reagan/" rel="tag">Ronald Reagan</a>, the un- Ron McRae, “ while he solicits on Interstate 91 in New Haven when he was struck by a being struck by a car near Kings Highway and Jennings leaders. unacceptable affirmative action and L. Spicer, 21, of Norwich, died after being hit by a car volunteers combed nine miles of roadway around employment lines are long and the money from Arab-Americans, oil car driven by Christopher Branji, 17, of North Haven Road in Fairfield. Police said the incident occurred driven by Hugh Watts, 30, of New London. the house of Helen 0. Savitsky, whose body was Manchester resident Arthur L. plans in many cases. tempers hot among the Democrats companies, pro-PLO sympathizers about 9:30 p.m. Saturday. Jules Witcover The victim’s son, Lawrence Kripps, Jr., 25, also of and a pickup truck driven by Michael Massimino also of found in her Cato Corner Road farmhouse last Green, the executive director of Many of the legislative com- standing in them. A fifth pedestrian, Bruce Newman, 19, of Norwalk, Syndicated columnists and other enemies of Israel.” Waterford, was seriously injured in the same accident North Haven. Wednesday. the CHRO, has expressed dis- mittee’s recommendations — in- “To me, he’s a traitor,” said Durbin vowed not to use the and was taken to Lawrence and Memorial Hospitals in Police said Collela was standing with a man alongside was killed about 4:57 a.m. Saturday while walking along He said the search, conducted from 9 a m. until 4 satisfaction with the proposed cluding sanctions to be imposed Eugene Smith, a 42-year-old persona-smear tactics of Findley’s New London where he was in serious condition. their disabled car about 7 p.m. Saturday. The car was Route 7 in Danbury. Police said the driver of the car p.m. Saturday by volunteers from Colchester, changes and vowed to oppose the on state departments or contrac- steelworker at the Jones and 1980 opponent, who ran ads calling Police said the three were hit by Watt’s car as they partially in the left lane of Interstate 91 southbound next was Ronald Goodrow, 18, of Newtown. Bozrah, East Haddam, East Hampton, Hebron, stood alongside their disabled vehicle on Route 32 in to Exit 8 in New Haven about 7 p.m. Saturday. Norwalk police said Barbara Miller, 59, was killed changes during the review tors who fail to meet hiring Laughlin plant who has been off and the congressman a “ practicing anti- Salem, Gardner Lake, Marlborough and Lebanon, Waterford in the southbound lane about 11:19 p.m. Police said Branji’s car first hit the disabled vehicle Saturday when her car hit another vehicle on Interstate on the job the lest six months. He Semite.” Yet his fundraising efforts did not turn up anything. process by other legislative guidelines and attendance Republicans. But his party switch says Atkinson will spend about $300,- and then struck Collela. After he was hit by the car, the 95 and then jumped the median guard rail and collided and about 40 other steelworkers Saturday. Berluti said state police were still searching for committees. regulations for commission alone, which the Democrats say he 000, compared to the $40,000 he spent echo the theme that Findley is anti- with two cars. were waiting, in line for their state Mrs. Savitsky’s purse, which was missing from her While Green is a bit extreme mem bers — are good and should made because his old seat would as a Democrat in 1980 in a district Israel. For example, he hired Jim- Police said Ms. Miller was driving in the right lane unemployment and company sub- home, as well as the murder instrument. in his stance — opposing all the be approved. Green should focus have been reapportioned out, is far won by <a href="/tags/Jimmy_Carter/" rel="tag">Jimmy Carter</a>. Kolter says my Klaber, a former B’nai B’rith of- Connecticut news briefs . eastbound on Interstate 95 when she tried to pass a car sistence payments at the Local 1211 he has raised only $42,000. ficial who was publicly chastised by in the center lane. She struck the second car, lost con- changes exept one which would his attention on disbanding the from a guarantee of election. hall the other day, and a good On a radio talk show in the town of the Anti-Defamation League for trol of the vehicle, and hit the median guard rail, raise the pay for hearing executive committee and having Whiie Gene Atkinson is hoping his number shared Smith’s strong anti- Ambridge the other day, Kolter calling Findley an anti-Semite. crossing over into the westbound side of the highway, HOMEOWNERS! % examiners — he should win its responsibilities assigned to oid friends won’t desert him, he is i Atkinson feelings. called Atkinson “ a push-button Klaber has raised more than $40,000 where she collided with two more cars. repeal of one proposed change: betting heavily as well on his It's 'animal liberation' now the commission, not waste his “ He won’t get my vote,” said legislator — he has to vote with the for Durbin. Police said she was pronounced dead at Norwalk staunch backing of President Hospital shortly after the 7 p.m. accident. the revitalization of the CHRO energies opposing those changes George Smith, 55, victim of a shut- administration or he’ll lose all his Durbin claims that Findley spends I mVElWOBIGFAU Reagan to keep his new Republican ' NEW HAVEN (UPI) — The movement for animal Todd Collins and Nathaniel Moore also have been Police said Ling Hung of Brookline, Mass., the driver executive committee. which would strengthen the down at the same plant after 38 money,” 90 percent of his time advocating the rights is now “ animal liberation” instead of “ be kind to charged in connection with the murder. of one of the cars Ms. Miller hit, injured his arm. The executive committee has agency. years there. “ I’m a Democrat and I soulmates in line. On the (isy after Although folks are hurting here PLO cause in Congress, a charge animals,” advocates for the protection of animals say. The driver of the other car, Victor Maldonado, and j PROBLEMSAT went to school with him. But If he the House failed to back Reagan on and many are angry at Atkinson, Findley dismisses as “ absurd.” Risa Freeman, a member of the Animal Rights Front, three passengers in his car were also injured. Police changes parties, I don’t think he’s the constitutional amendment for a Kolter has his problems, too. His In California, incumbent Rep. said the new movement “ has been picking up steam” CL& P req uests deal approval said they were all taken to Norwalk Hospital. AMAZING low sure what he wants.” And Don balanced budget, Atkinson told a legislative district houses only about 1 because other issues have been addressed and “ I think Tom Lantos, a liberal Democrat and HARTFORD (UPI) — Connecticut Light and Power * Special Fan Berry's World Gutierrez, 43, said: “ I think he mostly Republican breakfast crowd that now people are able to think about animals.” 10 percent of the voters in this new also a member of the Middle East Co. has asked the Securities and Exchange Commission duped our town.” in rural Butler County that “ I want About 125 people attended the Animals and Ethics ■ Combo Offer congressional district, and an Atkin- subcommittee, faces a comeback, for approval of a multi-bank $75 million Eurodollar Even Dale Allison, a 45-year-old you to know I voted with the Presi- , symposium at Yale University Saturday. Jim Mason, an I only from son poll says he has 98 percent name challenge from conservative credit deal. It’s Time To tet. ^rious dent. I vote with the President activist on animal rights, told the group it is wrong to Republican from the J & L plant, recognition to only 49 percent for Republican Bill Royer, whom he un- CL&P, the principal operating subsidiary of |Evergn almost all the time, because I use animals either for food or experiments. was cool to the convert. Of his party Kolter. Also, a Decision Making In- seated in 1980. Northeast Utilities, said it has asked to use part of the About Losing Weight And believe in him. You have a leader in The co-author of “ Animal Factories” and editor of the |Lawns switch, he said: “ That’s his formation poll in early July had Lantos is a strong supporter of $75 million to capitalize a Caribbean subsidiary. The Ronald Reagan who is strong for I Westport-based Agenda, a journal devoted to animal business. I don’t vote for the party, I Atkinson ahead, 51 to 30 percent. So Israel; Royer says he, too, is “ 80 subsidiary would issue and sell debentures, which are Keeping It Off! God and country, for what we all " rights. Mason said such use of animals “ has damaged us I vote for the man. But I didn’t vote Kolter needs negative attitudes percent with Israel.” But Lantos as human animals,” by alienating people from nature. corporate lOUs, in the Eurobond market with the geew up with and believe in ... I say proceeds being loaned to (X&P. for him before and I won’t vote for toward both Atkinson and Reagan to suggests that his opponent’s cam- David Lefkowltz, Ph.D. stick with your President. He’s a l« him this time.” win. paign slogan — “ Bill Royer. He’s, Peg Kellogg i great one.” I THE STEELWORKERS’ un- “ I know my switch is an issue,” one of us” — could be interpreted as “ Black Student’s G uid e’ due Atkinson pulled out all the stops Atkinson says, “ but I’m dealing employment home is hardly the place, anti-Semitic. (Lantos is a HARTFORD (UPI) — A soon-to-be published college Hour Full Serve I N O W YOU C A N for Reagan in spite of the fact that with it. A lot of people look at it as a Hungarian-born Jew.) 24 to ^ sure, to look for votes for any guide for black students says Wesleyan University is an Republican in this year of plant he had learned only hours before courageous act. Steelworkers I’ve Here again, PACs. concerned with “ excellent” choice for minority students seeking a com- LOSE ON ANY I A *50 Value closings and high unemployment. that, the President would not be talked to look at it as guts — and the candidates’ views on the Middle fortable academic and social atmosphere. 17 TO 25 coming here to campaign for him. that’s what they identify with.” “ The Black Student’s Guide to Colleges” says I TWO WEEK ^ lupto But Atkinson, by his own East have made substantial cam- $1.18^ PROGRAM I Bolhforonly 4.000 He says he understands the Maybe so, but not most of those Wesleyan’s black students are satisfied with classes POUNDS acknowledgment, must hold onto old paign donations. 6-10 Lb. Weight -3 iq II I social life and support services. I IN JUST 6 WEEKS! Democratic supporters on Nov. 2 if pressures on Reagan's time, but steelworkers on the unemployment lou ' EPA FURORi When an Ei> The guide, which surveys 114 colleges and universities he hopes to turn back the challenge Robb Austin, Atkinson’s campaign lines at Local 1211. I HEM'S WHAT WmbO-NO STRUMS AHACHID vironmental Protection Agency oF nationwide, was edited by Barry Beckham, an associate .. . at the self-serve price. 113 Main St. of Democratic state Rep. Joe manager, is less reserved. Manchester ficial recommended substantid professor of English at Brown University in Providence, m I s ' M iv w 125 H M v y Duty, 2 M il plastic leaf & trash bags Kolter, the consensus candidate of “ I think it’s a travesty to Gene weakening of agency regulatiou R.I., and is to be published in two weeks. I right to your door. These big 33 gal. bags sell for at least party leaders and organized labor Instead of paying the man in the 1 mm' mn 4. .fflai 1 Atkinson,” he complains. There was Letters policy covering environmental impact I 20* each in discount stores and would j>e a good buy at '25. who smell blood in the Atkinson “ a definite understanding,” Austin statements, he stirred up a hornet's booth, you can get your oil checked, Savie *20 4 Save *25 I FartU in your lawn to repair summer damage and ready defection to the GOP. says, that Reagan would come here The M anchester Herald Third slaying susp ect arrested ON ANY ON ANY welcomes letters to the editor. nest of complaints from regions! windshield -vYashed, and gas pumped. hi; SIX WEEK 2 it for winter stress. If you do it yourself, this will cost “ Our polls indicate I’ll get 37 per- after Atkinson had stuck bis neck FOUR WEEK- Letters should be brief and to EPA officials. NEW HAVEN (UPI)— Bobby Jackson, 18, has been PROGRAM PROGR,\M 1 Mara than *15 plus your time & labor. cent of the Democratic vote,” Rediscover Moriarty Full Serve. i out so conspicuously for him. the point. They should be typed 11-16 Lb. weight 17-25 Lb. Weight The value is obvious! Offer definitely limited, so a by NEA. tnc Charles Maneri, a senior staff ad- arrested and charged with felony murder in connection I Atkinson says, “ and Kolter will get or neatly hand-written, and, for viser, told the Council on En- with the slaying of a local merchant July 21. Lou - i Lou m daa't m iu autf No contracts or come-ons...we deliver 10 percent of the Republican.” ’That ease in editing, should be double- vironmental Quality that curreii , PeiieC said Jackson was arrested Saturday by I what wa promise; with a smile. C A llT O D A V I result would elect Atkinson in the WHILE ATKINSON makes the_ spaced. .njemfcers of the New Haven Police street crime unit on "Your father and I had hoped you would be a best of this disappointment, Kolter regulations don’t take into accoud mmsism new 4th Congressional District, The Herald reserves tte right the economic impact of ponstmctioi Asliinun Street. prepple and NOT a Valley Girl!" liits hard at this theme that Atkinson to edit letters in the interests of Police said Jackson is the third person arrested by {Evergreen Lafwns ■ which has about 119,000 registered delays caused by the.<iMcesaity ol CALL 647-0469 Democrats to 99,000 registered sold his vote to Reagan in return for brevity, clarity and ta^te. ‘ New Haven police in connection with the slaying of Republican campaign help. Austin filing impact statements. ^ .. the Right Way 6 4 9 - 8 6 6 7 # Daniel Sullivan, who was shot to death during a robbery 315 Center Street, Manchester For Your FREE Consultation at his Dixwell Avenue stork MANCHESTER HERALD. Mon., Oct. 11. 1982 - 9</p><p>H - MANf.HKSTER HERALD, Mnn.. Oct. 11, 1982_ Winni* ~Winkl0 — Henry'Raduta *iAd J.K.S. Let purists growl Weekday TV BUT IF ORVIL-LE'S TRULY WINNIE, BILL'S REALLY HE THINKS ORVILLE'S WHERE PLAVINS ANOTHER 'TRIC K " SICK, OF US SHOULD Crossword f= O A /O l/S AT BE THERE TO ARE YOU HIS BROTHER... BY PRETENDING TO BE Astro-graph HELP HIM.' GOING? ILL.. about 'Having It AH' 5:00 A.M. 09 - P orky Pig 1 9 - M arv Griffin ctat, daportet y un aagmento 3:30 P.M. datde Hollywc^d tituiado 'En Answer to Previous Puale CE) - sign On/N*w * IQ ) - Elaotrio Company (2) (39 - Wheel of Fortune ACROSS SO Stir . Pantalla'. 9 - Fllntstonaa the others come up with look 53 By mouth (D ) - Biography 8:30 A.M. 9 - W om an's Page ( 2 - 3-2-1, Contact Oclob«r 12,1982 good on the surface. [saaa 1:30 P.M. 1 Regard highly 56 Jesters character, supported by another (2S - Sports Your leadership, qualities will PISCES (Fab. 20-March 20) :::jaaD By Kenneth R. Clark CE) - Fllntstonaa (Ql - O ver Easy 56 Teller of tall strong woman character, who feels 11:00 A.M. d d - A t tha W orld Turns be considerably enhanced this Something you've been want- 7 Cling raDDD UPl TV Reporter ( 2 ) - M a d sm o 't Plaoo d - Varied Program s 13 Seaioningi stories d - Prioa la Right - Varied Programs 4:00 P.M. coming year. Instead of follow- ing 10 change can be altered that you should have it all. (29 14 Roared 5:30 A.M. (33) - Josla and tha Puasyosts CD - Lavams ti Shlrisy A Co. ing the banners of others, you lor the belter today. Be both 57 Decreased “Women are,” she said, CD - Prioa la Right NEW YORK — Many years ago, in C D ® - Varlod Program s - Capullna 2:00 P.M. will have them following yours. practical and hopeful about 15 Object speed (29 d - You Think You Got d - Movie a Broadway musical called "The Cap- emphasizing each word as though she - News LIBRA (S«pl. 23-Ocl. 23) accomplishing things. 16 Bring into 58 Artificial front C D - M om ipg S tio loh 09 - Cartoon Festival TrouWas d d - Rockford Files Friends are willing lo keep their harmony tain's Paradise," Tony Randall were driving nails, “entitled, to, - 0 n s U fa to U ve ARIES (March 21-Aprll 19) O - CNN Haadllns Nswa IQ) - Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood d - Tlo Tso Dough d 99 CD - Soap World promises, but you could acl in Normally, you're rather good at 17 Mature DOWN created a debonaire sea dog with a have, it, all — to go for it!” i - Moglo Garden (2J) - M o n sylln s - O dd (kHipIs (33) (33) 9 - Soooby Doo a manner which will let them olf coping with uncertainties or 18 Small river What Miss Cannon’s character goes' 0:00 A.M. 33) proper British wife in his home port, ( 8 ) - Jim B akksr 39 - Coronation Street ol the hook today. Predictions unusual developments, but duck 1 Orient CE) - RIohard Sim m ons 39. - Woman's Day USA 3 9 - A liv e A W slll :— i M ii a most improper one across the for is a very proper, three-piece- 9 -1 Love Luoy of whafs in store lor you in the today oul-ol-lhe-ordinary hap- 20 Male child 2 Mild expletive 5:45 A.M. CE) - I Lava Luoy (2) 9 - Texas (39 - A M Sarvica Ravalation seasons lollowing your birth- 21 01 no value channel and a first mate who knew all suited international wine merchant (2D - News/Sports/Weather penings could rattle you. 3 Dumb d ) - sign On CE) - Tom CotUa Up C losa 9 - (»irlatian Chlldran's Fund 2 - Entertainm ent Tonight day and where to took for your TAURUS (April 20-May 20) 24 Reverse 4 Diamonds |sl.) about both of them. for a husband in New York and a 2 9 - Another W orld luck and opportunities are in - Douglas Coffin 27 Rules C D (52) - Donahue 9 9 - Lovs Boat (29(2- Saaama Street Don't let others pull you away Fletcher’s Landing - 5 Leases 22 Swift aircraft 39 Drive a golf For a while there, he had it all. bearded bohemian cartoonist for a 6:00 A.M. 2 - Instructional Programs your Astro-Graph. Mail $1 for 3t Cornice - Straight Talk (5S) - Lulaana M ia from your tasks or projects 6 Consideration . (abbr.) ball (2 wds.j Now, in a 1982 reincarnation of the husband in Los Angeles. d S3) - Vsrtsd Programs CE) 11:30 A.M. each to Astro-Graph. Box 489. 32 Cut of beef 2 - Nueva York Ahora today. II you are on a roll and 7 Flowering 42 Arab country - Nsw Zoo Rovuo 33) - Flipper - M y Thraa Sons 9 - Eight Is Enough Radio City Station. N.Y.. 10019 |...DN«^W...WkRN...^ (comp, w dj 23 Lease anew vehicle to be aired by ABC As a successful fashion designer d d you're interrupted. It'll be hard tJ/kRN DN2JJ DW2NJ shrub 43 Falls behind - Varied Program s 2:15 P.M. (39 - Bew itched Be sure to specify birth date. 33 Revise 24 Charges Wednesday from 9-11 p.m., EDT, with offices on both coasts, she d - CBS Eariy Morning Nows (32) CD - You A aksd For It lo get back in gear. 8 Speck (E - Popeya and Friends SCORPIO (Oct. 24-No». 22) DW^N DW2N DW2>1... 35 Ancient 25 Mongolian 44 Soviet river handles both her spouses in a raucoUs 9 9 - A B C N ow a/M om 39 - Calllops Chlldran's CD - In Sea rah o L .. 9 9 - Little House on the Prairie GEMINI (May 21-Juna 20) 9 Very warm Dyan Cannon is the one who is d This can be a day ol substantial Unlortunalely, not everyone musical monk 45 Dancer type Programs 2:30 P.M. 10 Flightless “Having it All.” comedic style as broad as her famous d - Jo* Franklin Show 33) - Candid Camara 4:30 P.M. accomplishments, provided today will have your cheerlul Instrument 26 Kiln 47 Dawn (Sp.) ® - M ass birds With a flip of the gender coin, she grin — until their paths begin to con- - Bultwinklo 39 - A re You Anybody? (E (E - Capitol CD - Jeffereons you devote your energies outlook and disposition. Don't 36 Grainiest 28 Send flying 48 Escaped S3) - Nswa/Sports/Waathsr toward worthy goals. Don't 11 City in takes the captain’s role, Melanie verge and they start showing up in the (20) - Daybroak ® - A ndy G riffith 33) - Krofft Superstars d - Whet's Happeningl be dismayed II you can'l please 40 English 29 Inside (pref.) 46 City of - Saaama Street delay your destiny. Nevada (29 (2B) - Hoy Mlamo Anfrltlonsa 3® - A re You Anybody? everybody. college 30 Noted Phoenicia Chartoff plays the mate, and bigamy same places at the same time. ( Q l - Alt-Day M o viss CD - Movie SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. CAN CER (Juno 21-July 22) II 41 Most enticing 12 Home of (29 - El Chavo ComadIa an la Gulllarmo Ochoa. Lourdes (29 - Leave It to Beaver • iWkJL 34 Depart this 51 Mine workers' — via jetliner rather than channel Throughout the scenario, which oc- 0 9 - Health Field cual 'El Chavo' slempre as an- (33) 9 - Pink Panther Show 21) Your plans will go as you things are moving favorably lor 43 Pull Adam Guerrero y Juan Dotal preten- life union (abbr.) steamer — reigns supreme. casionally grazes “Animal House” in cusntra envuelto an sigun tlpo (2S) “ Infamia Talenovala en la 2 - CHIP. Patrol envision Ihem. provided you 46 Three-spot 19 Fermented 6:30 A.M. tan ette programa da asuntot you today, don't make a sud- 52 Understand da problems. Roberto Gomez cual Linda atta casada con un allow adequate time for all lo den switch In course. Changes b card drink 37 Protract Only now, in the age of ERA with its manic intensity, Miss Chartoff d CE) - CBS Early Morning publicot pratantando noticiat y hombre cuyo unico interet as '* MHI 54 Alphabet Bolanoa. 3 9 - Odd Couple unfold. Don't gel Impatient. could undo the good you have 47 At the beck 21 Overturns 38 Gentleman feminists at the barricades, could a aids, abets, cheers on, fouls up and News variada informacion. tu compania. A petar da asto Premature moves would hurl (39 - Match Gama going. woman be the bigamist, and if purists generally gets in the way as her d - Popaye S8l - Indapandant Network Linda te m antiana junto a tu at- 5:00 P.M. you. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) Situa- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 S9 - F-Troop poso raspataando tu raputa- CE) - Barney M iller CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jen. 19) growl “rip-off,” let them. This rip-off friend struggles womanfully to kwp (Q) - Magllla Qorilla tions or projects ^Ich require lo-ll 99 --Soap W orld cion hstta qua accidantalmenta Take a hard, careful look at any works the way a belly laugh works — each husband’s identity a secret from (29 - Tsnnsasae Tuxedo 12:00 P.M. ancuantra a Victor al cual teit d E9 - Charlla'e Angela your full mental efforts should 13 14 (Q) - Instruotlonal Programs proposals brought lo you today be attended to,early In the day. bold, bawdy and fraught with the the other, (22) - Eariy Today CD - Eyawitneaa News anot atrat iba a convartirte an CE) (39 - People's Court which could increase your tu atposo. Sutana Dota- Your brightness lessens when It was. Miss Chartoff said, (29 - V aried Program s 9:30 A.M. d - W altona (33) - Little House on the Prairie income or earnings. There are 15 16 deli(;ious terror of imminent dis- mantas, Julio Aleman. you tire. Superman exhausting. SB - Romper Room CE) - Tom Cottle Show d - Tattlatalaa ( 2 - Qllligan's Island some good deals out there, but VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sapt. 22) As covery. - Dr. Ruth d-Naw s 3:00 P.M. (23) - New sw atch there are some bummers, loo. long as you are unselfishly 20 Miss Chartoff, late of ABC’s lamen- “TV just eats up comedy,” she 6:45 A.M. CE) --A f(<OifX0ATAL 17 18 19 - Guiding Light AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Ftb. 19) motivated today, you'll benellt KILUNC’ tably cancelled ‘‘Fridays,’’ was sighed. “It just chews it up and spits d - I Love Luoy CD - News at Noon CE) CE) (29 (&Z) - Mr; Rogers' Companions or associates may m/&rAK£ f - CE) I l9 - N ew s CD - W orld's G raatsst Cartoon Neighborhood as much as those you try to 22 23 merrily defiant about defying the con- it out. I think there should be a 33) - Gentle Ben (33) - Good Timet lack your insights today. You'd OVSfi. ly 21 I S ) - W eather Show (29- XETU help. When you think only ol ventions of generations. Comedy (Conservation Act. I’m afraid S9 - TOO Club (32) ( 9 - Varied Programs be wise lo (rust your own judg- yourself, all will be reversed. 7:00 A.M. CD 99 - (Janeral Hospital (39 - W K R P In Cincinnati ment, even il the suggestions 27 28 29 30 “A woman has as much right to be they’re going to waste it all. It’ll be S9 - Enrique Pollvoz 39 - USA Movie 24 25 26 d d - CBS Morning News CD - Bonanza an illegal bigamist as a man does," all gone in a few years and nobody 139 - Morning Stratoh ( 2 - M ovie 5:30 P.M. d - W orld's G raatsst Cartoon (33) - Tom & Jerry and Friends 31 32 she said following the movie’s will have a sense of humor." S9 - Daytime (23) - Taka 2 CD - Eyswitnees Newt Show - Sonya She need not worry. If laughs born 99 - So You Oot Troublaa ( 2 - Nsw acenter (39 d ® - M'A'S'H wrapup. (E) 9 9 - Good Morning 9 - Spiderm an 33 34 35 “There is no philosophising as to of good old fashion^ slapstick ever Amarioa 10:00 A.M. 9 - The Doctors 9 - Wtloomt Back Kottar 2 S9 - Fantasy (29 - Elactric Company whether this is the right thing to do or make the endangered species list, ( E ) - Jim m y Swaggart d - Hour Megazlne 9 - M arcus W alby, M. D. 37 38 40 ( 2 - Andrea Calaata (29 - Extranoa Camlnoa 36 not. The world being as it is, she just "Having it All” will provide an 33) - Tom Sr Jerry d - Tom (krttle Up Cloee 99 - Family Feud (29 - Emergency 9 - Mora Raal Paopla f felt entitled. This is a strong woman excellent game preserve. (32) - ESPN S p o rU Canter d - 425.000 Pyramid 12:30 P.M. 41 42 (Q) - French Chef 99 - Newt Bridge 3 9 - AMva & W slll CE) - Couples CS) C E - Young and the 3 9 • No Program s d - Romper Room Reatleae 43 44 45 46 48 49 (29 - Fllntstonaa 33) - Varied Program s (E 99) - Ryan's Hope 33) - News so 51 52 S3 54 ( 2 ) (39 - Today 32) - ESPN Sports Canter 3,000-year-old temple found (22) (S9) - Search For Tomorrow Caution: Expert at work (39 - Batman 39 - Sonya Levy!* Law — James Schumeister 55 56 (SZ) - Saaama Streat (2 -News 1:00 P.M. Alan: “He may well be the - All-Day M o v ist (E - Midday - Bill Boggs CAIRO, Egypt (UPI) - A man The newspaper said the unidentified 7:30 A.M. (29 Cinem a best player in the world. 57 58 CE) - Jim Bakkor (29 - Instruotlonal Programa (E 99) - All My Children NORTH 10-11-62 building a home may have stumbled man stumbled across some temple How did you do?” XXIB MONP/ U03C,I DOKT u (29 - Lo Impardonable (E (39) - Movie 98 Oswald: "We won with a ...BUT PONT >OU 6(JV5 upon the most important find of Egyp- columns while laying the foundation for (33) - Pink Panther Show ae MINP B&INO - DIff rent Strokes 33) - 700 Club 54 67 percent game, but It was WAIT UNTIP A T ISAST tian antiquity in 50 years — a 3,000-year- his home. Police and archeologists took ® - Underdog (39 Hartford Mansfield AQ106 a pleasure to watch him -.MUCH... THANkC6GVIN6 old temple believed to have been built by over the area, dug deeper and unearthed S9 - Soooby Doo 99 - W altons (22) (39 - Days of Our Uvea Athpnrum Cinema — TranH-I.ux College AJ743 (24) - Instructional Programs operate In our catch-as- Pharaoh Ramses II. temple columns and walls. 8:00 A.M. 10:30 A.M. Reopens Tuesday. Twin — A Midsummer WEST EAST catch-can partnership. Here (2S " Mundo Latino Jetsa Lo- The newspaper A1 Akhbar Sunday The walls showed hieroglyphic inscrip- (33) - Cartoona CE) - Hour Magazine Night’s Sex Comedy (PG) 96 QJ52 is a hand that was one of our eada y Sonia Vorhsuer ton lot Cinema City — Joni (G) tions and paintings of Ramses II facing - Child's Play VKJI731 ♦ 10 6 top scores.” called the discovery the most important (29 - Buga Bunny/Porky Pig d anfritionet da este programa da 1, 3, 5, 7, 9. — Altered 2:30, 4:50, 7, 9. - Rebel ♦ 75 9 8 4 3 Alan: "I see his two-dia- in the area of the Great Pyramids in the god Ra and other writings in the (29 - Vanessa Lucia Mendez, CD - Soap W orld asuntot publicot nacionalet States (R) 2:25, 6:30, 10:20 Without a Cause 7 with pratantando antravistat, nott- QI082 96 5 , mond call was a manufac- Giza in 50 years. name of Sei I, the father of Ramses. Hector Bonilla, Rogelio Guerra. 33) - Varied Programa with Body Heat (R) 4.10, East of Eden 9:05, SOUTH tured rebld. Then when you Vernon bid three diamonds he was 8:15. — Not a Love Story 2, AK 1074S 3:20,4:55,7:10,8:40, 10:15. Cine 1 & 2 — The Best AQ8 able to manufacture another rebid of three hearts.” CELEBRITY CIPHER - Xica 2:30, 4:45, 7:30, ' Little Whorehouse in Texas KJ2 Cetebrity Cipher cryptograms are created trom quotationi by famoua paopla. paat K Chwald: "This bid left me and praaant. Each lattar In tha dphar stands lor another, duo: S egua^s^. 9:40. (R) 7:10, 9:10. - Tempest with a lot of poor choices, Monday TV CinoHtudio — Mean (PG) 7, 9:30. Vulnerable: Both but I found the best one Streets (R) 7.30. Film FeHlival Cinemae Dealer: South when I bid three spades. This left all options open for Bob Captain Easy — Crooks & Lawrence Colonial — Black Belt — Stripes (R) 7:05, 9. — West North East S Warriors (R) 7 with Enter and he moved right into I KNEW YOU'D want TO BE PART ' ‘•JR DRSYP UYHQ RMORYVRPTR Angels (R) 6:30, 9:45 with 1 WASH WAS OVER CD - Rsllgloue Programming the Dragon (R) 8:45. : Pass Blackwood. Then, when I THERE EVEBALLING OF THE OPERATION, EASY. 6:00 P.M. 11:30 P.M. Mean Dragon Attacks (R) 39 - NCAA Football; Stanford 39 Pass showed two aces he settled OUR S E T U P . IT W AS V MR.M cKEE- d - E y e w itn ttt N e w t CE) - Nawa from 8:30. Weet Hartford for six no-trump. That extra I) at Arizona State 39 Pass 4 NT JUST A COINCIDENCE CE) - Three't Company CE) - Staraky end Hutch FiuNt H a r t f o r d Elm 1 & 2 — Rocky III Pass 6 NT 10 points for no-trump is HE W AS THERE WHEN ZXSZ JR PRCRY DRSYP UYHQ (21)- Mike Douglae People Now 5^ THE'INFIDEL5''ST0KME5/' CD d (39 - Newt Monday CD - Bonny Hill Show Fasiwood — The Best (PG) 2:15, 7:15, 9:15. — Pass Pass well worth trying for in (22 - Entertainment Tonight THE PLACE. d - B iio k Rogers CE) - Haw aii FIva-O Little Whorehouse in Texas The Best Little match points.” (29 - Daepedida Alan: "I see that West 33) - Mork A Mindy 33) - Saturday Night Live (R) - 7:30, 9:30. Whorehouse in Texas (R) 9 - How To W ith Pete Opening lead: V7 opened a heart, not that any RMORYVRPTR." — WRHYWR 39 - USA Ctrtoon Express 3 2 - ESPN Sporta Center Poor RieliardH — The 2, 7, 9:20. lead mattered. I assume it 3 9 - Fastivai of Faith 9 -Night Gallery 1:30 A.M. Best Little Whorehouse in The Movies — was no problem for Bob to 9 - Little House S J ) - Crossfire CE) - Carter Country Texas (R) - 7:30, 9:30. Amityville II: The Posses- By Oswald Jacoby cash one high spade, enter CE) - Hogan'a Heroee sion (R) 12:30, 2:45, 4:50, and Alan Sontag dummy with a diamond and FRYPSYE BXSJ (23) - New sw atch THE 16TH ANNUAL COUN- S2) S9) - Tonight Show Sliowraae Cinema — then make the safety play of (22 - N sw soantar TRY MUSIC ASSOCIATION 9 - Tw ilight Zone CE) - Rellgloua Programming Pink Floyd The Wall (R) 7:20, 9:30 — Fast Times At Oswald: "I recently a double spade finesse.” ( 2 - T.V. (kimmunty College A W A R D S will be co-hosted by 33) - Independent Network 1:30, 3:30, 5.30, 7:35, 9:30. Ridgemont High (R) 12, Newe played one match point ses- Oswald: “No problem at PREVIOUS SOLUTION; "No man who is in a hurry Is 9 > Raportar 41 country music superstar Barbara 12:00 A.M. — E . T . T h e . E x t r a - 1:45, 3:35, 5:15, 7:30, 9:30, sion with Bob Hamman who all. Just an expert workman quite civilized.” — Will Durant Mandrell (shown) and Mac 3 3 - Haw aii FIve'O (22 9 - NBC Newe Overnight Terrestrial (PG) 12:50, — Richard Pryor Live on in action.” (39 - M 'A 'S 'H was on your winning Spin- Davis. The broadcast will include (3D - Trapper John, M.D. 9 - Film 2:55, 5:05, 7:15, 9:40. —An- the Sunset Strip (R) 12, gold team in July.” (NKWSPAPBat ENTERPRISE ASSN.) m - 3-2-1, Contact Snake Tales 6:30 P.M. appearances by many country (3D (ZD 8® - News 1:45 A.M. nie (PG) 1:30, 4:25, 7:10, 1:40, 3:20, 5:30, 7:30, 9:30. music celebrities and will air live QS)' sporta Look 9 - MOVIE: 'Silver Baere' The 9:40. — An (Officer and A d - W K R P In CInoInnatl on C B S from Nashville, Tenn. Williinanlir (29 - M OVIE: 'Exo-Man' A phy- American underworld plots to Gentleman (R) 1:50, 4:30, ton-92. d - C B S N e w t CHECK LISTINGS FOR EXACT TIME Jillsnn Square Cinema sicist paralyzed from the waist take over a Sw iss bank and cor- 7:20, 9:45. — The Soldier PriloUla’s Pop - Ed Sullivan T whIu IE I STAY AT (33) - Bem ay M iller down by an attacker, invents an ner the world silver market. Cy- — An Officer and A bill Shepard, Michael Cains, (R) 1:25, 3:20 , 5:10, 7:40, HOME AN P PO 39 - Wild Babiaa Twin fawns, exo suit that gives him the mo- Gentleman (R) 6:50, 9:15. Kit ‘n’ Carlyle — Larry Wright acrobatic flying squirrels and bility to track down his assai- Tom Smothers. 1978. 10. — Yes, Giorgio (PG) 1, CH-WAIT A ’ SOU WERE auut he.. — Fast Times at Ridge- 'tOi PIPNT VES wida-ayed wolf pups laarn to lant David Ackroyd, Jose 3:10, 5:15, 7:30, 9.45.- My TAKE VOUR I PIP, MINUTE- GOINS TO, Ferrer, Kevin McCarthy. 1977. mont. High (R) 7, 9:15. — IR O N IN G ^ Survive and take their first steps 2:00 A.M. Favorite Year (PG) 1:15, VITAAAlNe- AAOAA. ' MAVBE I BUT TVIEN W BTtKH’s WAHbBOoK toward indepandanca. Amityville II: The Posses- PIPNT THE PHONE (2) - MOVIE: Tha French (3D - CBS Nsws Nightwatch 3:10, 5:10, 7:30, 10. THIS WORNIN6,y NeVeh chew ov\ a lamp covrlj 9 9 - N B C N a w t Woman' The notorious 'French sion (R) 7:10, 9:20. - The C) 1982 Corcpulos (3D - Bast of Midday PEAR. RANG, A N P - Woman' la the madam for fa- Fnfield Unifier'S You're -tvyrn^ to acKieve Sowte (29 - Untam ed W orld Cine 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 , ,5 & 6 - Soldier (R) 7, 9:15. (2) - Notiolero Nacional SIN shion models who moonlight as Gpec'.al effect ouith Yoob -fov-. loticias nacionales con Guil- prostitutes. Francoise Fabian, C3) - Joa Franklin Show E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial Dayte Haddon, Murray Head. ermo Restrapo. 91 - MOVIE: 'Botany Ba/ A f Rated R. (PG) 2, 4:30, 7:10, 9:30. 9 - Ja ffa ia o n t Coloraa da Is Obacuridad' Music Aasoclation Awards Mac convict ship, under a cruel cap- (54) - Head to Head 9 - MOVIE; 'FIrat Family- This My Favorite Year (PG) Davis and Barbara Mandrell tain, battles to reach Australia 9 - A B C N ew s 9 - M sdam s'a Place (29 - MOVIE: Thlavaa' A cou- satire looks at the nation's fa- 2:25, 4:35, 7:15, 9:25. — I host the swards presentation through a storm-tossed journey. SHOWCASE ple's attempts to rekindle their mily in the White House. Bob YSt - O ver Eas^ ' 9 - Bamsy Miller from Nashville. (90 min.) Alan Ladd, Jamas Mason. Amityville II: The Posses- 9 - M o ra Real Paopla marriage takes them Into the Newhart, Madeline Kahn, Gilds 1953. sion (R) 2:10. 4:25, 7, 9:20, 7:00 P.M. world of crime. Mario Thomas, SS) - Vanessa Radner. 1961. Frank and Ernest — Bob Thaves 9 9 - MOVIE: T h e Private Eyas' Charles Grodin, Irwin Corey. -P in k Floyd The Wall (R) I d - C B S N ew s 7:45 P.M. <5Z) - Lasaon A student gets a 9 - MOVIE: 'Boy Who Cried Two Scotland Yard sleuths d (39 - M 'A 'S 'H 33) - Editorial 9 - MOVIE; 'Paper Chase' 'ritualistic killing' from her Werewolf A young boy insists stumble through secret pas- 2:30, 4:45, 7:30, 9:35.- An C D - M uppat Show 8:00 P.M. This intriguing, often humorous teacher during a lesson. he keeps seeing a werewolf - sageways end trap doors look- Officer and A Gentlefhan story tells about the traumas of his father. Kerwin Matthews, ing for kilters. Tim Conway, Don (R)2:05, 4:40, 7:20, 9:50.— WAIT-SOU \ SOURE This alway'S NtfTAT THe AROtegY d - A B C N sw a d d - Square Page a first-year law student. Timo- 10:00 P.M. Elaine Devry. 1973. Knotts. Trisha Noble. Rated PG. thy Bottoms, John Houseman, Fast Times At Ridgemont 5TARTEP 10 ) RIGHT- happens with d-Soap CD - P.M. Magazina CE) - Newt 9 - MOVIE: 'All About Eve' An IHTERSMTES* EXIT58 CLUgr EjzNlEp N O T ^ Lindsay Wagner. 1873. High (R) 2:20, 4:50, 7:40, SET THEM I OR WAS those complex (33) - Jaffarsona d ® - That's Inorodiblal To- CD - Jennie 12:30 A.M. ambitious actress rites from a EASTHUnORD S68-88I0 OUT OF THE ./ THAT vitarriins. (32 - ESPN's Intida 'Baseball; night's program festuret tome (87) - Great Psrformancaa 'Mys- (33) - Independent Netw ork (3) - MiMlon ImpotsibI# glamour-struck girl in theater 9:55. terlout Stranger.' A printer's ap- B O TT LE- /VEGTEKPAW? AT THE APCHEPY 1, 1982 World Sariaa Spol. incredible kids including tome News Q C S 9 - Nightline alley to an award winner. Bette ManeheKler 51 kidt born to the tame par- prentice daydreams himtsif Davis, Anne Baxter, George ^19 - 'Y o u r Mag. for W om an (39 - HBO Theatre: Camelot YES,GIORGIOlra into a castle and meets a youth (3D - You A sked For It Sanders, Celeste Holm. 1950 I A Tliealere Eakt — ents and a B-year-old without This magical love story evokes | 9 9 - Alloa who has strange powers. (80 93) - Star Trek Amityville II: The Posses- O.OP! legs who hat iaarn to tki. (60 memories of a better world. (2D - Sporta Update -SHOW Hgr;- 1(23) - M o n sylln s min.) min.) 92) - ESPN Praaanta Saturday sion (R) 2, 4, 6, 8, 10. — (29-CN N Nawa (39 - MOVIE: 'Eyewitneee' A ^IM-klSklS-fJMAS-lljS 1 9 - N sw aoantsr d - MOVIE: 'Ksepar of tha 8:30 P.M. Night at the Fights Saturday man it obsessed with the idee Fast Times at Ridgemont (23) - Freeman Raporta Night at the Fights features Cor- Fleme* A w ar correspondent (ED CE) - Private Banjamln Ben- of meeting a beautiful televi- |(29 - A rts '82 nelius 'Boza* Edwards and high (R)2, 3:45, 5:30, 7:15, lo 'I •tumbles on a little known fact jamin la put In the hot aeat as (29 - MOVIE; 'NIilnaky' This sion reporter. William Hurt, Sig- '9 - El Dsraoho da Nsoar Ts- that an honored American had biography of Nijinsky includes Blaine Dickson In a 10-round 9:15. — Richard Pryor Live PSKFUrrO-THIlMUliii 7^ she replacea C spt Lewis as the ourney Weaver, Christopher ‘ilsnovals an la cual Maris Elena workad for tha Fascists. Ksthsr* his notorious liaison with Serge Junior Lightweight bout from on the Sunset Strip (R) star of an Army training film. Plummer. 1981. ------SMOWHW:— ‘dal Hunco da a luz un hljo llagl- Ine Hepburn, Spencer Tracy, Diaghitev. George De La Pens, the Show iest in Las Vegas. NV. 2:15, 3:45, 5:15, 7, 8:40, 'tlmo. Su padre si sntsrarte da Forrest Tucker. 1943 (D - Carol Burnett and Friends Alan Bates, Leslie Browne. (2 hrs., 3 0 min.) 10:20. Issto daolds dathacaras del 3 2 - N C A A Football: M iam i at 1980. 3 9 - M OVIE: 'P rivate Laasone' 2:30 A.M. nino pero-'Mama' Dolores, su (D) - MOVIE: -Wanted: Tha The Born Loser — Art Sansom Notre Dame A young man Is Introduced to (2D - Croaafire MY negrs crisds, declds enesr- Sundanoa Woman' The Sund- (S) - MacNall-Lahrar Report ance woman it pursued by a passion by his housekeeper. FAVOMITEYEAR, gsrse dal baba. N idle conoca la 9:00 P.M. - 24 Horas (22) - Tw ilight Zona tough lawman and hat a ritky 9 Eric Brown, Sylvie Krittel, Ho- > Our Boarding House — Carroll & McCormick Bugs Bunny — Warner Bros. historii htsta qut Albsrtico sa CE) CE) - M 'A 'S 'H W hile the 9 - MOVIE; Tha Poatman ward Heetemen. 1981. Rated DIDHOOKUOW oonvisrta an doctor y se an- alliance with Ptncho Villa. I SHOWri/g:. Katharine Rote, Stave Forett 4077th Is In a bow ling match. Alwaya Ringe Twice' Passion R. 3:00 A.M. vualva con su propia familia. Hawkeys tries to contact hit turns to murder when an aim- m Hector Elizondo. 1876 3 9 - Sports Probe * (S3 - O ff the Sat l l l l l<‘Hto l.i.|.;...i so THEY WANTA PLAY THE FAKE Of UGHTNIN' LO U . dont Vsronlet Castro, Socorro Ave- hospitalized father. (R) less drifter and a sultry house- ROUTINE? NELLyXu SHON THENf ’ ISTHEOiLV Isr, Humberto Zurita. 3 2 - ESPN Sports Canter (23) - M onoyllna Update (3D - MOVIE: T h a Catchar* A 60 HOW COME TH E MALK CE) - The Marv Show wife meat. Jack Nicholson, THE WHO NROTB THE B O O H ! 39 - MOVIE; ‘Oraan loa' An Jessica Lange, John Colicos. police detective resigns inorder GRAWV^AINSON 9 - Entartalnniaot Tonight CE) 9 - NFL Football: (2) - Madams's Plaoa SOLDIER VOUR 6HIRT$Ay sisctronics wizard bacomsa in- 1881. to practice his unique talent O - MOVIE: Tha UtUa volvad in an emerald hsitt PhHodalphla at Plttaburgh/or (9 - Lata Night with David 'catching' fugitives, runaway ------rJMOWflW:- HDLP IT, PUPE5,' ill JE5' TAKE THAT (22 - Non-Hctlon Television A-H. ? n r Oalsotlva’ A young boy stum- Ryan O'Naal, Omar Sharif, Anna Altamota Programming If the Lsttarman husbands, missing youngsters, lSJdS4:167M -ll«.l|j5 MONEY FOR EVIDENCE: IF YOU'P NFL playara' ttrike continues, LAW60A&e THM bias upon an tisbortte |awtl Archer. Rated PG. 10:30 P.M. etc. for private clients. Michael prMoma IIIIHIHItlllH tllltlMI.I HEARD OF LIGHTNIN' LOU LOdAN, hemats programming will be Witney, Jan-Michael Vicent heist and attamptt to solve the 39 - NFL Monday Night Match- 33) - Metropolitan Report 1:00 A.M. WO w a a a a a 8E6II05 UITH "SU" shown. Tony Franciosa. 1971 YOU WOULPA HOPPED THE NE>T crims himssif. upa Tonight's program prev- CE) - Sanford and Son PG Truck outa 39 - NCAA Football: (58 - Alfred Hhohcook SHE STOOPS TO CONQUER ANNIE AiX)is PKotoem g^ ¥ i IQ) - Business Report laws tonight's NFL contest (90 CE) - MOVIE: 'Baby Comae 32 - ESPN Sporti Canter /h MisalssippI at Georgia (29 - Buainoaa Report min.) Home' (23) - Prim e Nawa by ------SHOWtlW:: 7:30 P.M. 9 - AM Sanrioa Revelation - Indapandant Network 9 - MOVIE: 'Ryan's Daughter' 9 ( 2 - Qunamoka l»4dS.7aMcW-lZN V d - P-M. Magazina Nawa CE) - Parry Mason Ollvor Qoldsmith 01SI9T»eA>« fM«l»g us 9H IMOa m [| — Part 1 Tha willful daughter of a 9 9 - MOVIE: Touohad by tavern kaapar wads a mild Leva' A victim of carabral palsy d - A ll In tha Family 10:45 P.M. nvi. Od 14 On Sal Oct AN O FPIC IR AND d - You Aaksd For It school tsachsr and it con- corraspondad with Elvli Prss- COUNTRY WESTERN DANCE Winthrop — Dick Cavalii demned by the town after aha lay. 9 - Reporter 41 23 AOINTLlMANr d - Fam ily Feud tarta having an affair with a Round up tfiB oang and coma fMva a pood ofa (fma 9 - Worid Spoolala Tha Kill- 11:00 P.M. Evaninga al triW ------wnwH/gie FiDfZ IT T O ,. d - Bonny Hill Show Britith mt|or. Sarah Miles, Rob- ing of Sadat' Tha drakm of wNh tfM Dynsmlc group... I WISH JCO U IP& E .../VVkVBHA [WMATABE VOU' CE) CE) 9 - Nawa 1M4»7»M6-1ZM 33)-Naws ert Mitchum, Trevor Howard. Egyptian Prstidsnt Anwar Matinaa Bat OcL 23 ol 2riM LITTLE LESS WAITING FOfZ' HOP/ 1670 -M 'A'S'H LIKE WINTHfaPR.. 39-Talkino Bax. W/Your Kids Sadat and his assassination era CE) BODEO CLUMSY. STTEDNi?, S W IF H This show axamlnea ta x educe- ( S ) - Prfcna N a w t examined. (60 min.) CE) - Madama'a Place Saturday - Oct 16.19S2 • 9 PM - 1 AM to paelofmaneaa Sun. O ot IT LOOKINBTO ATHLETIC- tion fo r children. (2) 9 * Littia Houaa: A New 9 - MOVIE: 'lan 't It and Mon. O ct II MM.K (33) - Entartainm ent Tonight Italian Afflerkan FriendiMp CUb SCTSIITr 99 - Sports Look Baskinlns An aldariy farmer ShookingT' Whan aldariy clti- 3 9 - Brideahaod Ravialtad triaa to prevent Mrs. Olaaon zsna in a N sw England town be- KINQ8BURY AVE., TOLLAND, CONN. Narriett S, Jorgaman 9-Soap 9 - Featival of Faith usjasui-nsiiM-uM from taking over Walnut Grove. gin to die mysteriously, the BeerSIH Adndssion *5.00 % ( S ) . Sports Tonight (SO fflin.) sheriff is confronted with an in- 9 - Twilight Zone Ttwatre 9 - M'A'S'H 9 - MOVIE: 'Candy' A ttudent genious killer. Alan Alda, (21) - Sporta Tonight Maed a P S L n t ffoaaaB M i Louise Lsssar, Edmond O'Brien. TkkateSS.00 Tt O 9-8oraanlng Room who hat bean rtpM goat to 9 - Nawaoantar : J A K E = Ntw York and has a tariaa of 1873 nBtlSTNULi r mneg Ul 9m ATMOi 10-11 (8) 9 2 - MaoNolLLahrsr Studaits $4.00 taxual ancountara. Ewa Aulin, 9:30 P.Ma (29 - Palioula: 'M anoa A rriba' Report Marion Brando. Richard Bur- 9 - Medame's Place Ui Oftica; 429-2912 9 - Pailmla: ‘Todoa los ton. 18SB. Rated R. (3D CS3- 10th Annual Country OiHxJ QZ) - Businasa Report MANCHESTER HERALD, Mon., Oct. If. 1982 - I I, 10 - MANCHESTER HERALD, Mon., Oct. 11, 1982 Obituaries Real p olice ch ases, H o m e Lillian P. Legowtkl u nlik e film versio n, FOCUS/ Lillian (Pilitowski) Legowski of ■ 4 Hartford, died Saturday at Hartford Hospital. She was the wife of the late Walter Legowski and the M a n ch ester h o use on tour mother of Wilhelmena Philipson and often hurt innocent Jane Williams, both of Manchester. She also leaves a son, Walter J, ning?’,” says Brooks. By Raymond T. DeMeo Brooks says an officer should Legowski of Rocky Hill and three Herald Reporter other daughters, Stella Markham of make practical judgments in deter- W enzels soak up the sun and save $$$ Hartford, Velcia Combouris of East A Hollywood .high-speed chase mining whether or not to chase. Windsor, and Irene McCarthy of goes something like this: What are the road conditions? How Hartford, and a sister, Romona Suspect glances in rear view heavy is traffic? Will the chase run Courtemanche of Hamden; 20 mirror, sees police car, hits gas. through a densely populated zone? By Susan Plese What kind of shape is the cruiser in? -■ f ’% grandchildren; 23 great- Police car, with strobe and siren, Herald Reporter grandchildren; and two great-great- pursues suspect at racetrack speeds How many times has the officer ,’, ' ' 1,:?, ’/j- ' grandchildren. through teeming city streets and done this before? Sometimes it pays to know the' Funeral services will be Tuesday claustrophobic alleyways. Suspect As a practical matter, extended right people. And sometimes it helps at 9:15 a.m. from the Farley- finally outdrives police car, which high-speed chases hardly ever occur if the right people are there in your Sullivan Funeral Home, 96 Webster crashes into brick wall (officers, in- in Manchester. “There’s really no own family. St., Hartford, with a mass of Chris- side, are angry but unhurt). Another place in the city where you can do 55 Mr. and Mrs. William Wenzel live tian burial at 10 a.m. in Immaculate r police car hones in on suspect and miles an hour-safely,” says Chief in onq of three solar homes on Conception Church. Burial will be in the merry chase continues. Robert D. Lannan. the Manchester-East Hartford line. Soldier’s Field. Northwood It happens this way in the movies. But Brooks points out that safety But their choice to go solar actually Cemetery, Wilson. Friends may call But not in real life. In real life peo- isn’t always the primary concern of had quite a bit to do with their son- at the funeral home Monday from 2 ple die, or are seriously injured, the persbn eluding the police. What in-law, Alfred C.W. Eggen, who to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. when cops chase people in cars. happens when police abandon the built Manchester’s first solar home “We do not encourage high-speed chase, but the fleeing suspect con- just two houses up. Elizabeth R. Garrity chases,” says Captain Joseph H. tinues at a high speed, unaware that “ I helped to build (the first .Elizabeth R. Garrity, 79, of East Brooks, head of the police the cops are no longer on his tail, as house,),” says Wenzel, “and I liked Hartford, died Saturday at department’s patrol division. in the Bethel incident? it.” Small wonder, because the Manchester Memorial Hospital. She Recently Brooks sent memoranda Brooks says light penalties for 1,400-square-foot ranch style home was the mother of William R. Garri- to all his officers reminding them of engaging police in pursuit help his son-in-law built for him on 284 Herald photos by Tarquinlo ty of Manchester. the department’s policy regarding reduce the risk for people who do so. Hillstown Road in 1977 is botl. She also leaves two brothers, high-speed chases. The penalties were stiffened as of spacious and w arm .. Edward O'Brien of Newington and The introduction to the six-page Oct. 1 to a $500-$1,000 fine and a one- Richard O'Brien of Belmont, Mass.; Moving day policy statement says: “ As a year license suspension. “I still THE HOUSE WILL BE one of a sister, Mrs. Katherine Casparino general rule, pursuit is not don’t think they’re adequate,” ?ays nine energy-efficient homes of Vernon; and three grandchildren. Despite a downpour and transportation recommended or favored when the Brooks. featured on a house tour Sunday potential danger to the officer and He poins out that someone who is from 2 to 5 p.m. It is sponsored by Funeral services will be Tuesday breakdown, Lutz Children’s Museum made 'itm. the Capitol Region East League of at 9:30 a.m. from the John F. its move from Its home on Cedar Street to the general public outweighs the ad- driving a stolen car, or whose license is suspended, has little to Women Voters, and proceeds will Tierney Funeral Home, 219 W. the former South School on South Main vantages of apprehending a fleeing vehicie." lose by fleeing a police car. benefit that group. Center St., Manchester, with a mass Street. Above, William Sleith, (left) donor of of Christian burial in the Church of Brooks says he felt it was Penalties for those offenses are The cost of the tour is $1 for the Assumption at 10 a.m. Burial the museum's stuffed bear, and Joseph necessary to refresh the officers on stiffer than for engaging police in adults; small children will be ad- will be in St. .lames Cemetery. Brooks, (right), president of the museum’s pursuit policy after two recent in- pursuit. So fleeing and getting mitted free. Tickets may be Friends may call at the funeral board of directors, join children In bringing cidents in other towns: caught is just a little more risky purchased at the first home people visit. No order of visits is required. home today from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 the museum’s name to Its new building. • An Aug. 14 fatal crash in East than pulling over. Herald photos by Saviste “When you start considering run- Maps will also be available. p.m. Memorial contributions may Right, a circus wagon that carried children Hartford. A fleeing shoplifting VIEW FROM ENTRY SHOWS LIVING AREA AND DINING AREA be made to the Manchester suspect driving a Lincoln Continen- ning from a police car a major viola- Homes will include both old and from the old location to the new one had a . . . Mr. and Mrs. Wenzel at home relaxing Memorial Hospital Building Fund, tal collided head-on with a small tion of the law, that’s when you’ll new, active and passive solar flat tire about a block away from the Cedar systems, some with added solar Haynes Street, Manchester. Street building. Below, Christine Goodwin Chevrolet headed in the opposite start to address the problem of high- ■-1' direction on Silver Lane. Three of speed chases,” says Brooks. features like hot water heaters. folds up her umbrella after a wet ride. 1I i ► ' *■ the Chevrolet’s occupants were Even one berm home, which is f.v ■ covered partially by earth, is in- killed. Two police cars were pur- '> 0 li m fe -1 iL:4 - " ' I r suing the Lincoln at the time of the cluded on the tour. crash. Besides the Wenzel house in Fire Calls • A Sept. 17 incident in which a A m t r a k Manchester, visitors may see the r, home of Jane Childs, 296 Hillstown f ii car carrying six passengers tried to outrun a Bethel police cruiser. The Road, and Mr. and Mrs. Edward cruiser pursued them at speeds of Fenton, 8 Woodside Ave. Manchester 50-70 miles per hour along a secon- g u n m a n In South Windsor the homes are Friday, 11:47 p.m. — Tree stuck .V dary road. Police eventually aban- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Klosowski of 89 by lightning, 67 N. Elm St.-(Eighth V \ '• doned the chase, but the fleeing car Overlook Drive and Mr. and Mrs. District) kept speeding. It failed to negotiate Robert Conde of 61 Kelly Road. Friday, 11:48 p.m. — Lighting a turn and crashed into a stone wall, g iv es up In Vernon it is Mr. and Mrs. strike, 244 Porter St. (Town) killing four of its occupants and bad- Robert Herd of 7 Rheel St. and Doc- Saturday, 12:05 a.m. — Auto acci- ly injuring a fifth. Continued from page 1 tors Hatch and Liecher, lot 16, Bran- dy Hill Road. dent, Main and Hilliard streets. Brooks says he can’t remember of t ; (Town) anyone dying as a result of a high- reported aboard Amtrak’s Florida- Two new homes will be featured Saturday, 1:56 a.m. False alarm, speed chase in Manchester. But to-New York Silver Star as it pulled in Tolland. The first is at 46 Baxter 203 Progress Drive. (Town) there have been some near-misses. into Raleigh. The car, the one ahead St. and the second is at 163 Slater Saturday, 2:05 a.m. — Water call, And state statistics show that of it and the one behind it, were Road. 19 School St. (Town) police cruisers, more than any other detached from the Silver Star, T h e most compelling Saturday, 2:49 a.m, — False emergency vehicles, are involved in which, continued its trip north at aspect of the Wenzel home is its alarm. Quality Inn. (Town) accidents that kill or injure people. midday Friday. energy efficiency. The home con- Saturday, 4:27 a.m. — Smoke Clearly the cruisers, don’t cause Heineman said the man’s friend tains both passive and active solar detector alarm, Pascal Lane. all these accidents. A 1978 report by arrived from New York between elements. (Town) the former Connecticut Safety Com- 3:30 a.m and 4 a.m. EDT and spoke LOTS OF GLASS facing south, Saturday, 11:18 a.m. — Public ser- mission concluded that accidents to Villabona shortly before he as well as a greenhouse that vice call, 127 Princeton St. (Eighth often result because of motorists agreed to come out. stretches halfway across the back, MR, AND MRS. WILLIAM WENZEL, LEFT, WITH BUILDER EGGEN District) don’t know how to react to emergen- “He stated he was going to dress allow the sun’s rays to warm the in- . . . those solar collectors run across the back of house Saturday, 3:27 p.m. — Smell of PLO chief w arns of n e w fight cy vehicles. They should pull over himself and turn himself in volun- terior. That’s the passive part. smoke, 48 Hartford Road. (Town) and get out of the way when they tarily,” Heineman said. Rut the sun also warms bv means Sunday, 6:52 a.m. — Smoke detec- hear one approaching, but Villabona released the girl around The Lebanese army last week con- of solar collectors just below the tor alarm, Pasal Lane. (Town) (iontiniK'd from pug<* 1 der Jordanian supervision, in the sometimes, because of ignorance or 1 a.m. EDT to FBI agent Raymond during warmer weather, “It doesn’t Israeli-occupied West Bank. Israel fiscated tons of weapons and roof. The collectors are actually two. half of wood for the entire winter. avocado and orange tree add to a Sunday, 11:20 a.m. — Oil burner confusion, they don’t. heat up in the summer,” Wenzel arrested 442 people, most of them Ayres. She was taken to Wake Coun- layers of corregated metal with a (One cord of wood is roughly tropical look. problem, 212 Center St. (Town) sky with bright flares and began has rejected the idea. But the commission also ty Memorial Hospital and reported says. “The south wall gets less sun Arafat’s address Sunday marked for not having proper residence layer of air in between. equivalent to the heating power of The living and dining rooms are Sunday, 3:12 p.m. — Medical call, house-to-house searches for the recognized that police officers in “fair to good condition.” in the summer than in the winter," gunmen. the first time he spoke at a rally in When the air is warmed, it is 250 gallons of fuel oil). furnished traditionally in neutral 239 Spencer St'. (Town) papers. sometimes get involved in chases Police stationed closest to the blown into a bed of stones just The Wenzels have no idea how Eggen explains. Arafat, meeting in Amman with Jordan since the so-called Black Lebanese President Amin tones, but Oriental woven area rugs Sunday, 11:23 p.m. — Car fire, 38 for the wrong reasons. “Often police sleeping car during the last hours of beneath the floor of the home. That warm it gets inside during the The sunny yard in back is planted Hussein on the future of the September in 1970, when more than Gemayel Sunday put off the start of in shades of red and rust add color to Williams St. (Eighth District) officers feel they must apprehend the siege wore masks because of the floor is covered in quarry tile in the winter. “He tends to keep it pretty the room. The floor in the entire with all kinds of fruit trees— peach, Monday, 6:31 a.m. — False alarm, Palestinians, today visited 10.000 Palestinians died in battles the planned disarming of 20,000 the suspect at all costs. The officers Palestine Liberation Organization stench coming from the decom- living area. “You can walk barefoot warm,” Eggen says with a laugh. living area is covered in quarry tile. apple, apricot and plum. There is a Manchester Memorial Hospital. with Jordanian troops and thousands Phalange Christian militias “due to feel psychologically that they are posing bodies. vegetable garden, too. “ In the fighters evacuated from Lebanon in more were forced out of the coun- the failure to complete the on the floor all winter long,” Wenzel The house is practical. The living (Town) not doing their job if they let the Heineman defended his decision says. area, actually a living room, dining THE KITCHEN IS small but ef- spring, we grow tomatoes, August, the Kuwaiti news agency try. crackdown in west Beirut,” the An suspect get away,” the report not to rush the compartment ficient. There are plenty of cabinets cucumbers and other vegetables in The six-point Israeli pullout plan, The Wenzels have a back-up gas area, and corridor-type kitchen, is KUNA said. Nahar newspaper said. quoted one police chief as saying. earlier. He said waiting a gunman and ample counter space. Sliding the greenhouse (to put later in the But in an interview with The New to be presented Thursday by furnace that can be turned on in the completely open, except for a half- Tolland County But the As Safir newspaper said Should a police officer pursue a out in a hostage situation is doors from the kitchen lead to a garden,) Mrs. Wenzel says. “I like York Times, Syrian Minister of In- Foreign Minister Yitzhak Shamir to winter if the family chooses to leave wall partition separa'ing the kitchen Friday, 9:42 p.m. Injured person. the postponement stemmed from motorist who runs a red light and sometimes the best thing to do. brick patio that runs half the length plants, and that’s what a greenhouse formation Ahmed Iskandar Ahmed Secretary of State Cleorge Shultz in the “refusal of the forces in east the house for a long period. But from the living room. Lake Street, Coventry. (South then refuses to pull over? No, says “It is a tactic that law enforce- otherwise, that gas furnace gets lit- The room has a beamed, of the house. is for.” challenged Arafat's “mandate” to Washington, said the “ first to Beirut to allow the army to disarm Coventry) Lieutenant Thomas Moore of the ment agencies... have adopted to tle use, because the Wenzels heat A large guest room and a small The Wenzels moved into their new negotiate for the Palestinians. leave” Lebanon will be the 10,000 the eastern neighborhoods,” where cathedral ceiling that adds to the Saturday, 12:26 a.m. — Hartford Police Department. “For eliminate the necessity for police to completely with the sun and with a spacious feel. A huge bow window in den are to the right of a corridor; solar home on a cold January day in “ We believe that nobody, un- PLO guerrillas there. many of the Phalange army are a moving violation, it’s not worth Amublance call. North River Road, ilaterally, has the mandate to speak Israel also demanded that Syria's be shot, for civilians to be shot, for wood stove in the open living area. the front is home to an array of lush to the left, in the back, is the master 1978. “We had quite a snow then, Coventry. (North and South Coven- based. it.” too,” Wenzel says, “and (the house) on the Palestinian issue, Ahmed 25.000 men will leave suspects to be shot,” Heineman What’s more, the house is so well ferns; through sliding doors to the bedroom, which also has a glass SOLAR GREENHOUSE IN BACK OF HOME try) Gemayel wants both the Christian But Brooks points out that the per- said. “There’s no point in shooting wasn’t finished. “But we worked said. “simultaneously” with Israeli insulated, and the solar collectors greenhouse in the back one can see a patio door. . . . the greenhouse warms living area Saturday, 1:57 a.m. — Car fire, east and Moslem west sectors of son who tries to escape police after someone you don’t have to shoot.” With all that glass, one would hard and kept warm.” And the sun The PLO chief late Sunday ad- troops, who invaded Lebanon June 6 Beirut cleared of illegal weapons do such a good job, that the Wenzels collection of cactus plants, several Wales Road, Andover. (Andover) a minor traffic violation has There had been speculation that think the Wenzels would roast has kept ihem warm since. dressed a rally of Palestinians in the in an operation that forced the before he meets President Reagan have to stockpile only a cord and a of which are about to bloom. An Sunday, 12:41 a.m. — Automobile probably done something else the shooting occurred on the Amtrak Jordanian capital, warning of a evacuation of PLO guerrillas from in Washington Oct. 19. accident, Talcottville Road, Coven- wrong. Perhaps he’s drunk, or his train Friday when Villabona possible confrontation with Israel in west Beirut, license is under suspension, or he’s try. (North and South Coventry) Lebanon's Bekaa Valley. He said he Israel Radio said Sunday that the became enraged over the crying of Sunday. 11:49 a.m. — chimney driving a stolen car. the baby. Police Maj. Tom Justice expected the battle “soon.” government already had discussed Twelve of the 39 U.S. vice “The question you. have to ask fire. Notch Road, Bolton. (Bolton) Hinting at progress in his talks said authorities believe the seige the creation of a 25-mile-deep buffer presidents have become presidents. yourself is, ‘Why is this guy run- with Hussein, Arafat said the im- zone, policed by the Lebanese army, began as a domestic dispute. mediate future would hold “huge with “top Lebanese leaders.” surprises and events” for the Israel’s plan, which the Cabinet Hiring workshop held Kids have their awn peculiar rules an tays Women to meet Palestinians, but gave ho clue as to will discuss again Wednesday, also what these would be. said there would be no withdrawal An Equal Employment Opportunity Awareness Jf ON Nov. 2nd. RE-ELECT J The Executive Board of the There was no official word on the until 11 captured Israeli troops are workshop was held for all town department and division There are only 73 more shopping days left until Manchester Junior Women's Club Arafat-Hussein meetings, but the repatriated and information is heads Friday. JUST RECENTLY a friend of ours gave the 5-year- 5“biz” swenssonJ (Christmas. Remember, please, you heard the news old a flashlight. If you’re ever stuck for a gift for a 5- will meet Tuesday at 8 p.m. at the Kuwaiti agency said they were provided on six other missing The workshop was conducted by Dennis Catlett, the here first. And if you’re already in a pickle trying to In fact, give a pre-school home of Mrs. Clifford Scorso, 126 believed to focus on a proposal by soldiers. EEO consultant from the Aetna Insurance Company. year-old. I’d like to recommend a flashlight. French Road. Bolton. Hussein, made public Sept. 20, for a In west Beirut, a Lebanese army The goals of the workshop were to make the depart- decide what to buy for your kids, try some of these Connections That light has been in his company for more than a child an eight-ounce con- Mrs. Charles Foley will be Jordanian-Palestinian confedera- raid on a luxury apartment block ment and division heads aware of the EEO laws and fool-proof suggestions. week. He sleeps with it, eats with it, and sits for hours || hostess. For more information call tion. netted a hoard of about $2 million legal requirements on the town and to sensitize them to The pleasure a child takes in a new plaything is in in- By Susan Plese just turning it off and on. tainer of yogurt, and he^s Jeanne Forschino, 647-9302, President Reagan’s recent Middl.e worth of forged travellers checks, the selection and subsequent treatment of employees. verse proportion to the money you spent on it. We dis- Herald Reporter I found him the other night in the den. door closed, East peace proposal called for self- Lebanese newspapers reported Additional seminars are planned in the future on affir- c o v e rt that our first Christmas with a 9-month old lights off, shining the flashlight into corners and governance by the Palestinians, un- today. yours for life. No one else mative action. child. across the room. He had been there for at least a half In typical new-parent form, we scoured the aisles of an hour, and he refused to come out. would want him, HeHl eat Volleyball starts Escapees sought THANKSGIVING ^ the toy department, looking for just the right things for He will sit in the closet with the light, too. If I told our precious baby. him to go in the closet to clean it, he’d scream. Give three ounces of it, then BOLTON — Volleyball for adult NOVENA TO ST. JUDE LEW ROME for GOVERNOR But they always preferred wearing the orange men and women will begin MONTVILLE (UPI) - State and local It had to be child proof, of course. It couldn't be kitchen colander on their heads. Must have been the him a flashlight and he’ll stay there for days, coming Wednesday at the high school, 7:30 police pressed their search today for three in- 0 holy M e. Aptstle and martyr, peat The public Is Invited to join decorated with paint that would rub off or flake in her ventilation, because they didn’t look nearly as hand- out only occasionally for peanut butter and apple juice. spend hours creatively mates who escaped from the Connecticut m nrtue and rich in m iradn: near kinsman p.m., and run weekly through the Lew Rome and other candidates for mouth. It couldn’t have small pieces that sne couiu some in plastic as they did in a Phillies hard hat. But the best toy we ever found we stumbled on by ac- winter. Correctional Center at Montville. of lesvs Chml faitMul mtercesser el all swallow or sharp edges she could fall on. cident. Several months ago my father showed us a dispensing with the rest. The three were discovered missing about ■he mvoke yew speciai aatrenace in time They got finger paints, too, when I was a young, There will be beginners, in- We settled on a blue, see-through ball. The bottom piece of cloth Venetian blinds. He was working on a ef neei Te yen I have recnmc fren the Happy Hour 5-7 p.m. gung-ho mother. But I needn’t have worried. They termediate and advanced teams. 10:30 p.m. Friday during a routine check at was weighted to keep it upright; the top half, encased the minimum security jail, a spokesman for depth ef my heart and Iwmbly bee never used the finger paints or that shiny paper that machine that would fold them. There is no charge to participate, Tuesday, October 12,1982 in heavy plastic, contained merry-go-round horses that blanket. There he is, surrounded by the toys of three the state Corrections Department said. G«d has pren wch peat paver te came le I came-with it. They preferred to finger paint on my an- Well, my little boy was fascinated. So much, in fact, except to bring gym clothes. rocked back and forth and jingled when they rocked. children and 12 Christmases, and he's sitting on the Area town residents are invited to They were identified as George Gaffey, 23, my assistance Help me in my present and tique wooden table with strawberry yogurt. that his grandfather cut a portion off the sample for vrfent petitian In return I premise la make Flano’s Restaurant floor clutching a mangy green cloth and a blue participate. For morq information, of Old Lyme, serving a 2-to 5-year sentence WE STILL HAVE that ball. It has weathered three In fact, give a pre-school child an eight-ounce con- him. That was months ago, and that dog-eared piece of year name kna«n and caase yau to be in- flashlight with faltering batteries. call Rod Johnson at 647-1689. for probation violation; William Kueer, 27, of children. That’s because they never played with it. The tainer of yogurt, and he’s yours for life. No one else folded green cloth is still around. Clinton, serving a 2‘-4-to 5-year term for third vaked. Route 6, Bolton J only thing that interested them was the cardbbard box would want him. He’ll eat three ounces of it, then Nathaniel packed it in his little suitcase and took it When you think about it, that’s pretty encouraging. degree burglary and a six-month sentence for Say three ’H w Fathen. Three Had Marys YOUR FULL TIME Donations $5.00 per person the ball came in, and that wore out midway through spend hours creatively dispensing with the rest. on vacation. I’ve found it under the sheets in his bed. In It takes so little to amuse a child. You can take back escape, and Lawrence Levasseur, serving a and GMrias" hiMieatian amst be premised. Now You Know ^ STATE REPRESENTATIVE A half ounce goes in his ears. Two ounces can be shot the drawer with the knives and forks. In the toybox and all those electric race tracks, pin bail machines, Bar- 2*A-year sentence for second degree larceny. $t. Jnde pray far as and al vhe mvaka year Tickets available at the door or call child number two. ^ T " For Abnantee Ballots or Ridas To Tha Polls, F^lasaa Call from a spoon at his brother who’s doing math back seat of the car and in the pocket of his parka. It’s bie doll houses and 96-piece tea sets. After Sir Isaac Newton had been Corrections Department spokesman Gary aii Amen. This nevena has neWr been Larry Flano at 649-5371 or ^ 646-0065 or 646-6900. We’ve had similar experiences with other articles. never far from him, and when he misplaces it there Just make sure you keep the boxes they came in. dead almost 100 years, an English Jenkins said the three lived in a unit outside knann te fad. I have had my rap We bought the children cute little hats to wear when homework. An ounce is smeared on the toaster. The Larry Converse at 646-3117 ^ Paid Pot By: Com m ttlaa to Ra-Etod Bwanaaon; And stock up on flashlight batteries. Come school nobleman bought one of his teeth the security area of the jaii reserved for in- panted. ^ Faya Lawranoa, Traaaurar. ^ they were babies— bonnets, baseball caps, sailor hats, rest goes to lubricate the hydraulic system of his dump are tears and wails. vacation, you’ll be glad you did. and had it set in a ring. mates with trustee status. fire chief and football helmets — the works. truck. I think, in fact, it’s become something of a security MANCHESTER HERALD. Mon., Oct. 11,. 1962 - 13</p><p>12 - MANCHESTER HERALD, Mon., Oct. 11, 1982</p><p>About Town Flat earther says Columbus proved world flat</p><p> ranging from the Moon landing to LANCASTER, Calif. (U PI) - Columbus, whose day it is on the round, not tlat. scholarly world so badly, says John- Force Base, the world does appear be speaker for the Saturday morning meeting. Charles Johnson insisU he’s on the calendar today, is one of Johnson’s “ Columbus Is one of our heroes son, that Isaac Newton was forced flat. the Space Shuttle program. Hill elected president Insulin pump is topic To register for the conference, contact toe adult level; the world is “ flat as a penny.” super-heroes. because be didn’t fall off — gravity to invent gravity to explain it. When pressed to explain just education director of toe local public schools, or contact The S8-year-oId president of the “ Contrary to the history books,” wasn’t invented yet. There was no “ Newton hatched the idea of what, exactly, Columbus proved “ The space program should be Mark W. Hill was elected president of the Manchester One of the latest innovations in the control of diabetes, Gerald Nolan, president of CAPSAE in Hamden. 2,000-member Flat Earth Society, Johnson said Sunday from his five- gravity in Columbus’ day. gravity, to explain Irving’s round- with his historic voyage, Johnson ended,” he says. “ The whole thing is Public Health Nursing the insulin pump, will be discussed at the’ Oct. 19 whose membership boasU several acre Mojave Desert ranch, “ we "E very public school in America earth claim.” states: “ He demonstrated simply a hoax. It is simply a case of Association at the agen- meeting of the East of the River Diabetes Club. The “ enlightened” airline piloU, spends claim Columbus proved the world says Columbus proved toe world Johnson was born and raised in that the seas are level. After all, everything that goes up eventually cy’s annual luncheon Oct. Bridge results listed meeting will be at 7:30 p.m. at Manchester Memorial each day of toe year trying to prove flat. It’s a simple matter of logic. was a ball. But that notion comes’ Texas before his family moved to w e’ve always used the term sea comes down. It doesn’t orbit. What 5. Hospital. The following are toe results of the Oct. 1 games of the toe world is not round. “ At toe time Columbus made his from American writer Washington San Francisco and then 25 years level, right?” we see on television are pre- Hill, who is retired Sue Bates, research nurse at Yale-New Haven Johnson, who publishes the arranged movies made in studios.” Center Bridge Club: And Columbus Day gives him an voyage everyone believed toe world Irving, who actually originated toe later to the Southern California from T ra velers In - Medical Center, will explain her own personal use of toe North-South: Mr. and Mrs. C.D. McCarthy, first; Mr. opportunity to point out toe absurdi- was a ball, except for Columbus. claim that Columbus proved toe desert. Indeed, from Johnson’s quarterly Flat Earth News, scoffs surance Co., is a driver insulin pump as well as the current research regarding But why would the United States and Mrs. Donald Weeks, second; and Anne DeMartin ty behind toe popular notion of They were afraid they would fall off world is a ball.” porch overlooking the sun-scorched at round-earth detractors who point for the Red Cross and is it. to American ventures into space perpetuate such a “ myth?” and Mollie Timreck, third. round-earthers. In fact, Christopher toe edge of toe earth because It was And Irving’s claim shook up toe desert floor near Edwards Air an active member of the Ms. Bates supervises a research project involving 60 East-West: Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Goldberg, first; Burt American Association of people, including children and pregnant women. Smyth and Dick Jaworowski, second; and Anne Davis Retied Persons. He is The East of the River club is sponsored by and Andrew Studely, third. serving his second term Manchester Memorial Hospital and the American as president of the nur- Diabetes Association, Connecticut affiliate. The group Advice sing organization. meets on the third Tuesday of each month in the con- Club sponsors film Other officers are ference rooms of the hospital. Meetings are free and Russell Camp, vice presi- open to anyone interested. For more information call Daughters of the British Empire of Connecticut will dent; Mrs. Charles 236-1948. sponsor a documentary on Britain’s Royal River Oct. 24 Carroll, recording at 2 p.m. at Windsor Public Library, 323 Broad St. What is 'provocative'? secretary; Robert The film will take viewers on a trip through Windsor, Mirante, treasurer, and Candidate lunch slated Henley, Eton, Oxford, and Hampton Court Palace and Mrs. David Rubm, assis- Manchester Board of Realtors will sponsor a “ Meet gardens and to interesting riverside inns. tant treasurer Mark W. Hill Your Candidate’’ luncheon on Oct. 21 at noon at Willie’s A donation of $7.50 will be asked. Proceeds will go to It's in eye of the beholder ■Jl aid the Victoria Home for Retired Men and Women in Steak House, 444 Center St. Girls Friendly plan supper The cost of the luncheon will be $6.25. Reservations Ossining, N.Y. can be made by calling 646-2450. Checks should be made For reservations and tickets contact Mrs. Alex The Girls Friendly Society Sponsors will have a someone else what decisions he or payable to the Manchester Board of Realtors. Patrick, treasurer, of 187 Tudor Lane. Tea time will be DEAR AB B Yi The letter signed potluck supper Friday at 6:30 p.m. in the parish hall of she should make, I wish I could send The topic the candidates will speak on will be “ Chief about 4 p.m. There will be door prizes awarded. “Grandma,” suggesting that St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, them my son for a month. Let them Problems Facing the State of Connecticut.” Carl women who are ra p ^ “ asked for it” Each member should bring a covered dish. Dessert Dear live with toe problems that never Zinsser, Republican candidate for re-election to toe bv wearine provocative clothinR. and beverages will be served by Helen Olsen, Nedra Family plan classes set prompts this letter. Your answer end, the grief I feel, have always State Senate, and Stephen Penny, Democratic can- Miller, Elsie Lewis, Ethel Rollason and Lorraine Han- (rape is a crime of violence, Abby felt, and will until toe day I die. Just didate, will speak. The Couple to Couple League of Connecticut Valley, son. A business meeting will follow the supper. designed to humiliate and setting these thoughts down on Candidates for state representative who will be an interfaith, international organization, will sen sor a Abigail dominate), was right on, but you paper starts toe tears to flowing. • ■ ■ • ■Si speaking are; Donald F. Bates, John Thompson, James series of classes on the modern sympto-thermal method DAR supper Thursday must admit that women (and some Van Buren There is no place in society for McCavanagh, and Daniel Moore, Democrats; and of natural family planning. men, too!) do dress provocatively In these mentally handicapped people. Walter Joyner, J. Peter Fusscas, Robert Forrest, and Classes will start Oct. 24 at 2 p.m. m the cafeteria of The Orford Parish of Daughters of the American an effort to entice certain They need their own community Elsie Swensson, Republicans. St. James School, 73 Park St. Pre-registration is Revolution will have its annual potluck suoner Thursday relationships — but only on their where they could be with their own Candidates for Judge of Probate, Judge William required. at 6 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Charles Treat, 6 Hebron own terms, with toe consenting kind and not feel different. They Fitzgerald, Democrat, and William Diana, Republican, ’The sympto-thermal method is termed a highly effec- time he was rejected by his peers Road in Bolton. partner of their choice. could be sterilized so they could love will also speak. tive alternative to artificial means of birth control. and adults. Mary Mayo and hostesses will provide desserts. If a merchant were to display and marry. They have feelings, too! There will be a question and answer period. Members Classes are open to married and engaged couples of all Out of a family of seven children, Members are asked to bring a salad or hot dish. goods attractively, hoping to entice They aren’t capable of raising LYNNE GUSTAFSON PINS EAGLE BADGE and guests of the Board of Realtors and the general faiths. To register call Bill and Kathy Siddons, 89 only one brother acknowledges his Members may also bring clean used clothing for use in interest in his merchandise, no one children, but I ’m sure a howl would son Stephen Is recipient, father Carl looks on public, are invited. To make reservations call 646-2450. Tanner St., CCL certified instructors. existence. The others ignore him, the DAR Indian schools. would say “ he asked for it” if a be raised if they were rendered in- forgetting birthdays and Christmas. Dr. Melvin Horwitz will speak on the Israel question. burglar broke in and sized toe goods capable of becoming parents. My son has no friends, and spends so without complying with toe contrac- When you live with these Town woman elected much time alone that when he does Bridge results listed tual terms of sale. problems 24 hours a day, you think Evalyn Preston of Manchester has been elected see another human being, besides of mercy killing and suicide, but Gustafson becomes Eagle Scout DOUGLAS D. IN SHERMAN Results of the Manchester AM Bridge Club play on LTM sets open casting toe small circle he lives in, he treasurer and is a charter member of the newly OAKS. CAUF. that takes more courage than I Oct. 4 are as follows; chatters constantly and drives organized chapter of the PEG Sisterhood. have. Jason Norris was raised to 2nd Robert Dickson and Curt Mahlstedt; North and south—Ann McLaughlin and Mary Corkum, Open casting for toe Little Theater of Manchester’s DEAR DOUGLAS: How does everyone away. Stephen L. Gustafson of 49 Oak The chapter was organized on Oct. 2 at Rockville This problem ruined my class; Scoft Misage, Tenderfoot; Cooking: David Dickson, Curt first, and Bill Odette and Margaret Bqgue, second. February production of “ A Man for all Seasons” is one define “ provocative” ? It could He knows that he is “ different,” Drive, Hebron, of Troop 126, United Methodist Church. PEO Sisterhood is a marriage. I also know other and Kevin O’Connell. Star; David M ahlst^t, Kevin O'Connell, and East and west—Donna Feir and Ellen Goldberg, first, scheduled for Oct. 14 and Oct. 17 at 7:30 p.m. at toe LTM mean something different to each and he is very unhappy. He once Emanuel Lutheran Church, philanthropic organization interested in bringing women t marriages that have collapsed un- Dickson, Life. Jason Sharp. and Mary Wilhide and Sally Heavisides, second. headquarters, 22 Oak Street. man. There are “leg” men, saved up a lot of vitamins (he knew Manchester, was raised to the rank increased, opportunities for higher education. der toe burden. It has made family Merit badges for swimming went •Skill Awards: Scott Misage, Oct. 6 results were north and south —Mary McCarthy they were called “ pills” ) until he of Eagle Scout at recent It was originally founded as a college sorority at Iowa There are roles for 11 men and three women. ’The play Photos by Santamarla “ breast” men, “ fanny” men, and and friends disappear. to: Jason Sharp, Brian Rockefeller, Robert Sharp, Jason Norris and and Sally Heavisides, first, and Mary Corkum and Ann men who are turned on by a pouty thought he had enough to commit ceremonies. Wesleyan College. will be directed by Ernest Cirillo. For additional infor- I could write a book on toe sub- Robert Sharp, Jim Colletti, and William Caouette, cooking; Jason DeMartin, second. mouth, blond hair, or you name it. suicide. Elizabeth Rousseau of Manchester is chaplain of the mation, call Adrienne Bletchman at 646-5237. - ject. Any small pleasures you may Scott Misage. Norris and Scott Misage, hiking; East and west—Jim Baker and Joyce Rossi, first, and After school sunshine Perhaps we should emulate Iran’s I can’t let him go out alone, as he He is a 1982 graduate of RHAM new chapter. find in a child like this are washed Rowing: Jim Colletti and Robert William Caouette, Scott Misage, Morris Kamins and Murray Powell, second. Ayatollah Khomeini, and insist that is tormented or taken advantage of High School and has enlisted in the Youngsters at Nathan Hale School stayed, away by bigger problems later on. Dickson; Environmental Science: Jason Norris, Robert Sharp, and our women be covered from head to sexually. Do all these do-gooders un- U.S. Navy under the delayed entry after school last week but nobody com- , p r o g r a m . Robert Dickson; Pioneering: Karl Henderson, camping. Dental hygeniests to meet Fetish night planned Button society to meet plained. The reason? A visit from the Old toe in black wool, with only holes for derstand all toe problems that go These facts need to be put before the eyes. ’Then they would be rape- along with retardation? Would they people so they can see the situation FARMINGTON — The Hartford Dental Hygiene WEST HARTFORD — The Hartford Jewish Com- SOUTHINGTON - T h e Connecticut State Button Timers, part of the Sunshine Group of the proof — unless, of course, one runs take someone like my son and care from another point of view. Association will meet Oct. 19 at 7:30 p.m. in the Manchester Senior Center. Andy Lamoureux munity Center, 335 Bloomfield Ave., West Hartford, will Society will meet O ct 16 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the into an “ eye” man. for him forever? LOS ANGELES MOTHER Man to write two books about trek McManus Room at toe University of Connecticut Health sponsor a Chocolate Fetish Night Oct. 17 at 7 p.m. at the Howard Johnson conference room, exit 32 off 1-84 in of 34 Victoria Road taught first grader The small number of people who M ARBLEHEAD, Mass. (UPI) - for youngsters. Center in Farmington. Center. Southington. Matthew Clark of 78 Florence St. how to play DEAR ABBY: I am writing this would deserve sainthood. Most who If you hate to write letters Marblehead, said Sunday the idea of Members of Hartford Operation Crime Fight will dis- A 24-year-old man who spent 476 All single adults are invited. Those attending are The business meeting is at 1 p.m. Dealers will be pre- the bones. Later Helen Bumfored of 53 for those who think it is immoral to open their mouths would disappear because you don’t know what to say, Jay Johnson, 24, said he undertook the trip came to him while he was a days on a 10.000-mile bicycle-hiking- cuss assault prevention. All dental hygienists are in- asked to bring their favorite kosher chocolate dish. sent. Prospective members are welcome, and admis- Sunset St. played the harmonica. About 100 destroy an imperfect fetus. I have a if they were called upon to help. I send for Abby’s complete booklet on his voyage which he completed late senior at Cornell University in New sion is free. For additional information, call 668-5928. boat odyseey that took him from vited to attend. There will be music, pool, ping pong and a social time. children took part. 30-year-old mentally retarded son know, as I have asked for help, and letter-writing. Send $2 and a long, last month to ' ‘show others what you York. When he was graduated from Those bringing kosher chocolate to share will be ad- whose life has been nothing but grief have been turned down with some stamped (37 cents), self-addressed Maine to British Columbia says he can do if you put your mind on it.” colllege in 1980, he spent a year Library plans movie mitted free. Otherwise the charge will be $3. No ad- now plans to write two books on his for bim and us. I could handle the fine-sounding excuses. envelope to Abby, Letter Booklet, Johnson, who currently lives in working to earn money for the trip. vance reservations are necessary. For more informa- Every time 1 read letters from all P.O. ^ x 38923, Hollywood, Calif. journey — one for adults, the other ‘"Those Magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines,” problem when he was a child, tion call the Center, 236-4571. 90038. will be the movie shown at Whiton Memorial although I cried with him every these busybodies who would tell Auditorium, 100 N. Main St., Wednesday at 7 p.m. Births This is a 1.965 film in color, starring Sarah Miles, Flu clinics scheduled Robert Morley and Stuart Whitman. SPECTACULAR This is one of the series of regular Wednesday night Manchester Public Health Nursing Association and Darling, Amy Lee, Whitlemore, Brian' Drive, South Windsor. Manchester. His paternal: Manchester Health Department will sponsor a series of Physical therapy needed movies. It is in addition to the seven weeks of children’s daughter of Steven Alan Robert, son of Barry C a plan, William grandparents are Mr. and movies shown at 3:30 p.m., on Wednesdays at Whiton. flu vaccine clinics during the month of November. and Heidi Hesselbach Edward and Paula Lee Cox Benjam in, son of Neal Ernest Adamcek of ONE WEEK Annual vaccination of high risk persons is Darling of 18 ’Trotter St., Whittemore of 2 Loveland Howard and Mary Ser' Glastonbury. Golden Age to meet recommended. This includes those over age 65 and those was born Sept. 9 at Hill Road, Vernon, was noffsky Caplan of 19 Foster chronically ill with heart disease, lung or kidney dis- Prior, Carrie Louise, to maintain joint flexibility Manchester Memorial born Sept. 13 at St., was iMrn Sept. 19 at Golden Age Club will meet at the Manchester Senior ease, diabetes mellitus, anemia, cancer or disorders of Hospital. Her maternal Manchester Memorial Manchester Memorial daughter of John T. Prior Center, East Middle Turnpike, Wednesday at 1 p.m. nerves or muscles. grandmother is Judith M. Hospital. His maternal Sospifal His matorial Wil>»n Prior On Nov. 9 the following clinics will be conducted; 8:30 Hesselbach of 8^ Lydall St. grandparents are Malcolm grandparenU are Robert ’ DEAR DR. LAM B: I have suf- Herald, P.O. Box 1551, Radio City bom Aug. 31 at Manchester to 9 a.m., second floor conference room of Lincoln Her paternal grandparents B. Cox of Andover and B. Semoffsky of East Hart fered from osteoarthritis since my Station, New York, N.'Y. 10019. Parents warned about berries ’ Memorial Hospital. Hef SALE! Center, for high risk town employees; 10:30 to 10:45 are Mr. and Mrs. John T. ford and the late Shirley G late 30s and I ’m now 77. The doctor Maureen G. O’Connor of DEAR DR. LAMB: My husband FARMINGTON — The Connecticut Poison Center of a m.. Squire Village, 48 Spencer St., high risk adults, in- Buehler of Main' Street. Glastonbury. His paternal Semoffsky. His paternal maternal grandparents are who first tr e a ty me told me I would Your - Mr. and Mrs. Russeil and I would like to start a family. the University of Connecticut Health Center warns cluding elderly; 11 to 11:15 a.m., Spencer Village, Her great-grandparents grandparents are Mr. and grandparents are David always suffer pain but would never However, he had a vasectomy prior parents npt to allow children to eat wild berries. Pascal Lane, high risk adults and elderly; and 1 to 1:30 are Gladys Meyer, Eleanor Mrs. Kenneth Lawson of L d Leah Caplan of West W.lson of IM Plymouth become a criple. His prediction has Health ^ ILane. o n c i Her1-1OT* rvnto paternal 1 grand:f n < o « i / 4 _ to our meeting. We would like to The center said that every year at this time brings a p.m., Mayfair Gardens, 211-215 N. Main St., high risk Williams, and Mr. and Manchester. Hartford. been true so far. %-■ parents are Ethel Prior of Lawrence know if a vasectomy can be flood of calls about ripened berries. Most poisoning in- adults and elderly. Mrs. John Buehler. Beaulieu, Sarah Marie, T ripoli. Mark For toe past six years I have suf- risL t *11211 n Homestead u iiic a v c d u ou. St. caiiu and reversed. If not, can physicians cidents involve curious children. On Nov. 16: 9 to 11 a m.. Senior Citizen Center, 549 E. Tanner, Jason daughter of James and fered excruciating pain in my right Lamb, M.D. Thomas, son of Lawrence .. rp ir.* extract sperm from where it is Pokeweed berries are considered the most dangerous Middle Turnpike, and 12:45 to 1:15 p.m., Westhill Nicholas, son of Austin Diane Dolan Beaulieu of 40 leg, which I feel is not arthritic. ’The produced and artificially inseminate according to Dennis Crean, poison information Gardens, 24 Bluefield Drive, both for high risk adults Nicholas and Susan Carroll Strawberry Lane, was bom onS"^!nl‘at paternal ^t:a i^ it is is being controlled with, a woman? specialist. He said in 90 percent of the cases berry and elderly. Tanner of 97 Main St., was Sept. 9 at M anchester born Sept. 23 at ^‘"5medicine. The pain centers mostly poisoning isn’t serious and can be treated at home with Health officials said influenza vaccine isn’t born Sept. 17 at Memorial Hospital. Her Manchester Memorial ’ Deerfield Drive and in toe side of toe calf area but also o f f DEAR READER: Anyone having 2 0^ advice given over the phone. recommended for those who develop swelling of toe lips Hospital. His maternal her paternal great- emanates from toe hip area and Manchester Memorial maternal grandmother is toe lower spine, sacroiliac joint a vasectomy should consider it a Crean said the eating of five or more pokeberries or tongue when they eat eggs or for those who grandparents are Mildred g^a'tmotoer is Virgima down the entire leg. Hospital. His m aternal Anna Dolan of Manchester, (sacrum and iliac part of pelvis) permanent means of birth control. warrants medical attention. Other wild berries that experience shortness of breath or collapse because of and Ernest Partridge of Prior of Homestead Street. ' I find it eases toe pain to bend everything grandparents are Mr. and Her paternal grandparents from arthritis are toe most common However, depending on the type of shouldn’t be eaten are yew berries, bittersweet, and any sensitivity to eggs. Rabbit Trail, Coventry. Hi*a, Elizabeth Jane, slightly forward while walking. Of Mrs. Leslie Carroll of 380 are Albert and Rita ceuse of sciatic nerve involvement. vasectomy performed, some vasec- unidentified berries. A donation of $3 will be accepted toward toe cost of E. Center St. daughter of Michael Hiza course, I limp and now find it in- Beaulieu of Madawaska, His paternal grandparenU Degeneration of the joints in toe tomies can be reversed. ‘This in- ’The poison center can be reached, night or day, by the vaccine supplies. Transportation to the Senior Claverle, Michael Maine. She has three are Joseph and Clover and Pamela Schmidt Hiza creasingly difficult to straighten up a t Jo-Ann Fabrics lower spine may also cause nerve volves reconnecting the two ends of calling 674-3456. Center on Oct. 16 can be arranged by calling 647-3211 no W allace Albert, son of brothers, David, 8; of 115 Carriage Drive, was as I walk. As a result I walk like a Tripoli of North Windham. pressure and symptoms. toe very small tube (va deferens) later than 11 a.m. on Nov. 15. Ronald James and Claudia Michael, 4, and John, 2. He has a brother, bom Aug. 25 at Manchester doddering old woman. I ’d like you to see a specialist in that were cut. Save on our entire stock Phone-A-Ride can provide transportation to other Christopher Frank, 3Vi, Memorial Hospital. Her ■ The physician I now visit regular- Auxiliary to meet Nancy Bean Claverle of 7 Ryan Norman, physical medicine and get some It is difficult to do such minute of regularly-priced merchandise — sites by calling 646-2774 at least 24 hours in advance. Joan Circle, was bom Sept, son o f Norman and and two sisters. Karen maternal grandparenU arp ly claims it to be from toe sciatic physical therapy. You want to avoid surgery and some skilled with toe Anderson-Shea Auxiliary 2046 will meet Tuesday at Mr. and Mrs. C. Norman berve. I would greatly appreciate everything in the store! 14 a t M a n c h e s t e r Deborah Haasen Jones of Eilene, 6, and Sheila permanent bending forward at your use of microscopic surgery claim to 7:30 p.m. at the Post Home, 608 E. Center St. Schmidt of West any advice you can offer. Sale ends Saturday, October 16th. School sets open house Memorial Hospital. His 12 O Maple St., was bom Michelle, 4. ])ip area. Heat and stretching may have better result than surgery There will be a teacup auction and members are maternal grandparents are Sept. 9 at M anchester Moynihan, Scott San- Hempstead, Long Island, D EAR READER: Considering also help make you feel more com- without toe microscope. asked to bring auction items. Plans will be made for the Wallace N. and Virginia D. Memorial Hospital. His ford, son of ’Thomas and N.Y. Her paternal grand- Even if toe tubes are successfully Highland Park School will have an open house on Oct. toe many years of arthritis you have fortable. Talk to your doctor about it tag sale to be sponsored by the Post and Auxiliary on Bean of Drain, Ore. His maternal grandparents are Denise Jones Moynihan of parenU are Mr. and Mrs. 19 starting at 6:30 p.m. experienced you have really done a ^ SM if you can arrange for some reu nite, that is no guarantee toe all fashion fabrics, new Oct. 16 at the Post Home. paternal grandparents are M r. and M rs. Vernon 105 Spring Trail,'Coventry, Pete Hiza of Johnson City, man will produce enough healthy Parents and children are invited to attend. rather well. help to maintain your flexibility and Items for the tag sale can be left at the Post Home on Albert B. and Mirzalee A. Hansen of 30 S. Hawthorne was born Sept. 22 at N.Y. She has a sister, Kelly The pain as you describe it may be full degree of motion. sperm to induce pregnancy. But it winter arrivals and basics Oct. 15. Claverle of Benicia, Calif, st. His paternal grand- Manchester Memorial Lynn, 3. caused by your osteoarthritis. The Meanwhile, to bring you up to date does happen. Week to be observed He has tw o b roth ers, parents are Mr. and Mrs. Hospital. His paternal Vassallo, Christina degeneration and regrowto of bone I am sending you my recent issue of Your chances of success with James-Pierre, 4, and Paul Kenneth Jones of 195 grandmother is Dorothy reuniting toe tubes is far better than Rummage sale Wednesday M ERIDEN — Adult Education Week will be observed Maria, daughter 'b'f tissue may cause bones spurs that The Health Letter 20-2, all patterns Andrew, 2, and a sister, McKee St. Moynihan of Barry Road, attempting to obtain sperm. The in Connecticut the week of Oct. 18 to 22.-’The Connecticut Michael and Martha Impinge upon nerve fibers that go to Osteoarthritis; Degenerative Joint The Sisterhood of Temple Beth Sholom will sponsor a Aimee Claudine, 6. Schauster, Peter Leo, Coventry. He has a sperm cells are microscopic part of Education Association for Public School Adult Educa- Legeyt Vassallo of Chester your thigh and down to your foot. Disease. Others can send 75 cents rummage sale Wednesday at the temple, 400 E. Middle Davis Tricia Anne, son of Richanl and Marie brother, Jonathan, 6. toe ejaculate and are not withdrawn tion will sponsor a kick-off conference on Oct. 15 and 16 Drive, was bom Sept. 12 at This is toe sciatic nerve and that is with a long, stamped, self-addressed I all notions, trims Turnpike. daughter of Donald petrone Schauster of Adamcek, Christopher 5t. Francis Hospital and as if taking a blood sample. at the Yale Inn in Meriden. why it is called sciatica. Changes in envelope for it to. me, in care of toe The doors will be open to the public from 11 a.m. to 4 Thomas and Joyce Comber porter Street, was bora John, son of Richard S. Medical Center. Her and accessories U.S. Congressman Lawrence J. DeNardis will speak p.m. The sale will feature a wide selection of items for Davis of 694 Keeney St., Sept. 11 at Manchester and Barbara Joyal maternal grandparenU are at the Friday night banquet. A1 Terzi of Channel 8 will the entire family. was born Sept. 21 at Memorial Hospital. His Adamcek of Old Colchester Lydia Legeyt of Social Security M anchester M em o ria l maternal grandparents are Road, Amston, was bom Manchester and Dwight • all decorator fabrics Hospital. Her maternal M r. and Mrs. Peter Sept. 16 at Manchester Legeyt of East Hartfi^. grandparenU are Edward Petrone of 193 Spring St. Memorial HospiUl. His Her paternal grundmother Service N otes and Anne Comber of 111 His paternal grandparenU maternal grandparenU are is Ann Vassallo of Hartford Campfield Road. Her are Mr. and Mrs._Joseph Mr. and Mrs. John H. Kane She has a brother, Michael, Benefits split among family paternal grandparenU are schauster of 22 Cumberland of 434 Gardner St.. 12, and a sUter, Nicole. 8. Donald and Arlene Davis of st. He has a brother West Hartford. She has a Joseph, 9; and th re e * Editor's note: this column is benefit if toe worker is retired or AN SW ER: You can make your MacDonald commissioned Pickett reports for duty brother, Kristoitoer, 3. sisters, Heidi, 11; Amy, 8, prepared by the Social Security disabled and 75 percent if toe reports by telephone, mail or in per- Kinne, Jennifer Tracy, and Emily, 5. Administration in East Hartford. worker is deceased, up to a family son, whichever is easiest for you. If McCall‘s Marine Lance Cpl. Eldward J. Pickett lU , son of Shiela Navy Ensign Stephen E. MacDonald, son of Mr. and daughter of Robert P yk in s Hammiek, Kelly C o lle g e N o te If you have a question you'd like maximum. Once the family you report in writing, be sure to in- 1010 7686 Pickett of 24 Hawthorne St. has reported for duty with Ikl07981 Mrs. John H. MacDonald of 158 McKee St., has been and Tracy Johnson Kinne Marie, daughter of Garry 10 see answered here, write to Sal maximum, or limit, is reached, toe clude toe name of the person toe toe 2nd Marine Division at Camp Lejeune, N.C. commissioned in his present rank upon graduation from of 200 Fieldstone Lane, p. and Karen Craig Ham- Anello, 637 Main St., East Hart- benefits are unlit e q ^ y among toe report is about, toe correct Social Officer Candidate School of toe Naval Elducation and Coventry, was bora Sept, mick of Talcottville Road, ford. entitled members, th e maximum is Seucurity claim number under 0 »n »d and opwoWd by fotKtCvnwn o< Amwlco. me ’Training Center, Newport, R.I. 11 a t Manchester Vernon, was bora Sept. 21 usually reached wben three family which payment is made, toe change Fay parficipotes in exercisefs Students make dean’s list Q U E STIO N : How much is toe Memorial Hospitol. Her at Manchester Memorial m m b ers get benefits. being reported and toe date it oc- parent’s Social Security benefit as Marine Lance Cpl. Kevin M. Fay, son of Mr. and Mrs. maternal grandparenU are Hospital. Her maternal T h e following Manchester residenU have been, named QUES'nON: 1 know I’ m sup- curred, and your signature and ad- Griffin In exercises compared to toe worker and toe Manchest er Par kade Kenneth Fay of Deborah Drive, Coventry, recently par- Mr. and Mrs. Charles John- grandparenU are Ronald to toe dean's list at Elastera Connecticut State College posed to report any changes that dress. The address and phone S4B Broad 8L, Manchastar Marine Pfc. Michael P. Griffin, son of William minor childroi? ticipated in two major NATO exercises. He is a member son of 105 Chestnut St., and M a i^ e rite Craig of 31 fbr the spring semest^: might affect my SSI payments, but number of toe local Social SMurity 643-4305 Cutress of 16 Lawton Road, recently participated in two of 4th Battalion, lOto Marines, 4to Marine Amphibious Manchester. Her paternal Delmont St., Manchester, Cynthia Doucette, Susan Granquist, Susan McClain, ANSWER: A mother or father bow do I report? Can 1 do it by office are listed in toe telephone major NATO exercises in Denmark and West Germany. Brigade, Camp Lejeune, N.C. grandmother is Alice Her paternal grandparenU John Walrath, and Elizabeth Young. and children are each entitled 50 phone, or do I have to send in a directory under “ Social Security He is a member of Battalion Landing Team 3/8, 24th ■ ’The exercise, “ Northern Wedding,” was conducted in Kinne, 200 Fieldstone are Fred and Maureen Bolton students are: Margaret Marshall and percent of the worker’s basic written report? Administration.” Marine Amphibious Unit, Camp Lejeune, N.C. Denmark and “ Bold Guard,” in West Germany. Lane, Coventry. Hammiek of Benedict Katherine Nielsen.</p><p> i MANCHESTER HERALD, Mon., Oct. 11, 1982_;:;_UL 14 M A NCHESTER HER A1,1 ^ l o n ., (X't J II, 19B2 Qualify of life under Reagan Cards, Brewers advance to Series leg) N.Y. man: Better times due SPORTS Page 16</p><p>Editor's note: This is one of a four years of bungling by Jimmy the economic times, making his with Congress, Walegur forsees a Series on what Americans think Carter. business relatively safe from infla- stronger economy based on a whim- about their lives under the "You can’t say I’m a conservative tion and recession. There is a slight sical link between economics and fashion. Allen's TD runs Keaftan administration. or a liberal or a Democrat or a impact, however. By William C. Trott Republican. It depends on the “It hasn’t affected me personally “I base it on hemlines. Women’s United Press International issue,” he said. “ I went with too much in any way,” he said. “But hemlines are coming up, dresses are NEW YORK — With a devotion to Reagan to get Carter out of there. I’ve had people who work for me getting shorter again. I see it right health food and meditation, Ed Carter should have been a pastor or here who just talked negative all the here,” he said, pointing out the win- Walegur is hardly a typical Ronald something. We dropped so much in time about the economy. I try to be dow to First Avenue. ‘‘’There are Reagan supporter but he is willing world esteem with him. We lost positive. trends and studies that show margin for Tribe to give Reagan’s economic policies Afghanistan, we lost in Iran.” “I find that a person who comes in whenever skirts get shorter, the a chance. If nothing else, Walegur says, here might cut back slightly — go on economy improves. Congress, with its re-election con- Reagan’s efforts to strengthen the more fasts, eat more salads, sciousness, is to blame for the economy have given thany something like that.” “Why it works — damned if I By Len Auster nation’s economic problems — not Americans p boost. Regardless of how Reagan fares know. But it does.” Herald Sportswriter the president, Walegur says., “Under Reagan you have to say They seemed to be going nowhere. "I think a monkey could run the there’s been improvement over That for the longest stretch of time. nation,” he said at his Here’s to what Carter did,” he said. "With Emotional abuse may be worse Your Health Natural Food Store. Carter the prime interest rate got And then, before you really have a chance to comprehend what struck, "It’s Congress that rules It. We give up to 22, 23 percent and it crippled LINCOLN, Neb. (UPI) - negative comparisons can be even like an unexpected lightning bolt, these people the money and they do the building industry, crippled the Emotional a|)use nady cause more more damaging to a child, Lingren what they want with it. Congress car industry. Inflation now is only says. So can ignoring the youngster boom. long-term damage to a child’s men- That's what Manchester High did hasn’t given Reagan enough of a going up in drips and drabs but then or being inconsistent or severely tal health than physical abuse, says to Fermi High Saturday at wind- shot to try all these policies. again unemployment is up. But then a family life specialist. restricting a child. "I say give him a chance — give Parents should never say, “What a swept Memorial Field. you have to remember the old cliche Most people think of child abuse In Two successive touches of the anybody a chance. We’ve been doing sloppy outfit,” or “You dummy, you — it’s always darkest before the terms of severe physical punish- pigskin by Mark Allen in the fourth UPI photo the same stuff for 20 years and it can do better than that,” he adds. dawn.” ment, such as a black eye, cut lip or quarter produced TD sojourns of 65 doesn’t take a genius to figure this Children need guidance and accep- Health food Items are more broken bone, says Herbert G. and 81 yards as quick-striking stuff is not working.” tance, he says. “Praising expensive than standard super- Lingren of the University of Manchester rallied for an 18-7 CCIL Walegur says he is an independent reasonable ideas and choices will market items but Walegur says his Nebraska Extension Service. football victory on a wet, gray, over- ED WALEGUR OPTIMISTIC ABOUT ECONOMY voter who voted for Reagan in 1980 help when you have to call a halt to customers generally are willing to Ridicule and intolerance, in- cast afternoon. . . . he sees hope In shorter hemlines because he could not stand another some of their wilder schemes.” pay the higher price regardless of difference, lack of appreciation and The explosions turned around a 7-0 Falcon lead and enabled the Silk fowners to remain unbeaten at 2-0-1 Shuffle makes if feasible in the league and overall. Fermi drops to 0-3 in the CCIL and 1-3 Herald photo by Tarquinlo overall with the setback. Allen. 5-foot-7, 165-pound senior MANCHESTER’S MARK ALLEN (21) BREAKS INTO HOLE tri-captain, overall carried 16 times Light whole cities at night . .with key block from Scott Dickman (35) opening the way for 175 yard's and the two scores. "Allen killed us,” Fermi Coach .loe Bacewicz said. “I thought we did a good job the first three from space? It can be done quarters. "1 knew we weren't as quick as H^arain pholo by Tarqumio Even-sized East ihem. I was just hoping to shut them By Al Rossiter Jr. effects on plant photosynthesis and “sail,” using the push of photons iff at the line but on those two plays TOUCHDOWN SCORER MARK ALLEN (37) UPI Science Editor wildlife' habits. from the sun, to a 22,3(X) mile high lie broke through. I was concerned . . .congratulated by QB Kevin Brophy (14) WASHINGTON - The space shut- TTie benefits would be a saving of orbit where the reflector would re- witli containing them. We did for three quarters, and then just tle has made it possible to light en- electricity, likely reduction of such main over one point on Earth. race was on. Fermi defender John receptions with only a couple of The engineers estimated a con- '■ouldn't any longer." tire cities at night with giant or- crimes as burglaries and muggings, easy trium Pilkington was in hot pursuit but his passes in liis direction. stellation of 18 solar reflectors could Manchester Coach Mike Sim- biting solar reflectors, the space reduction in traffic accidents and diving tackle attempt at the Falcon provide approximately two hours of iions. following the 40-18 win over “ I thought we disguised the agency says. greater opportunity for outdoor ac- Flanders in the end zone. 20 drew nothing but air. illumination — equal to the light of Perrone and Rich Kucinskas serving Wethersfield, noted once an Indian doubling pretty well,” Simiiions The National Aeronautics and tivities. By Len Auster I’last took the kickoff and churned stated. "After what I saw today I Space Agency said 18 half-mile Canady and Allen limited their 56 moons to five large urban areas— as the wings. out 43 yards in seven plays, DePer- runner breaks into the clear it’s a Herald Sportswriter “He I Allen I felt pressure and feel we could cover thein on a dry reflectors would be capable of research to examining the potential for a cost of $1.44 billon. ■’The second half (with the rain) sia going over again from 4 yards "track meet to the goal line " It was lifted his knees so he couldn't hit his day.” lighting four or five major cities for of artificial moons for illumination. “Based on the savings in electrici- There was a two-week stretch in .ill we wanted was to get the center- the story again versus Fermi. a.vay. lieels," Siinrnons noted. “1 felt him Fermi took an early lead. A up to four or five hours across the ty alone in the areas served, the which East Catholic football team ti)-quarterback exchange down. “We're going to make it," Sim- But they also noted solar reflectors The Eagles closed it out with 10:29 right on my heels. I was thinking to l)locked punt was downed at the In- nation. The.time could also be split of various sizes and reflective inten- space system will pay for itself in hit nothing but brick walls. I'hev were moving to the tight end left in the contest on an end around mons noted, talking about the race side so we went with two tight ends to the goal line. "They had some Keep my feet up," a smiling Allen dian 24 with Tony Spicer chewing up up, providing light for two hours at a sity could be used to generate elec- 4.5 years,” the report said. “Since Those were Rockville and with .loe Maningas prancing 14 the system has a design lifetime of and Were able to run part of our quick kids but Marcus just turned on stated. "23 yards and QB Tim Banahan time during evening and early mor- tricity, for weather and climate con- .■Vorwich Free Academy, each whom yards to paydirt. He received key That touchdown came with 4:12 plunging over from 2 yards out. Ti- trol, navigation, desalination and 15 years, there will be 10.5 years of offense off both tackles,” Kelly blocks from Bayer, pulling out, and tile juice and flew, he flew. We get ning rush hours. tacked a loss on the Eagle gridders. left with the Indian defense, that nion added the conversion with 4:53 and military operations. profit which amounts to $2.85 cited. Kucinskas, ime block and we’re going down the ’The study, disclosed by Science East, however, found somebody played very well in halting Fermi’s loft in the opening stanza. Trends newsletter, was conducted The use of orbiting mirrors to billion.” Glastonbury, offensively, was sidelines.” UPI photo its own size more to its liking as it lOast did virtually all its scoring heralded passing attack, helping But .Mancliester proved it's never by John E. Canady, Jr., and John L. reflect sunlight to Earth was first overwhelmed Glastonbury High, 30- following Glastonbury turnovers. A limited to 56 total yards. It had 35 Fermi felt the breeze. One scenario examined would Allen, on the first touchdown, was provide the final points. A 27-yard too late. "In a game someone will Allen, Jr., of NASA’s Langley proposed in 1929 by German space 0, in non-conference action on a wet, Zachery interception on the third yards rushing on 25 tries. The have the mirrors provide evening running out of a halfback slot and he l.,arry Tanner interception return to slip and make a mistake and we can Research Center in Hampton, Va. pioneer Hermann Oberth, Krafft A, gray, rainy Saturday morning in I'omahawks appeared to be running and early morning light over series was. turned into a 1-yard and Scott Dickman ran a scissors (he Falcon 2 was quickly turned into take it all the way. We just have In The idea is not new, but the study Ehricke, a noted American space Make mine a la mode Glastonbury. away from Kucinskas at his right Philadelphia, Chicago, Denver, Los plunge by Post with 2.12 left in the play, A key block by split end Jim a 2-yard TD run by Pete Alosky to make sure we don't hurt ourselves said such a project is now engineer, studied the idea extensive- “1 thought we executed against tackle slot but Eagle left end Rob Angeles and Honolulu. Each area il- With nearly 16,000 pounds of apples, just Festival Is said to be the world's largest by opening stanza. Post added the con- l’’ogarty, shielding a Falcon cap matters with 1:27 left. early, " Simmons commented. economically feasible because of ly in the 1970s, Norwich and Rockville but we were llavhurst had a standout outing IJkely at nose guard, tinebacker luminated would be an ellipse 390 under 400 pounds of flour, and mind- festival officials. The pie took more than 24 version. along with I’errone at linebacker. defender long enough, enabled Allen There was a brisk 20-25 mile per the shuttle. Canady and Allen took a new look just outmanned (physically). Buck "Taylor, end Al .Shaer and .safe- miles long and 220 miles wide. boggling quantities of sugar and spices, this Nose guard Sullivan also played to sprint to paydirt with 8:09 hour wind that did affect Fermi's However, the study has not fully with the idea that the space shuttle hours to bake In a special outdoor propane Against people our own size I feel “That interception by Zachery game plan. "The biggest factor was ty Ray Lata were among the defen- determined the negative effects of rocket plane may make launching The engineers said there are com- well. remaining. 18-foot, 18-lnch deep apple pie baked as oven. we have a good chance,” stated was a big play. He stepped in, the wet ground, but they did a good sive standouts for Manchester such nighttime luminescence. solar reflectors more economical. mercial jobs which could be per- I '.ast makes its Hartford County Manchester went, for a two-point part of the Hilton, N.Y., Apple Harvest East Coach Jude Kelly, who saw his [iicked it and picked us up. I feel job on pass defense," Bacewicz "Chief Dubois was also a stalwart. In addition to the objections many They found that the shuttle could 'onfercnce IHCC) debut Friday conversion but QB Kevin Brophy formed with as few as four 3,300-foot gridders square their 'mark at 2-2. Glastonbury after seeing us against cited. Manchester hits the road for ils people would have to an all-night carry folded a reflecting spacecraft wide reflectors, “which can be used ■liglit when it battles arch-rival had the 'wet pigskin slip out of his "They beat us at the line of scrim- Norwich thought it could pass on us. grasp. "We took away (Toby) Timion, next test, Saturday against Conard glow equal to 56 moons, its possible that would open up to a 3,300-foot to demonstrate and assess the con- mage. They ran the ball right at us South Catholic at Hartford’s Dilfon The early interception maybe took riie Falcons on their next posses- who is there top receiver. We had a High in West Hartford at 1:30. the brightness could have a negative diameter in orbit 435 miles high. cept before we commit to larger, and they should never have been some wind out of their sails,” Kelly Stadium in a 7:30 start. sion managed one first down and man deep and underneath and took Statistics: ecological impact, such as the The orbiting mirror then could more ambitious systems.” Adequate gas supply seen able to do that. We didn’t play stated. Statistics. reached the Indian 45 but were away their passing attack," Sim- •M F delense. We just didn’t come to iSC G forced to punt. Manchester took mons stated, "Except for a down- 44 Offensive plays 43 play,” stated Tomahawk Coach On the ensuing kickoff, a hard jolt liO Offensive plays 32 over at its own 14. |)our they should have been able to 7 Fir.st downs B WASHINGTON (UPI) - Natural gjis still is certain pipeline companies location or shutdown.” Frank Hauser, who saw his team by Chris Darby forced Glaston- I") First downs 5 Dickman gained 5 yards and then throw. 215 Yds. rushing 112 Individual consumers and cheaper than home-heating will have gas supplies ’The government! study slip to 1-2-1. bury's Sean O’Leary to cough off the 206 Yds. rushing 35 Allen took off again, this time from "They are a time-pattern passing 17 Yds. passing ' 15 factories should have oil refined from crude. But available which they are said 13 of the 24 pipelines East ran 60 offensive plays —all pigskin with Larry Mirable 0 Yds. passing 21 Quirks in the news not planning to take this surveyed project increased the fullback slot. It was a “fullback team and we took away their 232 Total yards 127 adequate natural gas natural gas’ price advan- rushing attempts —and totaled 296 recovering for East at the 206 , Total yards 56 2-6 Passing 2-9 winter and others are gas available during the 0-0 Passing 2-7 cut” with Allen reading the blocks timing. That's why they had to go to supplies this winter and tage is eroding, thie group yards. It was a diversified offense Tomahawk 19. DePersia bulled in 3 Interceptions by (I either making or proposing coming winter, compared 1 Interceptions by 0 and bursting through a gaping hole the run.” even unusually cold said. with 5-foot-ll, 182-pound junior from 4 yards out on the first play of Allen and Glen Dubois had the 1 Fumbles lost 1 1 The energy commission to make off-system sales to the 1981-82 deliveries. 0 Fumbles lost 2 provided by right guard Willie Like- “There’s no denying the puzzle factor is less,” he said. weather is not expected to fullback Jim DePersia carrying 22 the second stanza. assignment of shutting down Timion 2-30 Penalties 5-55 Wanted: President Mike report said pipeline com- because of the temporary They are Arkansas 10-83 P e n a l tie s 2-10 ly. Allen reached the right sideline, “Who-done-it is not as important as how are they going cause major disruptions, a times for 104 yards and two TDs. and did so to perfection. He had no 7-27.7 Punting H-32 0 panies project natural gas excess of natural gas Louisiana, Cities Service, ’’It was nice seeing us take advan- 3-:l5.7 Punting 4-40,5 as he did on the first TD, and the LOS ANGELES (UPI) — Six presidents have been to catch or stop him. Personally, I still write the puzzle government study says. Junior halfback Doug Post toted the supplies of 6,653 billion available.” Colorado Interstate, named James, four named John and there were two An- The Federal Energy pigskin 23 times for 88 yards and a tage of those opportunities. It was type of story.” cubic feet available from If the winter is colder Columbia, Consolidated, drews, but there has never been a Mike. The Mikes of Regulatory Commission toiChdown. He also added a pair of something we hadn’t done the last November 1982 through than the “coldest weather Michigan Wisconsin, America club is out to change that. based its projection on a two-point conversions. Quarterback two weeks. When you get the ball in Turkeys fall from sky survey of winter gas March 1983. It said the pattern projected” in the Natural Gas Pipeline, John Giliberto had 12 carries for 47 good field position, when the defense . “We’d like to get enough.people to throw our influence survey, the government Northern Natural, Whalers gain first pointwith 4-4 tie into getting a Mike in the presidency,” said Mike supplies for 24 pipeline amount represents an in- yards and Buddy Zachery 7 carries makes a big play and gives you posi- YELLVILLE, Ark. (UPI) — Turkeys fell from the sky study said, some industrial Northwest Pipeline, Nelson, founder and president of Mike’s of America. companies that transport crease of 616 billion cubic for 32 yards. v tion, good teams come away with once again at the annual “turkey drop” but a federal “dislocations” could be an- Tennessee Gas, Transcon- "Mike is probably the oldest name known to mankind,” 94 percent of natural gas feet or 10 percent over ac- The offensive line of Dan Bennet, points," Kelly commented. Aviation Administration official rode shotgun with the ticipated. BUFFALO, N.Y. (UPI) - Buffalo Following Lyle's first goal, Buf- getting a lot of good chances, hut He estimated there are currently more than 1.5 used in interstate com- tual deliveries last year. tinental, Trunkline and Joel Sullivan, Deron Bayer, John A 47-yard Post punt put Glaston- him look good a lot of the time,” birds to make sure they did liot start their brief flights ’ilje report, which was United. Sabres coach and general manager falo’s Brent Peterson gave the after wo got a lead in the third million Mikes in the U.S. and said the name is still the merce. •’The 1981-82 w inter Murdock, and John Canny and Mark bury in the hole at its owii 1-yard said Bowman after the game, the too close to the ground. released during the Scotty Bowman felt his team should third straight contest against an Sabres their last lead at 4-3 at 10:03. perod. we laid back instead of con- most popular for male newborns. In a separate report, season was 2.1 percent Wasilefsky controlled the line of line in the third stanza. That, on the By the time Marion County Civil Defense Coordinator weekend, said even an un- have "buried” Hartford in the se- Adams Division rival in which the "I'm disappointed because we tinuing to press them." Nelson, 34, a Minneapolis-based journalist, said the 3- private industry analysts warmer than normal on a scrimmage for the Eagles. East ensuing play, was turned into a two- Dave Davis made the last of five runs over the town on usually cold winter is not cond period when they fired 21 shots ■Sabres have failed to register a win. played well after playing poorly the year-old organization has more than 5,(X)0 members, in- said even though the nationwide basis,” the also used a double tight end align- point safety with defensive .end The Whalers, who have struggled Saturday, almost 20 turkeys had been tossed from his expected to result in “any at Whalers’ goaltender Mike Veisor, “We didn’t shoot the puck well, es- first two games,” said Peterson. cluding newsman Mike Wallace, actor Michael Landon United States has a large study said. “As a result of CAR CARE ment in the second half with Vito Doug Bilodeau sacking QB Steve for several seasons, however, were airplane to an estimated 3,000 people who attended hut said the Sabres made the pecially in the second period. We "We didn’t put our chances away and talk show host David “Mike” Letterman, who was surplus of natural gas, gas reduced projected demand. significant industrial dis- happy about their new-found ability Yellville’s annual Turkey Trot festival. iORNER veteran goalie "look good.” outshot them 21-7 and we should’ve and it kept them in the game. We allowed to join because of his middle name. Nelson said. prices are expected to go to come back late in the game. Festival officials began tossing the turkeys from air- Backed by two goals each from buried them. When we didn’t it gave really dominated them, but the The goal of the organization is to bring the Mikes of up 10 to 20 percent. planes two years ago, prompting complaints Nationwide score doesn't show it.” "This gives both the team and me America together, promote the name Mike for future The Washington-based George Lyle and Doug Silliman, them a lift.” from humane association members who called the prac-. Jefs and Chargers "We stopped forechecking,” he eonfidonce to come back like that." generations and make Mikes aware of their "proud Cabot Consulting Group Veisor stopped 34 of 38 shots in the Veisor, 30, said he was “for- tice cruel. Earlier drops were made by tossing the said. "We were doing real well and said Sulliman " heritage,” Nelson said. predicted natural gas game and 20 of 21 in the second tunate.” turkeys from high buildings. prices would exceed oil period alone as the Whalers forged a “I've been fortunate in this The FAA also penalized the pilots for breaking federal prices in traditional comefrom-behind 4-4 tie with Buf- building and I was fortunate Coke float: a biggie regulations by flying too low over the city to make the AUTO REPAIRS keep pace af fop falo Sunday night. tonight,” he said."They hit a couple heating markets by 1985 By Kart Sartoris drop. This year, festival officials agreed to follow FAA when most gas prices are "Veisor played well, but we made of posts and everything was going NEW ORLEANS (UPI) — The Coast Guard dis- regulations and stay at least 500 feet above Yellville. Bervlce Manager fully decontrolled. Co-leaders Jets and Chargers to Bob Dininni on a fourth down for me, but you need that every once MCC hooters take covered $22 million worth of coke afloat. in a while.” A 35-pound bundle of cocaine was found floating in the WE SER VICE ALL remained unbeaten in Manchester play. GENER AL MOTOR Midget Football League action last The Chargers’ ‘A’ team tallied in Sports Sulliman opened the scoring with Gulf of Mexico by the Coast Guard, but authorities could me only goal of the first period, not link the drugs to any vessels in the area. CARS AND TR UC K S UghUng is a part of the safety Friday night at Mt. Nebo. The Jets the fourth quarter on a 2-yard run by ROBERT J. SMITH, inc. envUxmnient about which you blanked the Patriots, 28-0, while the Darren Ducker. The TD was 'Calendar sliding a power play score past overtime verdict The cocaine, valued at $22 million, was discovered STRETCH YOUR can do something. Headiignta, ALL MECHANICAL REPAIRS Chargers held off the Giants, 14-12. spearheaded by a 50-yard march by Sabres goalie Jacques Cloutier at floating about 15 miles of (jrand Isle by a Coast Guard BURGER BUDGET ,by for instance. Many states do the 16:22 mark. He gave Hartford a cutter on routine patrol Saturday nighty said Petty Of- using one part soy extender COMPLETE COLLISION REPAIRS not have vehicle inspecUon, so Both now stand 3-0 for the season. the ‘B’ team. MSURANSMITHS SINCE it’s up to you to save yourseif. \1oniluv 2-1 lead only 55 seconds into the With a goal by co-captain Ed Lex Coach Greg DeNies. The Cnugar ficer Stacey Jaudon. Headlight aiignment and inten- Tony Osmon scored on a 3-yard The Chargers took the lead on an to four par^ts of meat. Your RERUILT AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS SOCCER third period when he scored on a 30- in the second extra session being the coach was also pleased by the play ’The cocaine was turned over to U.S. Customs agents. taste buds won’t be able to . 1914 sity should be checked at ieast run in the first quarter for the Jets 11-yard TD pass from QB Troy decider. Manchester Community AUTO PAINTINfi once a year — you’d be sur- with Rich Braithwaite adding the EaHl Catholic ut Cromw€'ll (giriH), foot wrist shot. of Fernando Restrepo and Ken tell the difference, but your prised at how much improve- Peters to Dale Christensen. Peters College nipped Dean Junior College, Gqodale two-point conversion. A TD pass 11 a.m . “The goals came at a good time budget will! CHAROE WITH MASTER CHARCE ment in n M t visibility this can combined with Chris Garrepy for 3-2, in soccer action Saturday at Dean opened the scoring at the 27- Mystery fans meet produce. Headlight and direc- from QB Kelly Dubois to the two-point conversion, which CROSS COUNTRY for me. I was pressing and this takes lionc. sinial lenses should be- Cougar Field. minute markWith Peter Diego fin- • 24 HOUR WRECKER SERVICE Braithwaite upped the count in the proved to be the margin of victory. Manoliester/Easl Catholic boys some of the pressure off,” said SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) — Mystery fans from around 649-5241 wiped clean at least once a The win was the fifth in eight ding the cage. MCC drew even two week: more if you know you’ve same canto for the Jets. The Giants came back on a 60- and girls, Cheney Tech at Sulliman. ”I won’t make the fancy the country Came dressed as Sherlock Holmes, Dr. Wat- starts for the Cougars. MCC minutes later on a goal from Steve 65 E. Csnlar StrMt slopped them up with bugs or Braithwaite, following a fumble yard TD toss from Serra to Dininni. Wickham Park Invitational moves or end-to-enders, I just try to son and Dashiell Hammett to fantasize about the dust or that winter combina- resumes play Wednesday at Holyoke Mossup. A Restrepo cross set up the Manchester, Ct. Uon of road salts, dirt andj recovery at the Patriot 15, tallied The Giants’ conversion attempt was play my position and go for the net.” business of sleuthing at the 13th annual World Mystery ■Tuesdav Community College in Holyoke, tally. snow that tries to make your from 3 yards but in the second stan- stopped short, preserving the Lyle twice erased Buffalo leads Convention. » windshield opaque. SOCCER later in the third period, scoring at Mass,, at 3:30. The Cougars moved in front on a ’The convention drew about 500 mystery aficionados— CARTER za and he also added the conversion. Chargers win. Conard at Manchester, 3:30 Dean forced the overtime with a second goal from Mossup, assisted The Jets capped the scoring on a 63- John Lynch, Peters, John 9:38 and finally at 16:12 to knot the many of whom donned fedoras, garish ties, East Catholie at Bristol Central, goal with four minutes left in by Nacho Amaya. Maatffw WINlMiMtlc, Ct. yard pass play from Dubois to Desimone, Aaron Leonard and JoJo game and close out the scoring. deerstalkers, spats, thin mustaches and pipes to become 3:15 regulation. Steve Bonaiuto knotted MCC keeper Jim Mavlouganes Your car will serve you better Braithwaite, who latered to Ron Leonard played well for the "Cloutier wasn’t controlling the their favorite detective. in all types of weaUier when it Chrnrv Tech at East Hampton, it at 2-all after the Cougars had a 2-1 had a strong game in goal with 10 CALDWELL OIL, INC. Is serviced at DILLON FORD. Smith for the final yardage. Chargers while Mike Strasser, Doug rebounds that well, so I thought I’d The convention offered films, slides and speeches by Santa M aria, Nina and Pin* 3:15 halftime lead. saves. We provide special rates on Shawn Kelly, Jason Neubauer, Slater, Dan Feehan, Todd Rose and go for the net and try for a the experts in horror and mystery for $10 a day. ta! You haven*! diaeovered 1229 MAIN ST. daily rentals for service Bolton at Baron Academy, 3:15 rebound,” said Lyle of the tying goal. After a scoreless first extra Ted Schultz, a retired Army colonel who moderated a one of the fineal reatauranta customers. Factory trained Jim Kitsock, Jim Maulucci and Bob Chris Osella were best for the Manchester at East Catholic AUTO REPAIR technicians. We honor major' “It was a hunch that paid off.” period, Lex beat the Dean net- in the wilda eaal of Hart* S f M V I C I S Eldridge played well for the Jets Giants. Sherlock Holmes panel, confessed, “Sometimes I like to 111*C.0.D. MANCHESTER credit cards. Complete’ (girls), 3:15 Veisor played well in the second minder to a loose ball five minutes fordf Make the Journey while Pete McConnell, Matt think I’m Dr. Watson at the side of Holmes. I don’t think transmission and engine aer- CIRCS SWIMMING into the second session and today. Ii*a moat ap* TEL. 646-6464 Tlce along with othnr Barrera, Shawn Gauvin, Chris Action resumes Friday night at period and only allowed Hannu Vir- Watson was the bumbling fjool that people often think he East Catholic at Wethersfield, deposited it into the twiiw for the Len Auster, Herald .sportwriter, propriale. intomotive aajnitm ent Is doae Mt. Nebo with the Chargers ta’s goal at the 3:29 mark. was.” at DILLON FORD, lU Mala. Friday and Glen Albert were best keeps you informed about the local squaring off against the Jets in a 3:30 The Sabres Mike Foligno tied the game-winner. \ Ed Hoch of Rochester, N.Y., president of the Mystery GMOUAUTY "Where dependnbiUty li for the Patriots. VOLLEYBALL "We controlled the ball at times, sports world. Read the latest in his w^mnKf 649-8841 m SBMCE lykRTS tndltkn.” The Giants opened the scoring in battle for first place at 6:30 with the game at two at 4:32 of the third and Writers of America, bemoaned a growing trend toward Wethersfield al Manchester however we need better control in "Thoughts ApLENty,” regularly in Sunday-Bninch ButM S6.M the second stanza on a a 35-yard Eagles vs. Patriots in the nightcap. Tony McKegney gave Buffalo a 3-2 suspense novels. East Catholie at Bloomfield pressure situations.’’ cited MCC The Manchester Herald. COMI^ MOTOBS nurrs IXVBION halfback option toss from Jeff ^rra The Giants draw the bye. lead just three minutes later. MANCHESTER HERALD, Mon., Oct. 11, 1982 MANCHESTER HERALD.HE^ Mon., Oct. 11. 1982*- 17 Brewers come back all the way Penguins' coach not happy Scoreboard breakaway by George Ferguson. Sunday’s Result.s onneve, i n aroster.n ticip a tIe wasd do ihopingng a s w I'dell asget I have.a Otters P^dh. have helped too a By Steve Medwld Johnston singled out Randy Boston 4. Pittsburgh 3 MILWAUKEE (UPI) — The Milwaukee Brewers, tapping the com- Hartford 4. Buffalo 4 (tic) eback tradition of their Beer Town predecessors 25 years ago, are UPI Sports Writer Carlyle as one veteran who he feels Philadelphia 6, Washington 4 headed for the World Series for the first time ever. is providing leadership. He didn’t Winnipeg at Chicago ' 'm S i ', ! : n S n r t a V . 1 d '’rC ^ ^ ^ e.rly-lnnlng error, to mention any other names but he said Monday's Games , The Brewers capped an unprecedented comeback by, defeating Pittsburgh Penguin coach Eddie Baseball (All Times EDT) California 4-3 Sunday to win the American League playoffs, three Johnston may be following in the he was concerned about his team’s Montreal at Quebec. 7:35 p.m. games to two. The Angels won the first two games. ‘■“S c ; S ' d l S " . donhle and an e ^ r to ~ = ™ j" “5,SiS: footsteps of New York 'Yankees’ disregard for forechecking, a N Y Islanders at N Y, Hangers. 7:35 It was the first time since the league began the best-of-five series a ning. Fred Lynn’s RBI single gave California a 2 - 1 ^ necessity in cozy Boston Garden. P m Bob Boone’s squeeze bunt single drove in California s baseball owner George Steinbrenner Tuesday's (iames team won the championship after an 0-2 deficit. when it comes to making some Carlyle, Rick Kehoe and Pat Boston at New Jersey Boutette had the goals for the Vancouver at Pittsburgh Twenty-five years ago to the day, the Milwaukee Braves beat the Brewer Ben Oglivie countered with a solo homer ii\^*e fourth t ^ u t quick changes. I^is Angeles at Winnipeg New York Yankees to become the first team to win a World Series “I won’t accept not getting an ef- Penguins, the first two coming on Major League Baseball Edmonton at Calgary t h r 'c o r e S a-^ In the fifth, right fielder Charlie M ^re s n ^ power plays. Playoff Schedule after trailing three games to one. California rally, gunning down Reggie Jackson trying g fort, and that’s what’s happening,” By United Press International The Brewers open World Series play Tuesday night against St, said a fuming Johnston after a 3- In a light Sunday night of action, All times EDT Hartford Hartford and Buffalo tied 4-4, League Championship Series Buffalo Louis. The Cardinals beat the transplanted Atlanta Braves in a three- “ f f i a f w i s bitter for the Angels and Particularly for^Gene Mauc^ shot performance by his team in the American League First Period-1, Hartford. Sulliman 1 game sweep of the National League playoffs. Philadelphia defeated Washington 6- (Milwaukee wins series, S-2) (Johnson, Adams), 16:22. PcnalUes- who lacks a pennant in 23 seasons as a manag . games third period of Sunday night’s 4-3 Milwaukee’s vaunted offensive punch may have been lacking in the loss to the .Boston Bruins. “We’ve 4 and Winnipeg downed Chicago 5-3. 6ci. 5 California 6. Milwaukee 3 Volcan, Har, 8:22; Ramsey. Buf, 14:43. the memory ^ his Philadelphia team collapsing in the final 10 games Flyers 6, Capitals 4 Oct. 6 — California 4,. Milwaukee 2 Second Period-2, Buffalo. Vlrta 2 playoffs but it was a clutch hit by Cecil Cooper that helped the got some players who aren’t Oct. 6 — Milwaukee S, California 3 (unassisted), 3:29. Penalties-Peterson, of the 1964 season, St U uis took the pennant, At Philadelphia, Ron Flockhart, Buf, 9:51. Ruff. Buf. 13:14; Kotsopoulw. Brewers win their first. American League pennant in their 13-year “This is the most disappointed I’ve been >n my life, Mau^^^^^^^^ working and they’re not going to Oct. 9 — Milwaukee 9. California 5 history. Cooper ended a 2-for-19 slump by lining an opposite field, two- Darryl Sittler and Tim Kerr scored Oct 10 — Milwaukee 4. California 3 Har. double-minor, 13:14; Wesley, Hdf, “It was never in my mind that they’d come back, I thought we d win it continue playing. I’m going to make National League 15:09, Peterson, Buf, 16:18. out single to drive in Charlie Moore and Jim Gantner in the seventh in- some changes and there’ll be a cou- second-period goals for the Flyers. (St. Louis wins series, 3-0) Third Period-3, Hartford. Sulliman 2 ning. The hit put the Brewers ahead to stay. Philadelphia, 3-0 on the season, Oct. 6 — Atlanta at St. Louis, ppd.. (Sullian). 0:56 4. Buffalo. Foligno 1 ‘" S h ’defended his decision to atart.Kison with just th r^ d ay ^ ple of shockers. in (Ruff. Ramsev). 4:32, 5. Buffalo. “You know, the middle of our line-up hasn't been hitting at all, not / came back from trailing 4-1 at the McKegney 2 (Foligno. Peterson), 7:36. 6, rest. The right-hander said he may have tired before leaving with a 3 2 “I was disappointed the way we ,Oc I — St. Louis 7, jaktanla 0 just in this sries but the last two or three weeks of the season we ve end of the first period to score four (XrrN JAtlanta atuis, ppd., Hartford. Iwle 2 (Miller. Johnson), 9:38, played. We get down one goal and 7. Buffalo, Peterson I (McKegn^. Ruff). been'struggling,” Cooper said. , / straight goals — three in a 15:19 Ivdzyrbsassczxyryrsu 10 on 8. Hartford, Lyle 3 (Siltanen). was a combination of a blister in m y finger and fatigue,” Kison then we get three shots. We’re just Mssamazzczxczxlydiibyl s “Hopefully, now we can relax a little and have some fun in the not getting the effort. Boston’s kids span in the second period. 16 12 Penalties—Playfair. Buf. 14.00. Hi Jels 3, Itlark Hawks 3 I't bbp1ayoffs-2 l6-10 Shots on goal-Hartford 5-7-11-23. World Series." are pumped up and they’re getting Major League Baseball Buffalo 9-21-8-38 Cooper's hit came off loser Luis Sanchez, who relieved starter ^Like the Brewers, the Angels’ big hitters were .. At Chicago, Morris Lukowich and Playoff Schedule Goalies — Hartford. Veisor. Buffalo. Reggie Jackson had only two hits in the senes and shouldered the leadership from the .veterans. I Bv United Press International Bruce Kison in the sixth inning. - • Dale Hawerchuk each scored two Cloutier. A—11.113. blame for the lack of hitting during the three Bar"®® *" can’t say the same for our team.” All times EDT After the Brewers took the lead, they relied on some weapons that The Penguins rallied three times goals to lead the Jets. A pair of goals League (Championship Series had not received much attention during their AL East Division “You can’t fault Mauch’s managing when you have Reggie Jackson by Hawerchuk 1:51 apart gave the American L ea^ e Winnipeg 123—5 go 2-for-18 or Rod Carew go 3-for-17,” Jackson said. Blame the to tie the game, but could not match (Milwaukee wins scries, 3-2) Chicago 2 1 9—3 march. Norm Leveille’s power-play goal at Jets a 3-2 lead in the second period. Oct. 5 — California 8. Milwaukee 3 First period -- 1 Chicago, Secord 2 Brewers, that’s why we lost. It wqs supposed to be my series, my day, UPI photo With the game tied 3-3 after two Oct 6 — California 4.. Milwaukee 2 (iMirmer. Murray). 4:37 2. Chicago Center fielder Marshall Edwards, replacing Gorman Thomas for 1:58 of the third period. Pittsburgh’s Oct 8 — Milwaukee 5. (^lifomia 3 Brown 1 (Gardner. Sutter), 8:36. 3, defensive reasons in the top of the eighth, made a leaping stab of Don but I didn’t do it.” best chance to tie the game for a periods, defenseman Craig Levie 0<‘t 9 — Milwaukee 9. California 5 Winnipeg Lukowich i (Lundholm). 14:01. PITTSBURGH GOALIE DENIS HERRON scored his third goal of the season to Oct 10 — Milwaukee 4, California 3 Penalties—Butler, Win. .3:35; Campbell. Baylor’s deep drive to left-center field with one out, ^v Center fielder Lynn, who knocked in the Angels’ first two runs, was fourth time came halfway through Win. 6:44; Bannerman, Chi. l2;24; UPI photo . . .makes stop on Bruins’ Norman Levellle put the Jets ahead 4-3. National League “I guess 1 was just lucky in putting him in at the right time but it named MVP after going ll-for-18. „ the third period on a semi- (St Louis wins series, 3-0) Lysiak, Chi. 17 01. was a big, big play,” said Brewers Manager Harvey Kuenn, who Oct 6 — Atlanta at St. Louis, ppd , Second period—4, Winnipeg, Howerchuk “But the award doesn’t mean very much to me right now, a suD I ain 1 (l.evie). 5:15, 5. Winnipeg. Howerchuk replaced Buck Rodgers in June, BREWTS’ CECIL COOPER (LEFT) dued Lynn said. Oct 7 — St Ix)Uis 7. Atlanta 0 2 (Babych, MacLean). 7:06. 6, Chicago, • Edwards said he was concerned a fan might interfere as one did in . . . congratulated by Mark Brouhard on winning blow Oct fl — Atlanta at St Louis, ppd., Paterson 2 (Sccord), 10:(E Penalties— Friday's game when the Angels’ Bob Boone homered in the late in- The World Series will focus on players involved in a trade between tain Lysiak. Chi, ^6 36. Arniel. Win, 13:46; St. Louis and Milwaukee before the 1981 season. In the deal. Of t 9 — St Louis 4, Atlanta 3 Brown. Chi, 19 14. nings. NFL sides ask for federal mediator Oct 10 — St Louis 6, Atlanta 2 Third period—7, Winnipeg, I/Cvie 3 Milwaukee received Fingers, Pete Vuckovich, who pitched the lirst (MacLean). 5 43 8, Winnipeg. Lukowich “1 just wanted to get to it and I'm glad 1 did, Edwards said. double playin the seventh. When pinch hitter Ron Jackson led off the six and onethird innings Sunday, and catcher Ted Simmons, who mediator since the first regular World Series 2 (Lundholm). 14’28. Penalties—Waters. Brewer relief pitching was a one-man affair most of the season — ninth with a single, Ladd was summoned. The burly right-hander NEW YORK (UPI) - Federal cil. tive bargaining. Milwaukee vs. St. Louis Win. 3:09. Maxwell, Win. misconduct. drove in Milwaukee’s first run with a scarifice fly. “At some point in time they had to season strike in NFL history began Oct 12 — Milwaukee at St. Louis, 8:30 8:21; Secord. Chi. 8:21 Cy Young Award winner Rollie Fingers, He is nursing an arm injury retired the next three batters, includine former AL battinp champion mediator Kay McMurray was in- The decision was made during a Shots on g«»al—Winnipeg 14-8-13-35 Another former Cardinal, Mike Caldwell, was Kuenn s early make this step,” said McMurray. Sept. 21. l‘ m so Kuenn went to Bob McClure and Pete Ladd. Rod Carew, to end the game — and the season for the Angels. formed Sunday of a decision he had hastily-called meeting between un- Oct. 13 — Milwaukee at St. Louis, 8:20 Chicago 13-15-9-^ favorite to start the opening game Tuesday. “It sure looks like they’re going to Garvey emphasized that while I tn. Goalies—Winnipeg, Soetaert Chicago. McClure got slugger Reggie Jackson to bounce into an inning-ending “ 1 was just praying to make the playoff roster and then when I was been expecting. ion head Ed Garvey and the owner’s Bannerman A—14,564, chief negotiator Jack Donlan in Rye, need a little help. I would say it’s a McMurray, would draw from the Oct 15 St. Louis at Milwaukee. 8.30 McMurray, director of the federal mediation pool, the I m N.Y. The 3V2 hour session was the step in the tright direction. Oct 16 — St. Louis at Milwaukee. 1.20 Federal Mediation and Conciliatory mediator agreed upon did nt Washington 2 02—4 Service, will play a part in trying to first face-to-face meeting between “1 haven’t talked to either party I m Philadelphia 132—6 necessarily have to be part of the x-Oct 17 — St. Louis at Milwaukee, First period—1. Philadelphia. Sittler 2 settle the 21-day-old NFL strike. the two in eight days. since the strike except to call both t 45 p m. FMCS. (Propp, Dvorak), 2:2S. 2. Washington, Dropping its strong opposition to When contaced at his Washington sides and say I’m available for x-Of t 19 — Milwaukee at St. Ixiuis, Houston 1 (Gartner, Engblom), 9:2. 3, Formal talks broke off last Satur- (•20 pm . federal mediation, the Players home Sunday night, McMurray said help.” Washington. Maruk 2 (Veitch), 19:30. day in Washington but Garvey met x-Ot l 20 — Milwaukee at St Louis. Penalties—Norwood, Was, 6:50; McCrIm- Association Sunday agreed to enlist neither side in the NFL dispute had Sunday’s meeting, which also in- >'20 pm mon. Phi. 8:46; Propp. Phi, 8:52; with the owners’ 6man executive x-il ncccs.sary Cards' pitching obstacle McMurray’s help in ending the im- contacted him. but he was expected cluded NFLPA president Gene Carpenter. Was. 10:21; Wilson, Phi, 18:36. committee Tuesday to personally Second period—4, Philadelphia. Flock- passe with the Management Coun- to be called today to initiate collec- Upshaw, ended with Donlan, Miller Game 5 and Upshaw greeting the press lay out to management the union’s (’ALIFOKNIA MILWAUKEE . hart 1 (Marsh. Propp). 1:19, 5, key demand for a centralized fund ah r h bi ab r h bi Philadelphia, Sittler 3 (Michayluk, together smiling. I Kiwning If 4 110 Molitor 3b 3 12 0 Arthur). 2 20 6. Philadelphia, Kerr 1 “We have reached agreement to tied to a wage scale. The committee ('drew lb 3 0 0 0 Yount ss 2 0 0 0 (Carson, Howe), 17:38. Penalties—Arthur. thoroughly rejected Garvey’s KeJcksn rf 3 0 0 0 Cooper lb 40 12 Phi. 15 19; Holt. Was. 19:15 tor M ilw au kee in Series Levi gains links title contact federal mediator McMurray I.vnn cf 4 0 3 2 Simmons c 3 0 0 1 Third period—7. Philadelphia. Propp 3 and set in motion collective presentation, however, prompting H'aylor dh 4 0 10 Oglivie If 4 111 (Flockhart. Holmgren), 2:56. 8. Washing- bargaining,” announced Donlan, accusations of bad-faith bargaining DeCincs 3b 4 1 3 0 Thomas cf 3 0 0 0 ton. Valentine 1 (unassisted), 6:01. 9. clinching their only championship, 1 would give it to our pitching staff,” the seventh inning to sweep past the Grich 2b 3 0 0 0 Edwrds cf 10 0 0 Washington. Novy 2 (Haworth, Maruk). By United Press International who has called for a federal from both sides.' 17:48 10. Philadelphia, Barber 3 (Clarke, the Brewers became the first team said Cardinals’ catcher Darrell Angels. ABILENE, Texas (UPI) - Some in the stout West Texhs wind, but Foil ss 3 0 00 Money dh 4 0 0 0 pro golfers found an unseen hazard Wayne Levi just hoisted sail and ItJcksn ph 10 10 Moore rf 3 1 10 Allison*. 19 17, Penalties—None. As Game 1 of the World Series ap- to win an American League playoff Porter, who was in fact named “The middle of our lineup hasn’t Wilfnng pr 0 0 0 0 Gantner 2b 2 1 1 O' Shots on goal-Washington 20-6-7—33, MVP. “The reason we shut down breezed to a 17-under-par tourna- Roonc c 3 12 1 Philadelphia 11-7-8-26, proaches, the Milwaukee Brewers after losing the first two games with been hitting at all,” said Cooper. Totals 32 3 11 3 Totals 29 4 6 4 Goalies-Washington. Biggin, Moore, a 4-3 victory over the California their big guns is because we made ment win in the $350,000 LaJet Philadelphia. St. Croix A—16,790. mut be whispering to themselves “We’ve been struggling. We’ve been Timely Writer Classic. California 101 100000—3 about the way the St. Louis Car- Angels. good pitches against those guys. Chris wins net crown Milwaukee 100100 20X—4 trying to do too much. Maybe now “I played some of my best golf !•>—Oglivie 2. Molitor, Cooper, DeCln- dinals’ pitching staff silenced the The Cardinals will host the Pitching and defense was the key to we can relax and enjoy the World kilied in spill Pittsburgh 120-3 our success.” ever this week,” Levi said after ces DP—California 1. Milwaukee 2. LOB Boston 1 21-4 heavy-hitting Atlanta Braves. Brewers in the first game of the orld Series. I had a lot of chances today It was the third straight year she —California 8. Milwaukee 6. 2B— First period-1, Boston, Milbury 1 NEW YORK (UPI) - The shooting a 4-under 68 Sunday to DEERFIELD BEACH, Fla, Downing. DeCinces, Molitor. HR—(^livie ■ Sparked by the combined sixhit Series beginning Tuesday night at Porter had a single and two walks has defeated Jaeger, third in world (Kasper, Palmer*. :44 2, Pittsburgh. "to drive in runs and I’m just tumultuous career of Timely Writer secure his victory. “I said, ‘Wayne, (UPI) — Chris Evert Lloyd easily (11. SB-Molitor, S-Downing, (Trich, Carlyle 2 (Hotham, Boutette). 11:45. pitching of Joaquin Andujar and 8:25 EDT. and finished the three games with BfKine. SF—Simmons. thankful to God I had the opportuni- ended in heartbreaking fashion at whatever, don’t go out and play defended her title in,aj$125,(K)0 tour- rankings, in the final of the Deer Penalties—Hotham, Pitt, 7:08; Palmer. Bruce Sutter, the Cardinals punc- Rookie Willie McGee drove in five hits in nine atbats and five ty. If I had struck out then, I would Creek Racquet Club tourney. IP H RERBBSO Bos. 10:48. Hrynewich, Pitt, 16:10; K. Belmont Park with the 3-year-old safe.’ I knew if I played a good solid nament Sunday with a straight-set California Crowder. Bos. 16:10; Kluzak, Bos, 16:47. tured the dream of “America’s three runs with a triple and homer walks; Kison 5 3 2 1 3 4 have been the goat.” colt less than a half-mile away from round, I could go out and win this win Sunday over Andrea Jaeger. Most of the match was played Second period—3. Boston, B. Crowder 1 Team" Sunday night and defeated to provide the offensive lift but it So overpowering was the Car- .Sanchez (L U-U 1 2-3 3 2 2 1 1 (Levellle. Fergus). 2:16. 4, Pittsburgh, It also extended the frustration of retirement. thing.” The tournament is known as the from the baselines as Jaeger, Hassler 1 1-3 0 0 0 0 1 the Braves 6-2 to win the National was the Cardinals’ pitching staff dinals’ pitching that the Braves, seeded second,scored only 12 points Kehoe 3 (Gardner. Hotham). 4:56. 5. who led the NL in runs scored this California manager Gene Mauch, In Saturday’s 64th edition of the The win on the par 72 Fairway Lynda Carter Women’s Tennis Milwaukee Boston. B Crowder 2 (Pederson. Park). League pennant for the first time that was most responsible for com- in the first set, including a victory in Vuckovich 6 1-3 9 3 3 3 4 12:39, 6. Pittsburgh. Boutette 2 (Carlyle, whose team tost three straight at Jockey Club Gold Cup, Timely Oaks course gave Levi $63,000 and classic. McClur (W 1-0) 12-3 2 0 0 0 0 since 1968 — the year before the pleting a three-game sweep of the season, managed only five runs and the third game. Kehoe). 15:18. Penalties—O’Connell. Bos. County Stadium after winning the Writer, the favorite in a field of 10, moved him to ninth place on the 1982 Playing what she called “patient . Ladd (S 2) .1 0 0 0 0 0 3:24; Park. Bos. 4:14; $t. Laurent, Pill, major leagues went to two division Braves in the best-of-five playoffs. 15 hits. “I was the patient one," McClure pitched to 1 batter in 9th. first two-handily at home. Mauch plunged to the ground after money list. The victory, his fifth in tennis,” the top-seeded Evert 710; Milburv, Bos, minor-major, 9:55; “Willie McGee had a great series, The Brewers, riding a wave of Evert said, “She went for the T-3:ni. A-54.96B. SI Laurent. Pitt, minor-major. 9:56; K. DPI photo play. has managed 23 years in the big shattering his left front radius just five years on the tour, also lifted overwhelmed the 17-yearold Jaeger, Crowder, Bos. 10:31; Boutette, Pitt. Meanwhile, on the 25th anniver- but I think if I had to give an award hometown support, used Cecil Game 3 leagues without a pennant. before the far turn in the IVz-mile Levi to 74th on the all-time money 6-1, 6-1, to collect the $22,(X)0 first •winners and didn’t mhke them. 11:20; Malone, Pitt, 11:28. sary of the Milwaukee Braves for the Most Valuable Plaver I think Cooper’s two-out, two-run single in Maybe the long matches she had the ST LOUIS ATLANTA Third period—7. Boston. Leveille 1 CARDS’ JOAQUIN ANDUJAR (LEFT), BRUCE SUTTER Gold Cup. , list, one spot ahead of the legendary prize. Jaeger received $11,000. ab r h bi ab r h bi Evert took charge of the match last two days had an effect.” Herr 2b 5 110 Ramirz ss 3 0 10 (Fergus. Pederson), 1:56. Penalties— . . . celebrate after final out clinched pennant The spill started a chain reaction. Sam Snead. Oberkfll 3b 5 0 10 Royster If 4 0 0 0 Baxter, Pitt. 0:19; Hrynewich, Pitt. 2:28; While none of the jockeys involved Levi said he “pretty much had from the beginning. The tourney Evert moved to second in world USmith If 4 0 10 Wshngtn rf 2 0 10 Fergus. Bos. 6:52, Baxter, Pitt, 8:47; K. marked her retirn to competitive standings, within five ponts of Mar- Hrnndz lb 4 12 1 Harper rf 11 0 0 Crowder. Bos, 12:18. College football roundup were injured, both Timely Writer, things in hand” after finishing the Porter c 3 110 Homer 3b 4 0 10 Shots on goal—Pittsburgh 5-10-3-18. ridden by Jeff Fell, and Johnny front nine six shots in the lead. A 15 tennis since she won the U.S. Open tina Navratilova, and said she had Hendrck rf 5 111 Chmbls lb 4 0 0 0 Boston 7-12-9-28 championship for the sixth time last changed her mind on her tennis McGee cf 5 2 2 3 Murphy cf 3 12 0 Goalies—Pittsburgh. Herron. Boston. Dance, with Bryan Fann aboard, mph wind did not hinder the OSmith ss 4 0 3 1 Hubbrd 2b 3 0 11 Moffat A-U,507. Sutter in relief were humanely clestroyed. Whitesboro. N.Y., native. month. schedule for the rest of the year. Andujar p 1 0 0 0 Benedict c 3 0 0 0 Sutter p 1 0 0 0 Camp p 0 0 0 0 Perez p 10 0 0 Moore p 0 0 0 0 A l a b a m a claims win No. 5 Whisntn ph 10 0 0 led Cards' surge Mahler p 0 0 0 0 Bolton gridders triumph 19th hole Eledrosin p 0 0 0 0 Butler ph 10 0 0 By United Press International and started backing up without Louisiana State tied Tennessee 24- run. Garber p 0 0 0 0 GOLF ATLANTA (UPI) - Whitey Her- usual five days rest or going to Totals 37 6 12 6 ToUls 30 2 6 1 realizing where he was.” 24, No. 17 West Virginia beat 15th- Arizona freshman Maximilian Gilneck, David Janton, Danny Tylor zog says the difference between his someone else. Now we are in good Zendejas kicked a 43-yard field goal Bolton Tigers ‘A’ and ‘B’ football Country Club Net —Marge Grant 54-14-40, Doris St Louis 040010001-6 Quarterback Walter Lewis, who ranked Boston College 20-13, No. 18 and Rod Wilson were among the Atlanta 000 000 200-2 three Kansas City teams that won shape with Forsch ready to open the No. 4 beating No. 3 added up to Stanford lost to Arizona State 21-17, with 36 seconds left in the game, but teams took wins over Colchester Wood 53-13-40; C —Gross —Cora Fi-Ramirez. D P-St. Louis 3. LOB-St. ran for one touchdown and passed standouts for the Tigers. BEST 12- A —Net —Sher Ferguson division championships but no Series with plenty of rest. win number five for Alabama Satur- for another to Carter for the Tide’s No. 19 Illinois edged Purdue 38-34, UCLA’s John Lee came back with a Sunday at Herrick Park, with the ‘A’ Anderson 57, Net —Grace Shea 56 Louis 11. Atlanta 3, 2B—Herr. 3B— Golf Results playoffs and his present St. Louis ( “After having been so close before squad taking a 26-0 verdict and the Aaron Alibro tossed a 51-yard TD 45-3-42, Stan McFarland 45-2-43, Reg 17-41. FOUR BALL- Flo Barre-Barb McGee. HR-McGee (1). S-Andujar 2. By United Press International day. first two scores, passed to Jesse and No. 20 Clemson blanked 36-yarder with 2 seconds to play at Curtis 47-4-43, George Martin 47-4- L Smith. 050,000' U Jet Classic team, which opens World Series without winning,” said Herzog, “Either we .are extremely lucky ‘B’ a 12-2 duke. strike to Cliff Scorso and added an Davis-Elsie Crockett-Claire IP H RERBBSO At Abilene, Texas, Oct. 10 Bendross for a two-point conversion Virginia 48-0. Pasadena. Calif., to tie the score as 43; B —Bob (lenovesi 47-5-42, Mike (Par 721 play 'Tuesday against Milwaukee, is “this has to be the most thrilling or we re a lot better than most peo- to put Alabama ahead 35-21. Penn No. 2 Pittsburgh was idle. the Bruins staved off an upset. Mark Ebreo rushed for 215 yards 82-yard touchdown gallop in the Zimmerman 61, Rose Robideau- St Louis fourth period to pace the ‘B’ team. Martin 49-7-42, Frank Lipinski 50-7- Andujr (W 1-0) 62-3 6 2 2 2 4 Wavne Levi >E3.0()0 M.71.€8«-271 relief ace Bruce Sutter. moment of my long baseball ple thought we were,” Coach Bear State quarterback Todd Blackledge, In Seattle, reserve quarterback Mike Johnston kicked three and three touchdowns and a two- May Anderson-Janet Shaw-Phyllis Sutter (SI) 2 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 Thomas Gray 07,800 73-71d887-277 Rich LeBel, Alibrio, Scorso, Adam 43, Joe Novak 48-5-43, Wally Irish 50- Bobbv Cole 00.300 67-71 dO-71-278 Sutter turned in two perfect in- career.” Bryant said after his Crimson Tide, who threw for two touchdowns and Tim Cowan passed for three second-half field goals, including a point conversion to pace the ‘A’ Holmes 61. Atlanta Alibrio and Don Holbrook were stan- 7- 43; C —Steve Dexler 51-9-42, Ed Camp (L 0-1) 1, 4 4 4 1 0 Johnny Miller 00.300 68-74d0-«7-278 nings Saturday night when the Car- .Milwaukee made it to te World 5-0, scored a 42-21 victory over Penn 232 yards while the Lions, 4-1, were touchdowns and Chuck Nelson added 33-yarder with 11 seconds to play, to Tigers. Ebreo also had a 99-yard in- Perez 32-3 3 1 1 1 2 Garv K(K-h 314,000 67-71-70-71-279 douts for the winners. Ansaldi-55-11-44, George Blount 57- dinals came from behind to beat the Series by beating California three State. “The thing that really picked still very inuch in the contest, was three field goals to power boost the Irish at South Bend, Ind. terception return called back. Brad M(X)re 1 1-3 1 0 0 0 0 Bruce Devlin 312.000 67-70-72-71-280 straight, including 4-3 Sunday, after Bolton’s next outing is Sunday at 13-44, A1 Chevrette 52-8-44; low Mahler 1 2-3 3 0 0 2 0 Hal Sutton 311587 71-72-71-67-281 Atlanta Braves, 4-3, and 2 1-3 more us up was when we got that extra then intercepted at the Penn State 30 Washington in a Pacific-10 Johnston, now 9-of-9 in field goals on Marandino, who led the defense with Tallwood Bedrosian 1-3 0 0 0 0 1 Steven Liebler 311567 68-71-72-70-281 Stafford Springs. gross —Ferguson 77, Sunday night to preserve a 6-2 vic- losing the first two games of the touchdown (after Penn State’s pun- by Lowe, who picked his way into Conference game. Cowan, who the season and in his career, also six tackles, added the final TD. Garber 11110 1 Gll Morgan 30.800 71-73-67-71-282 FOUR .'VIAN BEST BALL- Gross Camp pitched to 5 batters in 2nd. Jav Haas 87,700 67-75«-72-283 tory that gave St. Louis a three- best-of-five playoffs. ting mishap) and went up from six the end zone for the clincher. replaced Steve Pelluer in the second kicked field goals of 42 and 29 yards. T.J. Alibrio. John Roberts, Eric .SWEEPS- A —Gross —Ferguson 77, The first two games of the Series, ) —Nick Pahoulis-Gino Calderone- WP-Andujar 2 Balk-Andujar. T- .1 C. Snead 37,700 00-71-72-71-283 game sweep of the National League to 14. That was really a big deal.” Paterno realized his tough quarter, threw three scoring strikes At Dallas, long runs by Marcus Net -W illie Oleksinski 81-8-73, Paul George McAlees-Art Bassell 72, Ken 2:51 A -ffi.lh Doug Tewell 0.700 70-71-72-70-283 playoffs. with the opener set for 8:25 p.m. edt Linnie Patrick scored his second schedule would nriake it hard for his in the third period on passes of 41 Dupree, Weldon Ledbetter and Fred Purcell 82-8-74, Dick Paternostro 83- Brad Bryant 0.700 70-73-72-68-283 Tuesday, are scheduled for St. Comerford-Lou Argenio-Tony .Mike Smith 35,000 72-70-71-71-284 “Bruce Sutter without a doubt,” touchdown two plays after Penn team to go undefeated this year. and 12 yards to Aaron Williams nd a Sims ignited the Oklahoma offense Bolton girl hooters bow, 2-0 8- 75; B —Gross —Bill SullivanSteullet-Roy 82, Bell 72; Net —Gerry Ron Streck 35,800 70-72-70-72^284 said the Cardinals manager. “The Louis. The Cardinals and Brewers State’s Ralph Giacommaro punted “I kept trying to tell people that,” 15-yarder to Anthony Allen. as the Sooners ended their three- Joe Novak 82, Net—Martin 85-13-72; Mark Pleil 35,000 00-71-72-72-284 go to Milwaukee for games 3,4 and 5 Richmann-Ralph King-Bob Zimmer- Jack Renner 35,600 .,70-72-72-70-284 Yankees (who knocked the Royals into the back of a teammate and Ed- the coach said. “We’ve still got a lot Junior tailback Herschel Walker game losing streak to the East. C —Gross —John Everett 90, Net Roger Sines 48, Paul Cosman-Sam DA Welbring 35,800 '60-72-80-74-284 out of the American League playoffs (if needed) and return to St. Louis die Lowe scored on a pass intercep- of football ahead of us.” smashed the Southeastern Longhorns. Despite a fine effort, Bolton High "This was the best team effort by —Bob LaChapelle 93-15-78. Jim Thorpe 0,650 67-72-72-74-285 for games 6 and 7 if the Series lasts girls’ soccer team wound up on the Sapienza-Ken Tedford-Chuck Nicol John Fought 33,660 ' 66-76-70-73-286 in 1976, 1977 and 1978) always came tion on the next play to lead Elsewhere in the Top 20, No. 1 Conference career rushing record At Nashville, Tenn., offensive our girls all year,” stated Bolton ABCD FOUR BALL QUOTA- that long. short end of a 2-0 score to homestan- 59, Cliff Keune-Ray St. Louis-Vince Lee Trevino 33.660 71-71-74-60-286 at us with a (Rich) Gossage and in a Alabama. The Crimson Tide were Washington crushed California 50-7, and scored three touchdowns at tackle Rob Monaco recovered a I Coach Joe Jankowski. “Both goals Erwin Kennedy-Mike Lomba-Wiggy Jazwinski-Jim Menditto 60. Tom Purtzer 33.660 06-73-72-71-285 short series that means a lot. “The Brewers have an excellent protecting a 27-21 lead with less than fifth-rated Georgia whipped Athens, Ga., and the Bulldogs ding Portland High Saturday mor- were Off individual mistakes caused Gardella-Dick Melton plus 6; Ted Robert Hoyt 33.860 06-75-71-70-285 hitting team, just like the Braves,” fumble by one of his teammates in SWEEPS- Gross -Steullet 77, Mark MrCumbr 33,660 68-73-00-75-285 “This time, when we were in trou- five minutes to play before Giacom- M ississippi 33-10, sixthrated picked off seven passes to rout the end zone for a touchdown to lift ning. by the miserable conditions.” Backiel-Mort Rosenthal-Ed Shaw- Pahoulis 78, Net —Calderone 79-16 Gary Hallberg 33,860 70-75-70-70-285 said Herzoe. “If our Ditchers do the Chris Chiasson and Amy Dole Ed Fiori •32.6fc 88-73-60-72-267 ble, 1 just looked to No. 42 (Sutter) maro punted into Mike Suter and the Southern Methodist got by Baylor Mississippi. Walker, who gained 149 Vanderbilt over 13th-ranked Florida Rebekah Gleason and Dane Jim O’Rourke plus 4, Steve Matava- 69, King 91-22-69, Jim Allen 83-12-71, and 1 knew he would do the job just same type of consistent job they did tallied first-half goals for the 2-4 Frank Conner 32.612 70-74-67-75-267 Crimson Tide claimed the ball at the 22-19, No. 7 Nebraska routed ' yards in 24 carries, surpassed the in a Southeastern Conference game. Marshall played well for the C.D. McCarthy-Hal Giglio-John Ken Scofield 93-22-71, Bob Chambers Craig Stadler 32,642 6574-70-77-287 like he did all season long.” these last three games, we will do Highlanders. Penn State 12. Colorado 40-14, eighthranked UCLA 4,035-yard SEC rushing standard At Morgantown, W.Va., quarter- Bulldogs, 1-6 for the season. Everett plus 4, Dick Smith-Ron 81-10-71, Keune 80-872, Zimmer 87- NATIONAL HOCKEY LEAGUE Andy Bean 32525 87-74-00-78-288 “This is a new experience for OK.” Joe Carter went the first 6 and pulled out a 24-24 tie with Arizona, held by LSU’s Charles Alexander. The same two clubs were slated to Simmons-Fred Lennon-Vic Plagge By United Press International Pat Lindsey 32525 72-73-72-71-288 The Cardinal pitchers, including back Jeff Hostetler ran 3 yatMs for a 1672, Cosman 95-23-72, John Boylan il.ate night game not included) Tom Weiskopf 32525 70-75-73-70-288 me,” said Sutter who won nine Patrick, who scored on an 11-yard No. 9 Arkansas defeated Texas Tech At Boulder, Colo., I-back .^ k e play this morning at Bolton at 11 plus 1, Gordie Wilson-(5erry Troy- Bill Britton 32525 87-77-74-70-288 games and saved 36 others during Joaquin Andujar who had a two-hit touchdown with 28 seconds left in Tribe spikers 89-17-72. Wales Conlerence run late in the second quarter to 21-3, lOth-ranked North Carolina Rozier raced for 212 yards on 32 the game to boost the Mountaineers. . o’clock. Steve Dexler-Fred Nassiff 0, Dom rWO MAN BEST BALL- Ken Patrick Division Howard Twitty 32525 71-09«-7»-28B the regular season. “It’s been a long shutout through six innings Sunday bow again W L T P t s . G F GA Fuzzy Zoeller 32525 67-75-73-73-288 give Alabama a 21-7 lead, swept downed Wake Forest 24-7, No. 11 carries and scored twice to pace DeNicolo-Don Genovesi-Bob Comerford-Jack Carey 73, StanDoug Jell Sanders 31.688 71-71-76-71-289 season, but you just can’t get tired night but needed Sutter’s help after The last-minute victory was set ap Philadelphia 3 0 0 6 18 II acros from 6 yards out. Notre Dame edged No. 16 Miami Nebraska in its Big Eight opener. when Boston College comerback Manchester High girls’ volleyball Genovesi-Ray Tanguay -2. Domian 73; Net—Pete Ramey-John New Jersey 1 0 2 4 11 10 Allen Miller 31,888 71-72-74-72-289 now. I’ll do whatever Whitey wants giving up four hits in the seventh, “You just don’t believe those (Fla.) 16-14, 12th-rated Texas Rozier, who went into the game . BACK NINE'NET- Erwin Kennedy- NY launders 2 1 0 4 12 10 Roger Maltbie 31.886 73-70-73-72-289 allowed the Braves only five runs George Radachowsky fumbled a team fell in four set to Windham Southerland 62, Bob Farrand-Nelson Washington 1 2 0 2 U U JelT Mitchell 3I;688 71-7272-73-289 in the World Series. I’ll be ready to things can happen to you as much as - dropped , a 28-22 decision to ranked sixth among the nation’s top Lomba-Gardella-Melton 27, Matava- Vance Heafner 31.686 0577-72-74-289 and 15 hits in the three playoff fair catch on a punt to give the High last Friday night in Williman- Eddy 64, Ted Blasko-Bob Russell 65, NY Rangers 1 2 0 2 11 11 pitch every day if I have to.” you practice punting,” said Patemo. Oklahoma, No. 13 Florida lost to rushers, scored on a 6-yard pass tic. Scores were 15-12,13-15,15-8 and McCarthy-fiiglio-Everett 29. Pittshurgh 0 2 1 1 0 12 Lanny Wadkins 31.888 71-74-7271-289 The Cardinals won the games. Mountaineers the toll on the Eagles’ Soccer Bill Roy-John Howard 65, Bob Adams Division Jim Dent 31,191 72-7271-74-290 “The kid (Suter) got a little careless Vanderbilt 31-29, 14thrated from Turner Gill and on an 11-yard 14. BEST 16- A —Sher Ferguson 64-5- 4 Bob Murphy 31,191 68-7270-74-290 raindelayed playoff opener 7-0 “If I’d had a vote for MVP,” said 15-11. LeBreux-Gerry Richmann 65, Jim Montreal ’ 2 1 0 14 10 The loss was the ninth in a row for 59, Erwin Kennedy 65-4-61, Bob Aufman-Paul Cosman 65. Quebec 2 1 0 4 17 17 Phil Hancock 31,191 72-71-75-72-290 Thursday behind Bob Forsch’s Porter who won that honor after Behling 68-6-62, Ray Gordon 69-7-62; Boston '2 1 0 4 10 12 Keith Fergus 31,191 6275-74-72-290 three-hit shutout, the also- going 5-for-9 in the playoffs, “I the winless Indian spikers. Michelle SWEEPS- Gross -Comerford 76, Bulfalo 0 2 1 1 12 18 Mark McNulty 31,191 75-71-72-72-290 Quey, Heidi Shaw, Lianne Bolduc B —Simmons 69-1659, Lennon 71-10- Doug Domian 76, Net —John Hartlord 0 2 1 1 > 1 1 Bob Eastwood 31,191 727274-73-290 raindelayed second game on would have made it a split vote 61, Sal Evangelista 72-11-61, Bob Campbell Conlerence George Archer 31.191 74-71-72-73-290 between Willie McGee and our en- Yale gridders win, UConn bows and Judy Dalone played well for the Sutherland 8617-69, Cosman 91-23- Norris Division Bill Kratzert 31,191 "72-7274-71-290 Sutter’s relief 'pitching and Ken Genovesi 71-10-61, Rich Marshall 74- Tom Jenkins 3804 71-75-7272-291 Oberkfell’s clutch ninth-inning hit, tire pitching staff. To me, those locals. Club girls 68, Eddy 97-27-70, Russell 861670, W L T P t s . G F GA Windham also took the jayvee tilt, 11-63, Ted Stepanski 77-14-63, Pete John Howard 9618-72, Bob Felix 91- Minnesota 2 0 1 i 14 10 Mike Morley 3884 82727271-291 and got off to a fast start Sunday were the key. score win Teets 72-9-63; C—Dick Melton 81-24- St Louis 2 1 0 4 8 > Rod Nuckolls 3884 7287-71-75-291 NEW HAVEN (UPI) - It’s you go bananas.” University’s two game winning 15-2 and 15-12. 18-73, Len Christensen 87-14-73, Bill Chicago 1 0 1 3 11 10 Ed Sneed 3820 71-74-7271-291 with four runs in the second. “Our pitchers didn’t allow a home made the fifth of Lehigh’s, six in- 57, John Everett 761659, Dexler 76 Mark O'Meara 3820 72727272T«t been years since Yale football It was the other way around for streak. The Terriers are 2-2. Yale, terceptions on the day. Manchester resumes play Manchester Soccer Club girls’ 10- Dowd 91-18-73, Chuck Gagnon 867- Toronto 0 1 2 2 10 11 In that inning, St. Louis had a run to a team that led the National and-under squad whipped the 18-60, Ed Shaw 75-15-60; low gross Detroit 0 2 1 1 4 13 Rex Caldwell 3820 . 82727275-291 League in homers,” said Porter, the players sang the Yale fight song, but the University of Connecticut, which off to jts worst start ever, is 1-3. The late touchdown capped a TTiesday against Wethersfield High 73, Terry Means 8613-73. Smytbe Division Lance Ten Broeck 1820 71-70-72-72-291 single by Keith Hernandez, a walk to Tolland Termites, 8-1, Saturday at —Ferguson 75, Woody Clark 75. A-John Slaughter 72827275-398 they were bellowing this weekend had a three game winning streak Lehigh scored its 16-12 triumph Lehigh rally fueled by two TDs in at Clarke Arena. Edmonton 2 10 4 17 14 Darrell Porter, a runscoring single Cardinal catcher. “Our pitchers just Martin School. SWEEPS- A —Gross —Ferguson 75, Los Angeles 1 0 1 3 6 4 Tom Kite 3787 74-72-7277-298 made good pitches to the right spots. after snapping a demoralizing three stopped Saturday by Lehigh. over Connecticut with a 35-yard the final 10 minutes of the contest. Vancouver 111 3 . 8 10 Pat McGowan 1787 728272«-2l8 by George Hendick, a two-run triple Heather Almond and Patty Horn- Clark 75, Net-Kennedy 76-4-72, Bob Butch Baird 3787 72727277-898 by Willie McGee (who also homered If you wandered a little bit with loss run. “We had scoring opportunities we touchdown pass from quarterback Horn led the. Engineers by com- East gridders Red Rock Winnipeg 1 1 0 2 12 8 “We finally played with heart,” Marty Horn to halfliack Dominic bostel each scored two goals with Flynn 81-673; B —Gross—Ron Sim- Calgary 0 3 0 0 10 15 John Mahafley 9787 72727272-398 in the ninth) and a runscoring single their big guns, they would kill you.” didn’t take advantage of and pleting 11 of 25 passes for 161 yards. upended, 22-14 mons 82, Net —Sal Evangelista 86 FALL GOLF CLASSIC- Gross (Top lour in each division qualKv lor Jay Cudd 375(8 02727277-294 Rick Crews, a senior split end, said penalties all over the place,” said LaSelva with 1:16 remaining. The victory ended a four-game Shelly Dieterle, Jeannete Gala, Stanley Cup playofls.) ' John Adams 3756 72727277-3M by Ozzie Smith before the Braves The Braves three top power 11- 74, Pete Teets 84-9-75, Bill —David Framer 77, Bill Kamerer Mike HolUnd 1756 71-7277-71-294 hitters — Dale Murphy, Bob Homer after Yale won 27-24 against Boston Connecticut coach Walt Nadzak. Horn’s pass came on the first play Lehigh losing ^treak. East Catholic freshman football Darcey Devanney and Tammi Saturday's Results got anyone out. team was on the short end of a 22-14 Dulberger adding one apiece for the Tomkiel 8611-75, Bob Norwood 86 82, Bemie Quesnel 85, Bill Kamerer Boston 5, Hartford 4 Peter Jacobsen im 7271-71-77-8*4 and Chris Chamblis who had 36, 32 University. “We really believed in “We were out of character.” following defensive tackle Brian Connecticut had a 12-3 lead Quebec 8, Bulfalo 4 Woody Blackburn .1756 72727270-894 “The sweep gave me a chance to score to the Glastonbury High frosh 14-75; C —Gross —Bob LaChapelle Sr. 86, Joe G illich 87, Jack Tom Wataon 1788 728277-75-895 and 20 home runs respectively ourselves. We knew we could win.” Yale got its first win of the season Cudelli’s interception of a Larry following a one-yard touchdown run 5-0 locals. Chicago 8, Montreal 7 avoid a difficult decision,” said Her- last Friday at Elagle Field. 84, Net -D ick Melton 97-24-73. Bradshaw 87, Low net —Bernie N.Y. Rangers 5. Pittsburgh 3 Eric Batten 1728 71-71-7280-886 “Winning gets contagious,” said with a 30-yard field goal by Bill Com third-down pass. ’The pass by by halfback Joe Markus on the se- Jenna Rovegno, Jodi Widmer, Gary Trivlsonno 1728 72727272-296 zog. “If we had lost tonight I would during the regular season — had a John Bayer and Joe Langefield LADIES ODD OUT, EVEN IN- A Quesnel 72, Sarah King 74, Art Philadelphia 3, Washington 2 combined total of only four hits in 32 junior defensive tackle Tom Giella. Moore with 6:09 left in the game. Corn, a sophomore backup quarter- cond play of the fourth quarter. Jean Faber and Ellen Moriarty New Jersey 5, Toronto 5 (tie) Jim Barber 1708 7271-7275-895 have been faced with the choice of scored on runs of 5 and 8 vards played well defensively. Next outing -^Gross —Linda Kaye 48, Net —Em- Langlais 74; longest drive —David .....Winnipeg 18, 8. r [jetralt 0‘ Jim Nelford 87IB ' 72727279-898 pitching Bob Forsch on less than his at bats, none for extra bases. — “Once you win one game, it makes The Yale victory snapped Boston back, was deflected, and Cudelli Connecticut is now 3-2. Fraser; closest to pin —Bill Edmonton 8. Vancouver 3 Ronnie Black 8708 71-727276-396 respectively for East. Mario is Saturday morning against Coven- ma Oleksinski 51-12-39, FTo Barre 51- Minnesota 8, St. Louia 3 Danny Walters 1708 71-71-7279-JB DiLoretto added a pair of PATs for try ‘A’ at Martin School at 10:30. 12- 39; B —Gross —Edna Wadas 53. Kamerer Sr. ( os Angeles 3, Calearv i Hale Jrwin 3688 82727292-8R MANCHESTER HERALD, Mon., Oct. 11, 19<2 - 19</p><p>18 - MANCHESTER HERALD, Mon., Oct. 11, 1982 IDVERTISING ADVERnSING Classified RATES 643'2711 Minimum Charge 22— Condomi ni ums TAG SALE SIGNS 15 W ords MOTICES EMPLOYMENT 23— Homes lor Sale 35— Heating-Plumping 46— Sporting Goods 58—Misc for Rent 24— Lots-Land for Sale 36— Flooring 47— Garden Products S9l-Homm/Apts. to Share Are things piling up? Then why not have a TAG SALE? The best way to an- 12.00 nooo the day 37— Moving>Truclung<Storage 48— Antiques 1—Lost and Found 13— Help Wanted 15—Investment Property PER WORD PER DAY balore publication. 26— Business Property 38— Services Wanted 49— Wanted to Buy AUTOMOTIVE 2~Personais 14— -Business Opportunities nounce it, is with a Herald Tag Sale Classified Ad. When you place your ad, 27— Resort Properly 50— Produce 3--AnnouncefTienis 15— SituatiQff Wanted 1-2 DAYS 15(p Deadline lor Saturday is 28— Real Estate Wanted MISC. FOR SALE RENTALS 61— Autos for Sale you’ll receive ON^TAG SALE SIGNS FREE, compliments of The Herald. 12 noon Friday; Mon- 62— Trucks tor Sale 3-5 DAYS 14«p EDUCATION 63— Heavy Equipment for Sale MISC. SERVICES 40— Household Goods 52— Rooms lor Rent day's deadline is 2:30 64— Motorcycies-Bicyctes 6.DAYS 13a: 41— Articles for Sale 53— Apartments for Rent FREE FINANCIAL 16— Private Instructions Friday. 31— Services Offered 42— Building Supplies 54— Homes for Rent 65— CamperS'Trailers-Mobile 10—ScnooiS'Ciasses Homes 26 DAYS 12a: 32— Pamltng-Papering 43— Peis-Birds*Dogs 55— OtficeS'Stores for Rent 8— Mortgage Loans 20—Instructions Wanted 66— Automotive Service Phone 643-2711 33— Buiiding«Contracting I 44— Musical Instruments 56— Resort Property for Rent CALL 643-2711 OR STOP IN AT OUR OFFICE 1 HERALD SQ., MANCHESTER 9- ^''arsonai Loans * £7_Autos lor Rent-Lease t(j»lniuranca REAL ESTATE 34— Roofing-Siding 45—j Boats & Accessories 57— Wanted to Rent</p><p>•••••••••••••••••••••••• ~rr eeeeeeeeeeeee •••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••a Free Claaelfled Ada Free Classified Ads Help Wanted t3 Services Offered 31 A rticles for Sale 41 • ••••••••••••••••****** ? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa [ • • V a a a a a a t a a t a a a a a t a a a a a *••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••a Doga-BIrda-Peta 43 lApartmenta For Rent sil Autof For Sate 61 VARIETY Ground covers CONTEMPORARY arm FIREPLACE glass doors l a ...... d t « a a a ' k k a a a t a a a a INVITATION TO BID MASSEUSE - Fem ale DESIGN KITCHENS - and perennials, large preferred. Good at- cabinets, vanities, counter chair upholstered in red with three speed FREE TO GOOD Home - THREE ROOM Apart- NOTICE Heatolator, 40Vi” wide, orders, $5. ten flowering four adorable abandoned ment, heated, stove, mosphere, excellent tops, kitchen cabinet velvet, chrome legs, $150. bushes, $5. House plants, BANK The Manchester Public Schools clientele. In the Windham fronts, custom Brown vinyl recliner, $50. 28V4” high, 2 8 ;’ deep. grey LH kittens. Call 528- refrigerator. References solicits bids for COMBINATION $2. Private home. 649-6488; REPOSSESSIONS OII. OAS niiRNFRS for the 1982- area. Experience not woodworking, colonial Contemporary black and Excellent condition, $35. 5110 or 649-2345. and security. 649-9021. white fabric wall hanging Call 649-5996. FOR SALE 1983 school year. Sealed bids will needed will train. Open reproductions in wood. FOUR ICE CREAM bo received until 3;00 P.M., Oc- seven days a week. Call J.P. Lewis, 649-9658. 50” X 50” , $25. 646-0479. FREE TO GOOD HOME - MANCHESTER BOYS 26-inch bicycle, han- Bentwood chairs, triangle 4 month old short haired Available immediately. i960 Dodge Colt - 2 tober 26, 1982, at which time they 423-7519. will be publicly opened. The right Your Community Newspaper' dle bar, rear front brakes seats, $60.00. Phone 649; Very nice 3(4-rooms, DRYWALL AND Painting CROCKS, KEGS, Barrels, pup. Mother Irish Setter, dr., H/B $3950. is reserved to reject any and all with carry all back rack. 7375. stove, refrigerator. No DUPLICATOR- service. Installation and spigots, carboys, wide- Father? Call 643-9595. 1979 Chevy Impale - 4 bids Specifications and bid forms mbuth glass buckets, 750 Good condition. $30.00. pets. References, security. PRESSMAN needed for taping, ceiling repairs, in- MOWER, dr. Sedan $3800. may be secured at the Busiedss Of- gallon wood vat, grape Telephone 646-6794. HAND LAWN RECTAL HOME Needed $360 plus utilities. 649-4003. ficc. 45 N. School Street. local area commercial terior and exterior pain- sharp. $12.00. Telephone 1978 Subaru - 5 spd. Help Wanted 13 Help Wanted 13 print sh Must have some ting. After 5 p.m,, 649-3664. grinder. 643-2880. for two lovable Tiger Manchester. Connecticut. Ray- 649-6866. $3000. mond E Demers, Business experience with Itek and al uminum storm Win- kittens now spayed. Aban- TWO APARTMENTS- PLEASE READ SEVEN GALLON Emer- dows, 20” by 50” expan- doned but still devoted to Available Nov. 1st. 3V4 1976 Dodge D100 Manager. NURSES AIDES Certified. AB Dick duplicators. PROFESSIONAL 022-10 (jAds 1967 PONTIAC LEMANS rooms $300. 4 rooms Pick-up $1350. YOUR AD Accepting applications for Please call 648^161 for in- Housecleaning done at son humidifier - $40. dable to 51” with screens. humans. 342-0571, 633-6581. NEED EXTRA MONEY? Dinette table and 4 chairs Good quality. $10.00 each, with 326 engine, six quart $350.Stove, refrigerator. The above can be seen full and part time. All formation or apply in per- your convenience. oil pan, new starter and Reliable, insured, bonded. $25. Pressure cookers: 6 have two. 643-6777. BLACK CHIHUAHUA - No u tilities. No att^ Classiried ads are taken Soiling Avon con hotp shifts. Excellent benefit son at 135 Main Street, battery. $99.00. 649-4060. EIGHTH UTILITIES DISTRICT siVie children/pets. ’Two months package and shift differen- Manchester. Also office cleaning. Free qt. aluminum $15., 4 qt. eleven months old. $75.00. MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT over the phone as a con- fight Inflation. Coll now security.References. 649- tial. Please call D.N.S. estimates. 643-5056. stainless steel $25. PO’TTER’S kick wheel for Call 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. 649- Savingt Bank of Manchester venience. The Herald Is at 646-3685 or 523- 25” CONSOLE Color 9521, 649-7850 ask for Mrs. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS - C\as sale, good condition. Monday - Friday, 643-5151, RECEPTIONIST- Must be Stainless steel wok $15. 646- 1633. Ask for Gail. 913 Main Straat INVITATION TO BID responsible for only one television, beautiful pic- 9401 experienced in handling HOMEMAKING 6963. Asking $75.00. Call 646-4433 Brown. In accordance with provisions of Crestfield Convalescent ture and condition. Call Incorrect insertion and Home and Fenwood telephone and the SERVICES offered on an evenings or weekends. 1970 CAMARO, 6 cyl., the District bylaws, sealed 647-0450,asking $70.00. Mualcal Inatrumenta- 44 Homes tor Rent S4 then only to the size of BANKING - Ejmerienced Manor. public.Typing helpful. 40 hourly basis. Shopping, SOFA & LOVESEAT - three speed, some rust. proposals will be received in the the original Insertion proof operator. Full time. hour week. Call Judy, 646- errands, et cetera. Call Blue, rust and gold print on MISTY HARBOR all Must be seen. Asking $700. 1975 Datsun Office of the Eighth Utilities EBONY 5 FT. Baby Grand District in the District Firehouse. Errors which do not South Windsor Bank & 2900. Trudy at 643-8579, between beige background, suede weather coat with wool zip EAST HARTFORD - Large E1210, four speed, four door, FOR SALE - Cream color piano - Circa 1920s. six rooms plus. Cape. 32 M ain S treet. M an chester. lessen the value of the Trust Company. For ap- ELECTRICIAN 6 and 9 p.m. like fabric, $600. for both. out liner, size 18V^, good on gas. Rebuilt JOURNEYMAN or Set of - coffee table, plus excellent condition, two table let down end leafs, Original ivory kws. New Three bedrooms, fireplace, transmission and engine. Connecticut, until 4:00 p.m. advertisement will not pointment contact: Warren PART TIME DRIVER for E D S.T.. October 14. 1982 registered apprentice. years old, $20.00. Call 649- good condition. For felts, et cetera. Excellent centrally located near Matteson, 289-6061. EOE. Olin Mills. Evenings and LICENSED Day care - two end tables, walnut with Asking $1300. Telephone Said proposals for furnishing of all you be corrected by an ad- kitchen. $12.00. 649-6548. condition. $3000. 646-6963. churches, schools and Experienced in Commer- Saturdays during day. home clean, happy at- glass inlaids, $150 for set; 1847. 646-6937 after 5:30. materials, labor, equipment and ditional insertion. ARBOR ACRES FARM cial and Industrial Wiring. Must have own car. Call mosphere, all ages. or $725 for all pieces. 646- busline. Pay own utilities. incidentals for ‘ CONSTRUCTION Inc. seeks full time general Benefits. DuBaldo Elec‘ Jim at 646-5798. E.O.E. Nutritious meals provided. 6963. ONE PROPELLER left COFFEE MILL replica, Security required. 1977 J E E P RENEG AD E. OF SANITARY SEWER poultry farm worker. trie, 646-5422. M/F . Convenient, on Hartford for any four cylinder John- $15.00. Call 646-1427. * RENTALS Available August 1st. $600 Six cylinder, hardtop, roll FACILITIES. TOLLAND Agricultural background Road busline. 643-4716. COAL/WOOD Furnace. son or evenrude outboard. monthly. 643-1845 or 643- bar, side bars, stereo. 42,- TURNPIKE” shall be publicly opened, read and recorded at 8:00 31\r desirable, but not essen- DEPENDABLE Part time Situation Wanted IS Hot water or hot air 13” X 19” . Excellent condi- TRUMPET (king) good 177B. 000 miles. Must be seen. help wanted - Apply in per- system . Also heats tion. $39.00. Please call 649- condition. $98.00. Pnone $4000. Ask for Pete, 643- p.m ., O ctober 14, 1982 at the tial. Paid Health and PIANO Technician. Rooms lor Rent 52 Eighth U tilities District son: Center Grinder & Piz- PROFESSIONAL looking domestic hot water. All 0231. 646-7392. 7712. Retirement Plans. Call Tuning, regulating, and Offices-Stores Firehouse, 32 Main Street, have something to maurliPHtpr Jim Fracchia, Glaston- za Shop, 660 Center Street, for housecleaning jobs repairing. Reasonable controls. Coal bins. Best MANCHESTER - Nice tor Rent 55 Manchester. Connecticut. bury, 633-6456 for an ap- Manchester. days. Starting immediate- rates. Free estimates. offer. After 6:30 p.m. call CHEST WITH Five full BICYCLE, girls 26 inch,, room with kitchen 1969 R E D MUSTANG, 302 (.'ontract Documents, including Sprain pointment. ly. References. Call 646- Phone 643-4962 for appoint- 643-9823. drawers, light brown three speed, $40.00 or best privileges. Gentleman NEWLY RENOVATED Boss. Automatic transmis- drawings and technical WOMEN TO WORK as 1844. ment. hardwood, excellent condi- offer. 643-1061. preferrM. $50.00 weekly. 310 square feet o ffic e sion, power steering, specifications are available at the PART TIME PHONE homemakers for elderly, MOVING SALE - Must sell tion. $80.00. Telephone 643- Security. Telephone 643- available. Main Street power brakes, needs minor Eighth U tilities District Solicitors needed morninp sick or handicapped Condominiums 22 Painting-Papering 32 17 I' iears refrigerator 5697. 1960 FALCON Sedan body 1878. location with ample body work. $900. 742-8296. F ir e h o u s e , 32 M ain S tre e t, clients. Part time hours with iLd maker, $300. 12 ft. part - r.f. fender original Manchester, Connecticut, Copies and e v e n in g s , in parking. Call 649-2891. of Contract Documents may be ob- sell for less than finish, exc. $40.00 or best, Manchester and Rockville available. Car essential. MANCHESTER - Two INTERIOR PAINTING, Sears freezer, $150. Lawn FOAM RUBBER rug pad- CENTRALLY LOCATED 1969 BUICK ELECTRA, tained by depositing twenty dollars area. Salary plus bonus. Mileage reimbursement. bedroom condo for rent. A- over ten years experience, mower, $30.00. Sears ding, 12x21, 12x13, 11x12, offer, after 6 pm, 647-1567., downtown. Exceptionally TWO CAR GARAGE with 225. No rust. Looks and ($20.00) with the Clerk of the □ NOTICES Call 872-7071, Day time only. Phone 643- C. $575 with heat. 273-2013, low rates and senior citizen weedeater, $10.00. Swing good' condition. $15.00 for clean rooms. Kitchen work area. Approximately runs great. $1100. lOighth Utilities District for each 9511. 659-3008. dints. 643-9980. set, $40.00. 647-8095. all. Will sell parts. 647- BICYCLE, boys 26” , good, privileges. Maid linen ser- 600 square feet. Centrally Telephone 742-8296. set of documents so obtained. Each PART TIME - Wendy’s Old 1737. condition, english type vice. Security required. located. $160.00. Call 646- such deposit will be refunded if the Lost and Found 1 Fashioned Hamburgers on SECRETARY INTERIOR-EXTERIOR UNIVERSAL electrical with thin tires, baskets in-, Call 643-5127. 7690. 1969 DODGE POLARA- drawings and the specifications 260 B road S treet, Experienced in filing, PAINTING - Wallpapering basement sump pump. BICYCLE for sale, 16” eluded. $40.00. Call 647-1247 Good running condition. are returned in good condition °° ...fill out the bookkeeping, typing, □ REAL ESTATE $70.00. Used once. 649-5635. Schwinn Sting Ray in after 4 pm. Asking $350. (Jail 643-4941. within ten (10) days after the Bid LOST: Vivitar Camera in Manchester is now hiring and Drywall Installation. LARGE COMFORTABLE Misc. for Rent 58 opening. front of Liegetts, Parkade. help for the Lunch Shift. telephone, office Quality professional work. excellent condition. Price room near bus and shop- procedures. Hours flexible. Goodyear The Eighth Utilities District Reward. Telephone 649- Excellent pay and benefits. Homes For Sale 23 Reasonable prices. Free S C R E E N E D LOAM - $45.00. Call 646-3716. TIRE mounted ping. Reasonable. Security HORSE BARN FOR 1978 C H E V E T T E , fo u r reserves the right to waive any in- ______L______E70-14,. 2791. Homemalcers are en- Send resume to P.O. Box Estimates! Fully insured. Gravel, processed gravel, speedway w/w, required. 649-0102. RENT- Manchester East speed, $2500. Excellent fonnalitie.s or reject any or all couraged to apply. Apply in 48, Manchester or call 643- FLORIDA’S FINEST adult G.L. McHugh, 643-9321. sand, stome and fill. For STATION WAGON roof air $55.00. 649-6482. Hartford Town Line. Can condition. Telephone 646- Bids. Personals 2 person to Manager, Mon- 1211. golf and country club com- deliveries call George scoop, $10.00. Phone 643- COMFORTABLE have three horses. Water 1236. Each bidder must deposit with his Grilling, Andover, 742- CHROME Triumph Bid. security in the amount, form coupon below and day - Friday, 3-5 p.m. munity. Trees, lakes, INTERIOR AND 5873. SLEEPING Room. and electric Included. $300 WOULD THE LADY I met E.O.E. FULL AND PART TIME security. Private, uniquely 7886. muffler, $35.00. Telephone Working adult, parking, no Trucka tor Sale 62 and subject to the conditions EXTERIOR Painting, monthly. Heat available. provided in the Instructions to on the train at Bellows Clerk for second and third designed, manufactured paper hanging, carpentry MAGNIFYING GLASS on 649-5924. smoking, on busline. 649- 649-7373. shifts. Apply In person 7- Bidders. Falls on Sunday, contact SUBSTITUTE NURSES homes. From $35,900! Lake work. Fully insureu. J.P. ITWO BUNK BED SETS- stand with three fluores- 6526. 1968 FORD Vi Ton pickup, No bidder may withdraw his Bid me after 5 p.m. - Call for Coventry Public Eleven, 513 Center Street, Fairways, P.O. Box 4535, Lewis and Son, 649-9658. New, never used. $500. for cent lights. Electrical plug FOR SALE - 21” rotary very good condition, many within thirty (30) days after the ac- collect, 269-6288. Schools. Contact Dr. Manchester. N. Ft. Myers, Fla. 33903; two sets. Call 649-1925. in. 646-0362, reasonable. lawn mower, good condi-. KITCHEN PRIVILEGES new parts, needs minor tual date of the Bid opening. Donald Nicoletti, at 742- or toll free 1-800-237-8909. D.G. PETERSEN Painting $30.00. tion, $50.0Q. Call 646-8706. & LAUNDRY- $60. Call work. $600 or best offer. Gordon Lassow, President moil to: □ AUTOMOTIVE 8913. E.O.E. APPLICATIONS BEING C om pany - in te r io r , Free ClassHled Ads 649-9521, or 647-1111, ask Tom, 674-9413 days; Dated 10'4 82 □ EMPLOYMENT accepted for mature sales MANCHESTER exterior, spray, brush or KITCHEN TABLE, grey PAIR OF CAR fog lights, for Mrs. Brown. evenings 646-6727. 011-10 WOMAN WANTED - Hart- person full or part time. Assumable mortgage roll. Custom wallpaper ODYSSEY HOME Video formica top with black $10.00. Telephone 646-2634. Auto Parts For Safa 60 Manchester Heralid ford Road Dairy Queen, 11 Apply in person only - possible on this six room hanging. Workmanship game with cartridge for legs, leaf and four chairs. Apartments for Rent 53 Motorcycles-BIcycles 64 Help Wanted 13 Adams Apple, Manchester CHILDllENS X-coun!try 1974 OPEL MANTA - Stan- INVITATION TO BIO - 2 Monday - Friday. excellent conditioned guaranteed. 646-8467. sale. Excellent condition. $30.00. Call 649-9843. The Eighth Utilities District of One Herald Square Counter work, also help Parkade. Colonial. Three bedrooms, $85.00. Cali 528-3476 after 6 skis and poles. Starter set, MANCHESTER- One and dard. Good parts. Best 1980 SILVER MAXI-LUV BACK TO SCHOOL means Manchester seeks bids for heating make D.Q. novelties and 1'2 baths, full basement, FALL SPECIAL - Let Lee p.m. 300 COMIC BOOKS for 148 cm. $15. Phone 643-1374 two bedroom apartment offer takes it. 646-0349. F^ch moped. Like new. oil and service for the year 1982- Manchester, Conn. 06040 back to work. Parents, cakes. Good starting INVENTORY CONTROL fenced in rear yard, front sale. Marvel and DC. Most A plate left by Sir Fran- available. Centrally Asking $450.00. Telephone 1983. Sealed proposals will be returning students and Painting help you clean up wages. Apply in person Clerk - full time to main- porch. $64,900. Strano Real before the Holidays. FOUR FLEETWOOD poly titles. 25 cents each. cis Drake when he claimed, located on busline near FOUR UNMOUNTED 643-1958. received until 4:00 p.m ., others: If you have the mornings, Hartford Road tain manual and EDP Estate, 646-2000. Interior and exterior. Free 440 G78-14 tires mounted on Telephone 647-1954. California for England in,. phopplng center and TUBELESS white-walled Thursday, October 14. 1982 at time and need cash, we perpetual inventory FOR SALE - Moped - 8:00 p.m. Dairy Queen. estimates. Fully insured. Buick Century rims. First 1579 was found in Marin: schools. For further details tires (1 set studded snow have a limited number of records. IC or accounting WILLIMANTIC - Income $50 takes ail. 646-8499. POLAROID 440 complete call 649-7157. tires) and 1 rim, all 14” , Excellent running condi- Bids will be publicly opened, read 646-1653. County in 1936. and recorded on October 14, 1982. part-time positions in our MEDICAL SECRETARY experience required. Some property. Fully rented, with instruction book, good condition, $125 or best tion. Have to see to phone sales department. typing required. Excellent believe! $400. Call Mike - The right is reserved to reject any for busy Manchester three family. Large lot, Building Contracting 33 SOLID OAK TABLE, carry case, focused flash. MANCHESTER - Newly reasonable offer. 649-9904 or all bids. '' N A M E ...... ,.. Evening positions orthopedic practice. Appli- benefits. Salary $165 plus appliances, $52,900. After 5 1920’ s vintage - needs First ^5.00 takes all. A decohated one bedroom after 6 pm. 649-2633. available. No experience Helen J. Warrington cant must be a good typist DOE. Call or apply in per- p.m. Call 45i5-2846. refinishing. $30.00 firm. real steal. Call 643-6191. Warm Crochet " apartment. Access to shop- Clerk necessary. Will train those LEON CIESZYNSKI ADDRESS ...... and transcriptionist. son to The Carlyle Johnson •••••••••••••••••••••••• Call 649-0038 evenings after ping centers, buslines and Autoa For Safa 61 1981 HONDA CB900 F^ighth Utilities Diktrict with ambition and good BUILDER. New homes, Orthopedic experience a Machine Company, 52 Lots-Land tor Sale 24 additions, remodeling, rec 6 p.m. schools. For further details custom. Excellent condi- 010-10 CITY...... voices. Earn $67.40 to plus. Send experience, Main Street, Manchester, •••••••••••••••••••••••• please call 528-4196 SURPLUS JEEPS, CARS, tion. $5,000. Call 647-8457 - $100.00 weekly. Call Gerry rooms, garages, kitchens CustomCollection salary requirements and 643-1531, Extension 18. VERMONT - Mount Snow - remodeled, ceilings, bath TYPEWRITER Olivette between 9 and 5 pm or TRUCKS Car-inv. value leave message for Bob. ZIP ...... PHONE. after 5 p.m., Monday - references to Box AA, c-o E.O.E. Beautiful building lots. Underwood in leather after 5 pm and weexends, $2143, sold for $100. 602-998- Thursday at 643-2711. tile, dormers, roofing. The Manchester Herald. Superb settinhg on 1,200 Residential or commer- zipped case. Excellent con- 649-7157. 0575 Ext. 7816. Call Refun- LICENSED NURSE - part acres of wooded scenic cial. 649-4291. dition. $50.00. 646-6920. dable. SEWING MACHINE RN - LPN - Accepting time nights. Call 649-2358. terrain. Ponds, views, ten- A MANCHESTER - Main Operators - Experienced applications for staff nis courts, indoor and out- FOR SALE - Infant swing, Street. 2-3 rooms. Heated. 1966 MUSTANG Coupe Six preferred. Apply in person ELECTRICAL SERVICES nurses. 3 - 1 1 and 11 - 7 RN - PUBLIC HEALTH door pools, club house, $10.00. Call 649-6646. Hot water. Appliances. No cylinder, three s p ^ . i$500. only - Pillowtex Corpora- - We do all types of Elec- TYPE OR PRINT ONE WORD PER BLANK, shifts. Rest home and Nurse' for voluntary public saunas. X-country skiing pets. Security. Parking. or best offer. TelepI'elephone tion, 49 Regent Street, trical Work! Licensed. Call skilled nursing facility. health agency. Challenging and more. From $6,750 after 5:00 p.m., 646-1516. SiLVERTONE Upright 528-7047. 742-7936. Manchester. E.O.E., M/F. Excellent benefit package home visit program and with $995 down, 10% APR, phonograph, excellent and shift differential. clinic services. Liberal seven year term. Great op- playing condition. $98.00. VERNON-ROCKVILLE - 1979 FO R D G RA N A D A - 6 WANTED: Part time in- FARRAND (Ads must be submitted on original Herald coupon only!) Please call D.N.S. between personnel policies with portunity. For information REMODELING - Cabinets, Call 643-6680. Two new three room cyl., automatic, air- Unkrue serters. Must be 18 years 9 and 3, Monday - Friday, health insurance plan. Call contact: Heritage apartments. $300 monthly. conditioning, 27,000 miles. or over. Call 647-9947 - Ask Roofing, Gutters, Room 643-5151. Crestfield Con- 872-9163 for appointment. Associates, P.O. Box 777, SYLVANIA STEREO con- One 3W room apartment, Superb car! Many extras! for John between 8:30 a.m. Additions, Decks, all types valescent Home and E.O.E. Wilminoton, VT 05363. 802- $4495. 644-2942. , and 11:00 a.m. of Rem odeling and sole model with garrard $290 monthly. On busline. Fenwood Manor. 4648511. automatic turntable, very One months security. No Repairs. FREE 1 2 3 4 PASTA PRODUCTION Estimates. Fully insured. good condition. $65.00. Call pets. Utilities and heat not 1972 D O D G E MAXI-VAN. EXPERIENCED Worker wanted - 7 a.m. Beds, table, counter and CARPENTERS - Steady Telephone 643-6017. 742-7431 after 5:30 p.m. included. 875-1128 9 - 5 Mon- . i STATION help wanted - year round work. Must thru 1 p.m., Monday thru day - Saturday. sink, many extras, days. Spruce Street Mobil, have tools and transporta- Friday. Bakery or □ BUSINESS SKAPARAS HOME TAN CORDUROY Snugli automatic transmission, 220 Spruce Street. tion. Call 643-4139. restaurant experience_ and SERVICES Remodeling, room ad- baby carrier, the original. THREE ROOM apartment good condition. Must sell - necessary. Call Marco IlSttul! $35.00. Telephone 646-7335. with furniture. Available $1500 or best offer. 875- ditions, all types aluminum 5 8647, 5 thru 6 daily. ***********“ *********** work, roohng. Free es- now for a responsible 6128. 6 7 8 Servlces Ottered 31 timates, reasonable rates. ELECTRIC WATER gentleman. Call 643-6441. Tw o simple words. But when used to WANTED - LIVE-IN ...... Joe, 649-1733. Heater, 80 gallon. You take 1973 AUDI lOOLS - four Thinking about Homemaker - To help me REWEAVING BURN describe Classified ads, they really it aw ay for $25.00. SIX ROOM DUPLEX for speed, AM -FM , sun roof. f take care of my home and HOLES. Zippers, um- □M ISC . FOR SALE Telephone 646-4319. rent - yard, basement, at- Runs. $750. 742-5473. , mean something. They mean that prepare meals. Send brellas repaired. Window tic, shed. $400 monthly. Classified ads bring people together in changing replies to: Box BB c-o The shades, Venetian blinds. 40 AMPLIFIER, excellent Call 646-6867, after 5:00 FORD FIESTA, 1979. a way no other advertising medium 9 10 11 12 Herald. K/yf condiHon;$75;00."c;u p.m. Decor group, 4 cyl., stan- Marlow’s, 867 Main Street. dard, 32,000 miles. AM-FM can. In fact, the Classified columns careers? USED 7625 after 2:00. TEACHER AIDE for year 649-5221. MANCHESTER - Free cassette stereo, sun roof, of your newspaper provide a service 1982 has already brought many changes, round before and after REFRIGERATORS, WASHERS, RANGES - LANE DINING Table - Cr^ rent until November 1, Ziebart rustoroofed. Two that's used by thousands of people school daycare program. BRICK, BLOCK, STONE - new front tires, two like and you may be thinking about their effect Clean, Guaranteed. Parts walnut formica laminate, 1982. Two bedroom, IW every year. ^ why we say Good benefits. Experience Concrete. Clhimney 40x60. $50.00. Telephone new rear tires. $3300. 633- on your own situation. & Service. Low prices! baths, all appliances, wall Classified advertising is U NIQ UE 14 with school age children. Repairs. “ No Job Too 643-2339. to wall carpeting. Call 647- 4189. 13 15 16 The Prudential is holding a Career Night Apply Manchester Early Small.” Call 644-8356. B.D. Pearl & Son, 649 Main A N D U SE F U L? Prove it to yourself Street. 643-2171. (Jughfm 0391. Seminar to assist you if a job change is - L ea rn in g C e n te r, 80 FOR SALE - Six cubic ft. AUDI, 1974 lOOLS. Four by calling the Classified department or could be - in your plans for the future. Waddell Road, C & M Tree Service, Free 84” MODERN Green sofa, dump cart, pull behind Colltciion FOUR ROOM apartment speed, needs new transmis- topla<9 your adjo d ay] A position in our sales organization offers Manchester. E.O.E. estimates. Discount senior riding lawn mower. $65.00. with heat Included. sion, and lots of work. Dent very good condition. Toasty-warm slipper- citizens. Company Telephone 646-8706. Walking distance to Main in side but no rust. Interior the kind of financially rewarding opportunity Manchester owneef and $125.00. Pair 27” hobnail D-105 boots are easily crocheted OFFICE HELP - days 9.30 Street. First floor with excellent. AM-FM stereo. 17 18 19 20 that you may decide is for you - once you operated. Call 646-1327. table lamps, $50.00. 64^ from 4-ply worsted. Call 643-2711 -5. Evenings 5-9. Local TWELVE WOODEN private entrance. $450 per $800. CaU 643-2711 ext. 18, have all the facts, and if you qualify. advertising company is 5358. Liovely for gifts. Storm windows and A romantic ruffled blouse No. 5802 has crochet month. CaU 649-2947. ask for Paul. To answer any questions that will help looking to staff their East LIGHT TRUCKING - Fen- • • *,*V *1!*V V ...... Vi screens from a ranch Hartford location. We are cing. Attics, cellars,s. gar- Articles lor Sale 41 tops a softly gatherdd directions for Shoe Size you make up your mind, we have scheduled Take all for $35.00. skirt, knickers, or long 6-8 and 814-9(4 inclusive.' MANCHESTER - Four BANK REPOSSESSIONS - a restaurant advertising ages cleaned. All types ...... *...... ••••••• 649-2996. 1974 Chevy Impala four an informational seminar during the week pants. An alternate ver- TO OaOEO, le s d 81.90 tw u c S room, first floor apartment media using telephone trash, brush removed. alltni, plus 800 for postiip and available now. Adults only. door, 1979 Chevy Caprice sion features a scoop, faadlid|. AOvnrtum ADvtntam of October 25, at the Ramada Inn in East marketing for our Picket, Split Rail, Stake four door. Sealed bids are BICYCLE, Ladies 26” 3- neckline and a choice of Um CA80T Appliances, parking for Hartford. This free program will be con- restaurant promotion. Cali Fences installed. 528-0670. ALUMINUM SHEETS speed, “ Raleigh” saddle, long sleeves. Elegant one pleasure car. No pets, invited and will be 289-7513. used as printing plates. .007 baskets and pump in- separates for all occa- nt Madaslv M t isdo monthly plus utilities. accepted through October ducted by experienced sales professionals. SMALL LOADS OF 1180 Asa. at Amsricas thick, 23x28Vi’^. 50c each, cluded. Deluxe quality blue sions. Haw Tark. H.Y. 10818 643-2210. 12, 1982. We reserve the Attendance must be limited, so please STONE, trap rock, play Person to person PART TIME Secretary, or 5 for $2.00. Phone 643- and w hite. $70.00. D-IOS with Photo-Guide Wat Naan, Addrits oltk Zir ri^t to reject any or all sand, white stone, loam is in Sizes 10 to 18. Size phone (203) 677-4225, (203) 646-8482 or afternoons for Manchester 2711. They MUST be picked Excellent condition, like COOE aad styla Nddikw. MANCHESTER - Newer bids. Inspm ion may be and pool sand 12, 34 bust . . . blouse, 2 (203) 229-2917 on Tuesday, October 12 , law firm. Legal experience up before 11:00 a.m. only. new. 649-1794. SPECIAL: Over 200 se-. five room duplex. made throu^ Tuesday, 3 preferred. 'Telephone 649- DELIVERED. Telephone yards 45-inch; skirt, 1% lections and a 16-page. through Thursday, October 14 between yards; pants, 2% yards; Available November 1st. p.m., at the Muth Windsor family ads only. No pet ads, no 0150. 644-1775. DARK LOAM - 5 yards GIFT section in the Bank and Trust Company, 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Of course, we FO R SA LE - P o tte d knickers, 1% yards. ALBUM. Just $2.25. $450 m o n tl^ . Security, no delivered, $60. plus tax. utilities. 'Telephone 643- 1033 John Fitch Boulevard, will treat your inquiry confidentially. Hemlocks, 12” to 15” high. Patterns available only ■aOM AT 81.28 EACH RESPONSIBLE PERSON Sand, Gravel, Stone & South Windsor. 289-6061. garage or tag sale ads, and no CHILD CARE - Flexible $2.50 each. Call 742-9556. in eixee thovm, O-llt-DOLU-eid aad Haw, Haa 7344. to work part time in a Trap Rock. Call 643-9504. ta draft tkami kaa ta m att flitw . jewelry store. Hours will hours in nurse’s home. Ti trdsr, usd $3.00, plat 30$ GLASS FIREPLACE far patbfa aid badllaf. ••180 - KEEPSAKE •UILT8. 24 3W ROOM APARTMENT. 1973 M E R C U R Y include some niornings, Ages l ‘A and older. pitetd Add appllddad datlgu. MONTEREY, two door. Available for doctor’s ap- Screen - polished brass, tw NIHin Ptlvate home. Heat, commercial ads. Limit one ad per Pnidenbal afternoons and occasiona GOOD CONDITION - Two •-111-HEIM.O0M NAHBIWOKK-la $1200. 69,000 miles. No pointments, shopping Hollywood beds - $48.00 for four panels. Fits standard naHasMaM lypat af aaaditwaik ikllii. appliances. Working single evening and Saturday 1180 lie . W U w lw adult only. No body rot, very good engine. iM not inihe mar k et ,but W0RP1HE AD, ACME1WJEL sprees, work, etc. Hours both. Recliner, $24.00. openings. Hardly used. a-m-TO 8IVE w KEEP--4a aaa- NORTHEASTERN HOME OFFICE, BOSrdkl, M A 02199 hours. Apply at Diamond NtwTtik,K.V.iaiN dtamrk Rtan ta anka. pets/children. Telephone Ehetras. Must sell. 8 7 1 - 6 ^ I LOVE SOUR ONE-UNEBS! ACCEPK >DUR PlAV MONEf,' An Equal Opportunity Employer Showcase, Manchest available Monday - Friday, Contemporary Davenport Cost $90 new. Asking Mat NMM, M4rsM^w« ZIO •■ll^ k A n -a i patts tf yMt!. family per week. 6^2880. after 6 p.m. Parkade. 9-12N. Call 646-1085. $26.00. (Jail 643-4196. $45.00. 646-1831. caat, Ityla Naaktr asi tbs. lawaka Ittan. I 20 - MANCHESTER HERALD, Mon., Oct. 11, 1982</p><p>BUSINESS r—f n Brief- 'Feminization of poverty' Veep elected</p><p>Donald E. Lyons has been elected vice president Cuts hurt older women of Combustion Engineering Inc. in charge, will force many older poor women to forgo Under tl>e guise of balancing spending on the largest charge of its Power medical care. Reducing the federal rnatching rate to defense budget this nation has ever known, the Reagan Systems Group. states for optional services would diminish services administration’s slashing of social welfare programs is in his new position, elderly women rely on; mental hospital care for j^rsons contributing what has been called the “ feminization of Lyons will serve as Your over 65, intermediate-care facility services, dental and poverty.” 'The proposed budget cuts coming on top of president and chief clinical services and prescribed drugs. Many elderly massive cuts last year in specific social programs are Money's executive officer of women will be unable to qualify for Medicaid at all. hitting hardest at the elderly and, particularly, the the Power Systems 7) Had President Reagan’s recent veto of the $14.1 elderly poor — an estimated 60 percent of the persons Worth Group, which is a billion supplemental appropriation bill not be affected reporting incomes below $10,000. As documen- leading supplier of Sylvia Porter overridden, the Senior Community Service Program . tation : steam generating would have been shredded. This program provided 54,- 1) Nearly three-fourths of the over-65 who are below systems, related 200 part-time community service jobs to low-income the poverty level are women, and in the words of Tish equipment and ser- persons over 55 years of age. In 1981, almost 80,000 per- Sommers, president of the Older Women’s League vices to electric sons held such jobs and of the 5 million eligible, nearly (OW L), "m ore women than men over 65 have income cent woud lose benefits entirely while 66 percent would utilities and other in- half a million applied for the 55,000 positions available. very near the poverty level.” In 1980, a full 6.3 million have them reduced. dustries worldwide, A full two-thirds of those employed were older women women over 65 living alone had an average income of 4) Housing. About half of all public housing units and a Lyons' noted that and another one-third were minorities. One recent study $4,957, which means nearly one-third were “ officially third of all assisted units are headed by elderly women. "availability is the showed that for every $1 spent on the program, $1.15 poor” (income below $3,941) and half were “ near pover- Reagan proposals most affecting the elderly are: sharp key issue in the utili- ty” (income below $4,926), Older minority women are rent increases, new standards for determining benefits, was returned to taxpayers! ty boiler business If, as OWL claims, poverty is being “ feminized, on average the poorest of the elderly. reduced operating subsidies to local housing authorities. today. With the high 2) of the more than 4 million recipients of SSI (a cash A huge 85 percent of those who participate in both food older women also are being “ politicized,” becoming cost of less efficient assistance program for needy, aged, blind ,and dis- stamp and housing programs are female-headed tougher in their questions about political candidates and replacement power when a baseload unit is down, abled), more than half are women. Recent federal SSI households and older women living alone. harder to fool in any way. If you want more facts about most utilities are doing all they can to increase OWL, write 3800 Harrison St., Oakland, Calif. 94611. benefit payment levels for persons living in their own 5) Energy assistance. The Low Energy Assistance availability.” According to Lyons, "this is a plus households were $264.70 for an eligible individual; $397 Program is intended to give financial help to persons (Save money every day! Sylvia Porter’s Financial for C-E because our plants— both nuclear and fossil Almanac for 1983 is a comprehensive desk calendar and for an eligible couple. who cannot meet rising energy costs. Assuming this — have generally posted higher availabilities than 3) Food stamps. Cuts in this program have an coming winter is as hard and cold as generally consumer handbook featuring Porter’s best money- the industry average." extremely serious effect on the elderly poor, of whom predicted, the choice for many older women, says saving advice and tips for organizing your budget. Send </p><p> seven out of 10 are women (no matter what you think Sommers, will come down to “ heat or eat.” $8.95 plus $1 for mailing and handling to Financial </p><p> about waste in he program as a whole, this statistic of 6) Medicaid, Of all Medicaid recipients, 61 percent are Almanac in care of the Herald, 4400 Johnson Drive, </p><p> seven out of 10 must stun you). It’s estimated that food- women and 40 percent are over 65. The administration Fairway, Kan. 66205. Make checks payable to Universal </p><p> stamp cuts will affect 92 percent of all elderly, 26 per- proposal fo co-payment, or. even the most minimal Press Syndicate.) Ends bourse </p><p>Betty Jean Sawyer, </p><p>Realtor associate with </p><p>Strano Real Estate, has completed the second N e w le a gu e o w ners se e success course toward Jier Graduate Realtor Institute. already have signed with USFL clubs, Mrs. Sawyer has been in By LeRoy Pope had the Memphis club in the W FL and has the Tampa Simmons said he is convinced spring football will not real estate six years and Bay club in our league, says he was the richest man in UPI Business Writer have any harmful effect on major league baseball. has been associated with the W FL but, is the poorest owner in the USFL.” “ In the first place, our season will have ended by the Strano Real Estate for the NEW 'yORK (U P I) — If the N FL players strike drags Simmons said the W FL never got real television time the baseball pennant races really start heating up- past three years. Mrs on it could provide a bit of a lift for the businessmen who money. The USFL has a two-year contract with ABC ,” he said. “ The people who go to baseball early in the are investing $100 million in the United States Football and a cable contract with Entertainment & Sports Sawyer is a member of the season tend to be dyed-in-the-wool fans and baseball can Manchester Board of League, Commissioner Chester R. Simmons concedes. Network, Inc., which can pipe the games into 16.5 draw seven days a week against our one. The nationally Realtors, Women’s Council He says a prolonged strike could make the fans million homes. televised baseball game of the week will be on Saturday of Realtors, and the State hungry for pro football come March when the USFL The WFL raided N FL player rosters and got into a and our broadcast will be on Sunday so there s no con- and National Association launches its 20-game season and could induce some salary war with the older league. The USFL will avoid of Realtors. college players to sign with teams in the new league in- that trap, Simmons said. Since its rosters will flict there.” Ten of the 12 cities in the USFL also are in the N FL She is a member of the stead of holding out for jobs in the older league. necessarily be composed of very young players, its and will use the same stadiums as N F L teams, thus Strano Real Estate com- Simmons does not, however, expect the strike’s im- average salaries in the first season may be almost 50 providing additional revenues to the municipalities that pany’s “ Million Dollar pact on the new league’s fortunes to be big in any case. percent less than those in the NFL, he said. own the stadiums. The other two are Birmingham and The major question is whether the fans will go for Simmons said there are plenty of players available Club.” football from March through early July, and high-priced players don’t necessarily mean in- Phoenix. Since the USFL will be taking players who may not Frank M. Magid Associates, Inc., of Cedar Rapids, teresting football games. “ We’ve all seen a lot of bad have graduated, although their college eligibility has Iowa, a major broadcast research firm, did the football played by teams with a lot of expensive stars.” run out, the USFL teams will give them scholarships to marketing survey for the promoters of the league and Ticket prices will be about $2 less than N FL prices, return to college in the fall and a bonus for earning a concluded most fans think the present pro football Simmons said. Still depressed season is too short compared with the 162-game baseball He doesn’t expect the majority of the USFL’s 12 degree. </p><p> season and the 82-game pro basketball season. teams to break even the first season. For that, a team WASHINGTON (UPI) - Record domestic and Simmons said officials and clubowners of the new would have to gross about $6 million between gate world grain supplies and the absence of significant league are betting on success where the World Football receipts and broadcast and cable revenue share. Soviet grain purchases kept agricultural prices and League failed after two seasons. Simmons sees no possibility of players performing in volume export gains depressed for the second It is not, of course, competing seasonally with the both leagues even though their playing seasons do not month in a row, the Agriculture Department says. JACK THOMPSON NFL. overlap. A player’s contract runs for 12 months. That for A trade surplus of $1.14 billion in August “ In addition, our clubs are much better financed,” he creates a valid legal and technical overlap in his opi- registered a 30 percent drop compared with the said. ’’John Bassett, the Canadian multimillonaire who nion. A few N FL players whose options had run out State Representative same period a year previous, a USDA study said. < ' - ♦ V-n« In a report by its Foreign Agricultural Service, the department said the United States exported 10.5 </p><p> million tons of farm goods valued at $2.5 billion in </p><p>August. The figures reflect an 11 percent drop in Singles delight advertisers volume and a 15 percent drop in value from exports </p><p> one year earlier. kt. The USDA blamed lower volumes and prices of NEW YORK (U P I) — Single Americans make less as their married contemporaries. </p><p> corn and wheat for holding exports below the $3 money on the average than their married counterparts, Single adults are a particularly juicy market for items </p><p> billion level for the second month in a row. but seem to spend it more freely — to the delight of relating to jogging and skiing, painting, motorcycling </p><p> advertisers. and bike riding, the agency said.</p><p>The demographic “ lump” in the population created by They are not, however, into needlework and gar-</p><p> the postwar baby boom is now 22-36, and because dening, and purveyors of rifles might better look at </p><p>Americans are marrying later, the number of adult another market. “ Hunting is the one activity which is more popular singles is soaring. with marrieds,” the study said without further com- Overtime paid The past decade has witnessed a 46 percent increase in the number of single persons over 18. The group has ment. </p><p> an estimated $150 billion in cash to spend each year. Singles buy less luggage but more suntan lotion, drink WASHINGTON (UPI) — The Howard Johnson Although their average earning power is lower than rum and tequila rather than rye, and are a particularly Co. has agreed to pay $5 million to more than 5,000 THE BETTER CHOICE married wage earners — many have not reached their eager market for imported beer and ale. Young & * workers the Labor Department charged the firm peak income — most spend more of their money on Rubicam said. They are a big market for mineral water, VOTE DEMOCRATIC NOV. 2nd failed to pay in federally-mandated overtime, the luxuries than their married counterparts. but drink less diet soft drinks than other parts of the 13th District department announced. “ There are a lot of young people who may fall into population. ’The federal wage-hour law requires overtime to Spmortd: ComnittN to Elect Mn ThofoHon, R. M. No0«, Trm. low-income groups but their background gives them be paid for hours in excess of 40 hours in any workweek. appetite and ambition beyond their means,” said Ken The suit, filed by the department in July 1980, Olshan of Wells Rich Green advertising agency. charged that Howard v(ohnson Co, violated the over- “ They often are good customers for products the time provisions at about 900 locations of Howard statistics would not suggest.!’ Johnson’s and Ground Round Restaurants A study by Young & Rubicam advertising agency, showed singles are far less likely to save than married throughout the nation. or previously-married Americans, and far more likely The $5 million in back pay is due manager to spend on luxuries like restaurant meals, sports cars trainees and assistant managers earning under $250 and imported’ wines. a week, and hourly paid assistant managers and “ The average person who lives alone spends almost as manager trainees who worked for the firm between much on restaurant meals as married couples do, and August 1977 and March 1982. just a bit less than a family of three,” the Young & </p><p>Rubicam study found. The agency said it was suprised </p><p> to discover singles eat at'fast food restaurants as often </p><p>Dollar An Outstanding </p><p> weaker Leader In </p><p>LONDON (U P D - A cut in the Federal Reserve s Local Government - discount rate weakened the • Three term Mayor dollar on European money </p><p> markets at the start of of Manchester</p><p> trading today. </p><p>Gold benefited from the Means Better cheaper dollar and gained ______■ $6 in Zurich to open at U.S. Senator Chris Dodd (D) and State Representative Candidate Jim McCavanagh dis- </p><p>$433.50 and leaped $8.50 in Leadership cuss Jim’s campaign. </p><p>London to $435.00. Tokyo </p><p> markets were closed for a </p><p> holiday. For the State </p><p>’I’he cut in the Fed dis- count rate from 10 to 9.5 percent sent the dollar T E V EP E N N Y McCAVANAGH low er on all the m ajor Your Man, and Chris Dodd’s Choice. money markets. Lower DEMOCRAT—STATE SENATOR Paid For By Tha Commltlaa To Uael Jamaa McCavanagh Blala Bapraaantathta. Eurodollar deposit rates Glastonbury • Manchester • Hebron • Bolton • Columbia also contributed to the Raymond F. Damala, Traaa. P»l<l tor by “Frioiid* of Stow Ponny," Potor Romoy. Tr«».______dollar’s fhll. </p>
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