AGENDA ITEM No. North Lanarkshire Council Planning Applications for consideration of Planning and Transportation Committee Committee Date: 15 June 2016 Ordnance Survey maps reproduced from Ordnance Survey with permission of HMSO Crown Copyright reserved APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE 15th June 2016 Page Application No Applicant Development/Site Recommendation No 8−16 15/02161/AMD Viridor Proposed Variation of Grant Condition 1 of Planning Permission Ref. 10/01036/FUL to Allow Unrestricted Operating Hours of the Glass Recycling Facility and Unrestricted Numbers of Vehicle Movements Serving the Facility Mossband Farm High Street Newarthill Motherwell 17−28 1 5102582/FUL Springfield Erection of 100 Homes Grant Properties (No50 Dwellings, No8 Cottage Flats, No42 2 & 3 Bedroom Flats), Open Space, Landscaping and Associated Infrastructure Works Former Bus Depot Tinkers Lane Motherwell ML1 3BJ 29−38 1 6/00233/MSC LS Broadwood Ltd Application for Approval of Refuse Matters Specified in Condition 1 of 14/01 883/AMD Construction of 7 No. Terraced Retail Units (Total Floor Space 8,145 sq.mNon−Food),Food and Drive Through Coffee Shop, Public House/Restaurant and Petrol Filling Station). Site North Of Westfield Road Westfield Cum bernauld G68 9AD 39−50 1 6/00337/PPP North & South Erection of dwellinghouses Refuse Lanarkshire with associated access, Development infrastructure, landscaping and associated works (In Principle) Site North Of Strathclyde Country Parkat Killmallie House And East Of Hamilton Road (A725), Orbiston, Belishill. Site To East Of BelIshill Road Orbiston Bellshill 51−57 1 6/00356/AMD Wm Morrison Amendment to planning Refuse Supermarkets Plc permission 97/00525/FUL to allow deliveries to supermarket between 0500 and 2300 Wm Morrisons Gartlea Road Garlea Airdrie MI−6 9JL 58−65 1 6/00540/FUL Mr D & Miss N Erection of 10 Flats with Grant (P) Townsley Amenity Areas & Associated Car Parking 162 − 164 Morningside Road Morningside Newmains Wishaw MI−2 9QN 66− 81 1 5/02632/FUL Bellway Homes Erection of 92 No. Grant (P) Dwellinghouses, Access Roads, SUDS and Landscaping Former Strathclyde Hospital Site Airbies Road Motherwell. (P) 16/00540/FUL: If minded to grant, planning permission should not be issued until legal agreement is concluded in relation to education contributions 15/02632/FUL: If minded to grant, planning permission not to be issued until legal agreement is concluded in relation to off−site play provision Application No: Proposed Development: 15/02161/AMD Section 42 Variation of Condition 1 of Planning Permission Ref. 10/01036/FUL to Allow Unrestricted Operating Hours of the Glass Recycling Facility and Associated Vehicle Movements Serving the Facility and Amended External Plant Operation Hours Site Address: • Mossband Farm High Street Newarth ill Motherwell Date Registered: 24th November 2015 Applicant: Agent: Viridor Angus Design Associates Ltd Pioneer House The Building Design Centre Europoint Office Park 125 Muir Street Eurocentral Hamilton ML1 4UF MI−3 6BJ Application Level: Contrary to Development Plan: Local Application No Ward: Representations: 017 Motherwell North No letters of representation received. Councillors Shahid Farooq, Helen McKenna, Peter Nolan & Pat O'Rourke Recommendation: Approve Subject to Conditions Reasoned Justification: The proposed variation to the previously agreed operation hours of the MRF facility and the associated vehicle movements is considered acceptable and in accordance with the relevant policies of the North Lanarkshire Local Plan 2012. It is considered that the proposals will not adversely impact upon the amenity and character of the surrounding area significantly. ProposedConditions:−That, except as may otherwise be agreed in writing by the Planning Authority, the development shall be implemented strictly in accordance with the information and plans submitted within the Environmental Statement dated July 2008 and as amended in the addendum dated October 2008 for Planning Permission Ref. 08/01113/MIN (insofar as all development within the site boundary subject of this application as shown on drawing number AL(0)005) except as may be amended by the terms of the approval hereby given, and shall omit no part of the operations provided for therein. Any amendments to the methods or operational activities must have the prior written approval of the Planning Authority. Reason: To clarify the information and drawings on which this approval of permission is founded. 2. That all external plant operations (other than vehicle deliveries) associated with the Materials Recycling facility operations shall be restricted to 07.00 and 20.00 Monday to Sunday inclusive and there shall be no such working at any other times. Reason: To safeguard the amenity of the adjacent residents. 3. That with the exception of works of an emergency nature or essential maintenance, servicing and testing of plant and equipment, no external plant operations shall take place outwith the hours stated in condition 3 above, without prior written consent of the Planning Authority. Reason: In the interests of amenity. 4. That before this permission hereby granted is implemented, provision shall be made within the curtilage of the site at all times for adequate parking and turning facilities for all vehicles associated with the MRF facility, to ensure that all vehicles entering or leaving the site can do so in a forward gear. Visitor and staff parking areas shall be finished in a tarmacadam finish. Reason: In the interests of traffic safety and to ensure satisfactory traffic circulation within the site. 5. That all vehicles leaving the site carrying any waste materials or any other deleterious material shall be fully covered by haps or sheets to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority. Reason: To minimise dust emissions and to prevent material falling onto the public roads in the interests of amenity and road safety. 6. That before this planning permission is implemented, the main site access shall be paved or finished in a sealed surface material for its full length between the wheel wash and the public road. Furthermore, provision shall be made within the curtilage of the site at all times for adequate parking and turning facilities for all vehicles associated with the development, to ensure that all vehicles entering or leaving the site can do so in a forward gear. Reason: In the interests of public and road safety and to prevent mud and deleterious material being carried onto the highway. That prior to the removal of, or importation of any materials to the site, the high pressure wheel wash facility installed on site above shall be operational. The high pressure wheel wash facility shall be maintained throughout the duration of the operations to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority, and in the event of any deposit of mud or any other material on the public road, the deposits shall be cleared as soon as possible to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority. The wheel wash equipment shall be desludged as required to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority and this desludging shall only take place outwith external plant operations working hours as specified in condition 2 above. Reason: To prevent mud or deleterious materials being carried onto the public roads in the interests of road safety. That only audible vehicle movement alarms with a sound power level (Lw) of 94dB(A) or lower shall be used on any vehicle moving within the site between 19:00 hours and 07:00 hours. The noise characteristics of the audible alarm sound shall be such that there shall be no tonal noise from the alarm audible at the nearest residential property, to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority. Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to monitor the site and to safeguard the amenity of adjacent residents. 9. That environmental noise monitoring equipment shall be provided for continuous site use and shall be situated in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Authority, and that a permanent record of all environmental noise monitoring shall be kept on the site and be available for inspection by the said Authority at all reasonable times. Reason: To enable the Planning Authority to monitor the site and to safeguard the amenity of adjacent residents. 10. That procedures for the investigation by the operator of any breaches of noise levels as set out in condition 8 above, and where identified, any operations giving rise to noise levels exceeding specified limits shall be suspended until such time as appropriate remedial action is implemented. A logbook shall be kept on site, and be available for inspection at any reasonable time by an officer of the Planning Authority, detailing the exceedence, the subsequent investigation and any remedial action implemented. Reason: In order to allow for the proper control of noise from the site in the interests of amenity. 11. That before this planning permission is implemented, a noise action plan shall be submitted for the approval of the Planning Authority and this shall include procedures in instances where relevant noise conditions are not complied with because of an emergency, and in such instances the operator shall, as soon as possible, and in any event not later than 14 days after the breach, provide the Planning Authority in writing, details of the nature of the emergency and reasons why the noise condition was not adhered to. Reason: To allow for the proper control of noise at the site in the interests of amenity. 12. Notwithstanding the terms of Condition 8 above, all vehicles and mobile plant on site shall be provided with suitable and effective silencers where appropriate, ,or provided with full acoustic screening, to the satisfaction of the Planning Authority. Reason: To minimise noise generation from plant/vehicle movement in the interest of amenity. 13. Notwithstanding the terms of Condition 8 above, all vehicles and plant used within the site shall be fitted with reverse warning equipment which adjusts their noise level automatically to 5dB(A) below the ambient noise level.
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