Ansearchin ' News, ~01.46,NO. 1 Spring 1999 THE TENNESSEE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY 9114 Davies Planration Road on the hisroni- Davies Plantarion Marling Address: P. 0. Box 247, Brunswick, TN 38014-0247 Telephone: (901) 381-1447 XGS OFFICERS U BOARD ME- President JAMES E, BOB0 Ansemhin 'News, (ISSN 00035246) in March, June, Editor DOROTHY M. RO September, and December for its membm. Annual dues Librarian NEISON are $20, and members e four issues published Acting Librarian in the 12-month period payment of their dues. Treasurer (If your payment is received in April '99, for example, Business Manager JOHN WOODS you will receive the June, September, and December issues for 1999 and the March issue for 2000. Issues Recording Secretary JO B. SMITH, missed due to late payment of dues can be purchased Corresponding Secretary SUE McDERMOTT separately for $6.50 each, including postage.) Membership Chairman SANDRA AUSTIN Membership expiration date is printed on the Director of Sales mailing tabel. In addition to the quartee, TGS membe~s Director of Certificates are entitled to place one free query in the magazine each Director at Large MARY ANN BELL year and additional qoeries at $3.00 each. (Queries are Director at Large BETIY HUGHES accepted from non-members who make a $5 contribution to TGS Director of Surname I GMWFOW for each query submittd.) Membem &so have free access to the TGS surname index fde. Director of Surname Index VAN EYNDE : Charles Paessler, Jane Paessler, TGS sponsors this program to recognize and honor the early Estelle McDaniel, Betty Hughes, Carol Mittag, settlers who helped shape the great state of Tennessee. Sue McDerrnott, Angela Groenhout, Persons wishing to place their ancestors in this roll of honor Mary AM Bell, Jean Alexander West, are invited to submit an application with supporting Betty Hughes documents or other evidence proving their prime ancestor lived in Tennessee or the area that became Tennessee before Mary AnnBell, Michael Ann 1880. Family charts or computer printouts are not considered Aogle, Winnie Calloway, Dow Crews, Kay Dawson, sufficient proof. Each application must be accompanied by a Ann Fain, Jean Fitts, Willie Mae Gary,Lenore $10 fee. Attractive hand-lettered certificates suitable for Gellar, Jean Gillespie, Barbara Hookings, Joan framing are issued to each person whose application meets Hoyt, Thurman Jackson, Sue McDerrnott, program qualifications. The certificates are inscribed with the Ruth Hensley OIDonnell, Ruth Reed, Betty prime ancestor's name, when and where he or she settled in Tennessee, and the applicant's name. For applications and Ross,Nancy ScofieldJo SmithJean Tatum, additional information, write Jane Paessler, Lois TobiasJean West, Marlene WiIkinson, Certificate Program Director, at the TGS address. and Saturday volunteers from the.-Chief Piorning0,Fort Assumption,Hermitage, River City, and Watauga DAR chapters. TGS members can obtain information from this file by writing to Directors Jean Crawford or MdynVan Eynde at TGS. Give the first name and surname of the person you're Cover illwtration of TGS Research Cmter interested in, at least one date, and one location. Be sure by Estelle McDaniel to enclose a self-addressed, stamped long envelope. If the information is available, you will receive two photocopy pages ofup to I0 surname cards of your ancestor or fellow researchers. Any ad- ANSEARCHLW NEWS, USPS t1477-490 is published quarterly ditional information will be supplied at TENNESSEE INC., by and for THE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, 50 cents per page (5 cards to a page). 91 14 Davies Plantation Rd, Brunswkk, TN, a non - proM organization Periodicals postage paid at Brims* TN 38014 Please limit requests to only one per month, and additional mailing offi and only one family name per request. If you haven't submitted your own surname data, please do so right away. Use 3x5" index cards and type Return postage guaranteed. Send address corrections to: or print your ancestor's name, date and place ofbirth, death, and marriage; spouse and parents' names. ANSEARCHW NEWS Also enter your name and address, and the date P.O. Box 247, Brunswick TN 38014-0247 you submitted he card.. Ansearchin ' News THE TENNESSEE Genealogical MAGAZINE SPRING 1999 Vol. 46, No. 1 Editorial Viewpoint by Dorothy Marr Roberson 2 - John Henninger Reagan: A Tennesseean Who Didn't Know the Meaning of 'Can't' Reagan Moved Quickly To Organize Confederate States' Postal Service Stationery Scarce in Confederacy Major Robert Sevier Dies in Missouri Owelas Slain in Arkansas Deaths - mitehorn, Jackson, Woods The McDowell Home in Memphis: A Turn-of-the-Century Refuge for Homeless Children Grainger County Common School Census 1833 Former Tennesseean Maria Lindsey Sends Funds to Aid South's Poor Planters Bank Organized in Memphis in 1843 Census Tips: DeterminingMmage Datesfrom 1850, 1860, 1880, 1900, 1910 Censuses Lightning Kills Two in Fayette County Wartime Comes to Cragfont (excerpts continue from Susan Winchester Scales ' mamscript, "MY Mother ") Nettie Moore Goodbread ... a Tennesseean in Florida Family Bible of Wiley Jarrett Davis and Mary Ann Tedford submitted by James T. Goodbread Family Bible of William A. McDonald and Frances Caroline Davis submitted by J. T. Goodbread Native Tennesseeans in 49th U. S. Congress [I8861 Index to Obituaries in the 1867 Memphis Appeal by Joyce McKibben Letters to the Editor Davidson County Sheriff Sells Land for Unpaid 1842 Property Taxes Abstracts of Some 1834 Legal Notices in Rutherford County The Jacocks Family of Haywood County by Reese Jacocks Moses-Scallions Obion County Court Minutes, January -March 1851 abstracted by Jane Paessler East Tennessean Drury Goins Gleanings From Here 'n There Book Reviews In Memoriam: Miriam Woods Dye Shelby County Survey Book B (Installment 3) abstracted by Jean Alexander West Tennesseeans in 1850 California Census (Installment 3) - Sun Diego, Sonoma, and Tuolumne counties Harrison Son, Father Die Some 1814 Residents of Bedford County Virginia Lawyer Commended to New Memphis Associates WiIkin Monument Erected at Mt. Olivet Martha Guffin Dies A. Billings Advertises Neal's Patent Lard Lamps An Old Cemetery in Northwest Shelby County by Henry A. Hudson Two Tennessee Soldiers Left on Mississippi River Bank for Burial Old Timer Thomas Garrett Recalls Memphis' First Brick House Queries Volume EII of TGS Family Charts Available Index of this issue by Frank Paessler A Reminder, Gentle Reader Tennessee Genealogical Society BOX247 - BRUNSW~CK,TN 3sar4-0247 - PHONE (901) 381-1447 my letter, and would probably "TE EDITORIAL be happy to share his information by Dorothy Mrr R with anyone interested in the same lines. Some of his other lines are mentioned in the Nettie TRERE'S one thing to be said (out loud, that is) about this Goodbread story and Davis- job of editing your magazine, and that's the interesting people Tedford and McDonald-Davis you meet along the way. For me, most of them are faceless family Bibles. since we meet via snail mail or e-mail ... but most are the kind * * * of people we all would like to sit and talk with about our mu- TGS MEIMBER Winifred Drane and husband 6. Vernon tually favorite subject: genealogy, of course. provided, natu- Drane celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with a rally, that we get to talk about our ancestors as long as they reception 20 Dec 1998 in Memphis. They were married 19 get to talk about theirs.] Dec 1948 at Fist Presbyterian Church in Memphis. They If you've ever complained about how far you have to go were both music majors when they met at Memphis State to get to a library or other source of genealogical information, (now the University of Memphis). Winified, whose maiden then you need to know of TGS member James P. Taliaferro name was Dean, originally was from Denton, Tex., and her "Jim" Goodbread who supplied us with information in this grandfather taught at North Texas University. During the war issue about his mother and other family members {pp. 18-20]. her family moved to Louisiana, Georgia, and finally ended up For most of his life, Jim now 88 and with limited hearing -- in Tennessee. and vision -- followed construction work and lived in the Wifred says her one regret of 50 years is that she hasn't Pacific Ocean area and the Arab and Islamic world of West been doing genealogical research that long. As a child, she Asia. He devoted many years to collecting information about had many conversations with her grandmother about their the Goodbreads, and in 1988 published a family history. ancestors, and this sparked her interest in genealogy. Over the Jim got started in genealogy when he was in California. years she became a depository of sorts for the family history, He knew about his own branch of the Goodbread family in as various members gave her their collections of pictures and Florida and Georgia, but wanted to know more about their papers. For the last 10 or 15 years, she has been researching ancestors. He went first to the Los Angeles Public Library such ancestors as Peter Anderson, Sr., of Bedford and where he found a record of a Ludwig Goodbread in Grayson Cos., Va., Moses and Rachel Dean of North Pennsylvania and also discovered there were Goodbreads on Carolina, and William T. Rogers of either Tennessee or the 1790 census of North Carolina. The challenge was to connect his Florida branch with the others and particularly to Kentucky who married Tennessee-born SusanlSusannah Ludwig. Before returning to his job in Saudi Arabia, Jim hired Washbum in 1829. The real stumper for her is trying to genealogists in Salt Lake City, Savannah, Atlanta, Raleigh, identify William's parents. Her research time is limited Washington, and Philadelphia and asked them to send him any because she's a professional. harpist and has to practice every All Goodbread records they could find.
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