OPVSCVLA ARCHÆOLOGICA 2005 OPVSC. ARCHÆOL. VOL. 29 STR. / PAGES 1–374 ZAGREB 2005. III Opvscvla 29.indb 3 21.8.2006 11:56:38 FILOZOFSKI FAKULTET SVEUČILIŠTA U ZAGREBU FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY, UNIVERSITY OF ZAGREB RADOVI ARHEOLOŠKOG ZAVODA PAPERS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ARCHAEOLOGY UDK 902-904 ISSN 0473-0992 IV Opvscvla 29.indb 4 21.8.2006 11:56:39 SADRŽAJ CONTENTS Stašo FORENBAHER & Timothy KAISER PALAGRUŽA I ŠIRENJE ZEMLJORADNJE NA JADRANU PALAGRUŽA AND THE SPREAD OF FARMING IN THE ADRIATIC Izvorni znanstveni članak / Original scientific paper _________________________ 7 Jacqueline BALEN KOSTOLAČKI HORIZONT NA VUČEDOLU THE KOSTOLAC HORIZON AT VUČEDOL Izvorni znanstveni članak / Original scientific paper ________________________ 25 Domagoj PERKIĆ & Daria LOŽNJAK DIZDAR KASNOBRONČANODOBNA OSTAVA SIČA/LUČICA THE SIČA/LUČICA LATE BRONZE AGE HOARD Izvorni znanstveni članak / Original scientific paper ________________________ 41 Tomislav BILIĆ PLOVIDBA PO GEOGRAFSKOJ ŠIRINI NA MEDITERANU LATITUDE SAILING ON THE MEDITERRANEAN Izvorni znanstveni članak / Original scientific paper _______________________121 Marija MARIĆ JOŠ JEDAN PRILOG LOCIRANJU ANTIČKOGA KULTNOG MJESTA U SELU PRILUKA KRAJ LIVNA I POKUŠAJ REKONSTRUKCIJE SPOMENIKA ANOTHER CONTRIBUTION TO THE LOCATION OF AN ANCIENT CULTIC SITE IN THE VILLAGE OF PRILUKA NEAR LIVNO AND ATTEMPTS TO RECONSTRUCT THE MONUMENT Izvorni znanstveni članak / Original scientific paper _______________________159 Marko SINOBAD STAROSNA DOB ŽENA U VRIJEME UDAJE: PRIMJER ANTIČKE SALONE AGES OF WOMEN AT THE TIME OF MARRIAGE: THE EXAMPLE OF ANCIENT SALONA Izvorni znanstveni članak / Original scientific paper _______________________173 Kristina GLICKSMAN INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL TRADE IN THE ROMAN PROVINCE OF DALMATIA Izvorni znanstveni članak / Original scientific paper _______________________189 Marija ŠIŠA-VIVEK, Tino LELEKOVIĆ & Hrvoje KALAFATIĆ OSTAVA RIMSKOG NOVCA I SREBRNOG POSUĐA IZ PETRIJANCA HOARD OF ROMAN COINS AND SILVER DISHWARE FROM PETRIJANEC Izvorni znanstveni članak / Original scientific paper _______________________231 OPVSC. ARCHÆOL. VOL. 29 STR. / PAGES 1–374 ZAGREB 2005. V Opvscvla 29.indb 5 21.8.2006 11:56:39 Adnan BUSULADŽIĆ POTKOVE POHRANJENE U ANTIČKOJ ZBIRCI ZEMALJSKOGA MUZEJA BOSNE I HERCEGOVINE HORSESHOES HELD IN THE ANTIQUITY COLLECTION OF THE NATIONAL MUSEUM OF BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA Izvorni znanstveni članak / Original scientific paper _______________________247 Mirja JARAK PLUTEJ S OTOKA RABA IZ KASNIJEGA 6. ILI 7. STOLJEĆA PLUTEUS FROM THE ISLAND OF RAB FROM THE LATER 6TH OR 7TH CENTURY Izvorni znanstveni članak / Original scientific paper _______________________275 Tajana PLEŠE & Ana AZINOVIĆ-BEBEK ARHEOLOŠKA ISTRAŽIVANJA ŽUPNE CRKVE MARIJE MAGDALENE U ČAZMI ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH AT THE PARISH CHURCH OF MARY MAGDALENE IN ČAZMA Izvorni znanstveni članak / Original scientific paper _______________________287 Krešimir RAGUŽ RADOVI FRANCUSKIH ARHEOLOGA O HRVATSKOJ ARHEOLOŠKOJ BAŠTINI DO 2000. GODINE LES OUVRAGES DES ARCHÉOLOGUES FRANÇAIS SUR LE PATRIMOINE ARCHÉOLOGIQUE CROATE JUSQU'À L'AN 2000. Pregledni članak / Article synthétique __________________________________307 Dinko RADIĆ VELA SPILA: PRELIMINARNA ANALIZA STARIJENEOLITIČKIH I MEZOLITIČKIH NASLAGA IZ SONDE ISTRAŽENE 2004. GODINE VELA SPILA: PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS OF EARLY NEOLITHIC AND MESOLITHIC STRATA IN TEST PIT EXAMINED IN 2004 Prethodno priopćenja / Preliminary report _______________________________323 Tihomila TEŽAK-GREGL Brunislav Marijanović: GUDNJA – VIŠESLOJNO PRAPOVIJESNO NALAZIŠTE Brunislav Marijanović: GUDNJA – A MULTI-STRATA PREHISTORIC SITE Recenzija / Review article ___________________________________________349 Tihomila TEŽAK-GREGL Božidar Čečuk i Dinko Radić: VELA SPILA. VIŠESLOJNO PRETPOVIJESNO NALAZIŠTE – VELA LUKA, OTOK KORČULA Božidar Čečuk i Dinko Radić: VELA SPILA. A STRATIFIED PREHISTORIC SITE VELA LUKA – ISLAND OF KORČULA Recenzija / Review article ____________________________________________ 357 Urednici / Editors UPUTE ZA PREDAJU RUKOPISA ZA ČASOPIS OPUSCULA ARCHAEOLOGICA INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMISSION OF MANUSCRIPTS FOR THE JOURNAL OPUSCULA ARCHAEOLOGICA ______________367 OPVSC. ARCHÆOL. VOL. 29 STR. / PAGES 1–374 ZAGREB 2005. VI Opvscvla 29.indb 6 21.8.2006 11:56:39 Kristina GLICKSMAN Internal and external trade in the Roman province of Dalmatia1 Izvorni znanstveni članak / Original scientific paper Kristina Glicksman UDK: 904(497.5-3 Dalmacija):339”652” Exeter College 339(497.5-3 Dalmacija)(091) Oxford Primljeno / Received: 14. 08. 2005. OX1 3DP Prihvaćeno / Accepted: 11. 04. 2006. UK [email protected] This work considers some of the archaeological, epigraph- 1. Introduction ic, and literary evidence for trade in the Roman province of Dalmatia during the first four centuries AD. It focuses Trade, both at the local level and on an empire-wide mainly on external trade, especially imports for which scale contributed significantly to the economy of the there is much clear archaeological evidence. The section on imports is an analysis of trade relations between Dal- Roman world, and advances in archaeology, partic- matia and the rest of the Mediterranean over time, while ularly in pottery studies and underwater research, the sections on exports and internal trade, due to the na- over the last few decades have vastly improved our ture of the evidence, are more general, making a case for understanding of trade in the ancient world and the the nature of these activities in the province during this pe- contribution of various parts of the Mediterranean riod. The work not only assesses the currently available in- to the Roman economy. One area, however, has formation but also suggests future areas of research which could add to our understanding of Dalmatian trade, both within the province and with the wider Mediterranean world. 1 I am grateful to everyone who contributed to the completion of Keywords: Roman period, Dalmatia, trade, tegulae, am- this article which is a development of my M.Phil. thesis for the phorae, pottery, sarcophagi University of Oxford. The Craven Committee, the School- ofAr chaeology, and Exeter College funded a research trip to Croatia. During my stay, Branko Kirigin and the kind staff of the Split Archaeological Museum and library were very helpful. John Wilkes and John Peter Wild commented on earlier versions of this article, and Keith Swift greatly improved my understanding of amphora studies, especially as related to the possibility of production in Dalmatia. My greatest debt is to Andrew Wilson who supervised my work; his comments and criticism have ad- ded inestimably to the final product. All errors are, of course, my own. 189 Opvscula Archaeologica Vol. 29 (2005) Opvscvla 29.indb 1 21.8.2006 12:01:28 Kristina GLICKSMAN Internal and external trade in the Roman province of Dalmatia Figure 1. The Roman province of Dalmatia with locations mentio- ned in the text (K. Glicksman). been largely ignored: the Roman province of Dal- is largely restricted to imports delivered by sea to matia (Fig. 1). Ancient authors say curiously little coastal areas; the interior of the province is largely about this area rich in important natural resources, ignored because of the mountainous terrain and like metals and timber. References to economic ac- the great expense of land transport. He does make tivities in the province tend to be rather brief, like some observations on general patterns of trade, the short note on exports in Expositio totius mundi like the link between increased trade and the Ital- et gentium (53.5–9) or Pliny’s remark on gold min- ian settlements founded along the coast during the ing (NH 33.67); such sources give very little real in- late Republican period, but in general, he gives few formation on the nature of Dalmatian trade except details of the archaeological evidence, except for for an indication that certain materials were pro- a separate study of ceramics in his Appendix XV duced and exported. The archaeological evidence, (Ibid.: 499–504). on the other hand, is much more revealing, showing Zaninović’s article (1977) on Dalmatian economy a thriving trade with much of the Roman world. treats trade in even less detail and is affected by the Previous literature on the subject is rather sparse. same limitations evident in Wilkes’ study. He gives In his comprehensive study of the province, Wilkes a very short account of maritime trade with little (1969: 407–415) considers the nature of trade, but consideration of archaeological evidence with the his scope is rather narrow, probably limited both by exception of a handful of inscriptions indicating the extent of archaeological research in the area and connections with the Italian peninsula and the nu- also by contemporary ideas about trade in the an- merous shipwrecks found scattered along the east- cient world. His brief overview of Dalmatian trade ern Adriatic coast, whose significance toward Dal- Opvscula Archaeologica Vol. 29 (2005) 190 Opvscvla 29.indb 2 21.8.2006 12:01:34 Kristina GLICKSMAN Internal and external trade in the Roman province of Dalmatia matian trade can be rather problematic, as I shall show general trends in this respect as well where discuss below. the evidence permits such interpretation. However, Much more recently, Škegro has written a book the simple presentation of information is only the on the economy of Roman Dalmatia, including a beginning of the effort to understand the nature of chapter devoted to trade in the province in which trade in this part of the empire. I will also attempt
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