VOL. 113 - NO. 33 BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, AUGUST 14, 2009 $.30 A COPY Maverick Square Renaissance Party, When in the Course of Human Events Now thru August 16 by Justin Williams Many historians agree, divide it among the many, have finally triggered a the United States of Ameri- distributing to every one ex- states right revolt. Thirty- can was founded with feder- actly the functions he is seven states have proposed alism at its core. This meant competent to.” a resolution to exert their that each state would have Federalism, through the state as sovereign. And more it’s own jurisdiction to gov- competition between states are expected to follow. ern its citizens on all ac- for taxpayers, gave citizens The Governor of Texas, counts that were not granted of the United States another Rick Perry (R), has been one to the federal government or mechanism to check their of the staunchest supporters banned to the states. governments — and that of reinstitutionalizing state A “state” is defined by was with their feet. But, like rights ever since legislation Merriam-Webster as “a po- other well-intended pro- was proposed by the federal litically organized body of grams, it didn’t take long for government to socialize people usually occupying a the federal government to health care. He stated, “that definite territory; especially: encroach upon this vital our federal government has one that is sovereign” [em- principle. become oppressive in its phasis theirs]. But it is clear One example of this is the size, its intrusion into the that the states that were legislation called the lives of our citizens, and its once near-independent bod- No Child Left Behind Act, interference with the af- ies are now nowhere near which brought blankets of fairs of our state...” and sug- sovereign. red tape into a sector of gested the possibility of se- (Photo by www.eastboston.com) And increasingly, as the government that had cession. the Obama Administration, historically been reserved In short, the current The new Maverick MBTA ers back to historic Maver- turns the screws on states for the states. And the Inter- growth of government under Blue Line station house ick Square — to dine, shop, rights, the sovereign citi- state Commerce Act has the past two administrations opened Sunday, August 9, and be entertained! zens are fighting back. imposed myriad restriction has put the states in a situ- 2009, returning the square The Maverick Square Re- They understand, as did upon the individual states ation where they must back to pedestrians. Local naissance Party is a celebra- the founders, that the cen- tying funding to meeting threaten to leave the union businesses, East Boston tion of the ingenuity and tralization of power was a bad dictates. — all because the federalism Chamber of Commerce, East resiliency of local small busi- idea. As Thomas Jefferson But, millions of Americans ideal has been forgotten. Boston Main Streets, and ness owners, and the mod- put it “The way to have good now decided that enough is While the founders argued Boston City Councilor Sal ernization of one of Boston’s and safe government, is not enough, and Obama’s health LaMattina wish to take this most storied neighborhood to trust it all to one, but to care and economic “reforms” (Continued on Page 15) opportunity to welcome resi- dents, visitors, and commut- (Continued on Page 15) Mayor’s Column News Briefs by Thomas M. Menino, Mayor, City of Boston A tough economy combined with a ents and children to enjoy biking in a by Sal Giarratani healthy dose of rainy weather this sum- relaxed atmosphere with music and free mer left many children and families in food. In all of our efforts to make Boston Boston searching for fun, inexpensive, a more bike-friendly city, the R.O.C.K., Cutting Back the Sales Tax and creative ways to pass the time. Roll and Rides have been a great chance The Center for Small Government filed a While thousands of tourists flock here for kids to receive important cycling tips number of ballot initiatives at the Attorney every summer, those of us that live in and to learn about bike safety and main- General’s Office. One of this group’s ideas is to the city sometimes forget about all of the tenance. We’re even able to offer free roll back the sales tax as low as 2.5 percent. great activities available right in our bike rentals so that people new to bik- Carla Howell, the number one Libertarian in own backyard. As we pass the halfway ing can participate. the Bay State says, “Big government, high taxes point of the summer, I want to share just While we’re always thinking of new, and out of control spending are driving people a few of the exciting programs and creative activities, our long-running and the private sector out of the Common- events that are keeping our kids safe programs are as popular as ever. As wealth of Massachusetts. The sales tax hike and entertained. BCYF’s Boston Neighborhood Basketball is just one more blow.” Last year Carla tried to Realizing that many family budgets League (BNBL) celebrates its 40th anni- repeal the state’s income tax but voters turned are tighter this year than in years versary, I’m looking forward to the up- that idea down. However, that was then and past, the Boston Centers for Youth & coming league championship games. this is now. Families (BCYF) has done a wonderful Some of the best young players in our job of offering free and fun entertainment city have competed all summer long to Making Toll Booths History for children of all ages through its make it to this stage, and I’d encourage Citizens Against Road Tolls has filed two ballot Recreational Opportunities for City you to check out the exciting champi- questions. Both would require the state to end Kids (R.O.C.K.S) initiative. In fact, over onship match-ups that will take place tolls on the MassPike, Tobin Bridge and the 40,000 youth from neighborhoods at the Reggie Lewis Track and Athletic Boston Harbor tunnels by January 1, 2012. around the city participate in a wide Center on August 20th and 21st. Log onto www.closethetolls.org for further range of activities every week at our BNBL isn’t the only program celebrat- information. 46 community facilities. Throughout ing a milestone, though, as this year the summer, our centers offer terrific also marks the 35th anniversary of Great Bumper Sticker programming options – from arts to BCYF. We’re inviting everyone to join in Someone told me they saw a great bumper athletics — every day of the week. the birthday festivities by coming to one sticker the other day. It read: Deval Patrick: One of our newest programs, which of our special R.O.C.K. ‘N Splash Birth- The Best Governor New Hampshire Ever Had! expanded this year after launching last day Bashes. These weekly Wednesday summer, is the R.O.C.K., Roll and Ride. (Continued on Page 12) These family-friendly events allow par- (Continued on Page 14) THE POST-GAZETTE SATELLITE OFFICE IS NOW OPEN AT 35 BENNINGTON STREET, EAST BOSTON This office is open on Mondays and Tuesdays from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM and Thursdays from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PMPM, for the convenience of our East Boston and North Shore clients and contributors Call 617-227-8929 for more information Page 2 POST-GAZETTE, AUGUST 14, 2009 Stirpe by Prof. Edmund Res Publica Turiello Nostra by David Trumbull A weekly column highlighting some of the more interesting aspects of our ancestry...our lineage...our roots. Feet Don’t Fail Me Now For Barack Obama, democracy appears to be a distraction. VESTA He really does seem to view himself as a Caesar. — Kathryn Jean Lopez, August 7, 2009, Vesta was the Roman god- first temple to Vesta was writing in “The Corner” the National Review’s blog. dess of the hearth, similar to built by Numa Pompilius, the the Greek goddess Hestia, successor to Romulus, and The Obama = Dictator around to attacking his real provision in the 1,000-page but she was worshipped by the first of the Sabine kings Julius Caesar equation has weaknesses. Likewise, if bill. In this Obama is more the Romans during ancient of Rome. He introduced the been out there for sometime, conservatives stick on a Cato the Younger than times independently of any worship of this goddess, and going back to before he theory of Obama-Caesarism Julius Caesar. Cato insisted connection with Greece. devoted to her a space of ascended to the Presidency. to the exclusion of the real on one — his own — par- The worship of Vesta goes ground just in front of his own It even predates Mr. Obama. threats of Obamaism, we ticular Grand Idea of the back to the time when it was dwelling house. It is also in- Opponents charged that lose, and along with us the Republic. The reality of the difficult but necessary to ob- teresting to note that at this President Lincoln was a Republic. Republic is his day bore little tain fire. Then, as well as time in history; about 700 tyrant destroying the Con- Caesar overthrew the resemblance to his Grand even now among some primi- B.C, the king was the high stitution to preserve the Roman Republic by offering, Idea and, compromise being tive tribes, they developed priest, and in this office he Union and overthrowing and delivering, to the popu- out of the question for him, the custom of always keep- was known as “Pontifex democracy in the name of lace security, justice, and in the end he lost both along ing a fire alive for the use of Maximus” or “Pontiff”.
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