
. ~: :'...... .. ••I _: I .'.':••:.:....: •• ~ '.... .. !. .. "" ~. '. ; ". ",: ':-. 0 ITOR :A:WeeklyNew~paperDevoted to the Interests of the Eight Thousand Colored People ". ", '.'" in, Omaha and Vicinity, and to the Good of the Community The'Rev. JOHN ALBERT WILLIAMS, Editor " .' ':"";";"--'"~-:-----""'-:------------------"------------_"':"--_-------- Omaha, Nebraska, April 29, 1916 Volume I. Number 44 ....... .J QI1:itedStatesWar:ship From Fair Nebraska ···:'Itetunls·.From·Liberia.'~ to Sunny Tennessee '. .. .-' .' , Crujs,~r Clie.sterDi~pafched to Africa. Incidents of the Trip and Impression .;Lends,Moral Sup'port to Liberian Received by Editor on First Visit Government.- to Southland. A LEVEL-HEADED PRESIDENT. KEEN GREEKS AND ITALIANS. Commander Schofield Favorably Im­ The Sons of Italy and Greece Royal . pressed With President Howard. Purveyors to the Palat.es of SeCret~ry" of Legation Re­ Princes of Ethiopia. ······· ...t~s--onVessei. Who was it, Homer or Virgil, who Bosto~, Mass., April 27.-Sent to sang of "Ethiopia's blameless race "!., the West Coast of Africa '~or the pur- One 'ought not get hazy or rusty on pose of ghting support to:tbe govern- his classics, but, with the lapse <lIf ment of the Republic of tiberia, the leal'S, he does. UnIted States sco~t c~er Chester Well, speaking of the classics, which returnEidto this countrY,' doc~ing at 3.re. going out of style in our modem 'tYie'Bostorr--Navy Yard on Tuesday; (ir educational methods, which stress the ":april 11, after tel1mQnths' absenc·e. "practical" and "utilitarian," and mill-- .On board the vessel as passengers imize intellectual breadth and cultur~, were R. C.Bundy,~secretary of the .we are reminded of the aphorisnil, United States .legation and 'charge '. "Romerus dormat." 1 'd'affairs ~atMonrovia, Liberia, who is . No, gentle and patient reader, \\le on .~ix "tn<mths' leave,' his:first in four have not misspelled the last wor~. :yelirs, and Mrs. Bundy. They made . Despite evidences to the; contrary, th t the ·'t11P on the chester direet from "n spite of the closest scrutiny \vi I MonroYia, leaVIng .there :Ma:rch 24, the '\. ; creep into our columns (we call sue /";':), cruiser tOllchingat. Porto Grande, slips "typographicai errors") w " ..:.. Cape Verd~islal1ds, on March 28: The '.. pride ourselves on still being able t ship:' steamed into Boston harbor With : ,pel] such simple. words as "door" an .a 360:i~~thome~a;rdbo'und pennant "mat." We rather opine that the 0.1 .i:;'tre~~inf:ffromh~r ma:in,:top, 'but her : Greek poet never had a door mat. Thi~ .tustY~idesa~da. liberal strip of plat- . •aphorisriJ. means "Even Homer nO<1s. ' " i~gsIi:oWingbelowher normal water- . ...'. ...., .' .. ,~,' .' ··That is to say, in modern patlanc, ., " ., .. ' MajorChllrles H. Youllg, .Coinin:a~d ill&- the'GallantTenthCavalryin .e·ven' he, .SII"'P·S 'up now and' .t·h..en, dr',.·a '.. 1ine:w.e.re e.ncru~ted- with barnacles; ..' . .. ..' .'.' . : I. and ,green with marine growth. Mexi<:o,.Who Rescued..M'ajorTompsett's!CQmmand. ;others might say, now and ilien"slip The cruiser .was in com-r:nanl1 o~' "CO'LORED. T··R:'0''0''PS a ~;l~: if Homer sometimes for et Commander Frank H. SchofIeld, and .. .what he wrote, how can you bla:e' h~s;~:gi.VenE1omeinterej;ting.state- he F'OU"-O'H'T'..£:\B" i' ,,' .' :lTIent~concenting'the' mission 'of the '.' '.:',., .... '. '" ... 0" :. LY" :,~~::y~~:;~~~i~~~a~o~h~e~~~ie~t l~~~ . ·.Chester ,and:incident~ of the trip. En ... .. !has written?" i', .'.... '~()ute ,t?, j 'Afri~a tJie'~: CheS:ter·touched ',,'" ·'at.B~rceIi:lna:;Spain"thence<1;o Alex- '. .,.. Homer and :Memphis~. ',I. ···~J?di~,$g'yp~,arid:~& Ja4f~ al\d B~iritt,Tenth Cavalry Rescues Maj Ir .T Qmpkln's '. But ':hathas-Ho.mer got to do ,\--it ..~. · '. .' .... .' .' ..... ,.' .. ..Me:mphls, Tenn. ? ' ,. ..,SYria;" Hundr.. ed:~t .. of'. r.efu.gees we're C· :. d . .( ':iesd~e(Cat'Jaffi:iiIid B'eltutfrQmthe'omman .• I ; Very'much, indeed,", as we hope t ......•..:'~.ul.k.I.·.·.:.l.•.··.·.a.-.b.~,n.'•••~,··:· •.• ~~. ec.··.r~·..·~.e.e.,~.! ~ t~.n..:.l~i~.::~ ~t.: .' . , \. ·'I!~nh~~~e.Ym;~p'hhiO~'S'e.era;T:'h·.aaeS.·y:o.a:.•rder·~n:o~tY""'\?"rrl.etl~nkgS ..:.' ..•. .. ... .Per~hing's jnv~ted ~hereor. I: ' . .,; :H:eadql.1artel:s, Mexico ''reo was went iiI search • m " ~.: 'l'heC~ls~r: touQl1;~d':a~~·q~b~l~~u·.and :Jvia,' C()lumbus" N. ,M.); April 21.~)f food. .Gen~r~l Pershing mentions iclassical poetry; butthe kind of poet"' ~ .' i .. ' i~¥~.~~i·.:,~.;;\}.~.;' l'.'~"'~':""'~"I'.:.'.:.;.·,·.·.~.r."~ :.~~., t.~,'.ttl ~!:~~!:E£?::f2;::~:~~~!~:;~~~;:~ ir~;:, ~~"rtt"lh.e li;::::tlt~~~;~!~:. .. " o.•. ',......•.•.v..M..•.1... .•• .•.·.•. .....I.·,r.:.·.".'.•. ..... •.':.".'..e.S.. War j. r" :.•. .. ... ,Major' Tompkins and "the Thirteenth 'T:HECOLO);t#D.' ~R.O.OPS .:.... :. '.' . iJfconsiderable··size?: ,..Now, 'here's '~'·;i;'·-~;;:-,.-~:7- ,The Purp08eof':t.1i~:·:eJ5U:i~f{'."'·...; .' ~::avalrY aCParral 'and saved the l'eg- [wh~rethe pnnc~s. dfEthi'trpia ..cofue . !, ..< • As .~ the'. purpos~ .0~.,th~.~"~hji>!s.'jilnent!fronI,~peh1g.ei¥~~ly.wip~dol,lt ',cFOlJ(lH;'l,'NOBLY;'~ iin. '1'hes~ pay~ribute. to 'the sons of cruise, ,Co~mand~rSch~~~~l~. :s.~i~:',;j: :,~~~he :-M~)(i9~ms .(l:>b~f~ctionsy.w~rl:'. ...,....' .. ~., " .,.. ' . ..... ..... ',' . IGreece. And .thi.s ~but~ i~ p~d 'for '~I s~oul,d' w~:~ .t~F~i~.:r.~,:mqrl);l,i~r:r-~ng}Q.9!o~eln., th~,~~trelltmgIA ClVll.vrar~ee9,rd~·~nd ~ar~~ iI>.~p'p,~?n, ·grea~~~>7:F'01'. t: '.. : : say. It. <?Il In;.the 1.Il:tlIe. I). .. .of SU'~port; ,to t~e ,~ibel'J.aJ\ Gov:~mment" r'P'i?;·S.,~.soldlers.· .Young ;duphc.ated ~h.e· .)patllsh;fmeJ;1c~n .W,I1: rec~rds, .)t~e .·'I\~~lle yoUr. G1e~l,t',~esident of~:N1:'~~~ In·a, .f91,1~~t . WhICh was engaged trIbal war treat, that has made thIS regIment of .report, the G?loxed. troops lphlsmayathis leIsure scan Hamel' .' ... ~ ~ .on the· ~art of"' th~' Kru .Coast. The ca~airY" famous. It : .was' the same' nobly," i~' ofteriJound.' In the .pres~'I\nd Aeschylus; during his busy ti~:e;, men .of this' s~ctjOJ1- are the sailois ,quick ·,,:,qtk:t~~t:sav~~'t()J.l1IlJeins·'c~';~~.~:~~aK'-:;:Mexica~;,.~:l)~:BPles'the Tenth" imd t~at's all 'day'and weli into the' '.of Liberia, doing. most. of. t~C! seagoing. :3a.ved t~~::gf~~t'. :i:~o,.~~~Yelt and '~~~:;P~ted'St~~~s . C~.y~~fY' .co,~poSed of Inight, he is,frying ham and eggs 'and work on the west co!is.t of...I\i:ptica.. IRough nlaets~'a;t San:J'll:l:ii.' Hill"in ·the: 'iOWO hu.ndred Colored. troops under lother. ~ch like things for his Colored , . Wh~n. we. got .the~. the town of, ;S~a.nish-Ainericati war. Major',;Young :Colonel W.. C, 'Bro~, :went up'against pustomers. ... '- ' '. '''\.. .' . Sinu w8s.'blockEided br'·the tribesmen,; :and his ~and rode all night and. ~n equal force' of V)llIstl\S and routed: On .Beale avenue several fine' 'es- ,. ~~t ~ ", who had cut off sui>pli~~ by. la~d. a;nd' ;108t :..no· time when a~iving on' the. hem.' '.. ["ablfsliments, like. re.sta,!lraI)ts aDd ice- ' '8~ ~ from:: .. A~~n.~.-Lib~~,· ~thr?ugh' ~~cene in .ope~g.fire ~po~ ~. (;~-ex": . ~t will 'not do. ~. 0-,erlo'ok the fidel- l-::rea~ parlo'rs, ~vere ~red to our at­ controUing. the" bar.. of ',t~e .. ' ri'\TeJ;' Jca!,~~' .Tompkins, was shot l~·. arm'l' ~y ~n~ ..the courage J)fth~se .. Colored !~entlon which cater exclusively to Ne­ tp~ugh whJch they were. ~elved.·, ;A dIspatch fro~ a "truck d;nvel' today ;Jold,lers~ One w,o:y of' 8h~wlng our ap- l"'l'O trade. Over the door. il! some .' W-e an'8.nred· peaCe, ,.parley~,'"b'i1t :said·. that 'pe ·.h~' t~rty wounded Iyreciati0!'l would b~ by. t~e cUIti'~ation :o~her conspicuoU8 place ap~ the,. they did nqt.l~ to.-p~;. U1tfh1a.~'aboard, but !Ie' d~ not· say wh.ether Il?! suc}1 a. heal~hy .publIc sentiment jslSD. "For Cowred .Peopl~ Onl ." Ex- Iy' ~he- "Gov~e,,~; got together and they ,are ,AmerIcans. or Mexreans: thl,lt ~uch aJ;>omm~ble plays, as liThe jCluslveness can apply. to mo~ than at:med a ~ort~ of 8,0'0 m~:, with which :romPkiJ:t;B had b~n::w~ed nQt to en- .Birth of a Nation" .wo·uld, ~ie. fori lack iJne claas, if y01,l please. Now) these' it'captured, ~d >ti~med ·the :Kru town ter .Parral, and' General Pershing J~ J of patro~age.-The ...Omaha Nebras- :establishments are run by G' 8. We .. ''':'. (C()Dt(nUi4. ~D .. --...as.,;"",' .· .;awaiting .news ~ determine. whether ,.lean.. '.. .. .: t, (Continued on lIeoond pta:: ) . .' ',', " . :--' .. ~...·.I<-O:·l ..··";,.',,···,"...., ~_:..,_•• ~ .•• _ .•:_ • .:.- ••••. ' ," . ..... "- ~.~' . :; .. ' .."': ._:., '" ~ .. ~. ".. ,' ," ';{~;I/~,'.'~"l::"~'~~.•i,~"·.·~.·.=:====:!==~=;:=========T=H=E=:M~O~~:'T;Ih~~:'s:~~-~~~o~re:i:g:ne:r~s~a:r~e~k~e:en;a:f~t:er~.T4'---~A~S~K~F~O;;R~A;:N~D~G~E;'T;---- .'. :," .?-. the darky's dollars; and they 'know 9C. SK' NNER ~. 'lOW to get it." ~~... ~.. "'~"',;6enetal Race News The Editor Eats. We had a meal in a Beal street res- TH:E HIGHEST QUALITY tam·ant. It wasn't a Green restaurant, SPAG ETTI , , however, 'but one run in a modest .' FEDE~At DISTRICT COURT DAHOl\UAN CHIEF AT I building by a Mrs. Pshaw! 36 PAGE RECIPE BOOK FREE " HALTS. SEGREGATION LAW. HEBREW PASSOVER. We can't at this moment recall her SKINNER MFG.·CO., OMAHA, U.S,A. · ," I -.,.. , name. But no matter, a sunny-faced LARGEST MACARONI FACTORY IN AMERICA Judge·Dyer Gra~ts Temporary Injunc- i ,New York, Aprll.21.-At the ~egm­ .':.'..', and pleasant-mannered Colored wom­ tion Against City Of St.
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