In the matter of the Arctic Sunrise Arbitration Before an Arbitral Tribunal Constituted under Annex VII to the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea PCA Case No. 2014-02 Palais Niederosterreich Herrengasse 13 Vienna, Austria Day 1 Tuesday, 10th February 2015 Before: JUDGE THOMAS A. MENSAH (President) MR HENRY BURMESTER PROFESSOR ALFRED SOONS PROFESSOR JANUSZ SYMONIDES DR ALBERTO SZÉKELY SÁNCHEZ ________________________________________________________ BETWEEN: THE KINGDOM OF THE NETHERLANDS 1 -and- THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ________________________________________________________ PROF DR LIESBETH LIJNZAAD (Agent) and PROF DR RENÉ LEFEBER (Co-Agent), with ERIK FRANCKZ, MARCO BENATAR, ANKE BOUMA, TOM DIEDEREN, PETER POST and ANNEMARIEKE VERMEER, of counsel, appeared on behalf of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The Russian Federation did not appear and was not represented. ________________________________________________________ REGISTRY: SARAH GRIMMER, Senior legal counsel, and EVGÉNIYA GORIATCHEVA, legal counsel, appeared for the Permanent Court of Arbitration. ________________________________________________________ Transcript by Claire Hill for Trevor McGowan The Court Reporter Ltd The Arctic Sunrise Arbitration (Netherlands v Russia) Day 1 PCA Case No. 2014-02 Tuesday, 10th February 2015 ALSO PRESENT: FOR THE KINGDOM OF THE NETHERLANDS: HIS EXCELLENCY PETER VAN WULFFTEN PALTHE, Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Austria ELENA SAKIRKO, Interpreter ROSANNE SCHARDIJN, Management Assistant LUC SMULDERS, Alternate Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the International Maritime Organisation INTERPRETERS: IRINA VAN ERKEL SERGEI MIKHEYEV The Court Reporter Ltd The Arctic Sunrise Arbitration (Netherlands v Russia) Day 1 PCA Case No. 2014-02 Tuesday, 10th February 2015 INDEX PAGE Opening Statement on behalf of the ...................5 Netherlands By Professor Lijnzaad .........................5 By Mr Franckx ................................12 By Professor Lefeber .........................33 MR DANIEL SIMONS (called) ...........................54 Direct examination by PROFESSOR LEFEBER ......55 Questions from THE TRIBUNAL ..................58 MR ANDREY SUCHKOV (called) ..........................60 Direct examination by PROFESSOR LEFEBER ......61 Questions from THE TRIBUNAL ..................70 MR SERGEY VASILYEV (called) .........................78 Direct examination by PROFESSOR LEFEBER ......79 Questions from THE TRIBUNAL ..................81 MR PETER WILLCOX (called) ...........................84 Direct examination by PROFESSOR LEFEBER ......85 Questions from THE TRIBUNAL ..................89 Re-direct examination by PROFESSOR LEFEBER ...98 The Court Reporter Ltd The Arctic Sunrise Arbitration (Netherlands v Russia) Day 1 PCA Case No. 2014-02 Tuesday, 10th February 2015 MR DIMITRI LITVINOV (called) ........................99 Direct examination by PROFESSOR LEFEBER .....100 Questions from THE TRIBUNAL .................125 Re-direct examination by PROFESSOR LEFEBER ..134 MR FRANK HEWETSON (called) .........................137 Direct examination by PROFESSOR LEFEBER .....138 Questions from THE TRIBUNAL .................142 Re-direct examination by PROFESSOR LEFEBER ..144 MR PHILIP BALL (called) ............................146 Direct examination by PROFESSOR LEFEBER .....147 Questions from THE TRIBUNAL .................151 Re-direct examination by PROFESSOR LEFEBER ..155 The Court Reporter Ltd The Arctic Sunrise Arbitration (Netherlands v Russia) Day 1 PCA Case No. 2014-02 Tuesday, 10th February 2015 09:301 Tuesday, 10th February 2015 09:381 witnesses or their counsel about the testimony that they 2 (9.30 am) 2 give at this hearing, and this continues until the 3 THE PRESIDENT: It is my pleasure to open the hearing in the 3 hearing is concluded. I will admonish each witness 4 Arctic Sunrise arbitration, which was commenced by the 4 accordingly before they give their testimony. 5 Netherlands against the Russian Federation under the 5 You have all received the provisional hearing 6 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. On 6 schedule for the hearing today and tomorrow. Unless 7 behalf of the Tribunal, I welcome the distinguished 7 there are housekeeping matters that the Netherlands 8 representatives of the Netherlands. As we are all 8 would like to raise before the hearing, I propose that 9 aware, no delegation is appearing on behalf of the 9 the hearing should begin now. Are there any such? In 10 Russian Federation. 10 the absence of any such questions, I will give the floor 11 Yesterday evening, the Secretariat sent, on behalf 11 to the Agent of the Netherlands to commence their 12 of the Tribunal, a series of questions for the 12 presentation by also introducing their delegation. 13 Netherlands. These questions arise from the second 13 Thank you very much. 14 supplemental submission of the Netherlands, which was 14 PROFESSOR LIJNZAAD: Thank you, Mr President. I understand 15 dated 12th January 2015. The Tribunal considers that it 15 that the idea is that we stay seated, or would you want 16 would be helpful to bring these questions to the 16 us to stand? I note there is no -- 17 Netherlands' attention at this stage, in the hope that 17 THE PRESIDENT: No, that is alright, you can sit down. 18 some at least of these questions may be addressed to 18 PROFESSOR LIJNZAAD: Thank you. Mr President, members of 19 a certain extent during the hearing. 19 the Tribunal, good morning. It is a true honour for me 20 In addition to the questions conveyed yesterday, of 20 to appear again before this Tribunal representing the 21 course the Tribunal or any of its members may pose 21 Kingdom of the Netherlands. 22 further questions to the Netherlands during the hearing. 22 A number of documents, memorials and pleadings have 23 I wish to stress that the Netherlands is under no 23 been exchanged between the Netherlands and the Tribunal, 24 obligation to provide full and final answers to the 24 and the Tribunal has raised questions to us about the 25 Tribunal's additional questions, which were submitted 25 case, most recently last night. So today, the time has Page 1 Page 3 09:361 yesterday evening, at this hearing, although of course 09:401 come to present this case to this Arbitral Tribunal in 2 it is welcome to do so if it finds it possible or 2 person. We value this opportunity, gentlemen. We do 3 convenient. The Netherlands is free, for example, to 3 hope to be able to respond to your questions, whether in 4 reply to any of these questions in writing following the 4 writing or orally, whether during this hearing or at 5 hearing, if that is what appears to be convenient to 5 a later stage. But let me begin with our pleadings. 6 them. 6 With your indulgence, I would like to first 7 In light of the fact that the Russian Federation is 7 introduce the delegation of the Kingdom of the 8 not participating in the Tribunal proceedings today and 8 Netherlands. My name is Liesbeth Lijnzaad. I am the 9 tomorrow, of course at this hearing the Tribunal must 9 Agent, and I am the legal advisor of the Ministry of 10 seek as much clarification as possible from the 10 Foreign Affairs. With me is René Lefeber, who is the 11 Netherlands, and I hope that this is understood by the 11 deputy legal advisor of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs 12 Netherlands. The Tribunal or any of its members may 12 and the Co-Agent. We both have already met you last 13 also have questions for the witnesses presented by the 13 year, in Bonn. 14 Netherlands at this hearing. The Netherlands will be 14 Then there is Mr Erik Franckx, who is a professor of 15 given an opportunity to pose questions to the witnesses 15 law at the Vrije Universiteit, Brussels. And today we 16 in re-direct examination after any questions from the 16 also have the company of Mr Peter van Wulfften Palthe, 17 Tribunal. We may also require witnesses to return to 17 who is the Netherlands ambassador to Austria. 18 answer questions after we have heard their evidence. We 18 Then there are Mr Marco Benatar, who is a researcher 19 will therefore request all witnesses who will be in 19 at the Vrije Universiteit, Brussels; Ms Anke Bouma, who 20 Vienna in person at this hearing, either today or 20 is a legal counsel with the Ministry of Infrastructure 21 tomorrow, to remain available to testify in future if 21 and the Environment; Mr Tom Diederen, who is a legal 22 that becomes necessary. 22 officer in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Mr Peter 23 I wish to emphasise and I would like to use the 23 Post, who is the transport advisor of the Ministry of 24 opportunity to every witness to tell them that the 24 Foreign Affairs; and Ms Annemarieke Vermeer, who is also 25 witnesses should avoid speaking to any other of the 25 a legal counsel at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. And Page 2 Page 4 Pages 1 to 4 The Court Reporter Ltd The Arctic Sunrise Arbitration (Netherlands v Russia) Day 1 PCA Case No. 2014-02 Tuesday, 10th February 2015 09:411 they are our advisers. 09:451 happened in the present case. The actions taken against 2 Opening Statement on behalf of the Netherlands 2 the Arctic Sunrise and the persons on board fall outside 3 PROFESSOR LIJNZAAD: With your permission, I will briefly 3 any margin of discretion the Russian Federation may have 4 introduce the case. The dispute underlying this case 4 had to respond to the protest action of 5 relates to the authorities of the Russian Federation on 5 18th September 2013. 6 19th September 2013, without the prior consent of the 6 Mr President, our oral submissions are structured as 7 Kingdom of the Netherlands, boarding and detaining the 7 follows. After my introduction, counsel will discuss 8 Arctic Sunrise, a vessel flying the Netherlands flag, in 8 the balancing of rights and duties of coastal states and 9 the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation, 9 flag states in an exclusive economic zone.
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