------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EPRA International Journal of Socio-Economic and Environmental Outlook(SEEO) ISSN:2348-4101 Volume: 7 | Issue: 2| September 2020 | SJIF Impact Factor (2020): 7.005 | Journal DOI: 10.36713/epra0314 | Peer-Reviewed Journal PROBLEM OF “KALIZS” (KHOREZMIANS) IN HUNGARY: PREDICTIONS, ANALYSIS AND CONCLUSIONS Bekzod Muradbaevich Abdirimov Lecturer of History Department at Urgench State University АNNOTATION In this article, medieval sources about Khorezmians living in Eastern Europe, as well as research and articles from the 19th to the beginning of the 21st century have been studied and thus the role and importance of Khorezmians in the political and economic life of medieval Eastern Europe have been analyzed. KEY WORDS: Khorezmians, Kalizs, Europe, Khazaria, orientalist, turkologist, Ogurs, Slavs, Turks. INTRODUCTION Central Asia is located at the crossroads of the In the Middle Ages, Khorezmians, who lived in the Great Silk Road, which is connecting geographically north-west of the region, took the lead in trade with –vAsia and Europe, culturally – civilizations, and the peoples of Eastern Europe through the northern economically very important. For this reason, our branch of the Silk Road, the Caspian-Volga caravan ancestors, especially the Sogdians, took the lead in routes in Khazaria and Bulgaria. It is emphasized in trade along the Great Silk Road from China to the sources that in Khazaria and Bulgaria, there were Mediterranean. During the periods of Kushans and also people of Bukhara and Samarkand, in addition to Hephthalite, the region was very active in the Khorezmians1. In his research, H. Ziyoev calls the cultural, socio-political processes in the regions up to Khorezmians of the 9th and 12th centuries as Uzbeks2. India. 1 Ziyoev Hamid. Uzbeks in Siberia, the Volga and the Urals. - Tashkent: New Century Generation. 2014. 131,132 pages.. 2 The above shown source. 2020 EPRA SEEO | www.eprajournals.com | Journal DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.36713/epra0314 9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EPRA International Journal of Socio-Economic and Environmental Outlook(SEEO) ISSN:2348-4101 Volume: 7 | Issue: 2| September 2020 | SJIF Impact Factor (2020): 7.005 | Journal DOI: 10.36713/epra0314 | Peer-Reviewed Journal Picture 1 The map of Abu Hamid Garnati’s travel On the research on Khorezmians in policy of the Hungarian kings regarding religious Hungary in the Middle Ages and the 19th-21st tolerance towards the Muslim communities living in centuries. The first sufficient information about their territory. For these reasons, the medieval history Khorezmians in Eastern Europe was mentioned in the of Hungary and its activism in ethnic processes, as works of Arab travelers – Abu Hamid Garnati, Ali well as the penetration of a new faith into the old Abdul Hassan Masudi, Abu Ubayd al-Bakri, as well world, have been the focus of Western scholars. as in the notes of the Russian chronicler Nestor, in Many Western scholars have suggested that “Kalizs” the Hungarian chronicles (especially in the – a part of the Muslim community lived in Hungary‟s Hungarian anonymous chronicle by an unknown predominantly Christian Hungarian state of Arpad author), in the data left by Byzantine historian Ioann were Khorezmians. Kinnam, as well as in the documents of the Pope of Spanish tourist Abu Hamid Garnati travels Rome. from Spain to Egypt, from Egypt to Baghdad, Geographically located in the center of the through the western shores of the Caspian Sea to Itil, Catholic and Orthodox worlds, the history of Bulgaria, the land of the Slavs, to Hungary through medieval Hungary has been the focus of much of the Ukraine. After living here with Muslims for three Western scholars. This is because Ogurs, Slavs and years (1150-1153), he got married and had children. Turks, who entered Hungary from the east in several He travels from the north of the Black Sea to the city stages, played an important role in the political arena of Itil, then through the Caspian Sea to Khorezm, of the region. New ethnic groups joining Eastern Bukhara, Ray, Basra, Mecca, Baghdad. He died when Europe one after another have increased the ethnic he reached Aleppo via Mosul and then Palmyra, history of the region. At the same time, historians of asking the caliph for permission to bring his family to the region have attracted the attention of historians of Hungary. His long stay in Hungary allowed him to the region, who are of Turkish origin and whose become aware of all the socio-political processes in beliefs are different from those of the Turks who the region at that time. In his diary, Garnati writes, came to Eastern Europe, as well as the religion of the “... There are 78 cities in their country called surrounding Slavs. The Roman Catholic and Unkuria. Each of these cities has many castles, Byzantine Orthodox Churches could not tolerate the volosts, villages, mountains and forests and is 2020 EPRA SEEO | www.eprajournals.com | Journal DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.36713/epra0314 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EPRA International Journal of Socio-Economic and Environmental Outlook(SEEO) ISSN:2348-4101 Volume: 7 | Issue: 2| September 2020 | SJIF Impact Factor (2020): 7.005 | Journal DOI: 10.36713/epra0314 | Peer-Reviewed Journal inhabited by thousands of Maghribis (bijanaks) and Hungary in 2002-2003 based on the results of Khorezmians. There are thousands of them and they archeological research8. serve the king (King of Hungary). They secretly Jeno Szuks published an article in 2008 on the believe in their religion3. ethnic origins of kalizs9. Jerney Janos was the first to study the history Nora Berend, a Cambridge University of Khorezmians in Hungary, and in 1844 he professor (originally Hungarian), analyzes the role of published his research work on the “Volga Bulgars other religions and cultures in the political, cultural, and Hungarian-speaking Ismailis”4. and economic life of the region in the territory Another well-known Hungarian orientalist, between the two centers of the Muslim Christian turkologist, specialist on Semitic languages, world, the Western Roman Empire and Byzantium in Chjeglediy (1914-1996), in his study of the origin of her work “At the Gate of Christendom:. Jews, the Hungarians and their emigration from the East, Muslims and „Pagans‟ in the Medieval Hungary in also draws attention to the emergence of 1000-1300”. He seeks answers to how Muslims have Khorezmians in Hungary. He relies on the documents held a high position in the Hungarian army and of the popes of Rome, Byzantium and other western economic life10. sources in his research. At the same time, he Hungarian archaeologists Rosa Zoltan and approaches the data of Arab tourists, including Abu Tugya Beata, based on the results of archeological Hamid Garnati, as additional sources5. research conducted in the 11th-13th centuries in the In 1913, Janos Rozhdestva (Karácsonyi János) settlements of the Kalizs, came to the conclusion that offered her data on how and when the Khorezmians their origin is Khorezm (2012)11. entered Hungary in her article “Who are Bohemians Ahmad Zaki Validi, a scholar of the Turkic or Ismailis and when did they come to Hungary?”6. peoples, wrote about the Khorezmians in Hungary in Another Hungarian researcher, Mesterhazi his works “Introduction to the General Turkish Karoli, published his research work “Ismailis, History” and “Khorezm Cultural Heritage, Muslims, Volga Bulgarians” in 19747, and Sabo Khorezmian Muqaddimat al-Adab”12. In addition, in Laszlo published the history of the first Muslims in the work “In Search of the Culture of Ancient Khorezm” by S.P. Tolstov, you can find information about the Khorezmians in Hungary13. However, recent studies require careful use of the works of S.P. Tolstov. This is because S.P. Tolstov‟s assumptions 3 Большакова О.Г, Монтайга. А.Л. Путешествие that the Kavars (Kabars) were Khorezmians, have Абу Хамида ал-Гарнати. –Москва: Главная been refuted in subsequent studies. редакция восточной литературы, 1971. С. 126. *Ismailis – supporters of one of the sects appeared in Shia sect. Began in the middle of the 8th century, Spread over the Near and Middle East in the 10th-11th centuries. (Zeki Velidi Togan. Horezm Külturü 8 L.E. Szabó. A nyitott jövő problémája: véletlen, Vesıkaları.Kısıım 1. Horezmce Terjümelı kauzalitás és determinizmus a fizikában. -Budapest. Muqaddımat al-adab. –Istanbul: Sucuoiglu matbaası, Typotex, 2002.// 1951. S 20). https://scholar.google.com/scholar?oi=bibs&hl=ru&c 4 Lijczenbach János Tudománytár. Izmaelitákról mint ites=5208055731504324681. Volgai Bulgabok - és Magyar nyelvű 9 Jenő Szűcs. Két történelmi példa azetnikai népfelekezetből. Értekezések'. Budan. A’Magyar Kir csoportok életképességéről [Two historical examples Egyetem ' Betűivel. 1844. P 104. of the viability of ethnic groups].Holmi, 20, no 11 5 Czeglédy Károly. Magyar őstörténeti tanulmányok. 2008, pp.1399-1406. –Budapest: 1985, P 254. 10 Nora Berend. At The Gate of Christendom: Jews, 6 Karácsonyi János. Kik voltak s mikor jöttek Muslims and Ppagans in Medieval Hungary c. 1000- hazánkba a böszörmények vagy izmaeliták? – c. 1300. Cambridge University Press, 2001. P 364. Budapest:
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