Manhattan, Byrne, JRT, 3i – A Joint Venture 3003 South Service Road C4 P.O. Box 216008 DFW Airport, TX 75261 Aug 03, 2011 ADDENDUM NO. 1 Re: Terminal B CSP for Mechanical/Plumbing, Electrical, Fire Protection, and Low Voltage THIS ADDENDUM IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE SOLICITATION AND MUST BE SIGNED AND RETURNED WITH BID FORMS. Please be advised of the following change(s) or clarification(s) to the above referenced solicitation. Summary: 1) Instruction to Proposers attachment 1 key dates has been revised. 2) Instruction to Proposers attachment 1 18. Post Proposal discussions A.6 page 27 of 29 has been deleted. 3) Attachment 11B Mechanical _Plumbing Bid Form has been revised. 4) Attachment 12B Mechanical _Electrical Bid Form has been revised. 5) Attachment 14A Mechanical _Low Voltage Bid Form has been revised. 6) Attachments 11E, 12E, 13E, 14E Change Order Forms has a page 2 issued. 7) An RFI log as of 08_03_11 has been included. 8) Exhibit B2 Design Narrative is issued. ( an additional SSI Design Narrative is also issued for SSI document holders) Clarification is hereby made that the requirement for the Security bond is as noted in the Instructions to Bidders and not as noted in the Pre Bid Conference. The Addendum in its entirety is available for pick up from MBJ3 at the above Address. Note: A copy of this addendum shall be acknowledged by appropriate signature and attached to the submitted bid form. ______________________________________ Company Name ______________________________________ Signed ______________________________________ Date Terminal B CSP Addendum # 1 DFW Airport Terminal Renewal and Improvement Program – Terminal B Mechanical/Plumbing, Electrical, Fire Protection & Low Voltage Services Instructions to Proposers Attachment 1 _____________________________________________________________________________________ DFWAirport Terminal Renewal and Improvement Program Request for Competitive Sealed Proposals (CSP) Terminal B Supplemental Agreement #05 Mechanical/Plumbing, Electrical, Fire Protection and Low Voltage Key Dates 1. Issue CSP: ……………………………………………………… July 19, 2011 (1:00pm) 2. Mandatory Pre-Proposal conference: …………………………... July 26, 2011 (1:30pm) 3. Site Walk (Mechanical/ Plumbing & Fire Protection): ………… July 27, 2011 (12:30pm) 4. Site Walk (Electrical and Low Voltage): ………………………. July 28, 2011 (12:30pm) 5. Deadline for Written Questions: ………………………………… August 15, 2011 (5:00pm) 6. Issue Last Addendum: ………………………………………….. August 22, 2011 7. Deadline Initial Proposal submission: ………………………….. August 30, 2011 (2:00pm) 8. Deadline for Proposal Detailed Back-up: ...…………………….. September 02, 2011 (5:00pm) 9. Post-Proposal Review by MBJ3:…………………………………Aug 30 thru Sept 21 10. Post-Proposal Pricing Review Complete:……………………… Sept 21 11. Post-Proposal Interview (Fire Protection): ……………………… September 22, 2011 (time TBD) 12. Post-Proposal Interview (Low Voltage): ……………………….. September 26, 2011 (time TBD) 13. Post-Proposal Interview (Mechanical/Plumbing): ……………… September 28, 2011 (time TBD) 14. Post-Proposal Interview (Electrical): …………………………… September 30, 2011 (time TBD) 15. Proposal Evaluation Completion: ………………………………. October 07, 2011 16. Target Date for Selection: ……………………………………….. October 11, 2011 17. Target Date for Issuance of Subcontract/NTP: ………………….. 6 weeks past November OBA Page 1 of 1 DFW Airport DFW Terminal Renewal and Improvement Program CSP For Mechanical / Plumbing DFW Airport, Texas Proposal Form Part 2 (also included in Volume 3 ) Cost Summary COST BREAKDOWN BY AREA PHASE 1 PHASE 2 PHASE 3 TOTAL ( GMP ) ( I MP ) ( I MP ) MECHANI CAL / PL UMBI NG BREAKDOWNS BY MAJ OR BUI L DI NG FUNCTI ONS COST HVAC SYS INSTALL HVAC EQUI PMENT - AI R SI DE $0 HVAC EQUI PMENT - WATER SI DE $0 CHI LLED WATER, CONDENSATE, REFRI GERANT PI PI NG SYSTEMS $0 HEATI NG HOT WATER PI PI NG SYSTEM $0 GLYCOL PI PI NG SYSTEM $0 AI R DI STRI BUTI ON SYSTEMS $0 I NSUL ATI ON - HVAC PI PI NG AND EQUI PMENT $0 I NSTRUMENTATI ON & CONTROL FOR HVAC (i ncl ude pr ovi si ons f or pl umbing s $0 I NSULATI ON - SHEET METAL $0 PHASI NG/ SEQUENCI NG SUPPORT $0 HVAC DEMOL I TI ON $0 RI GGI NG AND HOI STI NG $0 $0 PLMBG SYS INSTALL $0 PLUMBI NG EQUI PMENT $0 PLUMBI NG FI XTURES AND CAST I RON SPECI ALTI ES $0 DOMESTI C COLD WATER PI PI NG SYSTEM $0 DOMESTI C HOT WATER SYSTEM $0 SANI TARY SEWER SYSTEM $0 GREASE WASTE SYSTEM $0 STORM SEWER SYSTEM $0 COOKI NG OI L COL L ECT I ON SYST EM $0 COMPRESSED AI R SYSTEM $0 I NSULATI ON - PLUMBI NG SYSTEMS $0 PHASI NG/ SEQUENCI NG SUPPORT $0 PL UMBI NG DEMOL I T I ON $0 RI GGI NG AND HOI STI NG $0 $0 SYS ACTIVATION $0 START- UP AND COMMI SSI ONI NG $0 TEST AND BALANCE $0 $0 T OT AL COST OF WORK $0 $0 $0 $0 GENERAL CONDI TI ONS ( GMP f o r a l l Ph a s e s ) St af f ( Pr oj ect onl y, no home off i ce st af f or over head i ncl ) $0 Off i ces and Temporar y condi t i ons associ at ed $0 Fi el d Temporar y condi t i ons( Small t ool s, st or age, saf et y, et c) $0 TOTAL GENERAL CONDI TI ONS $0 $0 $0 $0 OVERHEAD $0 PROF I T $0 TOTAL OVERHEAD AND PROFI T $0 $0 $0 $0 ADD FOR PAYMENT AND PERFORMANCE BOND $0 ADD FOR SECURI TY BOND (For Phase 2 and 3) $0 PRECONSTRUCTI ON SERVI CES ( GMP f or al l Phas es ) $0 ESCALATI ON COST $0 CONTI NGENCY COST $0 TOTAL MI SC Co s t $0 $0 $0 $0 GRAND TOTAL COST $0 $0 $0 $0 Unit Cost - The following % shall be utilized for all future pricing to establish GMP and Change Orders 1 of 1 8/4/2011 SUBCONTRACTOR NAME HERE 5/25/2011 Description of Work: PCO #001 - Description Cost per Unit of Number of Unit Measure Units Extension Comments Subcontracted Work Labor LABOR $933.00 Is 1 $996.00 Correlates w/Sub Back Up $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Material MATERIAL $928.00 Is 1 $928.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Equipment $250.00 Is 1 $250.00 Subtotal $2,174.00 Overhead 10.00% $217.40 Subtotal $2,391.40 Profit 5.00% $119.57 Subtotal $2,510.97 Subcontractor Mark-up 5.00% $125.55 Total for Subcontractor Work with - Mark-up $2,636.52 Subcontractor (GC) Prime Work Labor Supervisor $34.00 hour 4 $136.00 Labor hour $0.00 Labor hour $0.00 Field Administration ( Paperwork for CO) $18.00 hour 1 $18.00 Field QC $19.00 hour 4 $76.00 Field Project Engineer $31.00 hour 1 $31.00 Field Project Manager $31.25 hour 1 $31.25 Labor Burden 35% $102.29 Materials Is $0.00 Material roll $0.00 Equipment day $0.00 day $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal $394.54 Overhead 10.00% $39.45 Subtotal $433.99 Profit 5.00% $21.70 Subtotal Subcontractor (GC) Prime Work $455.69 Final Price $3,092.21 ATTACHMENT 12B Revision 1 DFW Airport CSP For Electrical Work DFW Terminal Renewal and Improvement Program Proposal Form Part 2 (Part of Volume 3 Submission) Cost Summary COST BREAKDOWN BY AREA PHASE 1 ( GMP) PHASE 2 ( I MP) PHASE 3 ( I MP) ELECTRI CAL BREAKDOWNS T OT AL COST DI STRI BUTI ON SYSTEM $0 $0 $0 $0 GENERAL POWER $0 MECHANI CAL / EQUI PMENT SYSTEM POWER $0 GROUNDI NG SYSTEM $0 LI GHT FI XTURE PURCHASE COST ( FI XTURE, LAMPS) $0 LI GHT FI XTURE SYSTEM ( BRANCH AND LABOR) $0 L I GHTI NG CONTROL $0 L I GHT I NG PROT ECT I ON $0 FI RE ALARM $0 AUTOMATATED ACCESS CONTROL $0 SYSTEM ACTI VATI ON; STARUP AND COMMI SSI ONI NG $0 TEMPORARY SYSTEMS FOR ELECTRI CAL, FI RE ALARM AND ACCESS $0 T OT AL COST OF WORK $0 $0 $0 $0 GENERAL CONDI TI ONS ( GMP f or al l Phases f r om At t achment_ $0 $0 $0 $0 St af f ( Pr oj ect onl y, no home off i ce st af f or over head i nc $0 Off i ces and Temporar y condi t i ons associ at ed $0 Fi el d Tempoary Condi t i ons( small t ool s, st or age, saf et y, e $0 TOTAL COST OF GENERAL CONDI TI ONS $0 $0 $0 $0 OVERHEAD AND PROFI T $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL COST OF OVERHEAD AND PROFI T $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 ADD FOR PAYMENT AND PERFORMANCE BOND $0 $0 $0 ADD FOR SECURI TY BOND (For Phase 2 and 3) $0 $0 $0 $0 PREONSTRUCTI ON SERVI CES ( GMP f or al l Phas es f r om At t ac hm $0 $0 $0 $0 Escal at i on Cost $0 $0 $0 $0 Cont i ngency cost $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 GRAND TOTAL COST 1 of 2 8/4/2011 ATTACHMENT 12B Revision 1 DFW Airport CSP For Electrical Work DFW Terminal Renewal and Improvement Program Proposal Form Part 2 (Part of Volume 3 Submission) Cost Summary COST BREAKDOWN BY AREA Unit Cost - The following percentages shall be utilized for all future pricing to establish GMP and change Orders. Unit Cost - The following % shall be utilized for all future pricing to establish GMP and Change Orders % Labor Bur den Over head Pr of i t Labor Rat es Aver age St andar d Aver age Over t i me Aver age Shi f t pr emium Small t ool s and Consumables * Bidder acknoledges that they have reviewed all aspects of this Instructions to bidders, all attachments hereto and Exhibits required and accepts all aspects without modification.
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