. ~ The PENNSYLVANIA FREE1VIASON AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Of THE RIGHT WORSHIPFUL GRAND LODGE Of FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS Of PENNSYLVANIA VOLUME XXI NOVEMBER e 1974 NUMBER 4 "How Can You Grand Lodge Officers, headed by Bro. Rochester B. Woodall, dedi· Be A Brother To Someone You Don't Even Know" cated the new Mnsonic Temple for Huguenot Lodge No. 377 at Kutztown. The Tem1>le was erected at a cost of S175 ,000.00. By Bro. Rochester B. Woodall have increased attendance by 20 per cent or more. R. W. Grand Master The attendance reports submitted to date indicate that the Some good news . some not so good! percentage of attendance ranges from a high of 31 per cent The cornerstone was placed for the new Masonic Temple- at to a low of 4 per cent. Lodges with memberships of 300 or Kutztown. Pictured left to right are Bro. Milton Borrell, Chairman Since the creation of the Lodge Attendance Committees less, apparently have a better attendance record than larger of the Kutztown Temple Association; Bro. Rochester B. Woodall. R. W. Grand Master; and Bro. Donald F. Heffiey, Worshipful Master a.dditional emphasis has been placed on increasing participa: Lodges. tton by members in Lodge activities. of Huguenot Lodge No. 377. However, regardless of size, the average attendance is ap­ Many Committees are doing very well in contacting the proximately 15 per cent. Members in person, by telephone and by letter. $175,000 Masonic Temple Lodges with attendance records in the 4 to tO per cent Dedicated Some Committees have established car pools to take Mem­ range are particularly urged to renew and redouble their ef­ Grand Lodge Placed Cornerstone bers to Lodge. Others are furnishing door to door delivery forts to improve attendance. At the cornerstone ceremony, held service for the elderly Brethren. Grand Lodge Officers placed the cor­ tal Cave Road, Kutztown. Bring up your "batting" average by the end of the year~ The Lodge Room seats 101 and the in the Lodge Room because of incle­ My theme; "I-Iow can you be a Brother to someone you nerstone and dedicated the new Ma­ ment weather, Bro. Woodall said: Many Secretaries have not responded to my request to sonic Temple for Huguenot Lodge No. Social Room 150 for banquets. The don't even know"?, is being used with increased frequency structure also includes a Secretary's of­ "Even as the cornerstone symbolizes and success. regularly send in Lodge Activity Reports. This must be done 377, Kutztown, on September 28. a sure and firm foundation for this promptly each month. This is of great importance in the de­ This marked the end of ten years of fice and a fully equipped kitchen. The building is fully air-conditioned structure, so will we be a tried stone, a The. cooperation and interest in the program by many velopment of the Lodge Attendance Program. dedicated work - the 108th Anniver­ sure foundation in a universal brother­ Worshipful Masters is beginning to show results. and carpeted . sary of the Lodge. hood if we accept the truth, do our "How can you be a Brother to someone you don't even The cost was $ 17 5,000, not including Following the dedication ceremony, During the first six months of 1974, a number of Lodges know?" the 10 8th Anniversary Banquet was held civic responsibilities and have a deep the hours of dedicated volunteer work and abiding reverence for God." by Lodge members. in the Dining Hall of Kutztown State Grand Master's Banquet The funds were raised through con­ College. Two Pennsylvania Brethren tributions by members and other inter­ Bro. Rochester B. Woodall, R. W. Students Are Needed ested people. Grand Master, headed the cornerstone Dec. 27 Tickets Are Still Available Have Years of Dedication The new Temple is located on Crys- and dedication ceremony. At Patton Masonic School Two Pennsylvania Masons . have There are still tickets available for the Please indicate your r.!odge No., name, served Freemasonry for a total of 152 (Continued from Page 7) Grand Master's Banquet, show and address, and enclose a self-addressed, Second Class years. THE PENNSYLVANIA FREEMASON dance for Friday, December 27. stamped envelope. POSTAGE • Submit a birth certificate of ap­ In fact, Bros. Floyd M. Cain and Distribution Office plicant. It will be held in the Grand Ballroom If you have any questions, o~· desire Robert Anderson Brua are among the MASONIC HOMES PAID AT of the Sheraton Hotel, 1725 John F. Elizabethtown, Pa. 17022 • Submit a complete medical and further details, call the Grand Master's oldest living Masons in point of service Elizabe thtown Kennedy Blvd., Phladelphia. Office, (Area Code 215) LOcust 7-5582. !Send FORM 3579 to Above Address) Pe nnsylvania dental report. in the United States. • Submit a complete transcript of The cost of $15.00 per person covers Bro. Cain, 98, the youngest by age school records. the following: but oldest in Masonic service, was born • Submit a letter showing sponsor· • A delicious roast beef dinner Pennsylvania Ranks Second on January 5, 1875, in Pittsburgh. ship by a Masonic Lodge in Penn· • An outstanding floor show He was a Certified Public Accoun­ sylvania recognized by the Grand • Dancing to Bro. Joe Martin's In Membership Statistics tant. During World War II he went to Lodge of Free and Accepted Ma­ 12-piece orchestra There are 3,611,448 Masons in the California for the Manhattan Project. sons of Pennsylvania. • Free parking in the Sheraton United States, according to the Masonic He now lives in the Park Side Convales­ Upon receipt of the above items, the Hotel garage, across Kennedy Service Association. cent Home, Newport Beach, Cali fornia. applicant and his parent, or guardian, Blvd. from the hotel The count is based on 1973 mem­ When 21, Bro. Cain was made a will be contacted or interviewed by the Dress for the affair will be tuxedo bership statistics of the 49 Grand Mason in Monongahela Lodge No. 269, Superintendent. but dark suits acceptable ' Lodges. Pittsburgh, in 1897. He has been a The trustees make final selections and If you desire tickets send checks to The five Grand Lodges with the larg­ member for 77 years. approvals. Grand Master's Office Masonic Temple, est memberships are: Ohio, 255,451; Bro. Cain has two daughters. His Preliminary application forms can be One North Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa. Pennsylvania, 234,598; Texas, 230,459: hobbies are writing and cabinet making. obtained from Masonic Lodges or by 19107. Make checks payable to Grand California, 223,777; and New York, Bro. Brua, 101 , was born on a farm applying directly to: Superintendent, Secretary. 216,479. (Continued on Page 2) Patton Masonic School, Elizabethtown , POSTMASTER: Please Include Comple te Imprint of Address on Your Post al Return Clipping. Pennsylvania 17022 . THE PENNSYLVANIA FREEMASON Issued Quarterly February, May, August and November at Masonic Homes, Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania, by The Right Worshipful Grand lodge of The Most Ancient and Honorable F'"ternity of Free and Ac· cepted Masons of Pennsylvania and Masonic Juris· diction Thereunto Belonging. Approved and Authorized To Be Printed By The Grand Master Grand lodge Officers Rochester B. Woodall, R. W. Grand Master John l . McCain, R. W. Deputy Grand Master Walter P. Wells, R. W. Se nior Grand Warden Joseph E. Trate, R. W. Junior Grand Warden Arthur R. Diamond, R. W. Grand Treasurer William A. Carpenter, R. W. Grand Secretary Mailing Address: MASONIC TEMPLE One North Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pa . 19107 Send Form 3579 to Distribution Office The light of Freemasonry shines from the new Masonic Temple in The furniture in the Shippingport Masonic Temple is more ancient Masonic Homes, Elizabethtow n, Pa. 17022 Shippingport, made possible by the dedication of the Members of than the 103-year old Glasgow Lodge. It came from storage rooms Second Class Postage Paid at Bro. Shaw Bro. Grimm Glasgow Lodge No. 485. The Temple is debt free. in Masonic Temple, Philadelphia. It was completely restored by Elizabethtow n, Pennsylvania the Lodge Brethren. Vol. XXI November, 1974 No. 4 Bro. Grimm Retires; Bro. Shaw Appointed Masonic "Power" Head of Ritualistic Work for Grand Lodge Grand Lodge Officers Dedicated Members of Small Lodge Build Temple Bro. W. H arry Shaw, Jr., Past Master delphia. Have Busy Schedule of Fernwood Lodge No. 543, was ap­ Retired from Gulf Oil Corporation, In the shadows of the world's first Following a gift of an acre of land. Generous donations of money, build­ pointed Instructor of Ritualistic Work Bro. Grimm was appointed Instructor full scale atomic powered electric gen­ adjacent to the US. Post Office, by Bro. ing materials and volunteer labor were The schedule for Grand Lodge Of­ for Grand Lodge by Bro. Rochester B. of the Ritualistic ' Work in 1959. He erating station, the 235 Members of Paul f. Morrow, a 50 year member of made by members of Glasgow Lodge ficers for the next three months in­ Woodall, R. W. Grand Master. was District Deputy Grand Master of Glasgow Lodge No. 485 made a dream the Lodge, a concerted effort was sta rt­ and other Lodges of the 37th Masonic cludes: He succeeds Bro. Raymond H. Gnmm. the 57th Masonic District at the time come true. ed to raise funds. District December 4 - Quarterly Communi­ Warrant Master of William D. Mcilroy of his appointment. Through this dedication the Lodge is Construction started in 1968. Real The new Temple is of brick veneer, cation, Masonic Temple, Philadelphia. Lodge No. 758. Active in all Masonic Bodies in the now meeting in a new Masonic Temple progress did not begin until 1971. Bro.
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