rLR- 0o-56- t 6+319 18- ob- ZJ.a L ?u (cusZt- 64ssl) lnternation\lCiiminal Tribunal for Rw6nda Tribunalp6nal international pour le Rwanda OR:ENG TRIAL CHAMBER II Before: JudgeAsoka de Silva,Presiding JudgeTaghrid Hikmet JudgeSeon Ki Park Registrar: Mr AdamaDieng Date: 18June 2007 ThePROSECUTOR v. Augustin NDINDILIYIMAI\A Augustin BIZIMUNGU Frangois-XavierNZUWONEMEYE InnocentSAGAHUTU CaseNo' ICTR-00-56-T CORRIGENDUMToTHEDECISIONONDEFENCEMOTIONSPURSUANTTo RULE 98815 Office of the Prosecutor: Mr Cird Aly BA Mr MoussaSefon Mr SegunJegede Mr. Lloyd Strickland Mr Abubacarr Tambadou Ms FelistasMushi Ms FariaRekkas Ms Anne PaulineBodleY Counsel for the Defence: Mr Gilles St-Laurentand Mr Ronnie MacDonald for Augustin Bizimungu Mr ChristopherBlack and Mr Patrick De Wolf for Augustin Ndindiliyimana Mr CharlesTaku for Franqois-Xavier Nzuwonemeye Mr FabienSegatwa and Mr SeydouDoumbia for Innocent Sagahutu 6\st+ Prosecutorv. AugustinNdindiliyimana el o/ , CaseNo. ICTR-00-56-T INTRODUCTION 1. By an amendedIndictment dated 23 August2004, the Prosecutorcharged the four accusedpersons with conspiracyto commit genocide(count 1); murderas a crime against humanity(count 4); and murder as a violation of Article 3 common to the Geneva Conventions(Count 7). Bizimungu and Ndindiliyimanaare also chargedwith genocide (Count2), or in the altemativecomplicity in genocide(Count 3), andwith exteminationas a crime againsthumanity (count 5). Bizimungu,Nzulvonemeye and sagahutuare filrther chargedwith rape as a crime againsthumanity (Count 6), and with rape,humiliating and degridingtreatment as war crimesunder Article 3 commonto the GenevaConventions'and AdditionalProtocol II (Count8). Thetrial commencedon 24 September2004. On 7 December2006, the Prosecution closedits caseagainst the four Accusedafter presenting seventy-one factual witnesses plus oneexpert witness, and entering120 exhibits. On the sameday, the Chamberheld a Status Conferenceduring which it orderedthe Defenceteams to frle any Motionspulsuant to Rule 98b;sby 15January 2007 and the Prosecution its Responseby 3 I January2007. 3. The Defencefor Bizimungu,the Defencefor Ndindiliyimanaand the Defencefor Nzuwonemeyefiled their respectiveMotions on. 15January 2007.' The Proseculion respondedto the tl[ee Motions on 29 Jantary2007,2 The Defencefor Ndindiliyimanaand the Defencefor Nzuwonemeyefiled Replies on 2 February 20011 the Defencefor Bizimungu,after an extensionwas grantedby the chamber,filed its Reply on 9 February 2002.aThe Prosecutionfiled a Rejoinderto the Repliesof Bizimunguand Ndindiliyimana.' TheDefence lbr Ndindiliyimanasubsequently filed i Sunejoinder.6 4. On 13February 2007, Nzuwonemeyefiled a Corrigendumto his Reply' The Chambernotes that the Corrigendumfiled is a more structureddocument, corrects several typographicalerrors, and doesnot makeany substantivechange to the Reply as originally nGA.fne Chambertherefore accepts Nzuwonemeye's amended Reply. I Theprosecutor r. A. Bizimunguet al,"Requeteen Acquittment de la Dd.fenseD'Augustin Bizimungu", 15 January2007; "Ndindiliyimana's Motion Pursuart to Rule98bis ofthe Rules",15 Ja tary2007 ' Motionfor AcquittalPursuant to Rule98bis", 15 January 2007' "Nzuwonemeye's 'Requetu , Thnprorn"ito, ,. A. Bizimunguet al, "Prosecutor'sResponse to en Acquittementde Ia Ddfense D'AuglrstinBizimungu" ?9 Jantary2007; " Raponsedu Procureur.rld tequetum$ rtns d'qcquittement priseitde par Augwlin Ndindiliyimana sur lefondement de l'qrticle 98bisdu Rdglementde procddute et de "preuue',, i9 lanuiry 2007;"Prosecutor's Response to Nzuwonemeye'sMotion for AcquittalPursuant to Rule 98bis",29 ranraxy2007. , Thepros"cuto, u. A. Bizimunguet al,,,Responseto Prosecutor'sReply to 986rsMotion MadeBy the 'Nzuwonemeye's Applicant,Augustin Ndindiliyimana', 2 February2007; Replyto theProsecutol's Response toNzuwonemeye'sMotion for AcquittalPursuant to Rule986ri", 2 February2007; "Corrigendum to Nzuwonemeye;sReply to theProsecutor's Response to Nzuwonemeye'sMotion for AcquittalPurcuant to Rule 986is",12 February 2007. a Theprosecutor u A. Bizimunguet al, "Riplique a la Rdponsedu Procureur a la Requ€teen acquittementde la Difensed'Augustin Bizimun4u",9 February 2007. t Thi Pror""utolu. A. Bizimunguet al, "Prosecutor'sRejoindet Io'RApfique a la Rdponsedu Procureura Ia Reqaetuen acquittement de la D'fensed'Augustin Bizimungu', ", 12February 2007'"R'ponse du Ptocureura b iepltqueprisentee par le conseild'Augustin Ndindililinana le 2fdvrier 2007(Requatu en acquittement: qrti;te tSbisdu Reglementde procddure et duprewe)",5 February2007' of i Thnpror""utor rlA. Bizimuiguet al, "Counter-ResponseTo Prosecutor's Second Reply To 98brsMotion ApplicantNdindiliyimana, 12 February2007; "Corrigendum toNzuwonemeye's Reply to the Plosecutor's R"rponseto Nzu-onemeye,sMotion for AcquittalPursuant to Rulew"986is", 12 Febrtary 2007. Prosecutorv. AugustinNdindiliyimana el a/ , CaseNo. ICTR-00-56-T 6tps,t6 DELIBERATIONS A. GeneralPrinciples under Rule 98Dis 5. Rule98bis, "Motion for Judgementof Acquittal"provides that: If after the closeofthe casefor the prosecution,the Trial Chamberfinds that the evidenceis insufficient to sustain a convictiol on one or more counts charged in the indictment, the Trial Chamber ... shall order the entry ofjudgement of acquittalin respectofthose counts' i) Scope of the Chambet's Enquiry under Rule 98his 6. The clearly eslablishedlegal standardwhich the Prosecutionmust meet to withstand a motion for judgement of acquittal under Rule 98brs of the Rules is that there must be sufficient evidenceupon which a reasonabletrier of fact could, tf the evidenceis believed, find the Accused guitty of the crime charged.TThe test to be applied'is whether "the evidence,assuming it is true, could not possibly sustaina finding of guilt beyond reasonable doubt. That will only be the casewhere there is no evidencewhatsoever which is probalive ofone or more of the required elementsofa crime charged,or where the only such el'idence is incapable of belief."s In effect, when considering a motion for acquittal, the relevant questionis not whetherthe Trial Chamberwould n fact erter a conviction beyond reasonable doubt on the basisofthe Prosecutionevidence, but whether it could. A finding that sufficient evidencehas been led to deny a Rule 98&ls motion in respectof a particular count in the Indictment,does not preclude the Chamberat the end of the casefrom entering a judgement of acquittal on the same count, where it comes to the conclusion that the Prosecutionhas failed to make out the count beyond all reasonabledoubt.' 7. As statedin Prosecutor v. Enver Hadzihasanovicand Amir Kabura'. "A dismissal of a requestfor acquittal merely shows that the Chamberconsiders that there is in the case somep)osecution eviclencewhich, taken at its highest,could satisfy a Trial chamber i.e. is capab]eof persuadinga Trial Chamberol the guilt of the Accusedof the chargebeing considered.';10It follows that a decisionpusuant to Rule 9861sdoes not require the Chamber to evaluatethe credibility and reliability of the Prosecutionevidence; that comes at the end of the trial taking into account the evidenceas a whole. However, where the Prosecution's casehas completely broken down either on its own presentation,or as a result of defence cross-examination,with the effect that the Prosecutionis left without a case,the chamber may considerthat the evidenceobviously lacks credibility and reliability, and thereforeenter a judgementof acquittal." 1 TheProsecutor v. zigiranyircao,"Decision on the DefenceMotion pulsualt to Rule 98brs", 21 February 2007,para.8;The Prisecutor v. Rwamakuba,"Decisionon DefenceMotion for JudgementofAcquittal",28 Octo6erZ00j (Rwamakuba98bis Decision), para.5; TheProsecutor I Mpambarz, "Decision on the Defence's 'r. Motion for JudgementofAcquittal", 21 octobet 2005 (Mpanbara 98bis Decision),para. 4; ThePfosecutor Muvunyi,"Decision on TharcisseMuvunyi's Motion for Judgementof Acquittal pursuantto Rule 986ts", l3^ ocrou"r ioos (Muvunyi gtbis Decision),para, 36; TheProsecutor I Bqgosora et al, "Decision on Motions for JudgementofAcquittal", 2 February2005 (Bagosota9SbisDecision), para. 6; The Prosecutor v' ,,Decision Nyiamasuhuko ei a/, on DefenceMotions for Acquittal under Rule 98bis", l6 December2004 (Butare 98bisDecision), Para 7l t Bagosora98bis Decision, paras.6-8. e Thi Prosecutorv. Jelisic Judgement(AC), 5 July 2001, para.37 (Jelisic hdgement (AC))' to Theprosecutor y. Hadzihc&inovic & Amir Kabura,"Decision on Motions for Acquittal Pursuantto Rule 98&lsofthe Rules ofProcedure and Evidence" (TC),27 September2004, para lT' tt Muvunyi 98bis Decision,para 37; Rwamakuba 98bis Decision,para. 7; Butare 98bis Decision, para.Tl; The of prosecuior u. Kamuhanda,"Decision on Kamuhanda'sMotion for Partial Acquittal Pursuantto Rule 98rti the Rulesof Procedureand Evidence" (TC), 20 August 'rfu'2002, pua. 19 (Kamuhanda98bis Decision); Tle btf3fi Prosecutorv. Augustin Ndindiliyimana et a/., CaseNo' ICTR-00-56-T g. The chamberwill alsonot considerwhether the Defencehas had sulficientnotice of chargesto sustain a convictio.n,or whether there are other legal defects in the Indictment *tti.i .outd leadto acquittal.l2The examinationof whetherthere was clearand consistent noticeadequate to cureany suchdefect is not appropriateat this stageofthe proceedings,nor is theChamber legally authorized by Rule98bis to considerthese matters.l" (ii) suffrciency of Evidencein Relation to Particular Paragraphsof the Indictment 9. All t}ree Defenceteams submit that the evidenceshould be assessednot only in relationto entirecounts
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