fair. He waa tba eat^ar on the team oo which tha lata Judga H. O. Bowana o f thiaplaoa was tha pitch- ar. A ttoreey (jiurtar later rafiiaad •avaral offers to enter nrnfneelmiel baaebaU. SPECIALS TONIGHT The union aervless of tbs Center ItETloii •— Half Spring Chicken r— French Friea Conmyational and South Method* The late Judga Bowara often re­ let churches which through July and Priigress b Rapid As Com- lated to his close friends an meldent Spaghetti and Chicken , tbs first Sunday In August we that happenad in tba Chicago gama. Mrs. Grace Pontic^ Nar­ Tenderioln Steak with Bordehise Sancc held at the last named ^urch, wiu . of tha haavy hittara on the Unl- TONY and TRIXIE Shortsteak and French Fries tomorrow be transferred to the Cen­ mhtet Make Reports ~ veralty of Vermont team, the team ter Congregational church. Rev. Dr. that they had to beat to win tha rowly Aferts Accident RUNhitjO FOR Spaghetti and Meat Balls or Hot Sausage championahlp, was at bat Watson Woodruff has returned from THAT DOESN’T EXIST SEA FOOD bis vacation at Silver Lake, N. H., Children to Entertain. Judge Bowera waa alao the o b ­ RONNIE and KAY tain of the team and hs, instead at at Naarene Chardi. CHAMBERS AND Red Chargre On Fascist Stronghold Crabs ~ Steamed Clama — Claras On the Half Shell and will preach. The gluts sUmers THE HAPPY PERSONALITY GIRLS Atlanta, Aug. 10 — (AP) — will be Hr. and Mrs. Charles Rob­ tba catcher, gava tha algnal on tha Two Geondans are running for Jack Hayes Is Here To Serve You! bins of Bolton, formerly of Man­ The carnival oommltteo arrang­ kind of baU that ha Intended to aa office that doesn’t exist. throw. Whan he algnaled for a Mrs. Grace PontieelU, 48, o f S9 SPIESS TO RUN FRESH GAINS CLAIMED KINGSBURY OR BLUE RIBBON BEER chester. ing for the eecond annual K of C The post Is that o f Ueutenant atralght ball right over the plate Homestead street, escaped with a THE FUN-MAKERS governor. Delacey AUen, former : ’t Ckumlval to bo held on Main etreot Carter looked aurprlscd, but waited few bruises and a shafciwy up when state American Legion com­ RETMANDER’S TAVERN homo grounds from August 81 to Straight over the plate went the mander, and State Senator J. BROTHERHOOD OUTING ball for a atrike. Again Bowers gave hit by on automobUs drlvta by SmOINO — DANCING FOR TWO JOBS 85 Oak Street Chas. Reymander, Prop. September 6, met laet night and EUis Pope are the candidates. the algnal for another atralght Bmeat Dearocher of 14 Orange Democrats wlU choose one of went over the general plans for the ball Again the batter failed to BY SPAIN’S LOYALISTS ON NEXT SATURDAY carnival and heard reports from street, Hartford, at 6:46 last night. the two at the Sept. 9 primary, swing at It. For the third Ume he ’The accident happened just south Get Up a Party Tonight and See This ExceDent Floor I Proposals of Their Names but the winner wUl not know different committees. It was decid­ signaled for a atralght ball and Car­ of the Church of the Noasrene. Mrs. ed to hold the carnival much along Show and Order Your Favorite Drink. I whether he has gained an office Emanuel Lutheran Group to ter thinking that there must be PontieelU, according to the report or an empty honor untU voters the Itnee of a year agf. It waa also some mistake walked out to talk given the poUce by those who eald " f6r Both Representative In the November election act on Governmeot Annoonces Cap* Have Sports Program and arranged for a program of good I Music Of Course By The with the pit^er. ^wera assured they aaw the accident and which creating the position. Rebels Mass Troops Supper at Berggren Farm. -amusements. him that the" next ball was to be a marks on the road seemed to bear tore of Over a Dozen GO TO CONRAN'S Main street from Oelmont street straight one. He did just .this and out, was crossing the road from the and Selectman FQed Today The Brotherhood of the Emanuel to the Qiilah undertaking home will the batter struck out, giving the west to the east-side of Main street Lutheran church will hold an out­ be fenced in and 90 local and out- championship to Yale. ’The following to get into a car driven by her son. Merrymakers For Attack in North Rebel-Riiled Comminiities JACK and JILL CLUB ing next Saturday afternoon, August of-town concerns will carry adver­ year Carter became Yale’s leading The eon seeing his mother waUilng — Lnpien FOes for Board. IS, at Edward Berggren’a farm on tisements on the billboard which pitcher. stopped bis car and called for her STEFFENS, DEAN West Center street Members and will be erected and lighted two Attorney Carter waa a brother- to ride home with him. — Predtoa Revolt Wfll TONIGHT their families will attend the affair Hendaye, France. Aug. 10.— (AP) .^lat soldiers forced tha rebfia to re­ Weeks before the opening of the in-law of Chief Justice Charles As she atarted to walk across the The campaigns o f Mathlaa Splese tire from the area. and reservations should be made not Evans Hughes. road the Desrocher car, going north, —Reinforced rebel troops,, ordered to FOR AN ENJOYABLE EVENING carnival, as well as during the car­ ' and David (jhamhere for Republican OFMUCKRAKERS, Rebel army headquarters at Bur­ later than next Wednesday night nival. was close to the woman as she step­ attack Ban Sebastian und Irun, were Be Crashed Shortly. by calling Clarence O. Anderson, renominstion os aeleetmen and for gos waa the scene of copoerted activ­ Tickets, under the direction of ped out Into the street. The driver Silver Grill massed today near the frontier tel. 3031, Paul Erickson, teL 6B27, nomination aa town representatives ity os troops prepared td move aouth Just Installed One of the Latest Music Machines— Thomas Hassett, have been widely appUed his brakes and the car akid- WHERE EVERYONE HAS A GOOD TIME! towns held by Leftist militia or William Orr, tel. 4289. began today when their proposal IS D E ^ AT 70 for reinfpreement o f insurgent post distributed and the two main ptizea GUARDSMEN TO BEGIN ded and then made a spinning turn. Official orders were received from Madrid, Aug. 10.—(AP)—Decid­ One That We Are Sure You Have Never Seen. A sports program is being ar­ It waa almost stopped when Mrs. p ^ r s were filed with the town tiona in the Guadarrama mountain ranged for the afternoon to Include will be a Kelvlnator and a fur coat. Fascist headquarters at Burgos tor passes. ed gains by the government In Its PontelU appeared to have run Into clerk by John H. C. Longdlke, ac­ a strong offensive against both Loy­ horseshoe pitching, volley ball, base­ A special prize will be awarded each RECORD nRING TODAY the rear of the car as It waa turn­ Some reports declared the forces prolonged war to put down tha night. tive now In the Townsend clubs and alist-dominated munl(dpatltlea to­ of General Mola might attempt to STEAKS — CHOPS ball and other events. The commit­ ing around. Crnsading Journalist Who Fasclat Insurrection were''chalked formerly In the ’Taxpayers league. day. pierce tba government defense lines tee in charge, headed by Carl Gus­ The entertainment committee of She was at once picked up and Bowen For Oollector Only CHICKEN CHOP SUEY " which Francis J. Keefe Is chairman, Heavy detachments of Fascist and occupy Madrid without tha aa- up today In widespread areas o t tafson, will serve a supper consist­ Company K Goen to Rifle placed In the car of her aon and Chairman Sherwood Q. Bowers has arranged with Sterling B. Fonght Frand, Graft and militia poured into the rebel camp Biatance of rebel columns In the Spain with the newly-announced AND YOUR FAVORITE SANDWICH ing of home baked beans, hot dogs, Range in Bolton at 1:30 — taken to the Manchester Memorial of the Board of Selectmen said to­ coffee and watermelon. Couch, director of the WDRC chil­ hospital, the driver of the Hartford r a m f fighting for the Spanish government race along a road In the Guadar^ throughout Sunday. ’The majority south. capture of more than a dozen rebel- day be would not be a candidate for or the fresh troops were declared to ALES AND LAGER FROM THE KEG All desiring transportation are dren’s hour, which is broadcast Continues Through Tomor­ car following her to the hospital. Injustice, Passes Away; the rebel Rebel commanders declared dominated communities. row. any office except for tax coUector, have come from the Insurgent con­ "Spain’s fate will be decided” when Since the flrat week o f vicious a.sked to notify the committee. The each Saturday morning to each The examination at the hospital In­ for which he announced several dicated that her injuries were not centration point at Pamlow. —and if—the Inaurgent troops reach fighting, which the rebels hoped 4^ membera wlH leave the church at night present a program by the out­ days ago, leaving at least one open standing performers on the chil­ serious, but she was admitted for French authoritlea, anticipating a the suburban district of Madrid would carry them Into Madrid for 2 o’clock Saturday afternoon. ' place on the Board of. Selectmen. Divorced Wife at Side. battle just across the border, ar­ dren’s program. Members of Company K, 169th the night and was discharged today.
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