Eastern Illinois University The Keep April 2009 4-13-2009 Daily Eastern News: April 13, 2009 Eastern Illinois University Follow this and additional works at: http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_2009_apr Recommended Citation Eastern Illinois University, "Daily Eastern News: April 13, 2009" (2009). April. 9. http://thekeep.eiu.edu/den_2009_apr/9 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the 2009 at The Keep. It has been accepted for inclusion in April by an authorized administrator of The Keep. For more information, please contact [email protected]. “TELL THE TRUTH AND DON’T BE AFRAID” WWW.DENNEWS.COM EASTERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSI T Y , C H A R L E S T ON The DAILY EASTERN NEWS MONDAY, APRIL 13, 2009 VOL. 93 | ISSUE 132 CampUS | eveNT teChnoloGY | ScaMS Be aware with online job sites By DAVID THILL Senior Reporter Necessity is the mother of invention, so the saying goes. However, one would have to assume the originator of the saying was not referring to Internet scams and employment shams. Though, given the cur- rent state of the economy, job opportunities seem to be com- ing at something of a premium. In this digital age, some have found ways to use an inventive route to prey on others’ need for a job. Such as the need a college student preparing for gradua- CARRIE HOLLIS | THE DAILY EASTERN NEWS tion may feel. And there in may Runners stretch before participating in the fourth annual Run for Shannon McNamara in April 2007 at the Panther Trail. lie the problem. Recently, Career Services sent an e-mail to Eastern students warning of fake job offers and McNamara’s memory still alive scam companies attempting to use Eastern’s online job recruit- Registration continues 2003, and received the death penalty, She then knew the next thing to PariCipation in the ing service to prey on those col- all week for annual and is now sitting on death row. do was help McNamara’s memory to 4K RUN/walk For lege students’ need for employ- The events of McNamara’s life never fade. shannon MCnamara ment. 4k run/walk on campus have since touched many people – “I got involved, because what hap- Linda Moore, director of including Amanda Morong, co-chair pened to Shannon is a horrible trage- • What: All proceeds go toward Career Services, said students By KRISTINA PETERS for the event that raises money for dy, and I wanted to try to make a dif- the Shannon McNamara should be wary when receiving Editor in Chief the Shannon McNamara Scholar- ference by trying to involve as many Scholarship job offers from companies that ship, which is awarded to an Eastern people as I could,” Morong said. “I • When: 2 p.m. April 26 appear “too good to be true.” Shannon McNamara’s name con- student majoring in kinesiology and get the chills every time because I • Where: Campus Pond Pavilion “Really, if it sounds too tinues to live on as the sixth-annual sports studies. know I am doing a great thing for • Registration: Registration is good to be true, it probably is,” $12 if done before the event by 4k run/walk in her honor will com- Meaghan Clavey is the other her as well as her family to keep her going to the Student Rec Center Moore said. “The types of offers mence on April 26. chair. memory alive. I can’t speak for oth- Tuesday, Wednesday or Thurs- that say you can work four McNamara’s died on June 12, “I honestly became sick to my ers, but if I had to, the people partic- day between 4 and 6 p.m. or by hours a day and make $100,000 2001, when she was raped and mur- stomach that someone would ever do ipating know how important this is going to www.active.com. Reg- a year.” dered by former Eastern student that to someone else,” said Morong, a every year and are glad to take part of istration is $15 the day of the When applying for jobs Anthony Mertz in her apartment senior physical education major with it for Shannon.” run/walk. online or looking into a poten- near Eastern. teacher certification, about when she tial offer, students should be Mertz was convicted in February first heard about McNamara. » SEE MCNamara, PAGE 5 aware of “red flags” or signs that the company may be out to CampUS | EveNT scam them, she said. “When you go to the Web site, if the company name doesn’t match the name on Eastern recreates feel of ‘Last Lecture’ the Web site, that’s a red flag,” Moor said. “If the site talks Seven faculty members pus for retiring professors. It was Last LECTUre SChedUle about payment without actually to give own lectures going to be his last lecture in more saying when they really do, that than one way, though, since he was Monday April 13th: Tuesday April 14th: is a huge red flag.” dying.” • 6-7:15 p.m.: Viewing of the • 6-7:15 p.m.: Viewing of the Moore said employees at By HEATHER HOLM Hilty said after he gave the lec- Last Lecture Last Lecture Career Services are constant- Activities Editor ture, it was posted on YouTube, • 7:30-8 p.m.: “Surviving College • 7:30-8 p.m.: “Time” by Sandy ly on the lookout for such scam and Pausch appeared on the Oprah in difficult times .... Never give Beherns businesses in order to stop them Students at Eastern can find out Winfrey Show. up!” by Rigo Chinchilla • 8-8:30 p.m.: “The More I before they get to Eastern’s Web • 8-8:30 p.m.: “Expectations and Learn the Less I Know” by Mike what it is like to hear someone’s last “It became a significant thing the Journey” by Diana Wyatt Havey site. lecture – literally. that changed people’s lives for the • 8:30-8:45 p.m.: “Whose • 8:30-8:45 p.m.: “The Adven- One reference point is Randy Pausch, a computer sci- better,” Hilty said. Shoes?” by Lucia Schroeder ture Begins with Me.” by John snopes.com, Moore said, where ence professor at Carnegie Mel- Seven Eastern professors will give • 8:45-9:15 p.m.: “On the Corner Pommier many people go to share infor- lon University in Pittsburgh, was their lectures today and Tuesday at of Being and Broadway” by Re- mation about potentially dan- diagnosed with cancer and forced 7:15 p.m. in the Grand Ballroom becca Merten gerous scams or ways to avoid to retire; so the school decided to of the Martin Luther King Jr. Uni- scams that have already been let him have his last lecture, which versity Union with a viewing of the viving College in difficult times... not learned from my career and edu- perpetrated. was a culmination of what he had “Last Lecture” at 6 p.m. both days. Never give up,” “Expectations and cation,” Havey said. “The theme is From 2005 to 2007, 23.7 learned over the years. Each professor’s speech ranges the Journey,” “On the Corner of the fact that what I’ve really taken percent of all people tricked by He also wrote a book titled “The from 15 minutes to 45 minutes. Being and Broadway,” “Time,” “The away from education has not been a Internet fraud were between the Last Lecture.” “They all came up with their own More I Learn the Less I Know,” bunch of facts, but an understand- ages of 20 and 29, according to “He was a really respected profes- theme,” Hilty said. “We have seven “The Adventure Begins with Me” ing on how to learn and think.” consumerfraudreporting.org. sor and was diagnosed with cancer people that said for sure they would and “Whose Shoes?” Rebecca Merten, an assistant These companies are often and given a limited life expectan- be willing to commit to make a lec- James Havey, a psychology pro- professor of nursing, will do the trying to get free labor out of cy,” said Mike Hilty, the University ture. The order is based on availabil- fessor, will give the lecture “The theme “On the Corner of Being and people or even steal their iden- Board lectures coordinator. “He had ity and we did not want to hinder More I Learn the Less I Know.” Broadway.” tity, said Moore. the opportunity to give his last lec- anyone’s opportunity to speak.” “Basically, it is a reflection on ture, which was a tradition on cam- Some of the themes include “Sur- what I have learned and what I have » SEE LECTUre, PAGE 5 » SEE SCams, PAGE 5 2 neWS www.dennews.com | the daily eastern news | MONday, april 13, 2009 DEN STAFF PRODUCTION STAFF ABOUT THE DAILY EASTERN NeWS Night chief ......................................................Tyler Angelo The Daily Eastern News is produced by the stu- Lead designer ................................................. Adam Larck dents of Eastern Illinois University. It is published Chance of thunderstorms and rain showers today. Copy editors/designers ...............................Emily Steele daily Monday through Friday, in Charleston, Ill., Expect rain to continue through Tuesday morning. .....................................................................Courtney Bruner during fall and spring semesters and twice weekly ..........................................................................Kevin Murphy during the summer term except during university Daytime temperatures will rise into the upper 60s Online production................................Juliette Beaulieu vacations or examinations. on Thursday. One copy per day is free to students and faculty. EDITORIAL BOARD Additional copies can be obtained for 50 cents Editor in chief ............................................. Kristina Peters each in the Student Publications Office in Buzzard ...............................................................DENeic@gmail.com Hall.
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