STATE OF ILLINOIS 99th GENERAL ASSEMBLY REGULAR SESSION SENATE TRANSCRIPT 135th Legislative Day 1/10/2017 SB0513 Concurrence 14 SB0550 Concurrence 22 SB2799 Concurrence 6 SB2872 Concurrence 5 SB2872 Concurrence 9 SB2872 Out Of Record 6 SB3319 Concurrence 25 SR2581 Adopted 60 SR2582 Adopted 32 SR2590 Adopted 31 SR2590 Resolution Offered 2 SR2591 Resolution Offered 2 SR2592 Resolution Offered 2 SR2593 Resolution Offered 2 SR2594 Resolution Offered 2 SR2595 Resolution Offered 2 HJR0147 Adopted 26 HJR0170 Adopted 28 HJR0170 Resolution Offered 4 Senate to Order-Senator Link 1 Prayer-Pastor Steve Patzia 1 Pledge of Allegiance 1 Journals-Approved 1 Journal-Postponed 2 Messages from the House 2 Messages from the House 3 Messages from the House 4 Committee Reports 5 Senate Stands at Ease/Reconvenes 32 Messages from the House 32 Resolutions Consent Calendar-Adopted 110 Adjournment Sine Die 111 1 STATE OF ILLINOIS 99th GENERAL ASSEMBLY REGULAR SESSION SENATE TRANSCRIPT 135th Legislative Day 1/10/2017 PRESIDING OFFICER: (SENATOR LINK) Regular Session of the 99th General Assembly will please come to order. Will the Members please be at their desk? Will our guests in the gallery please rise? The invocation today will be given by Pastor Steve Patzia, Cherry Hill {sic} (Hills) Baptist Church, Springfield, Illinois. PASTOR STEVE PATZIA: (Prayer by Pastor Steve Patzia) PRESIDING OFFICER: (SENATOR LINK) Please remain standing for the Pledge Allegiance. Senator Cunningham. SENATOR CUNNINGHAM: (Pledge of Allegiance, led by Senator Cunningham) PRESIDING OFFICER: (SENATOR LINK) Lisa Yuscius, Blueroomstream.com, seeks permission to videotape. Seeing no objection, permission granted. Mr. Secretary, Reading and Approval of the Journal. SECRETARY ANDERSON: Senate Journals of April 20th, 21st, 22nd, 25th, 27th, and 28th, 2016. PRESIDING OFFICER: (SENATOR LINK) Senator Hunter. SENATOR HUNTER: Mr. President, I move that the Journals just read by the Secretary be approved, unless some Senators has additions or corrections to offer. PRESIDING OFFICER: (SENATOR LINK) Senator Hunter moves to postpone the reading and the approval of the… Senator Hunter moves to approve the Journal just read by 1 STATE OF ILLINOIS 99th GENERAL ASSEMBLY REGULAR SESSION SENATE TRANSCRIPT 135th Legislative Day 1/10/2017 the Secretary. There being no objections, so ordered. Mr. Secretary, Reading and Approval of the Journal. SECRETARY ANDERSON: Senate Journal of Monday, January 9th, 2016 {sic} (2017). PRESIDING OFFICER: (SENATOR LINK) Senator Hunter. SENATOR HUNTER: Mr. -- Mr. President, I move to postpone the reading and approval of the Journal just read by the Secretary, pending arrival of the printed transcript. PRESIDING OFFICER: (SENATOR LINK) Senator Hunter moves to -- to postpone the reading and the approval of the Journal, pending the arrival of the printed transcript. There being no objection, so ordered. Mr. Secretary, Resolutions. SECRETARY ANDERSON: Senate Resolutions 2591 through 2594, offered by Senator Morrison and all Members. And Senate Resolution 2595, offered by Senator McConchie and all Members. They are all death resolutions, Mr. President. PRESIDING OFFICER: (SENATOR LINK) Resolution Consent Calendar. SECRETARY ANDERSON: Senate Resolution 2590, offered by Senator Clayborne. It is substantive. PRESIDING OFFICER: (SENATOR LINK) Messages from the House, Mr. Secretary. SECRETARY ANDERSON: 2 STATE OF ILLINOIS 99th GENERAL ASSEMBLY REGULAR SESSION SENATE TRANSCRIPT 135th Legislative Day 1/10/2017 A Message from the House by Mr. Mapes, Clerk. Mr. President - I am directed to inform the Senate that the House of Representatives has concurred with the Senate in the passage of a bill of the following title, to wit: Senate Bill 550. Together with the following amendments which are attached, in the adoption of which I am instructed to ask the concurrence of the Senate, to wit: House Amendments 2, 3, and 4 to Senate Bill 550. We have received like Messages on Senate Bill 2051, with House Amendments 1 and 2; Senate Bill 2872, with House Amendment 2; and Senate Bill 2901, with House Amendments 1 and 4. Passed the House, as amended, January 9th, 2017. Timothy D. Mapes, Clerk of the House. A Message from the House by Mr. Mapes, Clerk. Mr. President - I am directed to inform the Senate that the House of Representatives has concurred with the Senate in the passage of a bill of the following title, to wit: Senate Bill 513. Together with the following amendment which is attached, in the adoption of which I am instructed to ask the concurrence of the Senate, to wit: House Amendment 3 to Senate Bill 513. Passed the House, as amended, January 10th, 2017. Timothy D. Mapes, Clerk of the House. PRESIDING OFFICER: (SENATOR LINK) Michon Lindstrom from WAND seeks permission to videotape. Seeing no objection, permission granted. Mr. Secretary, Messages from the House. 3 STATE OF ILLINOIS 99th GENERAL ASSEMBLY REGULAR SESSION SENATE TRANSCRIPT 135th Legislative Day 1/10/2017 SECRETARY ANDERSON: A Message from the House by Mr. Mapes, Clerk. Mr. President - I am directed to inform the Senate that the House of Representatives has concurred with the Senate in the passage of a bill of the following title, to wit: Senate Bill 2799. Together with the following amendments which are attached, in the adoption of which I am instructed to ask the concurrence of the Senate, to wit: House Amendments 1 and 2 to Senate Bill 2799. Passed the House, as amended, January 10th, 2017. Timothy D. Mapes, Clerk of the House. PRESIDING OFFICER: (SENATOR LINK) Will the Committee on Assignments please meet in the President's Anteroom immediately? The Committee on Assignments, please meet in the President's Anteroom immediately. Senator Sullivan in the Chair. PRESIDING OFFICER: (SENATOR SULLIVAN) The Senate will come to order. Lee Milner, with the Illinois Times, requests permission to take still photographs. Seeing no objection, leave is granted. Mr. Secretary, Messages from the House. SECRETARY ANDERSON: A Message from the House by Mr. Mapes, Clerk. Mr. President - I am directed to inform the Senate that the House of Representatives has adopted the following joint resolution, in the adoption of which I am instructed to ask the concurrence of the Senate, to wit: House Joint Resolution 170. 4 STATE OF ILLINOIS 99th GENERAL ASSEMBLY REGULAR SESSION SENATE TRANSCRIPT 135th Legislative Day 1/10/2017 Offered by Senator Lightford, and adopted by the House, January 10th, 2017. Timothy D. Mapes, Clerk of the House. It is substantive, Mr. President. PRESIDING OFFICER: (SENATOR SULLIVAN) Mr. Secretary, Committee Reports. SECRETARY ANDERSON: Senator Clayborne, Chairman of the Committee on Assignments, reports the following Legislative Measures have been assigned: Be Approved for Consideration - House Joint Resolution 147, House Joint Resolution 170, Motion to Concur with House Amendment 3 to Senate Bill 513, Motion to Concur with House Amendment 2, 3, and 4 to Senate Bill 550, Motion to Concur with House Amendments 1 and 2 to Senate Bill 2799, Motion to Concur with House Amendment 2 to Senate Bill 2872, and Motion to Concur with House Amendments 1, 2, and 3 to Senate Bill 3319, and Senate Resolution 2590. Signed, Senator James F. Clayborne, Chairman. PRESIDING OFFICER: (SENATOR SULLIVAN) Okay, Ladies and Gentlemen, Supplemental Calendar No. 1 has been distributed. We're going to go to the Order of Secretary's Desk, Concurrences on Senate Bills. Shh! Ladies and Gentlemen, Supplemental Calendar No. 1. We're going to go to the Order of Secretary's Desk, Concurrence on Senate Bills. We're going to start with Senate Bill 2872. Senator Raoul, you wish to proceed? Indicates he does. Mr. Secretary, please read the motion. SECRETARY ANDERSON: I move to concur with the House in the adoption of their Amendment No. 2 to Senate Bill 2872. Signed by Senator Raoul. PRESIDING OFFICER: (SENATOR SULLIVAN) 5 STATE OF ILLINOIS 99th GENERAL ASSEMBLY REGULAR SESSION SENATE TRANSCRIPT 135th Legislative Day 1/10/2017 Senator Raoul, on your motion. Mr. Secretary, take it out of the record for the moment, please. Okay, Ladies and Gentlemen, let's go to Senate Bill 2799. Senator Collins, would you like to proceed? Indicates that she does. Mr. Secretary, please read the motion. SECRETARY ANDERSON: I move to concur with the House in the adoption of their Amendments 1 and 2 to Senate Bill 2799. Signed by Senator Collins. PRESIDING OFFICER: (SENATOR SULLIVAN) Senator Collins, to your motion. SENATOR COLLINS: Thank you, Mr. President and Ladies and Gentlemen of the Senate. House Amendment No. 2 is a trailer bill to the Employee Sick Leave Act. When we passed this legislation, there were a number of inconsistencies and technical changes that needed to be made. Those changes have been made and now we have an agreed-upon bill. Originally, the bill was opposed by certain business groups, such as IRMA and IMA. We went back to the table and structured language that -- in which we have agreement. And I would ask for your support. PRESIDING OFFICER: (SENATOR SULLIVAN) Thank you. Is there any discussion? Senator Hastings, for what purpose do you seek recognition? SENATOR HASTINGS: Question of the sponsor, Mr. President. PRESIDING OFFICER: (SENATOR SULLIVAN) Indicates she will yield for a question. Senator Hastings. SENATOR HASTINGS: 6 STATE OF ILLINOIS 99th GENERAL ASSEMBLY REGULAR SESSION SENATE TRANSCRIPT 135th Legislative Day 1/10/2017 Senator Collins, the definition of "personal sick leave benefits" is being revised to exclude long term disability, short term disability, insurance policy, or other comparable benefit plan or policy. For purposes of legislative intent, does this exemption also include a major disability plan that is jointly run by a union and their employer? PRESIDING OFFICER: (SENATOR SULLIVAN) Senator Collins. SENATOR COLLINS: Yes, Senator Hastings. PRESIDING OFFICER: (SENATOR SULLIVAN) Senator Hastings? Senator Hastings. SENATOR HASTINGS: Thank you, Mr. President. I think this is a great bill and I urge an Aye vote. PRESIDING OFFICER: (SENATOR SULLIVAN) Thank you.
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