10/02/21 09:44:34 Surplus Inventory Auction from Cutting Edge Productions (Part 1) Auction Opens: Tue, Aug 24 10:00am Auction Closes: Thu, Aug 26 10:00am Lot Title Lot Title 0001 Whole Hog IPC Lighting Console 0128 Gaff Gun 0101 27-Channel Stage Splitter with (3) outs 0129 DBX 1/3 Octave EQ 0101B 27-Channel Stage Splitter with 3 outs 0139 Sony KV 32S16 TV 0102 27-Channel Stage Splitter with 1 out 0141 ATI Dual Distribution Amplifier #DA206XLR 0106 Leprecon LP-755 24 Channel Light Board 0142 APHEX 142 AVRAL Exciter 0107 Furman PL-8Plus 0143 Audix MM-5 Studio Monitors 0108 Philmore Step Up & Step Down Transformer 0145 Samsung 52" Full HD TV [Doesn't Light] #ST-300 0146 Samsung 52" Full HD TV [Doesn't Light] 0109 Philmore Step Up & Step Down Transformer 0153 Sony Trinitron 27" Color TV #ST-300 0154 Sony Trinitron 20" Color TV 0110 Triplite Isolator ISO Transformer 0164 5.6" TFT LCD 3 in 1 VJ Color Video Monitor 0111 Dai Kwang Electric Transformer 0165 5.6" TFT LCD 3 in 1 VJ Color Video Monitor 0112 Mole Richardson Type 6291 Solar-arc Solarspot 12K HMI with Barndoors, Lens 0166 5.6" TFT LCD 3 in 1 VJ Color Video Monitor Cover and Ballast 0167 Tektronix NTSC Sync Generator 0113 Mole Richardson Type 6291 Solar-arc 0168 Leitch Video Distribution Amplifier Solarspot 12K HMI with Barndoors, Lens 0169 Grass Valley Reference Sync Generator Cover and Ballast 0170 Cross Point Series Swithcer 12 by 8 RGB 5 0114 Mole Richardson Type 6291 Solar-arc wire Solarspot 12K HMI with Barndoors, Lens Cover and Ballast 0172 Tektronix Component/Composite Waveform Monitor 0115 Mole Richardson Type 6291 Solar-arc Solarspot 12K HMI with Barndoors, Lens 0173 Tektronix Serial Component Monitor #WFM- Cover and Ballast 601E 0116 Mole Richardson Type 6291 Solar-arc 0174 Panasonic Video Switcher #WJ-225R Solarspot 12K HMI with Barndoors, Lens 0175 Sony Scan Converter #DSC-1024 Cover and Ballast 0176 Sony Still Store/Process #MPU-F1000 0118 LG 60" Plasma TV 0185 5.6" TFT LCD 3 in 1 VJ Color Video Monitor 0119 (5) Military Grade HiRes RGBHV Cables #MC-100NP 0120 (5) Military Grade HiRes RGBHV Cables 0186 5.6" TFT LCD 3 in 1 VJ Color Video Monitor 0121 (5) Military Grade HiRes RGBHV Cables #MC-100NP 0122 (5) Military Grade HiRes RGBHV Cables 0187 Panasonic Video Switcher #WJ-225R 0123 (5) Military Grade HiRes RGBHV Cables 0189 Sony Video Cassette Recorder #SVO-1620 (does not record) 0124 (4) Military Grade HiRes RGBHV Cables 0190 Bardwell & McAlister 5K Senior Spotlight 0127A Grass Valley Video Amplifier #3401 #19005 0127B Sony Input Card 1/9 10/02/21 09:44:34 Lot Title Lot Title 0191 Bardwell & McAlister 5K Senior Spotlight 0200 Mitsubishi #CS2610R with remote (monitor #19005 only, bracket not included) 0192 Bardwell & McAlister 5K Senior Spotlight 0201 Desisti Botticelli Scoop #1321 with Clamps #19005 0202 Videssence #2256D/PM Quazar 0193 Bardwell & McAlister 5K Senior Spotlight 0203 Videssence #2256D/PM Quazar with clamp #19005 0204 Videssence Baselight #5234 with clamp 0194 Bardwell & McAlister 5K Senior Spotlight #19005 0205 Videssence #3431D Quazar with honyecomb and clamp 0195 Bardwell & McAlister 5K Senior Spotlight #19005 0206 Videssence #3431D Quazar with honeycomb and clamp 0195A Barndoor for 12" Lens 0207 Koolite by Videssence Dimmable Fluorescent 0195AA Bardwell & McAlister 5K Senior Spotlight (14" by 23") #19005 (with barndoors, includes clamp) 0208 Koolite by Videssence (24" by 34") 0195B Barndoor for 12" Lens 0209 Koolite by Videssence (24" by 34") 0195C Barndoor for 12" Lens 0210 Koolite by Videssence (24" by 34") 0195D Barndoor for 12" Lens 0211 Koolite by Videssence Fluorescent (17" by 24") 0195E Barndoor for 12" Lens 0212 Koolite by Videssence Fluorescent (17" by 24") 0195F Barndoor for 12" Lens 0213 (2) American DJ Groove Wheel with Bulbs 0195G Barndoor for 12" Lens 0213B American DJ H2O Light with Bulb 0195H Barndoor for 12" Lens 0213D American DJ H2O Light without Bulb 0195i Barndoor for 12" Lens 0214A Videssence Dimmer 0195J Barndoor for 12" Lens 0214B Videssence Dimmer 0195K Barndoor for 12" Lens 0217 Panasonic Monitor #AG-520D with VHS Player 0195L Barndoor for 12" Lens 0218 Panasonic Monitor #AG-520D with VHS Player 0195M Barndoor for 12" Lens 0219 Panasonic Monitor #AG-520D with VHS Player 0196 Bardwell & McAlister 5K Senior Spotlight #19005 0220 Panasonic Monitor #AG-520D with VHS Player 0197 Bardwell & McAlister 5K Senior Spotlight 0221 (1) Lectrosonics UDR200 Wireless Mic and (2) #19005 Receivers 0198 Bardwell & McAlister 5K Senior Spotlight 0222 (1) Lectrosonics UDR200 Wireless Mic and (1) #19005 (for parts only) Receiver 0198B (10) Gel Frames (for a 6" Lens) 0223 (1) Lectrosonics UDR200 Wireless Mic and (2) Receivers 0198C (10) Gel Frames (for a 6" Lens) 0224 (2) Lectrosonics UDR200 Wireless Mics and 0198D (10) Gel Frames with Hinges (for a 6" Lens) (2) Receivers 0198E (10) Hinged Gel Frames (for a 6" Lens) 0226 3M Overhead Projector #908 0198F (5) Gel Frames with Hinges (for 8" Lens) 0239 Shure SM99 Podium Microphone 0198G (5) Gel Frames with Hinges (for 8" Lens) 0240 Shure SM99 Podium Microphone 0198H (5) Matthews Studio Equipment 7-1/4" ELWS 0241 Shure SM99 Podium Microphone Half Double Wire Scrim 0242 Shure SM99 Podium Microphone 0198i (6) Matthews Studio Equipment 7-1/4" ELWS Half Double Wire Scrim 0243 100' Triax Cable 0198J (3) Matthews Studio Equipment 10" ELWS 0244 (2) AMX Wireless Remote MX Series Half Wire Single Scrim 0245 AMX Wireless Remote MX Series 0199 Mitsubishi #CS2610R with remote (monitor 0246 Targus Wireless Presenter #PAUM30U only, bracket not included) 0247 D'San Do-Cue 0248 D'San Do-Cue 2/9 10/02/21 09:44:34 Lot Title Lot Title 0249 (2) Kodak Remotes 0297 Blue Anvil Roadcase 0250 Targus Wireless Presenter #AMP03US 0298 (2) Kodak Ektagraphic III Slide 0251 Targus Wireless Presenter #AMP03US Projectors/Trays and (1) Chief Stacker 0252 Targus Wireless Presenter #AMP03US 0299 Golden Navator (7" F2.8 Lens) 0253 Targus Wireless Presenter #AMP03US 0300 Golden Navator (7" F2.8 Lens) 0254 Targus Wireless Presenter #AMP03US 0301 Phillips Audio CD Recordable/Writeable #CDR770 with Remote 0255 Targus Wireless Presenter #AMP03US 0306 Shure M267 Mixer 0256 (9) RGB Cables 0307 Shure M267 Mixer 0257 (22) RGB Cables 0308 Shure M267 Mixer 0258 (6) RGB Cables 0309 Shure M267 Mixer (out of box) 0259 Tote of (100) Various BNC Cables 0309A Symetrix 564E Quad Expander/Gate 0260 (16) RGB Cables 0309B EV Dynacord P1050 Power Amplifier (For 0261 Tote of Various RGB Cables Parts) 0262 Yellow Beam Clamp with 4400lb Rating 0310 (14) Audio Patch Cables and (1) 8ch. RCA to 0263 Yellow Beam Clamp with 4400lb Rating 1/4" snake 0264 White Beam Clamp with 4400lb Rating 0311 RTS Intercom User Station #RMS300 0265 White Beam Clamp with 4400lb Rating 0312 Sony Stereo Cassette Deck #TC-W435 0266 White Beam Clamp with 4400lb Rating 0315 Technics Stereo Cassette Deck #RS-TR575 0267 White Beam Clamp with 4400lb Rating (For Parts) 0268 (2) Table Mic Stands 0318 Furman PatchBay PB-40 0269 (2) Table Mic Stands 0319 Manfrotto Speaker Stand #0603 (In Box) 0270 (2) Table Mic Stands 0320 Manfrotto Speaker Stand #0603 (In Box) 0271 (3) Assorted Table Mic Stands 0323 Road Ready Black Speaker Stand RRStand (New in Box) 0272 (2) Proline Heavy Adjustable Table Mic Stands 0324 Road Ready Black Speaker Stand RRStand 0273 (2) Proline Heavy Adjustable Table Mic Stands (New in Box) 0274 (2) Proline Heavy Adjustable Table Mic Stands 0325 Road Ready Black Speaker Stand RRStand 0275 (2) Mic Boom Arms (New in Box) 0276 (3) Mic Boom Arms 0326 Road Ready Black Speaker Stand RRStand 0277 White Anchor AN-100 (New in Box) 0278 White Anchor AN-100 0330 Fiberglass Case 0280 Black Anchor AN-1001X 0334 3M Overhead Projector 0281 Black Anchor AN-1001X 0335 Kodak Ektagraphic 3A Projector 0282 Black Anchor AN-1001X 0337 Kodak Ektagraphic IR Remote Control 0284 Fostex Interface JVC #BR6400 and 5300 0339 Buhl Optical 11" Lens 279mm f3.1 0285 (6) Sony Wireless #AN-820A Wall Mounts 0341 Navitar Gold Series 200mm-300mm F3.5 with Lens Bracket 0286 (2) Kodak Carousel Transvue 80 Slide Tray 0342 Navitar Gold Series 200mm-300mm F3.5 with 0287 (2) Kodak Carousel Transvue 80 Slide Tray Lens Bracket 0288 (2) Kodak Carousel Transvue 80 Slide Tray 0344 Navitar Gold Series PC 50mm f2.6 0289 (2) Kodak Carousel Transvue 80 Slide Tray 0345 Navitar Gold Series PC 50mm f2.6 0290 (2) Kodak Carousel Transvue 80 Slide Tray 0346 Navitar Gold Series PC 50mm f2.6 0295 Martin Audio CX-2 Speaker 0347 Navitar Gold Series PC 50mm f2.6 0296 Martin Audio CX-2 Speaker 0348 Navitar Gold Series PC 50mm f2.6 0296A Bulk Lot; Mackie Speaker Parts 0349 Navitar Gold Series PC 50mm f2.6 3/9 10/02/21 09:44:34 Lot Title Lot Title 0350 Roadcase (Case Only) 0362B (2) 25' 1/4" Cables 0351 (2) Kodak Ektagraphic Slide Tray 0362BA Stero RCA Phenix Connector 0352 (2) Kodak Ektagraphic Slide Tray 0362BB Bulk Lot; Various Monster Stuff 0353 (3) Kodak Ektagraphic Slide Tray 0362BC (2) Audio Tandem Cables 0354 (2) AVL Dove X Computerized Dissolve 0362BD (2) Audio Tandem Cables Module 0362BE (2) Audio Tandem Cables 0355 (2) AVL Dove X Computerized Dissolve 0362BF (2) Audio Tandem Cables Module 0362BG (2) Audio Tandem Cables 0356 Slide X-Ray Box 0362BH Belden Digital Plumbing Cable 0357 Slide X-Ray Box 0362Bi (3) DVI to DFPM Rev. A Cables 0358 Elmo Color CCD TRV-35H with spare lamp 0362C (2) 25' 1/4" Cables 0359 60 Amp Power Distribution with 5-Circuits 0362D (2) 25' 1/4" Cables 0360 Telex Rack Mount Headset Station 0362E (2) 50' 1/4" Cables 0361 Furman 2way/3way Crossover #x-312 (Parts Only) 0362F (2) 50' 1/4" Cables 0362 Pro
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