SEPTEMBERLoomis 28, 2012 ChaffeeFounded 1915 Volume XCVII, No. 1 Loglclog.org Emerging Artists Exhibit Problems with Democracy LC artists display summer art pieces & Julie Fraenkel The system and the book exhibits unique artwork at Mercy Gallery IN FEATURES FEATURES | PAGE 5-6 OPINIONS | PAGE 7-8 Loomis Launches Mock Campaign and Election by Pim Senanarong Editor-In-Chief ates from the Class of 2011. During the month of October, While the registered voters de- students from Mr. Michael Mur- bate their choices for the upcoming phy’s and Ms. Megan Blunden’s U.S. presidential elections, the Loomis History class will be circulating the Chaffee community at large pre- campus to conduct campus polls. pares for an election of its own. On Mr. John Zavisza’s U.S. History every election year, the heads of class will produce the candidates’ Loomis’s History Department hold posters, commercials, articles, and a mock election, along with other general handling of the communi- events leading up to the election cation behind the process. Mean- on the Island. With members of the while, the AP Economics and AP American Civilization classes role- Government classes will hold panel playing the candidate teams and the discussions between scholars and U.S. History classes handling cam- pundits. In addition, the students paign media and conducting cam- in Intro to Economics classes act as pus polling, the democratic process advisers to the candidates, assisting is ready to be launched on October them in economic issues and offer- 3rd with the first televised Presi- ing up economy-related questions dential Debate. The complete pro- for the polls. The reenactment is cess will include all aspects of the considered quite a complete accu- campaigns and election including mulation of the work and effort of PHOTO COURTESY OF SHEILA CULBERT a student-run rally and panel dis- the History Department and stu- MYSTERY MAN ON CAMPUS cussions attended by various His- dents. tory classes and the Loomis Chaffee Along with the preparation for Truths behind the mysterious Shih-tzu walker Alumni community, who hold ex- elections, the classes will also be perience in politics. Currently, the constructing a website intended list of panelists consists of a current to inform and incite participation Elementary, My Dear Watson parent (non-alum), a member of in the process. According to Mr. Mr. Watson returns to campus to teach students about learning the Alumni/Development Office Zavisza, the website will feature ar- with campaign experience, a for- ticles, commercials, interviews, and by Dan keogh ‘13 to the whole community, especially the Harvard University School of in Mind Brain Education and his ex- mer elected official, and two gradu- news links pertaining to the cam- Staff Writer after his witty and clever use of the Education this past year, Mr. Wat- tensive teaching experience. He will CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 football player’s names in his Kent son has set up a consulting firm be the liaison between the neurosci- Neurology, psychology, and teach- Day story. called,“Translate the Brain.” The mis- entists, who discover applicable ways ing: the three pivotal and unique Maintaining the teaching profes- sion of his recently created firm is “to of creating better learning environ- disciplines that work in confluence sion from the year 1988 (13 of which bring the most current neuroscience ments in schools, and the teachers Founder’s Fire Sparks Rumors to create the “better learner.” While he taught at Loomis) to the spring of information to the school people that will actually use this informa- each field holds its own distinct 2011, Andrew Watson had become who need it most and to explain the tion. In summation, he will translate boundary, Mr. Watson’s spent the a connoisseur of education, refining practical connections between re- to the common teacher and student past year at Harvard combining all his unique combination of attention search and school life: how best to the borderline hieroglyphic language three into the lessons that he instilled to meticulous details with his unpar- teach, to learn, to organize schools.” of the neuro-science. in us, during his convocation on alleled enthusiasm to transform the Since receiving his second gradu- One of his first stops on his quest September 13th. In his return to Is- classroom into an intense intellectual ate degree, the first from Boston to strengthen learning was none land, Mr. Watson brought with him experience. When he left his teach- University in the English Language other than Loomis Chaffee itself. gifts of advice for a better and more ing position on the high note of win- and Literature, Watson has em- While here, he explained the keys to enjoyable intellectual experience. ning the prestigious Teacher of the barked upon spreading the connec- success in school: to exercise, do one Rewind a year and four months Year Award, students remained his tions made between brain science thing at a time, to induce new hab- ago, it was with heavy hearts that the priority as he sought to understand and educational studies, two subjects its and to sleep at least eight hours a Loomis Chaffee Community wished the nuances and complexities that at- that have become increasingly more night. On September eighteenth, Mr. Mr. Watson farewell and good luck tribute to efficient learning. intertwined. Mr. Watson has jumped Watson held another meeting with with his future endeavors. Mr. Wat- Receiving his Masters in Educa- on a unique opportunity that plays the Prefects, RAs and Student Coun- son stood out as a teacher and peer tion in Mind Brain Education from to both his recently acquired degree cil Representatives, in which he CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 FALL FASHION Democracy: Reasons Behind the School Theme by Grace Denny’13 or find the theme interesting, but JUWON JUN’14 FOR THE LOOMIS CHAFFEE LOG Staff Writer I think most people enjoy them,” by: Erica Purdy ‘15 said Dr.Culbert. Staff Writer floor window of Founders by This year’s theme, democracy, throwing rocks at it (a la Ro- In the midst of the 2012 presi- was chosen not only for its perti- In one way or another, every- meo and Juliet). When asked dential election, one cannot get nence in our upcoming election, one on campus has heard about why people would assume such through a day without hearing but also for its applicability in the the fire in Founders, which oc- a thing, student Stephanie Yiu the word ‘democracy’. It’s in every Middle East. Molly Pond, head of curred at around 3 AM, early ’14 said, “People like to spread headline, on every TV channel, the History Department, first sug- on the morning of Thursday rumors around.” Lauren Dube and on every mind. And Loomis gested the theme last year. In her the 13th. As quickly as the ’14 added, “’Cause Windsor is is no exception. proposal, she explained how “this flame was doused, rumors ig- such a scary town.” Ned Par- Every year, Loomis picks a all-school theme would allow us nited about the origins of the sons, Dean of Faculty, had a school theme for the coming year to address issues in a broad theme fire. The most common theory less jovial attitude towards this PHOTO COURTESY OF GOOGLE and an ‘all school reading’ that re- of democracy—its challenges and was that “townies” (a not-so- particular piece of gossip. “Like by Annie Ferreira ‘13 hues and cute details seem to inforces said theme. While each its successes.” friendly term for kids from the all rumors, these were irrespon- & Karen Cha ‘14 be all the rage. For girls, colored department and individual fac- Last year the school theme was Windsor area) broke in, started sible and incomprehensible,” he Features Editor & Opinions Editor jeans or corduroys in pink, mint, ulty member submit suggestions, Doing The Right Thing, accom- the fire, and smashed the third said. “I have no idea how that white, or black are in everyone’s Dr. Culbert and a few others dis- panied by The Immortal Life of CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 The arrival of the new school wardrobe, as well as peter pan cuss the themes and have the final Henrietta Lacks; the year before year calls for some intense back- collars and sheer tops with a tank say. “It’s not easy. We need a book that was Identity and Fahrenheit to-school shopping. And with top underneath. In the beginning that can appeal to a broad range 451, and the year before that was back to school shopping comes of September, when summer of students and that contains a Southeast Asia and The Outliers. fall fashion. Each new season on has yet to fade away completely, major moral from which we can The goal is to have a common 9/11: Remembering to Forget campus brings a mix of trends pastel shorts and dresses are the come up with a theme. Not ev- theme of democracy for the Hub- by Mike Horowicz ‘13 tember 11th, 2001. Everyone and classics. This year, bright usual (high waisted shorts were eryone is going to like every book bard Speaker Series, which in- Managing Editor in America has that day in- CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 CONTINUED ON PAGE 5 grained into his memory as It was the morning of a the day on which America was late summer, early fall day attacked. Editor’s Picks in September. I rolled out When off the island, as a of bed, turned on my music, resident of Montclair, New and pulled open my blinds. Jersey, approximately fifteen One hundred feet away from miles due west of the World 9/11 my room the American flag Trade Center, I always find Founders Fire Freshman 31 Remember to Homecoming on the North side of campus time to think about the many blew in the wind at half-mast.
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