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Index Note: Page numbers referencing fi gures are italicized and followed by an “f ”. Page numbers referencing tables are italicized and followed by a “t”. A Ajax, 353 bankruptcy, 4, 9f, 350, 42, 78 banner advertising, 7f, 316, 368, 186, 190–192 Alta Vista, 7 Barack Obama’s online store, 328f Access application, 349, 7f, 14f, 48, 247,, 98–100 account managers, 37–38 248f–249f, 319–320, 322 BBC News, 3 ActionScript, 353–356 anonymity, 16 Bebo, 89t Adobe Flash AOL, 8f, 14f, 77, 79f, 416 behavioral changes, 16 application, 340–341 Apple iTunes, 13f–14f benign disinhibition, 16 fi le format. See .fl v fi le format Apple site, 11f, 284f Best Dates Now blog, 123–125 player, 150, 153, 156 applets, Java, 352, 356 billboard advertising, 369 Adobe GoLive, 343 applications, see names of specifi c bitmaps, 290, 292, 340, 357 Adobe Photoshop, 339–340 applications BJ’s site, 318 Advanced Research Projects ARPA (Advanced Research Black Friday, 48 Agency (ARPA), 2 Projects Agency), 2 blog communities, 8f advertising artistic fonts, 237 blog editors, 120, 142 dating sites, 106 ASCO Power University, 168–170 blog search engines, 126 defi ned, 397 .asf fi le format, 154t–155t Blogger, 344–347 e-commerce, 316, 206–209 blogging, 7f, 77–78, 86, 122–129, Facebook, 94–96 AuctionWeb, 7f 133–141, 190, 415 family and lifestyle sites, 109 audience, capturing and retaining, blogosphere, 122, 142 media, 373–376 61–62, 166, 263, 405–407, blogrolls, 121, 142 message, 371–372 410–422, 432 Blue Nile site, 418 myYearbook site, 92 authors, blog, 140 bookmarking, social, 76, 110–112 overview, 364, 365f, 366–371 avatars, 200–201, 210 bookstores, online, 7f product placement, 25 .avi fi le format, 154t–155t boot-strapping, 261, 292 versus public relations, 383–384 bounce rate, 389, 397, 441 shopping networking sites, 107 B brand standardization, 25 B2B (business to business) sites, aware consumers, 221 theme, 372–373 43–47, 67, 414 building, 324–325, 370, time frame, 373 B2C (business to consumer) sites, 379–380, 432–433 video viewer preferences, 171 47–50, 67 conscious consumers, 221 Advertising Checking Bureau, B2E (business to employee) sites, growth stage, 372t 420–422 53, 68 guides, 239, 240f–241f, 252 age, Internet use by, 20t, 22, 85, Banker blog, 134, 135f indiff erent consumers, 221 129–130, 159, 304, 305t banking, online, 2 infancy stage, 372t Copyright 2009 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part. INDEX brand (continued) business to consumer (B2C) consumer visibility, 370–371 loyalty, 219–227, 252, 304, 410 sites, 47–50, 67 container formats, 154, 175 management, 238, 252 business to employee (B2E) content development, 170, 291 maturity stage, 372t sites, 53, 68 content provision, 328–329 personality, 252, 7 contests, 393, 417–418 preferred consumers, 221 BusinessWeek, 2, 195f Continental OnePass frequent profi les, 96 fl ier program, 419, 420f 460 promise, 243–244, 252 C control, advertising, 370, 109 C2C (consumer to consumer) convenience, online shopping, 301 brands sites, 50–53, 68 conversion, video, 151, 156, 174 in blogs, 133, 136, 138–139 Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), copy, 308, 309f colors, 235–238 351–352, 354 copywriters, 39 consistency, 238–245 cash payments, 302 cost effi ciency, 82 defi ned, 27 casting, 173 cost-per-impression method, defi nitions of, 374 Catalent site, 288f–289f 25, 27 distinguishing from company, CERN (European Organization for couponing, 408 218–219 Nuclear Research), 6f CPG (consumer products goods) elements of, 227–245 Chaos radio show, 83–84 fi rms, 408–409 fonts, 235–238 character blogs, 134, 137, 50, 51f, 78 heightened consumer chat rooms, AOL, 77 creative directors, 37 interaction, 251 check-out process, 319–328 Crocker, Chris, 162 image, 232–238 Chief Marketing Offi cer (CMO) CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), increased markets, 248–249 Counsel, 406 351–352, 354 individual message delivery, churn rate, 406, 424 custom player controls, 155–156 247–248 Citibank, 242 “cyber life” personas, 16 logos, 232–234 claiming process, loyalty Cyber Monday, 48 loyalty to, 220–227 program, 422 cyber newsrooms, 380–383, 398 negative impacts on, 19, 78 cyber psychology, 17 overview, 217–218 classroom style videos, 162 personality, 229–230 click-thru rate, 389, 398, 432, D promise, 228–229 435–436 dashboards, 344, 345f–347f, 438 reinforcement of message, CMO (Chief Marketing Offi cer) dating, online, 2, 106–107 250–251 Counsel, 406 days to purchase measurement, role of Web, 245–251 Coca-Cola concert stage, Second 406 stages of, 372t Life, 204f Deal or No Deal site, 134, 135f taglines, 234–235 codec, 154, 175 site, 110, 111f trust in, 304, 320–321 comments, video-sharing site, 161 delivery, FLV fi le, 155 unique selling proposition, commercial informational sites, 61 delivery wait time, 302 231–232 commercials, 25, 367 demographics breadcrumbs, 285–286, 292 communication, 87–88, 245 bloggers, 129–130 Breakenridge, Deirdre, 383–386 comparison shopping, 301 complexity of, 269–270 broad visibility, 82 compatibility, Flash video, 155 defi ned, 27 broadband connections, 157, 158f competition, 42, 106 defi ning target market, Brookstone site, 12f compression, video, 174 262–263 browsers. See Web browsers comScore, 48, 93 Internet use, 20–23 budgets, 224 concept creation, 172 online shoppers, 304, 305t Burger King, 14f, 396 conceptual marketing, 366, 398 social media usage, 85 burn rates, 4, 27 connection speeds, 9 video viewers, 157–161 business blogs, 126 consumer interaction, heightened, Denny’s, 63f business models, 56–57 251 designing Web sites business networking sites, 100–106 consumer products goods (CPG) audience retention techniques, business plans, 261, 292 fi rms, 408–409 412–413 business to business (B2B) sites, consumer to consumer (C2C) breadcrumbs, 285–286 43–47, 67, 414 sites, 50–53, 68 content development, 291 Copyright 2009 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part. INDEX graphic design, 290 educational videos, 162 FOX News site, 81f navigation, 278–282 eff ectiveness of advertising, 370 Fox On Demand site, 163f page layout, 286–289, 2 FrontPage, 343 search engines, 282–283 elements, brand, 227f frustration, video viewer, 172t site maps, 284 e-mail, 76–77 Full Metal Jackie, 83–84 tag clouds, 284–285 e-mail blast campaigns, 387–389, full-screen capabilities, 156 Deutsch NY, 374–376 390f–392f, 423, 432, developing Web sites. See 435–437 G 461 designing Web sites eMarketer, 157 gaming, online, 8f, 61–62, 63f, DHTML (Dynamic HTML), emotional connections to brands, 64–67, 201 352, 357 220–222 Geico Cavemen site, 166, 167f, 110 emotional intelligence quotient gender, Internet use by, 20t, 21–22 digitizing, 174 (EQ), 376 general social networking sites, direct mail, 387, 423 encyclopedias, online, 9f, 15, 87–97, 112 direct marketing, 364–366, 184–186, 188–189 geography, and Internet use, 20t 386–392, 398 entertainment sites, 61–67 geotargeting, 328–329, 332 direct sales, 307–312 EQ (emotional intelligence GIFs, 290, 340, 356 disinhibition eff ect, 16 quotient), 376 gift cards, 421 Disney, 218–219 ERC Dataplus, 45–47 Gillette NASCAR racing site, display advertising, 107, 111, 368, 42, 43f 197, 198f distributed Web portals, 42, 68 ethnicity, Internet use by, 20t, 305t global e-commerce usage, 299 domain names, 7, 5, 9f Global Positioning System dot-coms, 4, 27 European Organization for Nuclear (GPS), 24, 27 DoubleClick, 320, 419 Research (CERN), 6f goals, 365–366, 431–437 Dow Jones Industrial Average, 8 Everquest, 8f GoLive, 343 Dreamweaver, 341–343 Excel, 349 Google, 8f, 14f, 40, 41f, 164 drop-down menus, 282f experience, product, 302 Google AdWords, 58, 368, 369f Dynamic HTML (DHTML), Google Analytics, 437–445 352, 357 F GPS (Global Positioning System), Facebook, 14f, 87, 88f, 89t, 92, 24, 27 E 94–96 graphic design, 290 eBay, 7, 50 false transparency, 137, 142 graphic designers, 9, 38–39 e-commerce fame, 162 graphics, video, 174 advertising, 316 family sites, 109 Grocery Manufacturers of B2B sites, 44, 54–59 America, 219–220 B2C sites, 47–50 FedEx, 232–234 gross revenue goals, 432 content provision, 328–329 feedback, 329–331 Guardian, Th e, 13f defi ned, 68, 332 fi le size, 151, 155, 290 Guericke, Konstantin, 100–106 direct sales, 307–312 Firefox browser, 14f feedback, 329–331 Flash application, 340–341 H indirect sales, 313 Flash (.fl v) fi le format, 38, 61, heavy social networkers, 93 mashups, 200 155–156 heavy viewers, 159 overview, 299–306 Flash Player 6, Macromedia, 13f Hershey Company, 222–227, paid memberships and Flash Player, Adobe, 150, 153, 156 407–410 subscriptions, 314–315 fl ickr, 285f Hewlett Packard, 62f retail sales growth, 12f fl ogs, 128, 137, 142 historical order record, 302 shopping cart, 319–323, 5 hobby sites, 98–100 social media functionality, 76 .fl v (Flash) fi le format, 38, 61, Home pages, 40, 41f, 287, 318 store layout, 317–318 155–156 honesty, blogger, 137 update frequency, 414 focus groups, 264, 292 Hotmail, 7f economy, eff ect of Web on, 3 folds, 287, 292 how-to videos, 162 editing, video, 174 fonts, 236–238 HTML (HyperText Markup educational level, Internet use formats, graphic, 38 Language), 2, 6f, 350–351, by, 20t, 305t Forrester Research, 48 353–354, 357 Copyright 2009 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part. INDEX I M MySpace, 13f, 83–84, 89t, 92, 96, iContact site, 390f–392f M&M company, 225–226 97f, 164 image quality, 155 Macromedia Flash Player 6, 13f MySpace TV, 164–165 Inc., 23 mail, direct, 387, 423 MySQL, 348 incentives, consumer, 395, 418 margins, 306, 332, 88–97 income, and Internet use, 20t, market share, 88–89 305t–306t marketers, Web site, 39 N 462 indirect sales, 313 marketing campaigns, 271, Napster, 8f information distribution, 431–432 374–376, 398 narrow visibility, 82 informational sites, 59–61 marketing goals, 431–432 NASDAQ, 4f, 8f in-house site development, marketing strategies, 48–49, 65, national events, 131 271–272 79, 192–193, 263, 292 navigation, site, 278–282, 292, 413 Initial Public Off erings.

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