Eastern Kentucky University Encompass Eastern Progress 1929-1930 Eastern Progress 3-28-1930 Eastern Progress - 28 Mar 1930 Eastern Kentucky University Follow this and additional works at: http://encompass.eku.edu/progress_1929-30 Recommended Citation Eastern Kentucky University, "Eastern Progress - 28 Mar 1930" (1930). Eastern Progress 1929-1930. 11. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress_1929-30/11 This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Eastern Progress at Encompass. It has been accepted for inclusion in Eastern Progress 1929-1930 by an authorized administrator of Encompass. For more information, please contact [email protected]. -Mft 1 ■ ■• '«■*' T." " r- '■■; EASTERN PROGRESS STUDENT PUBLICATION 0/ EASTERN TEACHERS "COLLEGE VOL. vn. RICHMOND, KV., FRIDAY, MARCH 28, 1930 NUMBER 11. NEW BUILDING PLANNED FOR EASTERN PROWLER HITS GRADUATE DEAN BAIRD COX INSPECTS GRADUATE GYMNASIUM TO MUSTACH FAD HEARD HERE LABORATORIES BE BUILT AT Presence of Twins on Campus 'Divine Discontent" Subject Eastern Chemistry Depart- EASTERN SOON of Chapel Address by Confuses, Thinks is ment Chief Tells of Re-. \ ■ ■ Seeing Double Berea Educator search Activities Architect Employed, Prelim- inary Plans Made for New BOYS CATCHING FLIES CONTENT A DISADVANTA 60 HOURS NOW OFFERED Building at Hoard of Regents Meeting W. J. Baird, dean of the Junior Prof. Meredith J. Cox, head of . How are you this week? Still High School of Berea College, ad- the chemistry department of East- feejln well, thank ye. I notice that dressed the faculty and student ern, made a hurried trip to Detroit HOME EC. BUILDING TOO we have a new craze about the body on "Divine Discontent" at the to visit some of the great chemical campus here of late. A lot of the assembly period Monday morning. research laboratories of that city C. C. Webber, of Cincinnati, was boys of the place have started He was brought to the college un- last Thursday, Friday and Satur- employed yesterday by the board of sproutin basketball mustaches-p der the auspices of the Sigma Tau day. Among those visited were the regents of Eastern Kentucky State those kind with five on a side, you PI, commercial organization. Parke, Davis & Company Pharma- Teachers College as the architect Dean Baird discussed at length ceutical Laboratories, and Ford Mo- for the new gymnasium to-be con- V know. I never could see much use disadvantages of being contented for one of those things to start tor Company laboratories, each of structed from the $250,000 biennial and the advantages of being dis- which is leading and outstanding in building appropriation made by the with. The young ladles have al- contented, using many common- il- chemical research work of their re- ways told me that they don't llike THELMA WAGONER HOBART WTNBURN Kentucky general assembly at its lustrations to stress his points. spective fields. Hotoart, member of the class of recent session. em—they stick, for several weeks, Thelma Wagoner, A3., was a He charges contenment with be- While at the Parke, Davis labo- At a meeting of the board of re- then they tickle, they say. Even member of the graduating class of ing responsible for the slow prog- ratories Mr. Cox had the opportu- '29, and majoring In social science, at that some of em seem to enjoy '29. Thelma came to Eastern from hailed from Waco, this county. Stu- gents at the Lafayette Hotel In ress made by people over the world, nity of viewing one of the latest dents about the campus remember Lexington yesterday the members a ball game not many nites ago and Paris, Ky. She was better known saying that too many folks are sat- chemical developments in the field devoted most of their time to a pllayn with em. Went down here to about the campus for her ability isfied to carry their water for long of medicine, under the personal su- him for his quiet, unotbrusive man- to play basketball. Other outside ner and his ability to get things discussion of the building program the boy that went along with me distances, travel over bad and near pervision of Mr. O. Kamm, head done. and decided that from the fund the was sproutin one and I couldn't activities included membership in Impassable roads, suffer many In- chemist for Parke, Davis & Co. Mr. gymnasium can be built; the old watch the game with any peace and the Y. W. C. A. and Horace Mann conveniences of all kinds because Cox states "great progress has been Central University building reno- satisfaction cause a certain young Literary Society. She was also a they are satisfied to let conditions made by Mr. Kamm and his assist- description of the thrilling race to vated; a new home economics lady came in and had a seat rite member of the Milestone staff last drift along. ants in the study of endocrine se- announce the great and incompar- building built and a new athletic between us—cause she wanted a year. Thelma Is teaching in the city Discontent has been the cause of cretions, and in the segregation of able musical duetto, Ed Holder and field made. school of Catlettsburg this year. change after change over the many the causes of muscular contraction Bill Ramsey. These two accom- Dr. H. L. Donovan, president of seat toy this certain young man— plished artists set forth upon a and rite away started playin with years today we have, with a reason- and increased blood pressure from Eastern, and C. C. Webber, the ar- of young women of considerable able amount of effort, conveniences the proceedure previously followed. presentation that was duely pre- chitect, were appointed a commit- this fellows, fellows upper lip— that make for a more comfortable They deserve the greatest of praise sented to three people, the arching rltethere In public, doncha know. proportion in school that look so tee for locating the new gymnasi- much alike that they should be living and give one time for more for the contribution which they bows of a nearby tree, a trash can, um. It is probable that It will be That wouldn't have bothered me twins—or better two set of twins. cultural pursuits. have made." an old speckled hound dog—which placed between the library and the so much If she hadn't kept punchln You see they are large enough to In closing Dean Baird said that Mr. Cox found that the Ford re- was unsermonlously awakened from old gymnasium, facing Lancaster me in the ribs and calUn my atten- 'education is lifting our standards, search laboratories are making his slumber—and incidentally, the avenue. The new athletic field will tion to ever new mustach she make a couple of sets ordinary size twins. They are so near the same making us discontented -and- want wonderful progress in the field of chief announcer. Only for the in- be located in rear of the new gym found she seemed all thrilled at better than we have. metallurgy, and was""permlttea to clement weather that this section In the natural bowl, which it is this explorin business. I wasn't so size that they can wear one see some of their experiments in in - anothers dresses and get by with of the country is noted for at this planned to grade and drain so as thrilled by the way. sulation, metallurgy, and rubber, season of the year, the performance to make it usable as a football field. Some one about the plantation it. For that matter a lot of these which will prove valuable to the would probably have taken on more The board directed Dr. Donovan to seems to have gone in for a bit of girls.wear the other fellers dresses WINNERS GET auto world. of the appearance of a medicine employ a landscape architect to advertisin, but I can't make out but usually one can tell that they Coming to Eastern from head of show. | j-v make plans and specifications for what its all about. Started out to are on the wrong "model". They the chemistry department of Berea In the midst of the two solos be- the field. breakfast here a few mornings ago are just a little too long and more NET TROPHIES in 1924, Mr. Cox has built up a de- ing presented by the above men- It was decided that out of the and about ever three jumps I came often too short, this and that and partment of chemistry at Eastern tioned artists and when everyone appropriation a new home econom- first one thing and a two till its a Carr Creek Cagesters Award- which at present has equipment ics building can be constructed across some writln on the side walk valued at $11,000. was on the edge of their chairs with along with some drawlns of peo- dead give away that they have ed Championship Emblem; wide open mouths at the descrip- along the lines of a model home, been borrowln. I admit that it Three Eastern students have been with facilities for laboratory work ples' feet. They kept saying "are; Hazard Runner-up awarded fellowships to the Uni- tion of the thrilling boat race, the is sorta dirty to accuse—better give chief announcer took time out to in home economics. It was original- you plgeontoed?" "Do you walk such away on the young women, versity of Tennessee from this de- ly planned to Include the home ec- like a duck?" "Get this sort of partment in the last three years. announce the time, the correct time onomics department in the gymna- shoe for comfort." Now who's but just happened to think about INDIVIDUALS HONORED being 11:33, and three-quarters.
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