1842 CENSUS OF NAUVOO IDENTIFICATION OF MEMBERS CIVIL WARD ONE Maurine Carr Ward The Spring 1992 issue of The Nauvoo Journal Children in a family who died previous to the began a project of identifying some of the persons found 1842 Census or those who were known to be in the in the Nauvoo 1842 Census. This census is found in film family and in the church, but for some reason were not #58 1,2 19 in the Family History Library in Salt Lake City included in the census are also identified under a sepa- under the title, "A Record of the Names of the Members rate heading. Any children born after the census will of the Chuuch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as only be mentioned in the infonnation on a parent. taken by the lesser priesthood in the Spring of the year 1842 and continued to be added [to] as the Members The list of sources used in this study will be arrive at the City of Nauvoo, Hancock County, Illinois. found at the back of this section. Also the Deaths of Members. & their Children, & Names of Children under 8 years of Age." FAMILY OF RANDOLPH ALEXANDER AND MYRZA NIX ALEXANDER According to Dr. Lyman Platt, who did exten- sive study of the census and other records, the census was RANDOLPH ALEXANDER probably taken duuing the first two weeks ofFebruary of Born 22 Mar 1802, Union, Union. SC to Angus 1842, then was co~npletedduuing the rest of the month ALEXANDER and Unity MURPHY. He married a and turned in to the Church authorities by March I, 1842. distant cousin. Myrza Nix ALEXANDER in Jun 1830. Other infonnation about the census can be found in The He was baptized into the Mormon Church on 7 Aug 1836 Nauvoo Journal, Volu~ne4 and in Nauvoo: Early Mor- by Wilford WOODRUFF and David W. PATTEN, after mon Records Series, voluune I, Lyman De Platt, High- which he moved his family of four children to MO to be land, Utah, 1980. For those persons who wish to search with the Saints. There he lived two miles south of Far the original ~nicrofil~nin Salt Lake City. it is not filed on West and is listed with his family as members of the the floor with other microfilms, but is in high density Southwest Quarter of Far West Branch. Caldwell, MO. storage and will need to be requested at one of the Randolph is shown here as an elder in the church. On I I service windows. May 1839, he signed an affidavit in an appeal to Con- gress for the wrongs he had suffered in MO. In this This issue continues the identification of mem- appeal, he shows a loss of $1700 in cattle, hogs, house- bers of the first civil ward in Nauvoo. As records are hold and furniture. land and town lots, plus the cost of searched, the names of individuals are spelled in a vari- moving his family. ety ofways. The first choice in this journal is that found in Family Group Sheets or personal histories where the From MO, Randolph moved to Quincy, Adams, name is known to be correct. Any variation of the IL where a fifth child was born, then moved on to spelling will be shown with the particular record where it Nauvoo. On 12 Apr 1842. he was called to go on a was found. I11 the event that a correct spelling is not mission south. On 17 May 1844, at the State Convention known, the spelling used below will be that found in the at Nauvoo, Randolph was appointed the State Delegate 1842 Nauvoo Census. Where there are differences in from Union District, South Carolina for Joseph SMITH dates, spellings, places, etc. found within records, they as President of the United States and Sidney RIGDON as will both be listed with a slash between them. The Vice President. He paid taxes for Hancock County be- information below, accurate or not, is just as it is found tween the years of 1841 and 1844. When Randolph in a particular record. With few exceptions, the editors attended the co~npletedNauvoo Temple for his endow- have not tried to verify which information is more nearly ments on 24 Dec 1845, he was listed as a seventy in the correct than another. priesthood. Randolph and his fanlily rnoved from Nauvoo Myrza Nix ALEXANDER died 23 J~rl1880 in to Winter Quarters for a Fear. then traveled to L:T with Washington. Washington. UT. (SEB; NAU 1.23; FFU:4 1; one mule and a rnilk cow to pilll the fanlily's belongings. FHL g889.391: NJ3:6: NTE:S6; USHS MSS A501 $2) The family arrived ir~S;rlt Lake Valley on 28 Sep 1847. settling in Parley's Canyon, then Cottonu~ood. THOMAS MURPHY ALEXANDER Randolph's fanily is found in the 1850 Census of Utah Born 2 1 Feb 183 1 in LVeakley. Giles. TN, the in Salt Lt&e County. On I9 Jan 185 1. he was cut off oldest child of Ra~tdolpltALEXANDER and Myru Nix from the seventies for contempt of cou~lciland not pay- ALEXANDER. He is shown as TRomas M. in the ing a just debt, Randolph married n plural wife. J<me Soutl~westQuarter of Far West Brmlc11 with his family. PUGH, by whom tle had three children from 1852 to He is not listed in the 1842 Nauvoo Census. but there is a 1658. His professiorl was that of farming. He died 12 maria ALEXANDER listed with tile family. Perhaps Mar 1879 in Washington. Washington, UT. (SEB: this is a misspelli~~gfor ~Murphy.Thornas was baptized MRP: 122: NJ2; FHL S889.39 1 ; AOS: 18; NAU 1~23; into the Mormon Church in July 1843. Tho~nas,age 21. FFU:41; HS:388: NTE:SS: HC'6:390;4:589; JHC:29 Jun is found in the 1850 Utah Census, living in Salt Lake 1836, 20 Aug 1836, 4 Sep 1636.28 Dec 1838. 29 Nov with his parents' fanily. He rnarried Kate LUBLIN. 1839 p. 8. 12 Apr 1842. 17 May 18-44. 18 hlar 1846 p. 2. (SEB: NAU1:23; FHL $889.391: FFU:41) 25 hloy 184S p. 2.7 Mar 1858.3 Jun 1870 p.5) SUSAN -ELLA ALEXANDER MYRZA NIX ALEXANDER Born 8 Feb 1833, Weakley. Giles. TN to Born20 Sep 18 15. Union. Union. SC to Jonathm Ra~idolphALEXANDER and h4q~z.aNix ALEXANDER. ALEXANDER and Tabitha KIX. She lnarried Randolph She is in the Bralch Record of the Soutliw~estQuarter. ALEXANDER in Sun 1830. She was baptized with Far West Branch. In Naovoo, she mended the co~nrnon Randolph on 7 Aug IS36 by Wilford IVOODRUFF and school of Herlry 1. YOUNG, which was held at the home David W. PATTEN. rl~erlmoved to Far West. MO. Illen of Benj'amin CLAPP. from 25 Jul 1842 to 28 OCI1 842. on to Nauvoo. While living in Nauvoo. Mym gave birth She was baptized July 1843. Susan age 18, is found in to three children. two of \vho~nwere born afier the 1842 the I852 Utah Census. She married Imc BOWMAN on Nauvoo Census. Mrugarett ALEXANDER was bonl in 27 Mar 1832. (SEB: NAU 1:23; NJI: FHL ii8S9.391: 1843. but is rrot found in the 1852 Ulah Census. Scarah FFU:4 I) Elizabeth ALEXANDER was born 14 Juri 1845. shown in the 1852 cerisus as Sarah. Myrza Nix ALEXANDER ADALINE ALEXANDER is listed as Myrpl~ALEXANDER in the census. She Born 1 Jaa 1833. Weaklep, Giles. Ti\! to received her endo\vments in the Nauvoo Ternple on 24 Kuidolph ALEXANDER and blyza Nix ALEXANDER. Dec 1845. She is listed as Adaline A. ALEXANDER in the record of the South\vest Quarter of Far i!'r!est. Slle was baptized ~Myrzahad five more children in Salr Lake City. July 1843 in Nauvoo. She also attended the coinlnon Mymi Jane ALEXANDER was born 29 Nov 1848. She school of Henry I. YOLWG at Benjamin CLAPP's hotne is listed as Mercy in rhe 1852 Utah Censtis. She ~narried tiom 25 JuI 1842 to 28 Oct 1842. Adolphus Re~~ineWHITEHEAD irr Washington. UT about 1866 as his plural wife. She had a daughter, Adaline was nine years old when the Prophet btyrza. after which she left her husband and ~narried Joseph SMITH was killed and she saw the bodies of Robert BOND. ~novingwith him to Silver Reef, UT. Hlnm and Joseph after they were prepared for burial. When MpaJane died. the dao-ghter \\#astaken into the She remembered sitting on Joseph's knee and talking to home of her father Adolphus WHlTEHEAD to live. him ~na~lyrimes. She and her family were at the neer ring when the Saints voted to sustain Brighaln YOUNG as the The otller four children of Randolph and Myrza. head of the Church. She left Naiivoo in 1846 and moved born in Salt Lake City. were Eliza S~lo\saALEXANDER. to Winter Qu,mers, theri ot~to the Salt Lake Valley. born I3 Dec 1850. sho\sn in the 1852 ce~rsrlsas Eliza Ann; Matildn ALEXANDER. born 10 Jm 1853: Lydia -41 age fifiieen, she married Milo ANDRUS. on Ann ALEXAKDER. born 29 Dec 1855 aid Bertha. born 27 hrlar 1852 in the Endowment hoose in Salt Lake City. 1857. He was twenty-one years older n~tdhad other wives and children. She \\!as 1101in love will) him, but her fiither convinced her the marriage was right. During her mar- moved back to UT.
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