The Technician North Carolina State College’s Student Newspaper Vol. XLIII, No. 56 SM. College Susan, Ioieigh. N. c. Monday, May 18, I,” At Carolinas AAU Track Meet Cut In ROTC Credit Records Shattered In 6 Events By Bob Linder Recommended By 56 In one of the fastest and most exciting track shows ever wit- In the Student Government This recommendation indicat- the Legislature amended the nessed in . the Carolinas, Satur- meeting last Thursday, a reso- ed the Student Government's original measure which read, lution recommending that only endorsement of the . following “. that no credit towards day’s rum1ing of the annual hours of credit toward grad- measures: graduationhegiven..."to Carolinas AAU Meet saw six uation be given for participa- 1. A complete. technical sur- read, “. that six (”hears records shattered. tion in advanced ROTC was vey be taken to determine an credit towards graduation he Held at the State College passedhyavoteof23tol3. available frequency for the FM given. track under the direction of This measure (Resolution 14- station. 2. An application for Another resolution stating Frank Murray, assistant track 3B) recommends also that the educational license he submit- “that no student he required by coach for the Wolfpack, the policy go into efl'ect for the ted to the Federal Communica- the college to take any courses event drew approximately 236 class of 1961. 'tions Commission. 3. A study in ROTC,” was lost by an 18 to trackmen, representing 21 clubs. Another resolution concom- he made to determine the avail- 18 roll call vote. The State track has been the ing the establishment of an ed- ability of funds. Outgoing President Jim Hunt . scene of many world record per- ucations FM facility by rad'p Concerning the first resolu- stated in his report, to the Leg- formances in the past, including station WKNC was passed. tion about the ROTC program, islature that the Chancellor last year’s world mark in the 'would act on the Student GOV- 220 low hurdles set by Elias ernment bill to reallocate the . Gilbert. Gilbert covered the dis- Offered Next Fall Student Supply Stores profits'in tance in 22.1. the next two or three weeks. In one of the big surprises of the evening, Lee Calhoun, run- RESOLUTION 14-38: ning for North Carolina College Bostian To Present WHEREAS: the Engineers’ Athletic Association, broke the Council for professional Devel- a half ahead opment has stated that the ac- tape a stride and creditation of the department-of of Gilbert, last year’s winner. Genetics Elective Matching stride for stride all the Engineering School will be the way until the last hurdle, A new elective course entitled formation concerning the im- revoked if full credit is still giv- Gilbert and Calhoun set a ter-. “‘Genetics in Human Affairs" portance of genetics in every en towards any degrees for ad- rific pace. Calhoun’s winning (GN 201) has been approved day life and have found it im- vanced ROTC in the fall semes- time of 13.7 just matched last for the fall semester of the 1959- possible to take present ofler- ter of 1961; and . year’s meet record, set by Gil- Soaring over the bar at thirteen feet, Whittle captures sec- 60 academic year and will be ings since Botany and Zoology WHEREAS. this legislature -‘ hert. ond place in the Carolinas AAU pole vault. An unattached presented by Dr. C. H. Bastian. were prerequisites. desires to keep academic stand- 9, . Calhoun pulled away from entry, who attends North Mecklenhurg High School in Char- z This will be a three credit This course will present the ards at such a level as to ob- " Gilbert as they hurled over the lotte, Whittle set a new high school record Friday night at hour course with lectures at fundamental principles of gene- tain national accreditation for (See AAU TRACK MEET, page a) 12 feet 4% inches. 11:00 a.m. Tuesday, Thursday, tics with the only prerequisite all the departments of this cola, ‘ and a third hour arranged. being that the student have at lege; and will be no laboratory. least sophomore standing. WHEREAS: this legislature 'There Emphasis will be given to believes that undue emphasis ”Phi Eta Sigma Initiates lex’lile Society For some time it has been various consequences r a t h e r should not be placed on military felt that a course in genetics than details regarding technical education in this, a scientific could be offered for non-biologi- Seleds Annual mechanisms of the science. De- and technical college; 52"I'op-Ranking Frosh cal science majors that would velopments in the atomic age THEREFORE, be it resolved, have wide appeal among our that have led to special interests that this legislature recom- Phi Eta Sigma, freshman Broughton, Charles L. Duke, students. The return of Dr. Bos- scholarship honor rfraternity at Charles E. Wilhalf, Uleu Goek- 'Man of Year' in topics concerning effects of mends that the administration cen, Garry F. Workman, Charles tian to teaching presented an irradiation in heredity will be adopt the policy that six (6) State College, in: ceremonies A. Sparrow, William C. Carpen— The State College Chapter of ideal opportunity for initiating covered. hours credit towards graduation Thursday night initiated 52 top- ter, William E. Smith, Van B. Phi Psi, national honorary textile this course. Attempts have been made to be given students for partici- ranking freshmen into its ranks. Noah, Leland K. McDowell, fraternity, Saturday night pre- “Genetics in Human Affairs” present the course at a time pation in an advanced ROTC Officers and members of the fra- Henry W. Blake, Hugh B. Noah, is a course that would be ap- least likely to encounter sched- program. This legislature rec- ternity conducted the ceremo- Harold D. Stroupe, David W. sented its “Man of the Year” propriate in many curricula. uling difiiculties and it will be ommends that such a policy nies in the College Union The- Nelson, Andrew W. Adams, award for distinguished service The students in the physical offered in both fall and spring first go into efl'ect for the class ater. , Raymond S. Winton, James P. to the textile industry to Wil- and social sciences need the in- semesters. of 1961. The initiates and old mem- Caldwell, Ronald M. Mayer, liam G. Alligood of Mount bers will be guests at the an- George B. Taylor, John T. Cur- Holly, personnel director of .nual Phi Eta Sigma Banquet to lee, Walter B. Cummings, John be held Tuesday Evening, May A. Toms, Joe A. Ellisor, Gun- American & Efird Mills, Inc. College Union Awards . Campus 19th, in the Capitol Room of ther J. Reuer, William M. Jack- A native of Washington, the downtown S & Cafeteria. son, Richard W. Philbeck, Phil- N. C., and mayor of Mount Holly, Alligood received "the Crier The new members are: Robert lip N. Nanzetta, James C. Hart, 10 Life-Time Memberships E. Williams, Jr., Kenneth G. George S. Hutchins, Marvin S. award at a banquet at Scandia The Alpha Zeta Book Ex- Davenport, Lynn M. Perry, Margolis, George W. Fisher, Village, near Raleigh. Clay Six students and four faculty News, Va.;‘ Erbie MangumU change will be open on Thurs. Joseph J. Cox, Jr., James 0. Richard H. Williamson, Frede- Smith of Spindale, president of members were presented life- Durham; Nancy Mumford, Ra- day and Friday, May 21 and Grace, James T. Lowder, Yal- rick M. Alligood, Edward S. Phi Psi and a senior in the col- leigh; and Preston Sasser, Do- 22, from 12:00 until 6:00 p.111. man Balta, Peter B. Archie, Todd, Boyd C. Steed, Albert R. lege’s School of Textiles, read time memberships in‘ the State ver. in the basement of the College Richard A. McCorkle, David E. Pearson, Paul W. Brant, Alan the citation honoring Alligood. College Union at the union’s an- Awards were presented to Union. McCombs, Thomas C. Dellinger, M. Chedester, Larry D. Nixson The award was presented to nual banquet Friday night. Clarence Howell, Rocky Mount, All graduating seniors who Billy F. Geffney, John C. and Grady T. Ferrell, Jr.. Alligood by Dr. Malcolm E. Faculty members honored named the outstanding commit- have money and/or books in the Campbell, dean of State Col- were Chancellor Carey H. Bos- tee chairman for the year; and book exchange arecurged to lege’s School of Textiles. tian, Dr. Harvey Bumgardner Bob Adams, Winston-Salem, claim the money or books dur- ing one of these days as it will ROIC Cadels, Rifle learn Win Awards A leading figure in the Dem- of the Poultry Science Depart- outstanding committee member. ocratic Party and in Gaston ment, Dr. Burton Beers of the The music committee was se- be their last opportunity before Po- lected as the outstanding com- graduation. Three State College ROTC marksman on the Army ROTC County religious, civic, frater- Department of History and * i cadets and the Varsity Rifle Rifle Team for three years as a ‘nal afl‘airs, Alligood is a 1929 ~1itical Science, and Dr. Arthur mittee. the School of Tex- Stan Timblin of Durham was The JIM HUNT AWARD Team have won George Kenneth student at State College. He graduate of Roanoke Rapids C. Hayes of died in a boating accident near High School and is also a grad- tiles. installed as the new president this year is being given to the Simonson Memorial Awards Buggs Island, Va., in 1957. uate of the Pittsburgh School Students receiving the honor of the College Union, replacing originator of the award, Jim for rifle marksmanship, ofl’icials As a memorial to her son, of Fine and Applied Arts.
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