PRESENTED ^l)c trustee*. THE BRITISH MUSEUM. California Swcademu 01 \scienceb RECEIVED BY GIFT FROM -fitoZa£du^4S*&22& fo<?as7u> #yjy GUIDE TO THK SYSTEMATIC DISTRIBUTION OK MOLLUSCA IN III K BRITISH MUSEUM PART I HY JOHN EDWARD GRAY, PHD., F.R.S., P.L.S., P.Z.S. Ac. LONDON: PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES 1857. PRINTED BY TAYLOR AND FRANCIS, RED LION COURT, FLEET STREET. PREFACE The object of the present Work is to explain the manner in which the Collection of Mollusca and their shells is arranged in the British Museum, and especially to give a short account of the chief characters, derived from the animals, by which they are dis- tributed, and which it is impossible to exhibit in the Collection. The figures referred to after the names of the species, under the genera, are those given in " The Figures of Molluscous Animals, for the Use of Students, by Maria Emma Gray, 3 vols. 8vo, 1850 to 1854 ;" or when the species has been figured since the appear- ance of that work, in the original authority quoted. The concluding Part is in hand, and it is hoped will shortly appear. JOHN EDWARD GRAY. Dec. 10, 1856. ERRATA AND CORRIGENDA. Page 43. Verenad.e.—This family is to be erased, as the animal is like Tricho- tropis. I was misled by the incorrectness of the description and figure. Page 63. Tylodinad^e.— This family is to be removed to PleurobrancMata at page 203 ; a specimen of the animal and shell having since come into my possession. Pages 135 & 167. For Cirrhobranchia read Cirrobranchia. Page 141. Erase Chrysostoma, which is inserted in its correct place as part of Livona at page 156. Pa^e 159. For Stomatia read Stomas. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Page Page MOLLUSCA 1 Subord. II. Proboscidifera J> I. Edriophthalma 10 Synopsis of Classes 1 A. Haraiglossa 1<> Class I. GASTEROPODA ... 2 a. Hamiglossa vera 10 of 2 Synopsis Orders Fam. 1. CassidulidcB 10 a. 1. Cassidulus 10 Subcl. T. Ctenobranchiata 3 2. Fulgur 11 Ord. I. Pectinibranchiata 3 b. 3. Cochlidium 11 Fam. 2. Muricida 11 Subord. I. Toxifera 4 a. Muricina. Fam. 1. Connsidce 4 1. Murex 11 1. Conus 1 2. Chicoreus 11 2. Tuliparia 5 3. Trophon 12 3. Rollus 5 4. Typhis 12 b. Coin si ii a. Fam. 2. Acushhr 5 5. Coins 12 1. Acua (> 6. Clavella 12 2. Subula ([ 7. Chrysodomua 13 3. Leiodomua (> 8. Strombella 13 4. Dorsanum 7 c. Pismi iii ii ii. !>. Pisaoia 13 Fam. 3. PleurotomidtB 7 10. Columbella u a. Clavatulina. 1 1. Ebgina 14 1. Clavatula 7 12. Trinmphis 15 2. Tomella 7 d. ConiincWiKi. r b. Pleurotomina. Id. Latrunculua l. > 3. Plenrotonm 7 14. Cominella 15 4. Drillia 8 e. NassiiKi. 5. Bela 8 15. Bullia lri C, Dcfranciiiiii. 1(). Naaaa |6 (>. Defrancia 8 17- Deamoulea 17 7. Anna V f. rhosina. S. Melatoma !> L8. Pl.,» ]; J). Conopleura 9 19. Cyllene is 10. Daphnella J> North, n 18 . CONTENTS. Page Page Fam. 3. Buccinidce 18 5. Strigatella 30 a. Rapanum. 6. Zierliana 30 1. Rapana 18 7- Volvaria 30 Rhizochilus 19 8. Imbricaria 30 2. Vitularia 19 9. Cylindra 30 3. Chorus 19 Fam. 10. Turbinellidce 31 4. Cuma 19 l.Turbinellus 31 b. Purpurina. 2. Cynodonta 31 5. Nitidella 20 6. Purpura 20 C. Rachiglossa 31 7. Concholepas 20 8. Acanthiza 21 Fam. 11. Volutidoe 31 9. Sistrum 21 a. Yetina. 10. Magilus 21 1. Yetus 32 c. Buccinina. b. Volutina. 11. Buccinum 21 2. Cymbium 33 12. Gastridia 22 3. Scapha 33 4. Fulgoraria 34 Fam. 4. Pusionelladce 22 5. Callipara 34 1. Pusionella 22 6. Voluta 34 Fam. 5. Turritidce 23 7- Lyria 34 l.Turris 23 8. Volutella 35 c. Amoriana (Scaphellina). Fam . 6. Cancellariadce 23 9. Amoria (Cymbiola) ... 35 1. Cancellaria 23 d. Volutomitrina. 2. Admete 23 10. Volutomitra 36 Fam. 7- Olividee 24 e. Porcellanina. 11. Porcellana 36 a. Olivina. 12. Closia 1. Strephona 24 36 13. 2. Olivella 24 Persicula 37 3. Scaphula 25 4. Agaronia 25 D. Tsenioglossa 37 b. Ancillarina. Fam. 12. Cassididce 37 5. Ancilla 25 1. Cassis 37 6. Sandella 26 2. Lcvenia 37 7. Eburna 2b' 3. Bezoardica 38 8. Sparella 26 4. Morio 39 9. Anolacia 26 5. Sconsia 39 c. Harpalina. 6. Linatella 39 10. llarpa 26 7. llanella 39 8. Oniscia 40 b. Trapezodonta 27 9. Morum 40 Fam. 8. Lamellariadce 27 10. Cithara 40 1. Coriocella 27 11. Pachybathrou 40 2. Lamellaria 27 3. Ermea 28 Fam. 13. Doliidce 40 1. Dolium 40 B. Odontoglossa 28 2. Malea 41 Fasciolariadcc 28 Pam. 9. 3. llingieula 41 a. b'asciolariaiin. 1 Fasriolaria 28 Fam, 14. Tritoniada 42 2. Leucozonia 2!) 1. Apollon 42 3. Latirus 29 2. Triton 42 b. Milium. 3. Euthria 43 I. Mil i it 2<J 4. Persona 43 . .. 1 CON! KNTS. Ml Huge Page Fam. 15. Verenada: 43 9. Aclis 61 I. Verena 44,77 10. Hvala 61 11. Stylina 61 Fam. 16. Sycotypidce 44 12. Eiitoconeha 62 1. Sycotypus 44 Fam. 25. Architectomida Fam. 17- Velutinidee 44 1 Architectoma 6_> 1. Velutina 45 2. Torinia 63 2. Morvillia 45 3. Bifrontia 63 3. Marsenina 46 4. Onchidiopsis 46 Fam. 26. Tylodiandcp 63 1. Tylodina... 63 (seep. 203) Fam. 18. Naticidce 46 a. Naticina. Subord. III. Rostrifeka ... 61 1. Natica 47 b. Never it in u. I. Platypoda 64 2. Neverita 48 I. Podophthalma 64 3. Polinices 49 4. Mammilla 49 Fam. 1. Ampvllariada? 61 5. Cervina 50 1. Pachystoma 65 6. Naticina 50 2. Asolene 65 7. Stomatia 50 3. Marisa i'^5 8. Amaura 51 4. Ampullaria 65 5. Pomella 67 Fam. 19. Neritopsidoe 51 6. Lanistes 68 1. Neritopsis 51 7. Meladomus 68 Fam. 20. lanthinidce 51 1. Ianthina 51 II. Edriophthalma 68 2. Recluzia 52 A. Cryptocochlea 68 Fam. 21. Scalariadce 52 Fam. 2. Amphiperasukt 1. Scalaria 53 1. Amphiperas 69 2. Calpunnu 69 II. Iniophthalma 53 3. Ultimus 69 4. Radius A. Ptenoglossa 5 I 69 Fam. 22. Acteonida 54 Fam. 3. Cypramla 7 {) 1 Acteon 54 1. Cypraa 71 2. Solidula 55 2. Aricia 72 3. Monoptygma 55 3. Naria 7- 4. Trivia 72 B. Tsenioglossa 56 5. Luponia 73 r Fam. 23. Cerithiopsidcp , )(! 6. Cvpra-ovula 73 1. Cerithiopsis 5(5 7- Erato 73 Fam. 4 Pediculuriudic I C. Gymnoglossa 57 J 1 . Pedicolaria 74 Fam. 24. PyramidelHdm 57 1. Obeliscus 57 Fam. 5. Aporrkaufa 2. Pyramidella 57 1 Aporrhaia 3. Odostomia 57 2. Strnthiolaria 7^ 4. Chemnitzia 58 3. l'i'licaria 77 5. Eulima 59 \. IVichotropia 77 6. Nisso 60 Verena fraaa |>. 1 7. Leiostraea 60 • » Calcarella 8. Menestho 61 6. Sinuaigera 77 Mil CONTENTS. Page Page B. Cochlea 78 3. Lithoglvphus 89 4. Hydrobia 90 a. Phaneropneumona 78 5. Amnicola 90 Fain. 6. Cyclophoridce 78 6. Nematura 90 a. Cyclotina. 7. Risella 90 1. Cyclotus 79 8. Pagodus 91 2. Pterocyclos 79 9. Echinella 91 3. Opisthoporus 79 10. Modulus 91 4. Craspedopoma 79 11. Fossar 91 b. Aulopomina. Fam. 10. Lacunidce 5. Aulopoma 80 92 6. Cyclophorus 80 1. Lacuna 92 7- Leptopoma 80 Fam. 11. Truncatellidce 93 8. AlycsEiis 80 1. Truncatella 94 9. 80 Diplommatina 2. Tonichia 94 c. Pupinina. 10. Megalomastoma 81 c. Teleobranchia 95 ll.Cataulus 81 Fam. 12. Planaxida 95 12. Pupinella 81 a. Planaxina. 13. Pupina 81 1. Planaxis 95 14. Registoma 81 2. Quoyia 95 15. Callia 81 b. Litiopina. d. Licinina. 3. Litiopa 96 16. Jamaicia 82 17. Licina 82 Fam. 13. Rissoadce 96 18. Choanopoma 82 1. Rissoina 96 19. Adamsiella 82 2. Rissoa 97 e. Cyclostomina. 3. Skenea 98 20. Lithidion 82 Fam. 14. Cacidce 21. Otopoma 83 99 22. Cvclostomus 83 1. Caecum 100 2. Brochina 23. Tudora 83 101 24. Leonia 83 Fam. 15. Melaniada 101 25. Cistula 83 1. Melania 101 26. Chondropoma 83 2. Melanatria 102 f. Pomatianina. 3. Pachycheilus 102 27. Pomatias 84 4. Leptoxis 102 Realiana. g. 5. Ceriphasia 102 28. Liarea 84 6. Gyrostoma 103 29. Realia 84 7. Hemisinus 103 30. Bourciera 84 8. Vibex 103 9. Faunus 103 Tain. 7- Oligyrada* 84 10. Melanopsis 103 1. Stoastoma 84 11. Clionella 104 2. Trochatella 85 12. Io 104 3. Lucidella 85 85 4. Belicina Fam. 16. Cerithiad<r 105 •">. Alcadia 86 a. Crritfiiinu. Fam. 8. Proserpinida ... S(>, 188 1. Rhinoclavis 105 1. Proterpina 86, is!) 2. Cerithium 105 S. Bittium 106 b, Pteudopneumona 8G 4. Tympanotomy 106 l-'am. '.). Littorimda 8(j 5. Teleacopium 106 1. kwiminea ^7 6. Pvra/us 107 J. Littorini s7 7. Lampania 107 . ... CONTEN i 8. l\ 8. Potainidea 107 II. Protopoda 126 9. Cerithidea 107 Fam. 1. Vermetida 12<> 1). Triphorina, ;i. Vtrmetina. 10. Triphoria Ids 1 Siphonium 126 2. Vermetna I2fi Fam. 17. Turritelladte 109 3. Spiroglyphua 127 1. Turritella 109 1. Bivonia 2. /aria 110 127 5. Serpuloidea 3. Torcula 110 127 (5. Lementina 127 -1. Ejgliaia 110 5. Mesalia Ill 7. Cladopoda 127 I). Siliquariana, Fam. 18. Barleeiadce Ill 8. Siliquaria !_ - 1. Barleeia Ill III. Leptopoda 2. Bydrocasna Ill Fam. 1. Stronibidca 128 Fam. 19. Vivipurida Ill a. SI rombina. 1 Viviparua 112 1 Strombus 1 _ 2. Rivulina 114 2. Ptcrocera 3. Paludoroua 1 14 3. Fuaua l 4. Tiualia 114 I). Serapkina. 5. Bithinia Ill 1. seraph} a 130 Finn. 2. PkoridcB u. Plocauobranchia 115 130 1. Phorua Fam. 20. Calyptra>ad<2 115 2. Onustus 131 a. Crcpidulina. 1. Crepidula 115 IV. Heteropoda 131 2. Garnotia 11/ Fam. 1. Pterotrackeida 131 b. Galerina. 1 Anops 131 3. Galerus 117 2. Pterotrachea 131 4. Trochita 118 I 3.
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