1869 THE LIBRARY The ^Entomologist's Record AND JOURNAL OF VARIATION EDITED BY J. M. CHALMERS-HUNT, F.R.E.S. Vol. 94 1982 1 , iii 5 1982 ! Adscita. Colour Changes in the Genus Brachyopa scutellaris (Desvoidy) (Dipt.: M. Hadley, 20 Svrphidae) A Feeding Habit of Adonis? What Ails^. C. Morton, 67 N. L. Birkett, 206 Agonopteryx astrantiae Heinemann in British Butterflies in 1981. A Review of Hampshire/. R. Langmaid, 182 C. J. Luckens, 125 Agonopteryx astrantiae (Heinemann) in British Macrolepidoptera for 1981. A North Wales. H. N. Michaelis, 37 Review of the Indigenous P. Agrion virgo (Linn.) (Odonata; Agrioni- Sokoloff, 185 dae) in Central London. A Sighting British Moth? What is a Truly C. /. oiA. P. Foster, 246 Rutherford, 195 Alophora S. S. hemiptera (Fab.) (Dipt.: Bucculatrix cidarella ZeUer (Lep.: Tachinidae) in V. C. 69. N. L. Lyonetidae) on Myrica gale. H. N. Birkett, 133 Michaelis, 102 Anarta myrtilli L. Beautiful Yellow Bucculatrix cidarella Zeller on Myrica Underwing (Lep.: Noctuidae) and gale in Endand A. M. Emmet, an Adult Boreus hyemalis (Neuropt.: 238 Boreiidae) on Winter Snow in the Bucculatrix thoracella Thunb. Con- Scottish Highlands A. D. Liston, firmed for Vice County 11 E. H. \S1 Wild, 206 Anthocharis cardamines L. (Orange-Tip) Butterfly Poster. An Italian P. Hawker, in Dumfriesshire. Apparent Excess 237 in Numbers of Female R. H. Miller, Cacoecimorpha pronubana Hbn. (Lep.: 162 Tortricidae) : Larval Foodplants Anthocharis. The Pupation of D. G. including Damage to Skimmia Sevastopulo, 17 japonica Thunb. B. K. West, 38 Aphantopus hyperantus L. in Scotland. Cacoecimorpha pronubana Hbn. (Lep.: Flight Time of P. K. Kinnear, Tortricidae) Successfully Reared on 236 Artificial Diet, with a Note on its Apion cerdo Gerst, (Col.) in S. E. Diapause Requirements B. O. C. England. The Recent Spread of Gardiner, 122 A.A.Allen, 158 Callophrys mbi L. and Pyrgus malvae Aporia crataegi L. in Scotland. Further L. in Worcestershue J. E. Green, Notes an introduced "Colony" 163 of the Black Veined White R. Camptogramma bilineata L. Another Elliott, 245 Foodplant of the Yellow Shell Argynnis adippe D. & S. in S. Cumbria. R. P. KnillJones,!! The High Brown FritiUary M. J. Y. Camptogramma bilineata L. Yellow Shell, Foley, 23S feeding on Cruciferae. Larvae of Argyresthia trifasciata Staudinger 1871 D. F. Owen, 52 (Lep.: Yponomeutidae) in Britain Canary Islands 1981. Two Weeks in the A. M. Emmet, 180 H. G. A Heard, A. Valletta, III Arhopalus rusticus L. (Col.: Ceramby- Canna in 1982. Lepidoptera at J. A. cidae). A Second Monmouthshire Campbell, 174 Record ofG.A. N. Norton, 24 Carpophilus marginellus Motsch. (Col.: Autographa bractea D. & S.: Gold Spanele Nitidulinae) out-of-doors in Suffolk in Kent J. Platts, 200 D. R. Nash, 228 Barcaldine, ArgyU in 1980 and 1981. Carpophilus sexpustulatus (Fabr.) (Col.: Some of the Less Common Species Nitidulidae) in Surrey, with a Note of Lepidoptera Taken at J. C. A. on its Habits in Britain D. Prance, Craik, 243 59 Barypeithes sulcifrons (Bohman) (Col.: Carterocephalus palaemon Pallas in CurcuUonidae) from West (Tumbria England 1976. The Chequered R. W. J. Read, 184 Skipper R. Archer-Lock , 123 Bisigna procerella D. & S. (Lep.: Oeco- Catocala fraxini L. and Other Lepi- phoridae) in Britain. The Re- dopera at Highcliffe in 1982. The occurrence of J. M. Chalmers- Chfden Nonpareil E. H. Wild, Hunt, 20A 204 Bomolocha fontis Thunb. The Beautiful Catocala fraxini L. in 1981. The Blue Snout i?. G. Warren, 44 Underwing ^. Harmer, 40 Book Talk Five J. M. Chalmers-Hunt Celerio livornica Esper. The Striped 121 Hawkmoth R. G. Chatelain 204 iv Charaxes gallagheri van Son 1961 Danaus plexippus L.: The Monarch ir (Lepidoptera:Nymphalidae), Its Wales and Cumberland in 1981 Habitats and Early Stages. A D. W. Kydd, 37 Consolidated History of the Dis- Death's Head Hawkmoth and Con- covery of 7. C. O. Chitty, 147 volvulus Hawkmoth in Kent in Chrysolim polita (Linnaeus) (Col.: Chry- \9^\.lheR. F. Buddie, I somelidac). On the Hostplant of Defoliation in Northern Great Wood, R. IV. J. Read, 199 Hertfordshire, y?. Lovell-Pank, 162 I Clonopsis gallica (Charpentier) on the Dermaptera from the Gunong Mulu Quiberon Peninsular, Brittany. Ob- National Park, Borneo. A Correc- servations on the Phasmid E. C. tion and an Addition A. Brindle, M. Haes, 39 101 Coccinellidae. Fluctuations in Abun- Descoloria blomeri Curtis at Weston- dance of A F. Owen, 225 super-Mare, Blomer's Rivulet C. S. Coleophom binderella KoUar A New H. Blathwayt, 154 FoodplantiV. F. Heal, 129 Dioryctria schuetzeella Fuchs, 1899: Coleophora hemerobiella (Scopoli). Two A Pyralid Moth New to Britain Year Life Cycle of A. M. Emmet, /. M. Chalmers-Hunt, M. W. F. 239 Tweedie, 1 Coleophora machinella Bradley: its Dioryctria schuetzeella Fuchs. in June Rediscovery in England, and 1982. M W. F. Tweedie, 220 Description/. R. Langmaid, 109 Diptera (Calyptratae) of the Sandwell Coleophora paripennella Zeller - A Valley, West Bromwich. The M. G. New Foodplant N. F. Heal, 59 Bloxham, 60 Coleophora potentillae Elisha (Lep.: Diptera from Windsor Forest. Further Coleophoridae) - Some Obser- Notable /4. /4. Allen, 229 sp. vations J. R. Langmaid, 66 Dodona (Lepidoptera: Nemeobiidae) Coleophora salicorniae Wocke identi- in Hong Kong. Some assistance fied as Salicornia fragilis P. W. with Regard to W. J. Tennent, 9 Ball and Tutin. Foodplant of Dorytomus salicinus (GyUenhal) (CoL: A^. F. Heal, 103 Curculio nidae) from Cumbria. A Coleophora trigeminella Fuchs and C. Further Record of R. W. J. Read, coracipennella Hbn. in South York- 36 shire, H. E. Beaumont, 108 Dytiscus (Col.: Dytiscidae). A February Colias croceus (Geoffroy) in June E. C. Pelham-Clinton , 123 1982. The Clouded YeUow T. Eastern Switzerland 1980, with a note Newnham, 162 on Erebia pluto de Prunn. Butter- ^ Conistra mbiginea D. & S. (Lep.: Noc- flies in C. J. Luckens, 173 tuidae). The Dotted Chestnut E. C. Editorial. 155 L. Simson, 45 Eggs Laid by a Decapitated Moth B. A. Convolvulus Hawkmoth and Clouded Kneller, 221 Yellow in South Devon H. L. Endromis versicolora (L.) at Rannoch. O'Heffernan, 237 The Kentish Glory, E. C. Pelham- I Cornwall, with Observations on Other Clinton, 215 Notable Macrolepidoptera in the Entomological Pictures. A. H. Ha worth's i County. A New County Record for R. S. Wilkinson, 224 M. Hadley, 65 Epermenia aequidentellus Hofmann; I Corrections. A G. Sevastopulo, 69 daucellus Peyerimhoff (Lep. : Eper- meniidae) in Kent J. M. Chalmers- Curculio Spp. (Col.). Notes on Some \ British /4. A. Allen, 1% Hunt, 202 Epierus comptus (Erichson) (Col.: Cynthia virginiensis (Drury). Artificial His- i Transportation of a Nymphalid, teridae) New to Britain D. R. Nash, I R. S. Wilkinson, 38 165 D'Abrera's Butterflies of the Afro- Erannis defoliaria Clerck: Mottled Um- , Tropical Region. E. W. Classey, ber. An Early Appearance of 7. N. 15 Greatorex-Davies, 218 Dana us chrysippus L. in Tunisia. J. F. Erynnis tages L. ab. radiata Brown, A Burton, 208 Correction R. D. G. Barrington, Danaus plexippus L. in the Algarve, 103 Erynnis tages L. ab. radiata Brown in Portugal 1981 C /. Rutherford, 16 Dorset. The Dingy Skipper: R. G. D. Barrington, 69 6 . V I ill itainia decentella (Herrich-Schaffer Immigration of Lepidoptera to the '8l| 1855). (Lepidoptera Nepticulidae) British Isles in 1980: A Supplemen- A Possible Discovery of the First tary Note. The R. F. Bretherton, Generation Larva of P. J. Johnson, J. M. Chalmers-Hunt, 47 245 Immigration of Lepidoptera to the Euchromius ocellea (Haworth) (Lep.: British Isles in 1981, including that Hi, Pyralidae) in Britain. The History of the Monarch Butterfly Danaus I of B. Skinner, 139 plexippus L. R. F. Bretherton, Eucosma metzneriana Treitschke in J. M. Chalmers-Hunt, 81 Hampshire / R. Lcngmaid, 202 Indigenous Macrolepidoptera of Abbot's Sulype hastata L.: Argent and Sable, Wood, East Sussex. The Decline of Feeding at Bluebells (Endymion theM. Hadley,92 nonscriptus) B. K. West, 79 Iphiclides podalirius (L.) in Britain. Euphydryas aurinia Rott. and Other The Scarce Swallow-tail, R. S. Local Butterflies in Durfold Woods, Wilkinson, 168 Surrey/Sussex Border in 1982. The John Abbot's Drawings and Notes for Marsh Fritillary M. S. Harvey, a Proposed Supplement to Smith 203 and Abbot "The Natural History Eupithecia phoeniceata Rambur: Cypress of the Rarer Lepidopterous Insects Pug, in Essex. C. C. Penney, 8 of Georgia" (1797) R. S. Wilkinson, Eupithecia phoeniceata Rambur in the 159 Eastbourne Area. The Rise of the Kirkcudbrightshire , South West Scotland Cyprus Pug: M. Parsons, 11 Macrolepidoptera of an Upland Eupithecia pimpinellata Hbn. in War- Area in P. D. Hulme, 106 wickshire. The Pimpinel Pug: R. J. Lasiommata megera (L.) (Lepidoptera: Thomas, 216 Satyridae). Wait or Seek? Mate Euphydryas aurinea Rott. in Cumbria. Location Strategies in the Wall The Marsh FritiUary: M. J. Y. Brown Butterfly, R. L. H. Dennis, Foley, 240 209 Eurois occulta L.: Great Brocade, in Lepidoptera in Ireland. D. J. Agassiz, Suffolk C Penney, 202 130 Exhibition. A Very Fine P. C. Hawker, Leptidia sinapis L. in South Devon. The 74 Wood White P. J. Baker, 103 Flying Crooked /. S. Phillpotts, 183 Leucopis Meigen (Diptera: Chamae- Gonepteryx rhamni L. Apparently Im- myiidae) New to Britain. Three bibing at Hydrangea Flowers. The Species of/. F. G. McLean, 70 Brimstone: B. K. West, 172 Letter to the Editor. C L. Nissen, 88 Greece: July-August 1980. Butterflies Limenitis reducta Staudinger (Lep.: in Northern J. V. Dacie, M. K. V. Nymphalidae) in Yorkshire. Sur- Dacie, P. Grammaticos, J. Coutsis, vival of/?. J. D. Tilley, 21 18 Lincolnshire Butterflies. M. Townsend, Hamearis lucina L.: Duke of Burgundy. 240 An Unusual Aberration of R. D. Lohophora lialterata Hufn. Seraphim; Sutton, 200 (Lep.: Gcometridae). Melanic Form Hamearis lucina L. The Decline of the of B. K. West,2n Duke of Burgundy M. R. Oates, Login atripes Muls & Guil.
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