TORONTO PUBLIC LlBRARY. MUNIClPAl REF!:AtNCt Refer·ence Department. THIS BOOK MUST NOT BE. TAKE.N OUT OF THE. ROOM. 1 ()/;1,1;;[ ~v-m//b?num,/4 ( JOHN THOMPSON 9!JLuj ·( £e r?}e~at/b~en/ ANNUAL REPORT OF l'UE CHIU Of lH[ rlR[ D[PARTMENT OF THE CITY 'OF TORONTO FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 3li;;t1 1905- 1.\4:El\.:IBER.S OF THE COMMl:ETEE ON FIRE AND LIGHT For th~ Year 1905, Alderman Fleming, Ohct-irnia11, Oontroll,er Ward -- ~- , Alderman Ooatswort~h Graham Harrison Hay McBride·· __ · Thos. Urquhart (Mayor), Ex-Officio. OFFICERS 01!' THE FIRE DEPARTMENT OF THE CITY OF TORONTO CHIEF OF DEPARTMENT JOHN 'l'HOMPSON. DEPUTY CHIEF - J.C. NOBLE. }CAST DISTRICT CHIEF WM. VILLIERS. NORTH DISTRICT: CHIEF' OHAS. SMEDLEY. WBsT 1;:>rnTRICT GaIEF FRANK SMITH. sUPT. FIRE AL.A:RM TELEGRAPH J. S. CRAIG. S.f!]CRETAlW · OF DEP.A.l'\,~MBN+ It. J, l\foGOWAN. ANNUAL REPORT OF_ THE CHIEF OF. THE FIRE DEPARTMENT OF'THE Cl TY OF TO RON TO FOR THE YEAR 1905. ToRONTo, January 3rd, 1906. To the Chainnan and Menibers of, the Ooniniittee or'1 Fire and1 l-(~g ht ~· GJ£NTLEMEN ,-In compliahce with the rules governing the Fire Department, l'have the honor to herewith'. submit the AnriiiaLReport of the Department for the -year ending December 31st, 12)05. ' During the year the Department responded to 779 alar~s; this ·is eight :more than last year;· a fe~_of ,those were false, gi yen by boys breaking the glass covering the locks on our. street boxes, and, notwithstanding the 'fact 'that a nuinber · of convictions. have taken place for this ·offence, the practice is still continued, causing a great deal . of unnecessary trouble for the Dep~rtment, and creating the danger of delay in answering alarms where their services mti,ght be· required. _ · The total loss by fire during the year amom1ted to $448,214.04; this is $158,128.57 less than last year, exclu­ sive of the conflagration·of April 19th of that year. Lbelieve­ that in no year of the Department's history ·have the efforts, of the Brigade been ~ore successful in keeping dowp the fire loss, t~king into consideration the number. of fires and the danger'"ous nature of the places in which they occur:red ; 6 TORONTO FIRE DEPARTMENT. this is borne out by the many letters of thanks and dona­ tions to the Firemen's Benefit Fund received from citizens whose property had been protected, and by the general comment of the public press. Loss on buildings ...... , ........................ · , . · · , ;, ... $117,227 29 Insurance on buildings . ............... , .... - 1,052,311- 66 Loss on contents . .. ·. .................. 331,436.75 Insurance on contents ............................. : .... , ... 1,194,175 00 Total loss on buildings and contents .......' .................. 448,664 04 Total insurance on buildings and contents . ..... 2,246,486 66 Insurance paid on buildings......... ...................... 102,273 29 Insurance paid on contents. _..... ......................... 304, 721· 38 Total insurance paid on buildings and contents ..... , ........ 406,994 m Loss over insurance paid on buildings and contents ............ , . :35,256 37 Loss on buildings with no insurance ......................... 869 00 Loss on contents with no insurance .......................... 5,5.44 00 Fires entailing heavy losses during the year were as follows: Fensom's Elevator Works ................................... $ 18,480 00 Purvis L~ Sabiston . ................... 10,356 00 No. 11 Colborne Street ................................... 14,051 00 Truth BuilJing fire .......... , . ......... 9,319 00 South-east corner Yonge and Richmond Streets ....- ........... 11;000 00 Ontario Power & Flats Company ......... ; .................. 23,500 00 Feather MattresR Company . .. , ....... " ........ 17,000 00 Knickerbocker Ice Company ................................ 53,800 00 Brown Milling Company: . ; ............................. 105,000 00 Shea's Theatre. .......................... 12,400 00 Oxford University Bible Supply Co . ......................... 26,290 00 . ACCIDENTS. The members of the Department met with a large number of accidents during the year, and some of them of a very serious nature, but only one proved. fatal, that of Captain Worrell, who was instantly killed on the night of September 19th, while performing his duty at the fire in the Brown Millihg Co. 's building on the Esplanade, at the foot of Princess Street, by the sudden and unexpected ~o!lapse of the building. Captain Sargent was seriously 111Jnred at the same fire and is not yet able to resume duty. TORONTO- FIRE DJ!]PARTMENT. 7 HOUSES OR STATIONS. A, considerable amount of improvement has beep car­ ried out' at the different stations of· the Department. during, the year, notably new basement and hot water heating in , No. 9 Dundas Street, c.omplete hot water h~ating in No. 2 , Portland Street; enlarge,d stable accomi10dation in No. 1 · .Bay Street and No. 5 Lombard Street, to contain the · horses necessary for tho. heavy apparatus in those hduses. The qe_w l3erkeley Street station was completed and occu­ pied; triis, for its size, is one of the most up~to-date; an,d I believe the finest fire station on the continent, and is undoub~ed'iy a.credit to· the- City. The 1;ew stations on Cowa;nil,. Avenue a11,d Queen Street east Qf Woodbine Avenue are neaFing ·completio,n and will be i'ef1,dy fo_r occupation _in a few weeks. Ground has been secured or, .options obtained for the land necessary tp erect a new central fire statio1;1 to take the place of Bay Street, and ~lso a new station in the north,.we~t,part of the city. When those houses are com- ' pleted the Departmerit in this respect will be brought up pretty well to the City's requirerpents. APPARKTUS. The two 1,200-gallon engines equipped with rubber tires, built , by the Wat~rouf, · Ep_gine W arks Company, of . ,Brantford, were received and placed in commission during , the year, one at Bay Street 'to take the place of the '' W . P. Hubbard," which is now iµ Portland Street, taking the place of the old "J. B. Boustead," which· was becoming unreliable and is now kept in reserve; the other in Lombard Street taking the place of the "Ronald," formerly in Rich­ mond Street, and whi,ch is now transferred to the new-Berke­ ley Street Station. These two large engines, :;1re equipped _- with three horse hitches and are t-1ach drawn by thre.e horses; the large aerial truck at Lombard Street has also· been equipped in the same manner and is now drawn by 8 TORONTO FIRE DEPARTMENT. three horses; this is a most decided and marked imprm~e­ ment on the 'old two-horse system for heavy apparatus: The two large rubber tired hose wagons with divided boxes for carrying 21 Emd 3-inch hose, built by J. A. Darch & Co., were received and placed in ,commission, one at Bay Street, the other at Richmond Street, to accompany the large engjnes and carry an increased supply of hose for the centre of the City. The one-horse hose wagon at Ossington Avenue Station was replaced during the year by a two-horse wagon, thereby assuririg a quicker re''sponse to alarms and greater supply of hose, which was decidedly needed in this rapidly growing . part of the. City. HORSES. The horses in the Department are from year to year being kept up to a proper stand3:rcl of efficiency ; during the year nineteen new horses svere purchased, eleven considered unfit for service sold, and tvrn died, leaving 76 in . service; this is a1i incre·ase of six as cornparec1 ,Yith the final report of 1904. BUILDING INSPECTION .. The inspection of bnildinus dnrinu the ,-ear was carried ~0 b .) ont more extensively and with a be~ter system than ever before,, a record of all inspections being kept in the Chief's office, which can be referred to at any time. All the col­ leges, convents; convent schools board1nu schools and ' b cha~itable institutions ,vere carefully examined with a vie\\· to better fire protection and proper emergency exits and ·fire.escapes, and I iLlll pleased· to report that- a very great improvement has been carried out in this direction at the c1ifferent institutions as a result of the inspection. The different thenfres, ,Yere also c.arefnlly inspected, and, as a result, considerable changes and improvements TORONTO FIRE DEPARTMENT. g have· been made, both as to :fire protection, enrnrgency exits and :fir~ escapes. I may just state that in 'caxrying out this work I had the h~arty co-operatio11 and .assistance of'Mr. · McCall um, the City Archit·ect, whose experience a1Jq. , :ki1owledge .of construction n1ade his services in wttendi.ng to this work most valuable. ' It affords me great pleasure to be able ta testify from: year to year to the loyal support and able assistance which .I reeeive from every officer in the Department, and to the satisfactory manner in which both officers and. men perforn1 ' their duties. \ I have again:, to thank the officers and men of the· Polic_e Force for tl1eir hearty co,..operation and ass,istance oi1 · · all occasions possible. I also wish to' tha11k, the members of the Press and the public generally for the many kind things said about the ,vork of the Department during the, year. .. , In conclusion, I return 1ny sincere thanks to the. Chair­ man· and members of the Committee on Fire and Lig·ht for the courteous treatment I have received _at their hands; and for the interest.- they have taken in the welfare, of the Department during the year. · I Hereto attached will be found all necessary infopnation as to the running of the Department. \ I • Respectful~y submitted, JOHN THOMPSON' Qhief of Fire Depart11ient . The force-of the D~partment .is as follows: Chief of Department .
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