June 5, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3265 Whereas a just society acknowledges the SENATE RESOLUTION 238—DESIG- States in 2016, comprising approximately 2.2 impact of crime on individuals, families, NATING THE WEEK OF JUNE 3 percent of the current-dollar gross domestic schools, and communities by— THROUGH JUNE 9, 2019, AS product; (1) protecting the rights of crime victims ‘‘HEMP HISTORY WEEK’’ Whereas the Outdoor Recreation Satellite and survivors; and Account shows that the outdoor recreation (2) ensuring that resources and services are Mr. WYDEN (for himself, Mr. MCCON- sector experienced faster growth in real available to help rebuild the lives of the vic- NELL, Mr. MERKLEY, and Mr. PAUL) sub- gross output, compensation, and employ- tims and survivors, including victims’ com- mitted the following resolution; which ment than the overall economy in 2016, while pensation to reimburse victims for out-of- was considered and agreed to: also providing 4,546,000 jobs across the coun- pocket expenses due to crime; try; S. RES. 238 Whereas, despite impressive accomplish- Whereas the Consolidated Appropriations ments in increasing the rights of, and serv- Whereas Hemp History Week will be held Act of 2019 (Public Law 116–6) encouraged the ices available to, crime victims and sur- from June 3 through June 9, 2019; Department of Commerce to continue its vivors and the families of the victims and Whereas the goals of Hemp History Week work with the Outdoor Recreation Satellite survivors, many challenges remain to ensure are to commemorate the historical relevance Account; that all crime victims and survivors and the of industrial hemp in the United States and Whereas regular outdoor recreation is as- families of the victims and survivors are— to promote the full growth potential of the sociated with positive health outcomes and (1) treated with dignity, fairness, and re- industrial hemp industry; spect; better quality of life; Whereas industrial hemp is an agricultural Whereas outdoor recreation is part of the (2) offered support and services, regardless commodity that has been used for centuries of whether the victims and survivors report national heritage of the United States; and to produce many innovative industrial and Whereas June 2019 is an appropriate month crimes committed against them; and consumer products, including soap, fabric, (3) recognized as key participants within to designate as ‘‘Great Outdoors Month’’ to textiles, construction materials, clothing, the criminal, juvenile, Federal, and Tribal provide an opportunity to celebrate the im- paper, cosmetics, food, and beverages; justice systems in the United States when portance of the great outdoors: Now, there- the victims and survivors report crimes; Whereas the global market for hemp is es- fore, be it Whereas crime victims and survivors in the timated to consist of more than 25,000 prod- Resolved, That the Senate— United States and the families of the victims ucts; (1) designates June 2019 as ‘‘Great Outdoors and survivors need and deserve support and Whereas the value of hemp imported into Month’’; and assistance to help cope with the often dev- the United States for use in the production (2) encourages all people in the United astating consequences of crime; of other retail products is estimated at ap- States to recreate in the great outdoors in Whereas, since Congress passed the first proximately $76,000,000 annually; June 2019 and year-round. Whereas the United States hemp industry resolution designating Crime Victims Week f in 1985, communities across the United estimates that the annual market value of States have joined Congress and the Depart- hemp retail sales in the United States is SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLU- ment of Justice in commemorating National more than $1,000,000,000; TION 19—CELEBRATING THE 50TH Crime Victims’ Rights Week to celebrate a Whereas, despite the legitimate uses of ANNIVERSARY OF THE APOLLO shared vision of a comprehensive and col- hemp, agricultural producers of the United 11 MOON LANDING laborative response that identifies and ad- States were for decades prohibited under law dresses the many needs of crime victims and from growing hemp; Mr. CORNYN (for himself and Mr. survivors and the families of the victims and Whereas, in December 2018, Congress estab- BROWN) submitted the following con- survivors; lished a legal framework for agricultural current resolution; which was referred Whereas Congress and the President agree producers to cultivate, grow, and sell hemp to the Committee on Commerce, on the need for a renewed commitment to in the United States; Science, and Transportation: serve all victims and survivors of crime in Whereas the United States is the largest S. CON. RES. 19 the 21st century; consumer of hemp products in the world; and Whereas, in 2019, National Crime Victims’ Whereas industrial hemp holds great po- Whereas, on May 25, 1961, President John Rights Week was celebrated from April 7 tential to bolster the agricultural economy F. Kennedy, Jr., before a joint session of through April 13, and the theme, ‘‘Honoring of the United States: Now, therefore, be it Congress, declared, ‘‘Now it is time to take our Past. Creating Hope for the Future.’’, Resolved, That the Senate— longer strides—time for a great new Amer- celebrates the progress made by those before (1) designates the week of June 3 through ican enterprise—time for this Nation to take us as we look to a future of crime victim June 9, 2019, as ‘‘Hemp History Week’’; a clearly leading role in space achievement, services that is even more inclusive, acces- (2) recognizes the historical relevance of which in many ways may hold the key to our sible, and trauma-informed; industrial hemp; and future on Earth’’, setting the goal of sending Whereas engaging communities in victim (3) recognizes the growing economic poten- astronauts to the Moon and returning them assistance is essential in promoting public tial of industrial hemp. safely to the Earth; safety; f Whereas the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (in this preamble re- Whereas the United States must empower SENATE RESOLUTION 239—DESIG- crime victims and survivors by— ferred to as ‘‘NASA’’) mobilized and estab- (1) protecting the legal rights of the vic- NATING JUNE 2019 AS ‘‘GREAT lished the Apollo space program to meet the tims and survivors; and OUTDOORS MONTH’’ goal set by President Kennedy; (2) providing the victims and survivors Whereas the Apollo space program built on Mr. DAINES (for himself, Mr. PE- with services to help them in the aftermath the achievements of the prior space pro- of crime; and TERS, Mr. GARDNER, Mrs. SHAHEEN, Mr. grams of NASA, including the Mercury and Whereas the people of the United States RISCH, Ms. HIRONO, Mr. CRAMER, Ms. Gemini missions; recognize and appreciate the continued im- KLOBUCHAR, Mr. CRAPO, Mr. HEINRICH, Whereas the successful Moon landing hon- portance of— Mr. HOEVEN, Mr. KING, and Ms. ERNST) ored the tragic sacrifice of every astronaut (1) promoting the rights of, and services submitted the following resolution; whose life had previously been lost in the for, crime victims and survivors; and which was considered and agreed to: service of United States spaceflight research, (2) honoring crime victims and survivors including— S. RES. 239 and individuals who provide services for the (1) Roger B. Chaffee, Virgil I. ‘‘Gus’’ victims and survivors: Now, therefore, be it Whereas hundreds of millions of people in Grissom, and Edward H. White II, the astro- Resolved, That the Senate— the United States participate in outdoor nauts whose lives were lost during pre-flight (1) supports the mission and goals of Na- recreation annually; tests for Apollo 1; and tional Crime Victims’ Rights Week, which Whereas Congress enacted the Outdoor (2) Theodore C. Freeman, Charles A. Bas- include increasing individual and public Recreation Jobs and Economic Impact Act of sett II, Elliot See, Jr., Robert H. Lawrence, awareness of— 2016 (Public Law 114–249; 130 Stat. 999) to as- Jr., Michael J. Adams, and Clifton C. Wil- (A) the impact of crime on victims and sur- sess and analyze the outdoor recreation liams, Jr.; vivors and the families of the victims and economy of the United States and the effects Whereas the crew of the Apollo 11 mission survivors; and attributable to the outdoor recreation econ- consisted of— (B) the challenges to achieving justice for omy on the overall economy of the United (1) Neil Armstrong, Mission Commander; victims and survivors of crime and the fami- States; (2) Edwin E. ‘‘Buzz’’ Aldrin, Lunar Module lies of the victims and survivors and the Whereas the Outdoor Recreation Satellite Pilot; and many solutions available to meet those chal- Account released in September 2018 by the (3) Michael Collins, Command Module lenges; and Bureau of Economic Analysis of the United Pilot; (2) recognizes that crime victims and sur- States Department of Commerce shows that Whereas James A. Lovell, Jr., Fred W. vivors and the families of the victims and outdoor recreation contributed more than Haise, Jr., and William A. Anders stood survivors should be treated with dignity, $412,000,000,000 of current-dollar gross domes- ready to support or stand in for the Apollo 11 fairness, and respect. tic product to the economy of the United crew; VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:46 Jun 06, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A05JN6.062 S05JNPT1 S3266 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 5, 2019 Whereas, on July 16, 1969, the Apollo 11 Pursuant to rule XXVI,
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