=======--==========--·------------- !JENS AND PENCILS. (499) PENS AND PENCILS. By CHARLES M. KARCH. The statistics of the manufacture of pens and pencils manufacturing fountain and stylographic pens produced in the United States at the census of 1900 are presented gold pens and lead pencils; and establishments princi­ in this report under the following groups: Pens, foun­ pally engaged in the manufacture of gold pens reported tain and stylographic; pens, gold; pens, steel; and lead fountain and stylographio pens and lead pencils as sub­ pencils. Statistics for each of these groups are shown sidiary products; while establishments reporting lead separately in this report. pencils as the principal product manufactured pens as a A summary for the combined industry, as reported secondary product. In the tabulation of the reports for 1900, is presented in Table 1. the rule was adopted of classifying establishments in accordance with the predominating product. In fol­ TABLE 1.-PENS, FOUNTAIN, GOLD, AND STEEL, AND PEN­ lowing out this plan, in many instances a product that CILS, LEAD: SUMMARY FOR THE UNITED STATES, 1900. appears as the principal product of one of the indus­ tries included in this report may appear again as a sub­ Pens, fountam Pens, Pens, Pencils, sidiary product of one or more of the other in,dustries. Total. andstylo· gold. steel. lead. graphic. Table 2 shows the production of pens, fountain, --- stylographic, gold and steel, and of lead pencils, manu­ Number of establish· factured during the census year, irrespective of the ments ..........•...... 55 23 22 3 7 Capital ..•••............. $3, 671, 741 $590, 629 $496, 246 $357,460 $2, 227, 406 classification of the establishments in which they were Land ..•..•....•..... $212, 950 SS,150 $33,000 $20,000 $151,800 Buildings ............ $817, 132 SlS, 632 $7,000 $43, 000 3253, 500 produced, and it seems as convenient to present this Machinery, tools, and implements ... $535,574 $79,074 $129, 775 $82, 000 3244, 725 information here as at any place in the report. Cash and sundries ... $2, 606,085 $489, 773 3326, 471 $212, 460 $1,577,381 Salaried officials, clerks, etc., number .......... 240 84 62 13 81 TABLE 2.-SUMMARY: KINDS, QUANTITIES, AND VALUE Salaries ..•..•......•..... $281, 636 SB0,808 $67, 522 $21, 416 Slll,890 Wage-earners, average OF PRODUCTS, BY STATES, 1900. number ..........•..... 3,331 318 378 473 2,162 Total wages ............. $1,192, 405 $141, 012 $22Q, 679 $138, 433 $683, 281 Miscellaneous expPnses. $471,655 $113, 384 $42, 740 $37,405 3278, 176 PRODUCTS. United States. New York. All others. Cost of materials used ... $1, 747,852 $351, 932 $312,537 $52,466 Sl,030, 917 Value of products ....... $4,222,148 $906, 454 $799, 078 $294,340 $2,222, 276 Aggregate value .............. .. $4,119,809 $2, 887, 788 31, 782, 021 Pens: It appears from Table 1 that pens, fountain and stylo­ Total value ....................... .. $1,855, 658 $1,004,401 ~1,257 Fountain- graphic, led in the num her of establishments reporting Gross ....................... .. 8,028 3,760 4,268 Value ....................... $902, 734 11567, 667 ~335, 067 in 1900, closely followed by the gold pen industry, Stylographic:- Gros.~ ....................... .. 1,803 1,613 196 which reported but 1 establishment less. Of the total Value ....................... $82,676 871, 684 $10, 992 Gold- amount of capital invested in the four industiies, lead Gross ........................ 6, 735 5,210 1,525 Value ....................... $458, 376 i $865,050 $93, 826 pencils, with 7 establishments, contributed 60. 7 per Steel- I Gross .................... , .. .. 1, 764,079 v64,079 cent; steel pens, with 3 establishments, 9. 7 per cent; Value ....................... 8411,872 1:::::::::::::: 411, 872 I gold pens, with 22 establishments, 13.5 per cent; foun­ Pencils, lead : tain and stylographic pens, with 23 establishments, 16.1 Total value .........•............... $2, 264, 151:_'' Sl, 333,387 $930, 764 Wood- per cent. Of the total value of products for the four Gross ........................ 1, 658, 973 909,170 744, 803 Value ...................... .. 82,053,484 $1, 151,495 $901, 989 fodustries, that reported for lead pencils formed 52.6 Gold- Gross ........................ 31 26 5 per cent; for fountain and stylographic pens 21.5 per Value ....................... $32,526 $32,326 ~200 Sliver- cent; for gold pens, 18. 9 per cent; and for steel pens, Gross ........................ 2,281 2,055 226 Value ....................... Slll,518 $10'2, 718 ~8,800 7.0 per cent. Platcd- Gross ....................... .. 3,988 3,204 784 It should be noticed, however, that the four indus­ Value ...................... .. $64,523 846,848 $17, 675 Olher varieties- tries are very closely allied, and in many instances Gross ........................ 581 -............ -.. ~ ........ 581 Value ...................... .. $2,100 112,100 overlap. Many establishments principally engaged in 1·--·--·"···-- (501) t 502 JVIANUFAOTURES. The aggregate value of the pens and pencils pro­ manufacbrcd by the establishments located in the duced in the United States during the census year was various states is due to the variation in the quality of $4,119,809, of which 45 per cent represented the value materials used and the design and workmanship of of pens and 55 per cent that of pencils. New York the articles produced. This difference in the vitlue of state produced 56. 7 per cent of the ag·gregate product; the various designs is particuhtrly noticeable in the ancl "all others," comprising those states which re­ statistics presented in the accompanying tables for ported less than 3 establishments, and which are shown establishments eng·aged in the manufacture of foun­ collectively in order to avoid disclosing the ?perations tain, stylogmphic, and gold pens, and lead pencils of individual establishments, manufactured ~3.3 per incased in silver and gold. cent of the entire. output of pens and pencils. Of the Attention should be here directed to the fact that the total production of pens, 54.1 per cent were manu­ TI.gures i·eported in Table 2 possibly do not represent factured in New York state. Fountain and stylographic the total quantity and value of pens and pencils manu­ pens represented 53.1 per cent of the total value of factured in 'the United States during the census year. pens produced, gold pens 24. 7 per cent, and steel pens Establishments engaged primarily in other industries 22.2 per cent. New York led also in the manufacture may have manufactured one or more of these ~trticles of pencils during the census year, having produced 58. 9 as a subsidiary product and made no direct mention of per cent of the total output. Lead pencils inclosed in that fact in their returns. Notwithstanding these facts wooden cases contributed 90. 7 per cent of the total the fig-ures reported may be accepted as fairly repre­ value of pencils. senting the quantities and values of pens and pencils The lack of uniformity in the value of the products manufactured during this period. FOUNTAIN AND STYLOGRAPHIC PENS. Although fountain and stylographic pens were manu­ lishments, but also in the amount of capital invested factured in the United States prior to 1890, the census and the value of products. The percentage of increase of that year was the first to publish separate statistics in the number of women and children employed, us com­ for the industry. The manufacture was successfully pared with the percentage of increase in the number of established as early as 1880, but it was included under men employed, would indicate that some branches of some other classification in that year. At the close of the work performed by men in 1890 were done by the first ten years of its existence the industry was women ancl children in 1900. Each item in Table 3 established in 6 states and had in operation 15 plants, shows a good percentage of increase for the decade, and well capitalized and reporting a consi~lerable product. indicates that although the industry is yet in its infancy, Table 3 is a comparative summary of the statistics it is firmly established and in a healthy and prosperous for the manufacture of fountain and stylographic pens condition. as returned at the censuses of 1890 and 1900, with the Table 4 presents, b}r states arranged g-eographically, percentages of increase for the decade. the number of establishments actively engaged in the manufacture of fountain pens in 1890 and in 1900, and TABLE 3.-PENS, FOUNTAIN AND STYLOGRAPHIC: COM­ the increase for the decade. PARATIVE SUMMARY, 1890 AND 1900, WITH PER CENT OF INCREASE FOR THE DECADE. TABLE 4,..:..PENS, FOUNTAIN AND STYLOGRAPHIC: COM­ PARATIVE SUMMARY; NUMBER OF ESTABLISHMENTS PER CENT 1890 AND 1900, AND INCREASE DURING THE DECADE,. DATE OF CENSUS. OF IN­ CREASE. BY STATES ARRANGED GEOGRAPHIOALLY. I· 1890 to moo 1890 moo STATES. 1000 1800 Increase, ----------------------- --------------------------·- Number of establishments....................... 23 15 53. 3 United States .............................. 23 15 Caplt!J-1.. .... , .................................... $590,629 8142,265 315.2 ====== Sa.laried ofllc1nls,clerks,etc.,number............ 84 124 250.0 New England states ............................ .. 5 ........ .. Salaries ............. _............................ $80,808 '$28,902 179.6 Wage-earners, average number.................. 318 152 109. 2 Connecticut ...... _.......................... .. 2 1 1 Wages .. .. .. .. .. .. • .. .. .. • .. .. .. .. .. • .. .. $141, 012 873, 897 90. 8 Massachusetts._
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