O n e o f t h e I ndependently O l d e s t C o l l e g e R un B y C a d e t s N ew spapers S in c e 1907 VOLUME XCIX F riday, A pril 2 8 t h , 2006 ISSUE 23 W eek in Secretary of Defense to Address the Corps Local Boy Review By Kevin Finger for his resignation. Critics point Drowns in News Writer to Rumsfeld’s handling of the The Honorable Don:ild Ira() war, aiid also accuse him of A ccid en t News H. Rumsfeld, U.S. Sccretiuy of being dishonest to tlie Aineric.m By Phil Pohlm;m Defense, is scheduled to deliver people. /Vmong tliose c.illing Asst. News Editor Recruitment and Search and Rescue Divers Retention Conference tlie commencement address at Rumsfeld’s resignation are eight the Virginia Military Institute’s retired U.S. generals, Senator recovered die body of a local Despite popular belief, the high school student in die West staff members who reside in graduation on May 16, 2006. John Kerry (D-MA), and foniier Mauiy River Monday, after a those large, cushy...pg 2 As m:uiy <xs 245 cadets will be Governor of Virginia, M:irk R. graduating, with about 10.5 of Warner. 24-hour search by professionals them commissioning into tlie President Bush has :uid community members. 16- Cadet Research U.S. Anned Forces prior to strongly rejected :uiy notions year old Chailes Volpe and a Recognized giaduation. of forcing Rumsfeld to resign, childhood friend disappeared The Undergraduate Research 'VMl's Superintendent, telling reporters, “I he;u- tlie over an old d:un stiTictiire Symposium, held annually at General J.H. Binlbrd Peay voices and I read the front page late Sunday while swimming VMI, took place last Thursday, 111 ’62, believes Secretar>' aiid I know the si>eculation. But near Jordan’s Point. Tlie April 20% 2006. Cadets...pg 3 Rumsfeld’s visit will be valuable I’m the decider aiid I decide friend, Br\c Talley, man:iged for all cadets, regardless of what’s best. And what’s best is his way back to die shore and whetlier or not tliey pl;m to for Don Rumsfeld to remain as was unable to locate Volpe. uarter Master's commission into tlie armed tlie Secretary of Defense.” AuthoiiUes responded alter Bepartment forces. Prior to his appointment Tiilley alerted family members One common complaint “From tlie time he entered as tlie 21“ SecretJuy of Defense to die emergency. among VMI cadets centers the Navy after graduating from on Jjinuary 20, 2001, Rumsfeld, Volpe’s body w"as around the prices at the QMD. Princeton to today, Secretary a foniier Naxy pilot, <ilso recovered at 3:30 p.m. when a Many cadets believe the...pg 3 Rumsfeld has always been at ser\’ed as the 13"' Secret:uy of police cadaver dog on die scene die call of his country,” said Defense, Wliite House Chief helped divers to loc.ite die area. I Peay. “W e expect tlie young of StaiT, U.S. Ambiussador to Volpe’s drowning occuired at people who gradu.ite from VMI NATO, U.S. Congressm:ui, and appro.ximately 4pm Sunday Opinion to serve their nation and tlieir Chief Executive Officer of t^vo iiftenioon, explained officials, community, whether in unifonn Fortiine .500 companies. after swift currents c.iused by Looking Back: Year in or in civilian life, when die need RegJirdless of what recent rainfall swept him and Review arises. Secretary Rumsfeld’s happens, VMI will sdck with the Talley over die dam. Most of the opinion pieces example is certainly one I hope embattled Secretary of Defense. Talley got out safely on written are one sided, point out tliey will strive to emulate.” “W e’re fully expecting him to be die soudi bank. WHien he w-as flaws without ever saying how Rumsfeld \vill give liis our commencement spe.Tker,” getting out, he looked over, and to fix them, or state the obvious diought he saw his friend, but World Wide Web address .iniidst controversy, as a school sjiokesmmi LTC Stewart merit about a...pg 4 Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld briefs soldiers on the United number of high profile military Maclnnis told tlie Roanoke quickly lost track of him in die States as well as their current situation in the War on Terror leaders <ind politiciiuis are calling See Rumsfeld on Page 2 water. Accomodations for Many teenagers and other out of state Cadets community members including As the year is finally coming to cadets spent Monday seaiching a close, cadets seem to find it F.I.G.H.T. C.U.T. die banks and standing by at overwhelming to deal not only Byjoel Kcncipi) Jordan’s Point, fearing die worst with exams, but also...pg 4 News Writer but :ilso holding onto hope for Several upper cla.s.s cadet.s a miracle. from VMI participated in the “It is hard on the kids; special t\vent>’-ii<)iir conibatives it’s hard on die community,” Entertainment training course besinniug htst . Lexington police Lt. Steve 'riuirsday, the 20"' of April, and Crowder s;iid. DMore dian 100 concluding Sunday, the 23''* fire and rescue, law enforcement Dating Standard of April. Cadets were actively personnel, and EMS agencies Operating Procedure participating in the training all from across Virginia seaiched Well it's that time of the weekend. die area by helicopter, boat, Jet year again, ah yes - Spring. T'he program named Ski and foot The time of year when a young F.I.G.H.T. C.U.T. was man's fancy turns to romance. Volpe and his friend Biyc founded by David L Sgro The sun is shining, the birds Talley, a 16-year-old junior at are singing, the flowers are out, from Fayette\ille, NC. die high school, decided to swim and cadets are in white uniforms The n;une stands for Fully at Jordan’s Point around 4:00 that actually look good. The Integiated Grap])ling and pm on Sunday. Tlie river was at cadets are no longer stuck in Hiuing 'I'echnitiues, Close Up See Accident on Page 2 uniforms that remind me of a Technitiues. gothic farmer who only owns 'I'he progiam has been Environmental three pairs of pants...'tis lovely specially developed for militaiy indeed...pg 5 personnel. I'he teclini(iucs were Sym posium selected for tlieir simplicity, elVectiveness, and adaptability to www.lnfantry.anny.mil comes to VMI increase combat readiness and United States Army Soldiers participate in the hand to hand combatives training course sunivability. By Phil Pohlman F.I.G.H.T. C.U.T' instincts more and more important due Hopkins added that “the me the real nie:ming of courage, Asst News Eilitor S e c t io n s how to light, when the situation to the excess of urban combat giappling was rough, but could long sufl'ering, and peace. He is Governor Kaine traveled to dictates, both unaniied or with situations in tlie wiu-. There reiilly come in handy in a fight., the MAN and the real warrior. Environment Virginia to oudine News..................... 1 weapons such as the baton, or M- are too m;uiy ‘reactions’ tliat diough tlie most useful thing we Any and all glory, accolades, or his environmental plan for 4. Many times these procedures you must do in order to sumve le:uTied was the take down and anything else that is considered more than 800 environmentid Opinion................. 3 are taught in a “Live” sceiiiuio, before you ‘think.’ T'he training flex culling procedures. Overall good tliat comes from diis professionals. Governor Kaine meaning that tlie exercises are hel])ed increase my persoiiiil it w :ls a lot of fun, I picked up a course is given to God, from shared his plan to preserve Sports................... 4 unreheiused. reaction few really useful skills.” whom all blessings :md good 400,000 acres of open space This niiikes The techniques lime ;is well David L. Sgro also teaches tilings come from.” Sgro said. meeting die Comnionwe:ddi’s Entertainment....... 5 for a more :ls further otlier siniilai- courses used for a F.I.G.H.T. C.U.T.’s responsibility , under die realistic were selected for d e v e lo p e d vaiiety of puqjoses to include first visit to VMI was in Februiiry Chesapeake Bay Agreement on Hunfior.................... 6 iniiiression. the groups S.T.A.T, Securing Teclmiques of 2004, 40 Cadets p:ulicipated April 18"' dirougli die 20"'. Sections tlieir simplicity, o V e r a 1 1 and Tactics, C.A.T, Controlling in its in.iugunU nin. This year The Governor also;''c;dled of tlie course c o 111 b a t Access T’echni(iues, and also 32 Ccidets participated. for land-use policies diat are included the effectiveness, and readiness,” a 40-Hour F.I.G.H.T. C.U.T. “I had a great time lemiung, b:d:uiced, and a greater use cadets being s;iid Rich course. I hope next ye;u- diat we c:m get a of innovation in addressing in "Full Kit” adaptability to W;u-ner, ’08. Sgio has been studying group or club togetlier :ind re;dly pollution Jind odier critical or complete T' h e m:ulial :u1s since the age of 13 have those numbers grow,” challenges facing Virginia’s L o a (1 increase combat training iuid has been teaching since Tishman, ’08 s;iid.
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