Bids urged lianrlipfilpr for future land sales ohoster.’bw n., Thurodoy, Moy iiih ISBO * since 16^1 • 2<W | By MARY KITZMANN would be used for offices, privately Herald Reporter he allegedly plans a 100-acre shop- ping mall for the area. MANCHESTER - Opposing the Mis. Weinberg said that she had sale of Buckland School without com- requested an opinion from the Town petitive bidding, Barbara Weinberg, Attorney’s office, and “felt that the Democratic director, will propose an whole board should have the benefit ordinance requiring bidding for of that opinion before voting.” future town property sales. She said that she requested ad- In a statement released this mor- ditional information concerning the ning, Mrs. Weinberg said the or- legal aspects of a "municipality con- dinance was needed "in light of veying property to private individual questions surrounding the Buckland or concerns.” School.” "At the very least, it was extreme- Mrs. Weinberg was absent last ly premature to act on this matter week when the board voted 5 to 0 with without at least waiting for the three directors abstaining to sell the written response to my inquiry,” school to Richard Hayes, president of Mrs. Weinberg said. Hayes Corp. However, apparently the board had She was upset after learning of the a legal opinion on the sale. The vote, maintained it was premature, board’s motion to sell the school to and bids should be sought. She said Hayes was based on the stipulation she had asked the vote be delayed un- that the two-acre ballfield be til she arrived from a caucus of the replaced within a mile and a half. In state’s Democratic National Conven- endorsing the school sale, which will tion delegation. require an ordinance, and a public However, according to news ac- hearing, the directors noted a sale counts. Mrs. Weinberg knew, without bids, is allowed when a developer Barney Peterman was also specific stipulation is included. interested in purchasing the school Mrs. Weinberg suggests the vote which presently houses the Messiah was also premature, as the subcom- Lutheran Church day school. mittee, which included directors Questions were also raised, which Peter DiRosa, James McCavanagh, Mrs. Weingberg categorically denied and William Diana, had not taken a Camping skills today, that she was representing vote. Peterman. These Boy Scouts work on camping skills at the Algonquin bury and 1 and 60 from East Hartford received special honors. Mrs. Weinberg was member of the But at the March 5 board meeting, District’s annual Spring Camporee. Troops 540 from Glaston- (Photo by David Parry) board subcommittee which the subcommittee recommended the recommended the school sale. The sale. town charter forbids directors to Mrs. Weinberg said that more im- gain financially from town business. portant than further legal rulings, In nursing home suit While denying any involvement and a subcommittee vote, is the sale with Peterman’s interest, Mrs. without bids, “ ...the board acted Weinberg maintained competitive without even inquiring whether there bidding in the sale is needed "in were other interested purchasers or order to elitninate any questions whether the proposed transactions Officials awaiting letter about the fairness of the transaction was the best one for the town,” she and in order to secure the best possi- said in the statement. ble price for the town." Her opposition brought caustic By MARTIN KEARNS Related story on page 24. in the correspondence would be finalized. He joined state officials in Other directors have said bidding grounds tor renewed court action comments from other Democrats Herald Reporter expressing satisfaction with the 60- might lower the sale price, as Hayes yesterday. Deputy Mayor Stephen expressed surprise that health of- against the facility. day inspection. HARTFORD - Health Depart- would buy the building for appraisal Cassano said Mrs. Weinberg should ficials had not received the letter, Lawyers for the nursing home have ment officials were waiting this mor- Settlement of the Superior Court value. have attended if she objected so expected from attorneys represen- been reviewing a final report to the ning for a letter from the Meadows Health Department by a court- suit by the Health Services Depart- Hayes proposal to purchase the strongly. ting the home. William Fiochetta, an school has been surrounded by con- Today he apologized for his Convalescent Home that is expected appointed monitor. Edward Kar- ment would come at a time when a to end a state-initiated suit against administrator at the nursing facility, troversy since last November. While remarks, saying she had a legitimate nasiewicz, former executive director special governor’s task force has the nursing facility. termed the proposed settlement im- Hayes has Dubllcly said the building reason for the tardiness. minent, adding, "no problems what- of the Commission on Hospitals and Dennis Kerrigan, deputy com- recommended the state department soever” were blocking a final agree- Health Care, completed April 25 a 60- missioner of health, said Wednesday be given authority to regulate the ment. day inspection of the home. His ___ • _ • • afternoon the letter —expected Mon- nursing home industry. The deputy health commissioner report has already been accepted by I d a y —provides assurances sufficient The Governor’s Nursing Home noted the delay was “not extraor- state officials. JL t T JIA ▼▼ X A A A A l A A A A A to prompt state withdrawal of the dinary," and refused to characterize Details of the report are being Commission Wednesday called for _ five-month-old' suit. the settlement as jeopardized. He withheld until the court action is centralizing state control of the 440 M gw n n Although Kerrigan declined com- did, however, allow, “I won’t sit settled. Kerrigan promised the Connecticut nursing homes under one AJL>A U D U E llft 1 ^ ^ ttJlA A ment on details of the letter, it is around forever.” report, would be made public im- mediately after the settlement. agency —the Health Department, A expected to guarantee the Health Although the letter will not be in- Fiochetta also said he was anxious Regulation is now fragmented Services Department certain troduced to the court record, it will By MARTIN KEARNS authorities qualified for the HUD reports. have legal authority, according to to discuss the report and monitoring between six state agencies, each with different areas of control. Herald Reporter monies, designed to stim ulate An offical for the Meadows today Kerrigan. Violation of terms laid out action, once the agreement had been private developers’ entry into MANCHESTER — Manchester low-income housing market. [ n | l f f a f * v A f l P T | f | 1 H l i r will not participate in a regional The authority established a prece- J housing program by virtue of a town dent earlier this year when it — H ousing A u th o rity d ecisio n rejected 14 similar subsidies. That A # Wednesday against participation. decision was also based on federal w A V V • gW V W g i f » 1 W Federal monies from the Depart- requirements on how the funds would 1 ^ A ■A A # X g. m m M g mg, m W m, A c ■ gj A c g m/gj ment of Housing and Urban Develop- be distributed. f ment are available for construction i. ^ of low-income apartm ents and The housing authority has 249 p ^ WASHINGTON (UPI) - House- The budget contained $153.7 billion The others are Reps. Norman program cuts and Increasing restoration of existing units. The sec- P’® awaiting entry to local housing senate conference committee ap- for the Pentagon and for national Mineta, D-Calif.; Timothy Wirth; D- revenues would result in a balanced tion VIII subsidies were ruled out, proval of a defense-heavy balanced security programs under the Energy Colo., and William Brodhead, D- budget and a $500 million surplus- however, due to a requirement that authority budget for 1981 has set the stage for a Mich. even without President Carter’s oil Department. It was $5.8 billion above 40 percent of tenants in the proposed to discontinue security j fj bt on military spending on the House proposal for defensa spen- Gephardt said the committee had import fee that currently is under units must come from ouUide V " " * “ * ‘" , ^ ‘ean d the House floor next weelT accepted “an unreasonable defense challenge in the courts and Congress. ding and only $2 billion below the Manchester, specifically from Hart- housing projMts. The move committee gave tentative ao- proposal of the more military- figure at the expense of a reasonable The committee also raised the fnrd waspromptedbythestate ,. ,11,,, minded Senate. surplus and domestic programs that spending limit for the current year Dennis Phelan housing director Legislature’s mandate against such PToyal to a $613 3 billion budget, with uennis r-neian, nousing mrector, , ® ,, . an increase in defense spending that "We were prepared to go to $153 had already been cut.” by $25 billion to $572.2 billion. The said the town did not meet federal deposits in state-funded projecU. beyond proposals reject^ by billion,” Rep. Leon Panetta, D- House Budget Chairman Robert new figure included a defense budget requirements , because it has no Phelan received the authority's the House last week. Giaimo, D-Conn., said he was "very that was raised to $135.7 billion, Calif., one of the five dissenters, told Housing A ssistance Program , support when he suggested the move Final com m ittee approval is upset" at the loss of Democratic sup- mostly to account for military spen- reporters. "We made clear that Wednesday’s decision, however, be made across the board, thus scheduled today and the House is port, but that he would back the ought to be our bottom line.
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