MUShare The Carbon Campus Newspaper Collection 11-21-1986 The Carbon (November 21, 1986) Marian University - Indianapolis Follow this and additional works at: https://mushare.marian.edu/crbn Recommended Citation Marian University - Indianapolis, "The Carbon (November 21, 1986)" (1986). The Carbon. 266. https://mushare.marian.edu/crbn/266 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Campus Newspaper Collection at MUShare. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Carbon by an authorized administrator of MUShare. For more information, please contact [email protected]. VOL. 4, NO. 11, NOVEMBER 21, 1986 A MARIAN COLLEGE STUDENT PUBLICATION HOMECOMING: HARDWOOD ACTION A DING-A-LING WEEK By Stacey Nicholas Last Saturday before an by Christopher Lowe excited crowd, Harlan's starting These fans. I love 'em. The ·Tuesday afternoon, •oops, f i ve, Darren Fish, Ron Wituski, old Euch here. This time, I lve must be in the front row. Can't Dave Back, Steve Leonard, and from Mari an Co 11 ege where we are wait to see this bike race. Oh Dave Thwai ts, took to the court wrapping up last week's no , it's cancelled. Oh, the pain against St. Francis. St. Francis hanecanl~g events. We'll switch of it a11 • • • But we sti 11 have t ook control after the tip and now to a play-by-play run down of Vana White to look forward to. scored a fast two points. The what happened. The Juniors win blue-and-gold Knight!3 quickly followed with two 'Saturday Night at Camp 'M', day, and they get to host and win points of their own. the tension is really mounting, the Whee 1 of Fortune. Hey, but At first the Knights had sane and here it cooies, the Variety what about these Freshmen? Such trouble getting set up. But they Show! Oh wow, very exciting char l sma, such sp i r i t ! What a did settle down and by half-time stuff here. Tension is growing class!!• had ca.ptured the I ead 36-33. even stronger now, who cou 1d be Wednesday night, and what sane The foul trouble that had crowned queen this year? Who have dubbed the ~ event of plaguftd the aggressive Kn ights in cou Id it be?! It's Ji 11 Bakker. this year's hanecaning week. The the f i rst half continued into the App 1ause ! Oh! I can' t be 11 eve Juniors switch to dressing up and second half. Marian produced its it!. win that compet l t ion, and st i 11 starting five, and the battle for Now on to Sunday: • It's the the excitement ls growing for the control began. Until the final Freshmen's turn for their gala upcaning Mock Rock '86. The ten fieconds, the game never truly event, and what could it be?! bands come out blazing. The be 1onged to e 1ther team . At ten The Dating Game! The fans love crowd is going into hysterics, seconds, Marian was up 63-61. it. It makes very I i t t I e sense it's total chaos, dogs with cats, SEE 1 ACTION 1 p. 6 to anyone, but hey, free movie cats with dogs; I can't take it! tickets, right?' There are things f I y i ng out onto Monday night, 'We're sti 11 the stage; I think paradise is live Cl think> and it' s time for lost! Oh no , now I'm walki ng in the food eating con test. The the rain <with hi m, with him>, Jun i ors prove they ' r e the wors t and I can' t find my di ng-a-ling. dressers, but they falter in the And now t he crowd ls screaming at food ea ting contest. The me. Get paid, get my bucks!! Sophomore s couldn't decide Yeah , I need a raise! And Mony whether it's less f illing or Mony wins it! Amazing. tastes great, and the Freshmen Thursday , • And a ml l d upset ,.. deci ded it was nei ther. The occurs. The Sen i ors win class Seni ors on the other hand make co I or day. The Juniors finished . tota l pigs of themse l ves and pull next with the Sophomores in third out an upset win.• and the Freshmen going nude for Later that evening , 'The the fourth consecutive day.• Seniors are out to prove that Lat er that evening: •It's time over-eating and athl etics go for the gre~t Cl<1ss. Feud. Live hand-in-hand. Oh ! And they do! action, the Seniors have They win the volleyball photo by Jon Satchwill competl ti on . Uncanny. 11 SEE "HOMECOMING• p. 3 I 1 The views expressed on this page LETTERS TO THE EDITOR are not necessarl Iy the views of ··:· ·,. The carbon· or its staff. As president of the Booster I would also like to give a Club, I feel canpel led to write special thank ·you to my officers, this letter to al I of the Functional Board members, Mr .. students at Marian College after Henderson, Dr. App Ieby , Mrs. the reports I have received Plascak, President Gatto, Mr. concerning Saturday night's dance Lisle, and Dean Wo~an for their IWQ at the Columbia Club. After an help in planning Homecoming 1986. ·------· '.-~-----· entire week of competition between the classes (the junior -Julie Mathias,President cl ass won by the way> , everyone Booster Club Because of Thanksgiving break, was looking forward to the dance there wi 11 be no issue of Tot with anticipation. Booster Club..--------------.... ~ for November 28, 1986. members, off i cers, and I worked Have a Happy Thanksgiving! especially hard to make this week , the best that it has ever been, PARENTS and we felt that the place we had\ by Stacey Nicholas GUEST EDITORIAL POLICY for the picked for the dance was the most ~. The ~ welcomes elegant spot · yet. Everyone that Parents. Much has been guest editorials. attended enjoyed the prime rib expressed about- parents by Specifications: 100-150 words, in dinner and danced the ni~t away sociologists, educators, and the~ office by 12:00 noon, to the music of 'Profile.• children. Sane of it ls good, Monday of the week the editorial Un fortunately, both Dean Woocinan wh i 1e some of it is bad. is to be run. The final decision and I received ca 11 s on Monday Webster's defines •parent• as •a on which editorial(s) to run is morning reporting damages that mother or father; one who brings reserved solely to the ~ had taken place Saturday night. forth, I editor and/or staff. Besides the extra clean up Different moments in high required because of all the trash school are spent discussing our thrown around the bathroans and parents. Usually, that the ballroan, a sink in the men's discussion revolves around the restroom was completely unfairness of a new rule they've THE CARBON destroyed. This act of vandalism handed down • Mar i an Co I I ege by one person has reflected This past week I had an Indianapolis, IN 46222 poorly on the entire student experience with my parents that ·I body, faculty, staff and sha 11 never for get. I had Editor: Kelley Ross aaninistration of Marian College. started caning down with a cold. Staff: Scott Reinhardt It has also caused undue Thursday I called my dad and Brad Landwerlen embarassment to the organizers asked him to mall my medicine. Pat Webb and pranoters of the event. We He offered to bring it to me, but Stacey Nicholas are investigating the incident, I felt it was too cold to worry Chris Worley but it wou Id be appreciated if about it. I coughed and sneezed Michel le Scheidt the person responsible could my way through Theology. Christopher Lowe maturely confess his guilt. Upon opening my door, I found Alex Lake It a 1ways amazes me how the my dad, step-mom, and baby sister Bob Bunting students of Marian cry and waiting for me with my medicine Deboie Eacret comp Iain that the aaninistrat ion and my winter coat. Seems my dad _., TrishaMiller won't let them do this or that, got worried and didn't want me to Jeffrey Johns or that they are too strict with miss the homecanl ng dance so he Shay Craig some policy. But after incidents 1 just dropped by.• Andrea Suding like this one; it makes me wonder I don't think we go hane to be if maybe the a<ininistration isn't hane. Rather we go hane to be in justified in some of their the secure comfort of our <Special thanks to: decisions. It is a real shame parents. With the upcoming Brother James Rinard, O.S.B.> that an enjoyable evening had to Thanksgiving holiday, we have be ruined by this one act. I sane pretty special people to Advisors: Prof. Craig only hope that it doesn't affect thank God for -- our parents. Mr. Hohman future plans that other classes Janet Padgett and clubs may have. ·HOMECOMING" continued from p, 1 3 obviously f ou nd their ding-a-lings, while the NTE-BETTER THAN !14#121< !IV. Sophomores can't find anything. The Juniors are somewhere in AVERAGE Kansas, and, oh my gosh, it can't by Stacey Nicholas oy Pat Webb be, it, it, but, no, I won't 1 Just the other day, I was believe it, it s the FRESHMEN! A total of 37 Marian education surprised to find out that the They win it.
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