OBSERVER Vol. 24 No. 8 April 9, 1981 Front Page Political Cartoon CPS 3-Day Protest At Bard Board Of Trustees Reviews B&G Sex Discrimination And Railroads El Salvador Hal Hisey When I Walked On This Campus, I Felt Like I Met Walt Disney Con Ed In Redhook Page 2 Indian Point: Messy And Deadly Charles Lenk Page 3 Continuation Of Previous Article Page 4 All The News That Fits: A Textbook Education Robert Meyerowitz Mr. Gift Saks Page 5 PCB Leaks On Campus Entertainment For Pay? Robert Meyerowitz President’s Statement On Tuition Increase Who Did Kill JFK, RFK, MLK, & MJK? P. J. Snyder Page 6 Commentary [“ . The Extreme Right is . Posing an unprecedented threat to . .”] George McGovern [“ . Administrative action pertaining to the rash of violent events . .”] [“ . Unable to understand the purpose of the “Mark Ebner Column” . .”] “Aristophanes” [“ . First worker’s government in history: The Paris Commune.”] Nathan Pressman, Organizer Hudson Valley Socialist Labor Party Cartoon Stein Rocky Mtn. News CPS Page 7 Shoot Me Hard & Shoot Me Quick! Michael Stiller Page 8 We Don’t Mind Hard Work . We Do Mind Dying San Diego Committee to Defend NASSCO Workers Think Twice Poem Bobby Gene Garcia Political Cartoon Branch San Antonio Express College Press Service Page 9 Stirring Up PCB’s LILCO Sues SHAD Alliance From The Green Times Senator Tower Revamps Committee West Valley Nightmare From The Green Times Quote From Martin Luther King, Jr. Page 10 Depts. Theatre Today, Etc. Miranda Spencer A Word About Art Liz Royte Page 11 Brief History Of Indian Point Charles Lenk Mid-Hudson Psychiatric Center And Solidarity Hudson Valley Green Page 12 Commentary Cont. They Can Run, But They Can’t Hide Steven J. Colatrella Page 13 The Wonders Of Intramural Basketball Bruce Handleman Page 14 Advertisements Page 15 Calendar Local Events New York City Theater Pop, Folk And Rock In Concert In The Clubs Page 16 Photograph Marcy T. Drawing Hal H. photo by marcy t. drawing of photo by marcy t. by hal h. li A ~~ \ '~ I ,/ ' ~~ .. ~ .~:. :! ,Jr, '" ; ~:;-.: . ... ~~if:t_r. :· '•'~.#< . .... ~. ·· :a + ;.e ;II 31j l S I • the observer an alternative newsmedla project out of bard college volume24 no. 8 111 •• Ica WHEN I WALKED ON THIS CAMPUS. I FELT LIKE I MET WALT DISNEY E ·~ We live on a planet where property rights are held above human rights. John Trudel came to Bard to remind us of this; we seem to forget it in an institution where "rights" are too frequently confused with "privileges". The Bard Solidarity Group sponsored John Trudel, BOARD OF TRUSTEES who spoke on Politics Today: From an Et.vironmentalist Perspective to a Political REVIEWS B&G SEX Activist Pe~ective this April 'fth. 3-DAY Brother John is an American Indian from the Society of Peoples struggling to be free. This DISCRIMINATION struggle is for freedom from the oppression "that puts us in this confusing condition". AND RAILROADS The struggle is spearheaded by the American PROTEST Indians, as they realize that freedom died on EL SALVADOR their land 500 years ago. nte Indians never got the chance to pretend that the American sys~m did anything "good" for them; how could it when it is a. system that feeds on -¥ destruction? BARD stated that ''We understand that AT Tru.del On April 13, 14, and Is; the Bard St':ldents for corporate a New Society (SNS), and Latin American '¢ by Hal Hisey the Fourth Reich is here, and it is a Reich OrganiZation (LAO), and Bard Solidarity Group, Reich that owns governments." It is a with the cooperation of the Feminist Alliance At the board of trustees meeting on March that mold; us into consumers from the moment for two policy and Sociology-Anthropology Club, and Bard 27, · 1981, the students asked we are separated trom the nurturing relationship one con­ Political Studies Dep~rtment, will hold a major statements from the board: the £irst with our mothers, and fed the artificial milk ,on the basis of sex; three day protest. The protest will focus on cerned job discrimination that marks our birth into the corporate world. the United States US ... intervention in El Salvador, as well as the the second one dealt with We are plopped down in front of the TV and military involvement in E1 Salvador. like us. growing political repression of American Indians, taught what to do so that others will independence supporters in Puerto Rico, and The B&G job description manual plainly We are taught to appreciate "convenience" qualifications required .the political camp.aign of racism and anti-Semitism spells out the duties and items like electric hairdryers and can openers, developing in the United States. The teach-in for every B&G position. The job descriptions without realizing that we have to attack 'will ex~ine the political and social effects of for the custodian and maid/housekeeper are Mother Earth to do so. the Re.agan Administration and New Right on virtually the s~e. Of the eleven Specifjc American consumers want to pretend that various ~oups including the Women's movement, Responsibilitbs and Duties, only item eight is voting for a president will solve our problems. minorities and the poor. different: custodian-"moving and placing of They want to pretend that Congress votes in furniture as required and directed"; maid­ our best interests. They want to pretend that The de~lopment of the New Right and the "Assist in working with custodians in cleaning they are the moral majority, and God's gonna election of the Reagan Administration can be assignments, and placing of furnishings". The get them out of this. traced to new patterns in the American political qualific;ations for the two jobs are exactly John Trudel came to remind us of this, and economy. New Deal liberalism collapsed once . the same. For this one discrepancy in the to call us to action. It is in our mutual interests the Keynesian Coalition fell apart. The New job description, the custodians receive $.52 to join together and fight for the Natural Rights DEal fell apart because of an e~onomic depression more per hour. In ~ddition to this, the of the Mother Earth. The only way to insure which pushed against profit rates. The corpora­ women's wages are raised on a percentage basis our survival is not to run from it, but to stand tions have lost profits also with the development while the men have a set pay increase. This and face it. "Take your mind away from your of the OPEC bloc. Once profits declined, the means that each year the discrepancy between enemy, and you have taken away their greatest only source . for income gains for corporations their wages is greater. weapon." Stop being lazy and get moving. was to cut into workers' rn:come through infla­ I asked the board how they felt about There is no · excuse when it comes to survival.e tion and to decrease tax rates. Pec~easing tax equal pay f~r equal work, and about this rates m~ans a decline in social services. Cutting blatant example of sex discrimination. President CON ED IN RED HOOK into to work:e~s' income through inflation and Botstein was quick to retort that equal pay ·. killing ~a~or reform and wage gains means that is not a College policy. He also said that B&G (green Times)-Whether coal-fired power plants are business and labor no longer feel common was "the area where I have the least amount of built at the Red-Hook-Clermont liite now hinges interests. A corporate labor movement is becoming expertise," and referred the issue to Dimitri upon the fate of two other proposed ;lants, according obsolete for business since business can no longer Papadimitriou. The J?&G workers now have a to Russell Blair, Con Ed spokesman. buy off labor. They don't have the mony since delegation who have met with Papadimitriou If permission is gained for a coal and garbage profits are not expanding. The success of the and are trying to narrow the wage gap. He burning plant at Travis (Arthur Kill, Long Island) Ne,w Deal coalition of Blacks, liberal ethnics and also said that the differences in the job des­ and for the Prattsville pumped scorage plant, then the trade union movement lead to a cut in cription was more than meets the eye. The Red Hook will not be needed, Blair said. If, however, corporate profits since this coalition was responsible maids, of course, contend differently. one or both fail to gain approval. the Red Hook­ for rising tax rates to pay for social services and So, this matter is "under study" by Papa­ Clermont site in Dutchess and Columbia Counties increased the power o( labor . A stronger and more dimitriou, who will report to the board at would be needed. secure labor mo~ement threatened business and the next meeting. The board did agree that Blair predicted a need for the electricity profits. The end result of Reagan-Economics this great discrepancy in pay could ·not be produced by a new plant by 1987, for Con Ed to means declm.ing social s~rvices and rising. Supply- tolerated and that there is no conscious effort "meet its commitments". Demand predic:tions. Side Unemployment. Thus, employment n? . by the college to discriminate on the basis. of it should be pointed out, have been lowered annually longer keeps the society secure as much ~ before. sex. · for the past several years. Originally, the Red Hook­ Unemployment rates increatse and so groups compete! We then asked for a statement from the dermont site was to have applied for licences with each other, tensions rise.
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