BOY Acoutb 56/57 306 4301

BOY Acoutb 56/57 306 4301

n _./ ,- :) ~ PHILIPPINES 3AL/ 15'/ ADMINI8TRATION Budget & Fipcal 56/57 Bu.dget & Fiscal 55/56 Budget & Fiscal 54/55 Budget & Fiscal 52/53 PUBLICITY & PUBLIC RELATIONS Letter sent by Mr. Blum 9/14/53 Political General REGISTRATION & STATUS REPORTS (Weekly B-K) ADMINISTRATION - GENERAL CONFERENCES - GENERAL INDIVIDUALS BALBOA, Fernanda BURNS, Col Paul CABALLES, Marion A. F'ORONDA, Marcellino - HSU Chia-shih GRUBER, Andrew HSU Chia-shih SEE FORONDA M JOSE, Francisco Sionil 709 LAUDICO, Adriano P, LAUREL, Jose P. MIRAFLORES, Porfirio ORTIZ, Father SILVERIO, Mrs. Juana S. J 4 GENERAL A-D GENERAL E-M GENERAL N-Z GENERAL (Tours List, etc.) ORGANIZATIONS ANTI-COMMUNIST LEAGUE BOY aCOUTB 56/57 306 4301 BOY aCOUTS (Individual) 51-55 306 4301 CULTURAL FOUNDATION (English ·Teachers to Indonesia) EDITORS.ASaN OF THE PHILIPPINES (Provincial) FEDERATION OF FREE FARMERS 55-56 405 FULLBRIGHT SCHOLARS ASSN 505 PHILIPPINES INDIVIDUALS' GENERAL A-D ABAYA , Teresita Miss ABEJa, Dean Andres ABELLA, Emilio Dr. ABUEVA, Teodoro Jr. ABLAZA, Ellas L. ABUNDO, Casto SEE ABREU, Helen ABUNDO, Casto AF.FAN, Asma Miss AGUILAR, Dr. Jose SEE Community Sehool AUlUILAR, Jose V. AGUILAR, Jose V. ALMARIO, Adelisa R. Miss AMBROSIO, Adoracion Miss ANDERSON, B. L. Colonel ARANETA, J. 8EE Film Festival FHPPf\EA 1st Japan 195L~ ARCHES, Fernando E. ARANETA, Antonio J. ARELLANO, OSCAR ARELLANO, (Cable)OSear ARELLANO, Osear (Meeting with) ARTUGUE, Angeles ASPILLERA, Paraluman, Mrs. ASPILLERA, Paraluman, (Books for) ASPILLERA, PAHALUHAN, SANTOS (Visitora List) ASPILLERA, PARALUMAN, S. SEE Ed. & Seh. Phil.Wom. Univ, * ATANACIO, Melchor, Capto ABUDERTINE, Don, Jose F. AUBIN, Helene Dr. AVELINO, Edurado, (Visitors' List No. 42) AZCARATE, Federico V. BALTAZAR, Victor J. SEE Blind Youth Int'l Canf Educ BAUSTISTA, C&ndida B. SEE Ml:JSCI Edue Society for Conf. BAUTISTA, Pabla:>, Mr. BERNARDINO, VITALIANO, Dr. BERNARDINO, Vitaliano, Dr. (Request tor Travel Grant) BERNARDINO, Vitaliano, Dr. SEE Ibero-American Educ Conf BERNARDINO, Vitaliano, Dr. (Visitors' L1st No. 38) BRADLEY, Holbrook BALDORIA, Pedro, Dr. SEE SEA FELLOWSHIPS BALTAZAR, Victor J. SEE Far East Conf on work tor the blind (Tokyo) BASCARA, Domingo, BEGOHNIA, Avelino Mr. BENAVIDES, Anacleto BENAVIDES, Enriqueta BENITEZ, Conrado, Dr. BERNARD, Miguel, A. Rev. BERNARDINO, Vitalio Dr. SEE Community School BERNARDINO, Vi talio Dr. (Request) BUENDIA, Julian BUHAIN, VICENTE BUNYE, Alfredo BUHAIN VICENTE CABANGO, Gertrude -¡¡'Cross Reference ,/ p- ~") PHILIPPlNES 3 f/ if q-s-/ INDIVIDUALS GENERAL A-D CONTINUED CABALHIN, Leon CABALLES, Marion A. Mr. SEE Youth Relations Institute CANOY, Henry H. CARLOS, Carmen B. CARPIO, Victorio, D. CARHEON, Ben Brother, O.M.I. CARUNUNGAN, Celso, Al. CAHUNUNGAN, CELSO, AL. CASTRENCE, Pura Santillan SEE Educ Schools & Univ Phil tilliv. SEA InSt. of higher learning CASTRENCE, Pura Santillan Mrs. SEE Cultural Foundation CASTRENCE, Pura Santillan, Mrs. (Arrival Nov. 16) CASTRO, Ricardo CHADWICK, Edward Rowland CHESTAWATNA, Chad CHUA, Mrs. (Chua Kian-tiong) C1P, Sy Alfonso, Z. CONRAD, Edmund, Brother COLLEGE, Northl;vestern Mindanao CORTES, Marcos D. SEE Educ Schools & Universities COWEN, MYHON CRUZ, EMILIO AGUILAR DANDOY, Maxima A. Mrs. DECOLONGON, Ramon, Oliver Mr. DANGUILAN, Maria Miss DELGADO, Paco, M. Francisco Senator ó'~~· SANTOS, de los Dr. (Int'l Assn of Univ) SEE IAU Ist~bul SC~fdf, Fred-A• ~"''7"¿v!-- ",,<- DEVLIN, June B. DEYOUNG, John DIONISIO, Juan C. Consul DIZON~ Armando DOMINGO, P. E. DULAY, Florante M. DURAN°, James EDMUND, Brother / ¡O- 3:) PHILIPPINES 3'AL.../q:5/ INDIVIDUALS GENERAL E-M ENERIO, B. E. SEE Publications Bohol News & Advertiser ESGUERRA, Fernando BSTACIO, I. Amado EUSEBIO, Eugenio FAIGAO, Cornelio FAROLAN, Modesto GONZALES, Conception SEE Girl Scouts (Organizations) Girl Scout 1957 Conferences HONTIVEROS, Anatolio .FELIZARDO, Genaro Dr. HERI30~:)O, Dr. FERNANDEZ, Alejandro M. FLORCReZ, Cenon FONACIER, Tomas S. FOHNIER, Tobias FORONDA, Marcelino SEE Stanford - School ofJournalism FORTICH-CAl'1POS, Filomena FOSCUE, Edwln J. FRANCISCO, Juan, R. GAFFUD, Miguel B. GARCIA, Rolando H. GATBONTON, Me. rio T. GIANZON, Conchita, Miss GOMEZ, Lourdes, Miss Tfuiv. of Michigan SBE GONZALES, Mrs. MSA SEE YWCA ASIAN WOMENS STUDY CONF TOKYO GUTIERREZ, Mrs. Belen E. aEE IFUW-International Fed. oc University Women HART, Donn V. HART, J. C. Mrs. HERNANDEZ, Jose, Mr. SEE Conferences (Chinhae) HERNANDEZ, Jose Dean Ma. fiEE Asian Peoples Anti-Communist Conference HARDOJO HOGAN, Walter J. Father HONTIVEROS, Antalio IGNACIO, Le:onard IGNACIO, Lemuel Flores aEE WUS Japan Seminar 1 IGNACIO, Leonard ISIDRO, Antonio Dr. JAVELLANA, Esteban JORGENSEN, Russell F. JGAQUIN, Enrique M. JOAQTTIN, Wick SEE PEN CENTER rt,',~ . KA PLAN , Gabriel SEE ~~~.J..g....ª,~1ª.~1gE:~ ..... :-:_~r.2±.~ti,,.. ~;,;,y \' .' KANANGARA LAGMADEO, Luis LEGARDA, Trinidad F. LEGASPI, Virginia A. LE RCH, Donald ~~Cro ss Reference PHILIPPlNES INDIVIDUALS GENERAL E-M LO, Sylvia Miss LOPEZ, Victoria LOPER, Harold ~:. LANDE, Carl H. SEE PULLBRIGHT AWARDS {~ LAVA, Jose SEE Lapham, Roger D .)~ MAGLAYA, Arturo Jr. SEE UNESCO Voluntary Work Camps MANA LAYSAY, Reuben G. Dr. ~~ MANUEL, Arseni.o E. Prof. SEE Phil Univ Inst of Arch & Eth MANALAYSAY, Reuben Dr. MA'~UISO, Juanito G. MARQUARDT, Frederick S. MCKELVIE, Andrew R. ir ME~DALLA, David Jr. SEE Louis August Jonas :b'ol.1ndation Inc. Camp Rising Sun MEJIA, Priscilo M. Mr. MEMPIN, Father MOLLA, Yakub Ali J,:. MONTEMAYOR, Jeremias U. SEE Federation of Free FarmerB MERT~, William S. MUNDA, Rosa Santos MORALES, Alfredo T. (Books for) MORALES, ALFREDO T. (Travel Grant) MO~ALES, ALFREDO T. (Biographical Data) m~uc, Amelito R. {~ NERIC, Jaime (Jirnrny) SEE Boy Scouts NELSON, Maureen Mrs. / ;0- 3 J ~ PHILIPPINBS .) /1/} .,u q "$-1 INDIVIDUALS GE."NERAL N-Z NERIC, Jaime NERIC, Jaime SEE Cambodia Boy Scouts NUGUID, Zacarias Jr. SEE OBEN, RAMON Tomas Dean OLIVER6$, Ma. Victoria Rodiguez SEE ~JS Japan Seminar OMPOC, Elena P. ONGPIN, Guido R. STEWART, James L. PANDY, Josue N. PADILLA, Luz D. Mrs. PADOLINA, G. R. PANLlLIO, Jo se PADOLIN/\, Guillermo R. PANGANIBAN, C. SEE 4 H Club Conference at Tokyo PASSION, Jl.Üio Papilla, Father SEE Phil -A & E Overseas PARRETTE, Paul PARAISO, Virginia SEE Social Worl - Munich ROBB, Walter PELAEZ, Ernmanuel PELAEZ, Emmanuel PEREZ, Asuncion PIMENTEL, Na~cisco PUTONG, C. Dr. QUEROL, Mariano SEE CUI Jorge QUEROL, Mariano N. QUEROL, Walker QUIEPO~ Gennie A. RAMA,~.Wilhelmina Q. SEE Lisle F llowships lnc. RAMIREZ, Erlinda F. o RAMlREZ, Pedro G. REGALA, Pantaleon REYES, Eudaldo P. REYES, Jose M. SEE Recreation Association Conf REYES, Jose, Visitors' List No. 25 REYES, Teafilo Jr. RICHLI, William RlNKER . ROBB, Walter ROLDAN, Jose S. SCHUCKMAN, Fred A. ROMaLO, Carlos P. ROQUlA, Felixberto D. RON~JlLLO, Beatriz ROSALES, Antonio B.L. ROSALES, Ernest ROXAS, Clemente RUIZ, Leopoldo T. Dr. ROXAS, Nicanor A. SALCEDO, Juan SANIEL, Josefina SEE SEA Fellowships SANTOS, Ignacio SEE UNESCO Tokyo Seminar 1953 SANTOS, Henry *Cross Reference p~ 3)---- PHILIPPINES 5>7 L/0'S~{ INDIVIDUALS GENERAL N-Z SIL. vé, :J¡//lIYI1 SANTOS, Rufino J. Reverend SHIAO, Louis SMELKES, S. Mr. ~¡. SOLIS, Miguela Dr. SEE Montessori Int'l Congresa SORIANO, D. H. Mr. (~9RIANO, D. H. Mr • ... SY CIP, Alfonso Z. ~¡. SZENES', Mr. SEE Book Program General SORIANO, Joventino, D. ~¡. TAN, Vidal Dr. SEE Southeast Asia Fellowships TANGCO, Marcelo ~¡. TARUC, Loui s SEE Lampham, Roger D. TEOnORO, Toribio Esq. - ~¡. TESSEN, Howard Dr. SEE FULBRIGHT AWARD - Conference Board of Associated Research Councils -::- TIRONA, Nicolasa J. Mrs.SEE YWCA Asian Womens Study Conf Tokyo AP 313 ~:. TORRES, FLORENTINO SEE Conferences 1955 .¡:. TOHRES, G. E. Pres. SBE School s & Univ • -~¡. TUPAS, Isabelo Mr. SEE Community School .¡¡. TUVERA, Juan C. SEE Conference s 1955 VARt?lAS, Jorge B. -)10 VELASCO, Severino SEE Library Assn Aslan Fed of Conf ~¡. VICTORIA, Pablo J. SEE INSEA (Intn' 1 Societ:-r of Educatio Through Art) VILLA, Victorino G. Dr. VILLEGAS, Antonio Jo VILLENUEVA, Roberto VILLAMIN, Vicente VILLA-REAL, Manuel V. VILLA-REAL, Manuel V. WU, Feliz L. VALERA-MARTINEZ, Trinidad, Mrs • .¡:. YEN, Jimmy SEE Rural Reconstruction Movement YEN, James Dr. YMCA, (Mr. U Aung Gyi) ZALDARRIAGA, Roberto M. '* ZAPRA, Enrique AP J 2 90L~ SBE Peoples Asian Anti-Comm. League ZULUETA, Rafael P-3~ PHILIPPINES 3'/11./ 9_f~ ORGANIZATIONS GENERAL A -Z All Asian Student Union Art Assoeiation of the Philippines ol¡' Art Assn of Phj.l:lppines SEE ART General * Art Assn of Philippines SEE Extra eopy INDIV. Mr. Abue va ol¡' Asian Federation of Librarv Assn S:EE UNESCO Library Seminar ~ Catholie Aetion of the Philippines "Fifth World Congress of the Catholie Press" -l:. Community Chest of Greater,. Manila SBE ABLAZA, Elias L -l¡' Communi ty Che st SEE GRUBER, Andrew D. Cr..!lsti tution of the Filj.pino Youth Citi zenshd1p League --ol¡' Hong Kong Couneil of Social Work SBE Int' 1 Conf of Social Work - Munieh Integrity Ine. Integrity Ine. (for Program of Aetivities) International Assoeiation of Musie Libraries (IAML) International Legion of the Cross ' * Institute of Filipino Language and Culture Assistanee SEE Copy - Seetion, University Women's Unive'Jr>sity Junior Red Cross Monday Afternoon Club Muslim Assoeiation of the Philippines: Seeond Annual Conference, Oetober 11-16, 1956 .¡¡. Muslim Assn of Philippines SEE Translations & Rites "Islam: The Misunderstood Religion" .¡¡. NASTUM SEE Asian Seeretariat for Student Union Report on National Student Movements in the Philippine olio National Presa Club L:l,brary SEE Libraries Pan Paeifie

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