A Dowling Family of The South R. A. Dowling A Dowling Family of The South By R. A. Dowling To my mother, Cona York, and my wife, Agnes Westervelt . and to all the other women whose willingness to adopt the name DOWLING has been but the beginning of their help in pushing the clan to a higher rung of earth’s ladder. R. A. Dowling Copyright 1959 by R. A. Dowling, Station W.O.O.F. Dothan, Alabama COVER PHOTO: Claybank Log Church, Ozark Alabama INSCRIPTION ON MONUMENT This is to certify that Claybank Log Church which has been selected as a landmark contributing to a deeper understanding of our American heritage, has been entered on the National Register of Historical Places by the United States Department of Interior, November 7, 1976. This book was re-typed and all charts redone circa 2008 by Hart Dowling, son of R. A. Dowling, who also added the cover photo and map for the cemetery for the Claybank Church. The indexing of the charts and additional formatting was done by Walter Dowling Wood, 2012. The layout of the book in PDF format (with inserted blank pages) was designed to allow for double-sided printing with multi- page charts printing on opposing pages for easier viewing. The page numbering of the text has not been changed from the original book. Walter Dowling Wood http://mywoodfamily.us Contents Preface . Page i To Understand the Charts . Page iv The Father of Our Family: ROBERT . Page 1 The WILLIAM Dowling Branch of Our Family . Page 3 JABEZ, Grandson of ROBERT . Page 3 ELIJAH, Grandson of ROBERT . Page 12 CAGEBY, Grandson of ROBERT . Page 20 The JAMES Dowling Branch of Our Family . Page 21 WILLIAM H., Grandson of ROBERT . Page 21 JAMES, JR., Grandson of ROBERT . Page 25 JOHN JABEZ, Grandson of ROBERT . Page 30 WILLIS H., Grandson of ROBERT . Page 35 Daughters of JAMES . Page 37 The JOHN Dowling Branch of Our Family . Page 39 DEMPSEY, Grandson of ROBERT . Page 40 ELIAS, Grandson of ROBERT . Page 68 LYDIA ANN Stokes; a Granddaughter . Page 72 ZACHEUS, Grandson of ROBERT . Page 74 ALLEN, Grandson of ROBERT . Page 75 RHODA Stokes, a Granddaughter . Page 78 LEVI, Grandson of ROBERT . Page 81 JEMIMA Hildreth, a Granddaughter . Page 87 Nancy Boutwell Dowling . Page 90 Recent Endeavors of ROBERT'S Descendants . Page 91 The Charts Addenda Index (with names of Dowlings not found elsewhere in this book) Claybank Cemetery Page 3 INDEX OF CHARTS Chart Location Discussed Parent Chart Number in Book Dowling Head of Family on Page Number 101 99 ROBERT 1 0 311 100 JABEZ 3 101 312 102 ELIJAH 12 101 321 104 WILLIAM H 21 101 322 105 JAMES, JR 25 101 323 106 JOHN JABEZ 30 101 324 108 WILLIS R 35 101 331 110 DEMPSEY, Rev 40 101 332 112 ELIAS 68 101 333 113 LYDIA ANN 72 101 335 114 ALLEN 75 101 336 115 RHODA 78 101 338 116 LEVI, Rev. 81 101 339 118 JEMIMA 87 339 501 120 JOHN RILEY 5 311 504 122 WILLIAM WESLEY 6 311 506 124 AARON 6 311 507 126 JABEZ JACK 7 311 509 128 DAVID C 8 311 511 130 JABEZ LAZURUS, JR 9 311 512 131 JOHN D 10 311 514 132 LAZARUS 10 311 515 134 JOHN 1 311 516 135 JAMES R 11 311 517 136 DARLING WESLEY 12 311 521 138 ELIJAH HENRY, Dr. 15 312 522 138 AARON DECAANIA, Sr 15 312 523 140 JOHN C 15 312 526 142 JAMES AARON E. 18 312 531 143 GEORGE DALLAS 23 321 532 144 THOMAS 24 321 533 145 PHILLIP HENRY 24 321 541 146 WILLIAM HENRY 26 322 542 148 ROBERT WILSON, Sr. 26 322 543 150 JOHN BRYANT 27 322 546 152 JAMES WALTER TOM 28 322 547 154 JOHN HENRY N. P. 29 322 551 156 WILLIAM HAMILTON 30 323 552 157 JOHN VIRGIL 31 323 553 157 DECANIE DEXTER 31 323 556 158 JOHN CALHOUN, Sr 34 323 557 159 BENJAMIN WYMAN, Sr 34 323 558 159 OLIVER PERRY, II 34 323 561 160 MARION JACKSON 44 331 563 161 ANGUS, Rev 49 331 564 162 SIMEON 49 331 565 164 DANIEL YOUNG 50 331 Chart Location Discussed Parent Chart Number in Book Dowling Head of Family on Page Number 566 165 GABRIEL PASTORY 51 331 568 166 SAMUEL LAWSON 57 331 569 167 NOEL BAXTER 58 331 570 168 LOUIS LAWRENCE 59 331 571 168 GEORGE WASHINGTON 59 331 573 169 WILLIAM REYNOLDS 63 331 574 170 GREEN BERRY 63 331 577 172 SIMPSON QUITMAN 65 331 578 173 STEVEN GALVESS 66 331 581 174 ZACHEUS ASBURY 69 332 582 174 JOSEPH BASKERVILLE 70 332 586 175 NOAH COLUMBUS 71 332 587 176 WM. RHEODORE, Sr. 72 332 591 177 WILLIAM ANDREW 76 335 592 178 JOHN CHAPEL 77 335 593 179 JAMES MULDROW, Sr. 77 335 594 180 SAMUEL PINKNEY 78 335 596 180 JOHN HARRISON 85 338 597 181 ROBERT ZEDOCK 85 338 598 181 SHELTON ISAAC 85 338 Dowling Family Reunions at Hopewell Baptist Church Hampton, SC Photos courtesy of Edward T. Zeigler 1934 or 1935 1953 To Understand The Charts Before listing ten guides which will aid your better ation . Remember that ROBERT was the first. Any understanding of the Charts in this book, the author person at the top of a "500-series" Chart is a cousin (or calls your attention to the rule of thumb that he used in your ancestor) of ROBERT'S fifth generation. listing Dowling-blooded cousins of the sixth and sev- enth generations . Approximately half of these 6. On the "500-series" of Charts, the author cousins are on Charts, bound into the branch of the squeezed in one last bit of eighth generation informa- family in which they belong. The other half of such are tion; namely, a numeral inside the rectangle of each in the Addenda in the back of the book. WHERE ANY grandchild showing the number of offspring that had SET OF FIRST-COUSINS DESCENDED FROM been born to that grandchild as of the time of this ANY FIFTH GENERATION-DOWLING SEEMED book's publication. (Some of the names of these eighth TO HAVE LITTLE CHANCE OF CARRYING ON generation people are given in this book's index in THE DOWLING NAME, THEY WERE PLACED IN those instances where the name of Dowling was being AN ADDENDUM FORM IN THE BACK OF THE carried on.) BOOK . But where any set of first-cousins (grand- children) of a fifth-generation-Dowling have already 7. In the interest of brevity and clarity, no surname procreated males who bear the Dowling name, they is ever given for the child or children whose parents were placed on Charts. Of course, ROBERT and his are above them. So get in the habit of looking upward two wives (comprising this book's first generation) and for the surname of any Dowling blooded person ROBERT'S children (comprising this book's second (namely the person with a dash in front of his name). generation), and the third, and fourth, and fifth gener- ations are all on Charts. 8. Any multiple marriage of this Dowling-blood- ed-person is indicated with the letter "a" or "A" tying NOTICE! As you read each of the following together the mate and children of the first marriage . guides, it is suggested that you glance at the Chart on . and "b" or "B" tying together the mate and children of which your name appears (see Index) so that the appli- the second union . and "c", etc., for any third mar- cation of each guide to your close kinsmen may be riage, etc. more easily understood. 9. A cross-mark at the end of a family of children 1. The given-name of a person born a Dowling is indicates that there are no other known children of the ENTIRELY CAPITALIZED. For example, if you see Dowling-blooded-person above them. Similarly, a the name . SARAH . this automatically shows you question-mark at the end of a family shows that there that this person bore the name of Dowling at birth. were possibly more brothers and sisters than the ones Such persons, and all others that are ROBERT'S listed. If blank rectangles precede the cross-mark or descendants, have a (-) in front of their name. the question-mark, the author knows that there were childrens' names who belonged in each rectangle, but 2. There is always but one descendant of he was unable to gather them. ROBERT'S in a rectangle; and this descendant always has a dash preceding the name. Any other name in that 10. On each Chart of the "600-series" an attempt rectangle is that of a mate. was made to chart all brothers before listing the sisters. 3. Children born to the person at the top of each No dates of birth were gathered on these generations Chart run crosswise (horizontally) in the duo-lined rec- so no attempt was made to list each brother and sister tangles. in order of birth. The grandchildren of the person at the top of each Chart run downwards (vertically) in the single-lined 11. Some people only have a first name and have rectangles. no middle initial; (nmi) after a name shows such a ease. Others have a middle initial, but it does not stand 4. Should you wish to locate the parents of the per- for anything; (io) is used in those eases. son at the top of a Chart, you will notice a reference within that top rectangle to an earlier Chart.
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