Weekend Co-Rec Today's Weather Weekend Co-Ree will take N4 Ales ed 010,. Ur, older place tomorrow, 12:30-4:30 p.m. With 0 1110.- 1 rood. 1.00' today in the men's and women's gyms 40-46. High, 18-34. Winds from and PER Building. Swimming, the nor* 11 w ext. 10-20 HMI'S per 1-4; trampoline, 1:30-3:30; and . Yesterday 's low, 26-30. DAILY IPA RATAN diving Instruction, 1:30-3:30, high, 11 'SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE will be featured. Vol. 52 SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, 1965 No. -98 %7 A CLARK BACKS "FITCH' IN ASB HI * * * * * * * * * Seminar Explores Pisano-LBJ Meet Slated Coach Blasts Council Action By SCOTT MOORE program, but not an overemphasis port of the too t ball program. attempt to meet with him before- National Security The SJS "Ditch Pitch" fireball as this incident seems to indicate Other changes were made "that hand. flared with hot blasts from all they do want." give Titchenal a favorable position "Name me The National Security Seminar, nism, counterinsurgency and many Next Month one council member in other subjects. major figures in the blazing con- In a statement released after the comparison with previous that's been in my office to discuss co-sponsored by San Jose State troversy Everyone at tending the program Bob Pisano, ASB president, has yesterday. meeting, he said that council's res- coaches." the situation with me," he asked. and the Greater San Jose Chamber olutions on Titchenal represent the will receive a seminar syllabus and been invited to meet with Presi- In an exclusive interview, Presi- TITCH BLASTS SNEAKED IN? of Commertce, will begin Monday dent Robert D. Clark told Spartan same views ASB leaders presented the National Security Seminar di- dent Lyndon B. Johnson in Wash- Coach Titchenal blasted Pisano No representative had ever met at 10 a.m. in the Jay McCabe Con- Daily that council had acted re- to him prior to his decision. ploma at the completion of the ington, D.C. along with 40 other and ASB leaders in their action with him, he declared, "unless he sponsibly in asking for the resig- vention Hall, Ci vie Auditorium, course. ASB presidents, during semester "I respect the rights of students against him, which has "killed the sneaked in here when I wasn't nation of embattled Bob Titchenal, and will be open to all interested break. and friends of the college to ex- recruiting program for this semes- looking. head football coach. press their opinions on this mat- SJS students and faculty. Pisano received the invitation ter and probably for years to "Until they have some basis for to the 13th annual Presidential However, the chief executive said ter," he added. All those wishing to attend the come." criticism and something that has Prof To Study he would not reconsider his deci- concrete evidence," the ASB should "Symposium on National It's going to be difficult to get Security" sion to retain Titch as head coach. may register Monday through anybody to replace him at any Immediately cease its activities, he Titchenal exploded in a blister- Wednesday from 8 time as coach "if council is able advocated. a.m. to 5 p.m. ing attack on ASB actions. "If Mr. at booths located in front of the Government, to step up and say a coach is to He said that he would step down Pisano wants to really ruin the Jay McCabe Convention Hall. go," he declared. as coach if the players voted not program he should just keep on A registration fee of $10 is "The more of this (trouble) that to support him. "I wouldn't want nor- going" with his actions, Pitch de- mally required but classes wishing goes on, the worse this is going to to coach players who aren't behind Press Roles clared. to attend may do so free of charge. be," he said. their coach." A special rate of $1 is offered in- Dr. Fauneil J. Rinn, assistant NO COMMENT "Pisano is only hurting himself," Pisano replied that Titchenal's dividual students attending the professor of political science at Bob Pisan o, ASB president, he replied in answer to the chief statement of no-help from the ASB seminar. SJS, has been named one of about would not comment on Titchenal's executive's support of ASB actions. was unjustified in light of the 25 guest scholars of The Brook- remarks. "If he's got any interest in the "substantial increase between the DAILY SESSIONS ings Institute of Washington, D.C., An ASB statement released by football program, he would be try- ASB's contribution four yea 's ago The extension course in national for the 1965-66 academic year. John Hendricks, vice president, de- ing to better it. and that of the present." He also stated that the "amounts security will be presented by a The Brooking Institution is a clared that "steps are being taken NOTHING DONE of grants-in-aid have increased not team of military experts from the non-partisan, non-profit corpora- to accurately determine the feel- "There's been nothing done to only from the ASB but from the staff of the Industrial College of tion that conducts and supports ings of the student body on this help our program In eight years contributions of outside sources." the A rmed Forces, Washington, publication issue." private research and I've been here . why don't they D.C. Sessions will be held from 10 rela- This statement may suggest the in the fields of international do something to help?" a.m, to noon and 1:30 to 3:30 p.m., tions, American government and possibility of a student vote on the Monday through Friday for the explosive situation. He said that he has suggested economics. various areas in which the ASB two-week period. her leave of President Clark said such a vote Unruh Says Dr. Rinn, during BOB PISANO could help, including increased The Seminar will include syste- will "would probably be clouded with PRESIDENT ROBERT D. CLARK absence from the SJS faculty, . to meet LB.) scholarship aid, support for more matic presentation of the elements and writing" an emotional campaign" which ... supports Titchenal do "reading, thinking coaches and free time for the staff essential to a strong defense on the relations between govern- prayer breakfast from Sen. Frank would make it difficult to take a No U.C. He indicated that the total stu- to work with the team. Prrb: structure; a study of the systems Carlson (R-Kan.) in the form of factual vote. dent opinion might be "more di- He also berated council for pass- needed to keep our economy a personal letter. POPULARITY CAMPAIGN vided than the Student Council ing resolutions while making no healthy and in optimum production The breakfast, to be held on Planned He wondered if the "students vote Now during the Cold War, a limited Feb. 3 at the Shoreham Hotel, suggests." would want to be involved in a Assembly Speaker Jesse Unruh war, or nuclear war; a critical ap- will be attended by the President, This is "in view of the intellec- popularity campaign on so serious said yesterday that he would not praisal of this nation's own re- Congressmen, the cabinet, Judi- tual concern of students so typical Former Student an issue." order an investigation of the Uni- sources and this nation's depend- ciary and other governmental of this generation." versity of California, Berkeley, ence on other nations of the Free agencies. President Clark declared that he Since he had considered views decided to retain Pitch partly be- riots. World for certain strategic ma- The event will be televised na- expressed by ASB leaders earlier, Departs for Peru cause an adverse decision would be He added, however, that unless terials. tionally. Time and station will be he declared that "I see no justifi- "highly undesirable" to make now Keith Driscoll, former SJS the regents and administration announced on local schedules cation for reopening the question" U.S. EXAMINED "because of the complexity of the Spanish major, left Sunday for draft a tougher policy over the later. of Titchenal's status. seminar will also attempt situation." two years of Peace Co^ps duty control of student uprisings and The Sixteen of the 40 student lead- The ASB's statement declared to reveal where the United States He said he didn't feel that the in Peru. riots he would step in with an in ers invited are California State that council's resolutions "were in- stands in the world todaymili- movement to dump the coach had Driscoll and 47 othe voltinteers vestigation. College ASB presidents. tended for the information of completed eight wee's of aca- tarily, politically and economically. been deliberately postponed to his Unruh and Senate Presi.lent Pro - Seminars will be held during Coach Titchenal and does not dis- demic training at the University Talks related to national security administration in order to take ad- Tern Hugh M. Burns spoke to the two days scheduled to discuss pute the right of President Clark will include an examination of vantage of his position as a new newsmen at the first Legislative spiritual needs and values of to- to make his decision." U.S. research and development ef- chief executive. Leadership News Conference of the day's college student. The meet- Council, the ASB said, has a "re- forts and our space program. "Even if retired President John new legislative session.
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