•^ •> attain VOL. XXAVJ. WASHINGTON: SATII I'lillLlMlt;i» BY GALES dt SEATON. THE OOLU KtUIO.N OF CAMKORMA. PROCLAMATION. Ht»B«CAaTi»a TtKTii .MiLiTASr DarsiTHHT, TLI!M8 r»on Tdv <ivw 0111.1X1 riciir^k oi •oTrmii* '•\. Munlcrti), Catifin-mu, July 26, \>t\H. , .11? I J.-' f 1" ' >«»»-l^"c»T»» l»A,», fe X TI1«. I..UM11. I,(>v>FR, r. S. Army, arrivi^l liei^- yealer- Wbereaa isiny riUMO* have gone to \h» (old minriuf Ihi I day Irom .l.iiiiaica, willi tlenpatclie.t lr()m ilovrriior l^acamento wilboul maillO| proper provinoa (or the larniliei .MA»^>. ol (• ilit'oriiia, lo ihr Uiiilctl SiaU>s IJov. tb^ have lefl behind lb«m i end wbrreM seny aoldirra, '*|460^ Fi> K H A I.T1MO K l£.^lhe teaip((d by the flaUaru)| proepecl ol itiddMl WMII^I have de j_ nmm | tlcamer OCKOLA will, on (he Itt rrnrac'U. Lieiii. I.HK-KK Uft Monterey m \tigii(il| •eriad tbeir colore lo go to lb* laiBt region, r*g*n)l*a' of ibau ^]Jg^=^^JCTfc^j^*i^ <ii tXu>l»i r, commence her Inpt lo la^-i lor Payia, in I'oru, which plare he maili- m ottbf and uUigeiloos to lb« iio^mtuatai, •mJ«Bf*rij>g iht tlif •Lrovt- pluc^, le.«\in| V\ itibint^ton M'ely ut Ibe garriaon*, aoJ tb«rali| the tranquillity of ths tfery Sunday, at 7 o'clock A M- ; loriy tJays. He fiini' ihenct by ilic way of I'aiu- rH'iminp, leave H>dUrTi'ne t-very Tu»*>dBy, ai 4 oVIoeL f*. M. ma anil Jamaica lo \\\\* niy. ri^'iiATf, Ii le made known Ibat, wmm (amiUea ar( (aarded She will fttop rr|;ularlv cuiii(|; aiiO rftunnng at l>eorLartllo«D, ID company wiih I.ieiu. L. came DAXIH C'ARTKR, and provided for by their natural prolrctorf, ant] unleaa citi .Marylaml, bl. Mary'a river, Maryland, and Corve river, Vir­ >rna lend their aid In pryvciil d«e<irtioiis from Ihe ga(ri*unt o ginia, and at all the intermcdiale laiidinfi on the POIOOAAC for who Mcni oui III ('.(lifornia in llie employmrnl ol' the couiitiv, ihe inililary lorcr now in California will Iw con ii^lili or to land. the Go»ernmeiii early m the commencement of ihe »ei>-K>—JtawU J. MITCHELL, Captain. rcntrated in the {;old legion, to ilir rirluaion of all unliceuao ^vir. From ihe luiier we learn that there wa.< no (leraoiin. "~~ F1)R'jlnKKOLItTZllTe~OCKOLA ':xciicmenl in California except that proihiced hv I'e'Miii* riiiployrd el tbv minoe arn ronundeil that up to thi :^*%. leavci WaUitogion cvt-iy Thuraday, the report? from ihe gold regions of the S;icr:iincnto limo liny hax' oiijoyi'd the high privilegn uf digging ^old oi Ml 9 oVIock A. .M.; rttuminp, leaves •jMew^^^k" (i.ivoriiiiHiil land wilhout ihar|[e and without hindrnncc. Ii Norfolk ewj^ Jr'rttUy, at in'dttak JiiJ iir> tribtitarieK. The mania for i;olil ih^'UH'S y. M., to<ichi«g at Cofie river ftrfny 'lad reui'ljciJ Mich a icni(lh that ii w;is il'/ru-uil to ndurii l.ir ihiM priviliKr, liny nro bnuiul to rutHiHl in uppre hintliiin ileferlir«, mid in RimiR nolne lo llio nearott inilitir and rrltirntnK. Paaaa^r and fare ^j. procure workmen in Monterey cxccpi :ii the inosi arpt .»*.—tu.t J. MITCHELL, C»[U«iu. idlirer when iiiiy are iMKi-alfil. A diiitron fotro will HKII exir:ivag3ni <vaa<'>. Deberiiona hail tnkcii place IH at the iiiuiiiiK dii'trict, and will trnveme it in every direc Otttre PennityliaDla av«nuc, near KaUruad I>epoti from the L'niictl Statts forccH. and from the marine IhMi, lo airot diHirtirs trmn Ihe arinv iiml nuvy, slid in »\i to such an extent that Uie Uniteil Siaies ship Ohio {iri'briid Kin h cili.'ri.M a* harlmr or i iiiploy iheiii ; for them had to supply men to uke ihc bloop W.-irren lower L'liixt 111* are an t ulprtlilr as the dc^erteriv ihriiiM'lvcri, and, il at rcsiid, will 'x' tried by a inililary coniniiHaion, and puiiiahei THK PUBLIC »rt.- mpeclfullj informnl lh»l wt continue down the coaat, out of ihc way of the infection. ai'cordini! lo thr l.iwsof war. Hhoiild iho olficet in emninani t() mill mir Kx^irt;u bctw**tii Waihiii^un, Hihimort-, From the latter vegael a hoai'* crew ileseried, in l'hilit<1rl|ihi«. Ne* York, BoMnn, Hnd all ttii' nriiicipal citi<:i of tliu force receive tho cordial md mid support of ihe clU/.on^ iiri<l towiii tf)r the tale and s|M'nty convey ancc ol MeixhaiidiM;, open daylight, for the j;ohl rcgiona. he will l>e enahliil to check the MII.IUH evil which now throat i'acLa|;t'i, llullion, Hank Nolei, he. Company F. 3d artillery, and the dragoons left ins till' tali'ly ,if tho cniintiy. llul il i iti/i'ns arc not willini l*uT(iiiilar allrntioii will ttr paitl to tlic collection aDtl p»y- »i Monterey, had surtercd little from desertion, but to lend ihi ir aid and Diuiiaianre, hut one alternativn reniainii m< lit III Noici, Uralii, llilU, he. the ciiixen* generally had gone off in quest of the namely, tb^it nl uking inililary poiiF.riuioii of the ininiiiK dit Cutiimi-liouftc entriea at BoMoti, K«fv York, Philadelphia^ liict. It IS hojH'd that Ihrro are enough relb rtiiig men nt Ih and nHtiimdi-i*. proinjiLly attended to nnd on reatonable tcrma. precioua metal. mines lo a<e how much the prni-perily of t/ilifornia will U Our cu'lomrri an4l other* ordi linif Koodi from the KatI are Lieut. l/<ii MER bring* over with him specimens retsr.led uiilciia they pursue the course thai is pointed out U baiUnilar!}/riifiiftlrdio ortler Ay "A1).\MS h CO.'S F.X- rRKSS, which will entuiY their convejante with greater of goUl olitainei^in lh« »illfy of the SacrtfDento. Some of ihein. It is doairablr to develop thn richea eiiJ wealth of ("alifai deipntch. !ht pieeea are the tirtl found in ihe couotry. The extent ol ()ur l''.xpri It for Hichmond. I*et<Tiburjr, Ritd theSofith, nia, hul iho military HaUiy of the countiy mual he Hocured t nt :;olJ region ha. Dot been ucartaiDed, but ihe ore hu b;cn lra*t-a <laiiy at 7 o'clock P. .M. and arnvei ilaily at 4^ o*cJoek allbai,irds. K. B. MAHOiN, I'. .M. f.iiinJ in a l«rnl iry 1.^0 milee in eilent »nd 50 in btradili. Col. Isl Drugoona and (iov. of California. Our Kxprrii from the North amvei daily at 11 i o'clock A. Mr I AnriB ihicki that many of ihe accounlJ of the great M. and 7i o'clock l*. .M., and depart! dailv a( S o'clock P.M. raotc Till 5IW Hhiirunii MiBrtTii. ,„„ .t-_,-„(i PHILIP J. IIUCKKV, Apiit. ab-jodance of ibe prcciout im lal ID the region in nliicb it m KaoM ('ALIIORHII.—We have politely been furniabed bj :,. ht'K KIs^NT, a two-ator\ houie on II ilreet, betwitm louud are 11af gvrtuoDt, but ihtt it ii recovered in large quan- A. Ii. .\tK, Esq. with the following eitrart of a letter re • -] I-21 h anil l.Hli •irrttt. lli-nl modrruie. Kniry uuee ia abaolatdy kDowo. He mformt ut that the ore IK pro­ ceived by him Irom \. Tj.'v ETCH, Ksij , dated St. Krancit ^l.'J mcdi:<tilyily. Apply to J KIIIKWOUM cured at tome ruk toJ with great labor, yel that it mutt nov .VV—eo.lt corner of K and I^lh itn-eH. CO, September 1 : atxHioJ in the country—con<iJennf the " quantiliea " brought TO LET, a ilore and cellar on 7th ilreet. eval " Allhougli Iwo large hhip*, (oar barques, and eight or tci •i) .Monterey onJ ihr imperfect me«n» employed in eepualing tide, two doori ab»fly'],)<' Killowi'H»JI. Ren mo- brigs and schooners have arrived here since my return fron drmte. .\pplv to the tuuicriber, on the premuet. It froiD ibe aoil. the mineral c luntry about four weeks since, with large carl nov-^l—.oil J. (J. McKKLUK.N. The iract of country conetiluting the gold region u a le»el giet of merchandite, their eiitiro invoicea have been sold "7 Kt>K KENT, the upjier or dwelling part of that pliin. Whether the parUilea of gold have been washed Vessels are daily arriving from the islands and ()orts upon lb < t ^ 1 l«r);e buildin|{ iitualed »i the corner ol 7lh itrt-«t welt down from the mouolaiDa, or hearej up by v.ilcanic force, DO coast laden wilh goods and passengers, the latter deslined foi t •» 1 mid Pennt)l>ania aTcniie, and over the Uorea of Shu»- the gold-wanhings. I Irr k (Jo. and .Miasri Hall k Brother, at present oocupietlby ooe knowk, but the latter IH gener^ly believed to be the true "The volunteer regiment of United Sutea soldiers hiv .Mri. McCirniick at a boartlinu-houae. theory Mr. Carter has hiinmdf aren drops of vircm g Id been mustered out of serve, end have mostly gor>« gold bunji 1 he liimie lonimni IweniT giHivl rootnt, (all but three Ironl. weighing two ounces, and there arc thow who asitirt (hey Ill); I'll Tih iinii and iht- a»inue,) a kitchen and cellar, with • ing. Much sickness prevails among the gold-diggers \ man' liFRc wood-hiiuv »nd > «r<l alUched, all in good rejiair.
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