CENSUS OF INDIA 2001 SERIES - 33 KERALA DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK WAYANAD SHEELA THOMAS OF THE INDIAN ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE· DIRECTOR OF CENSUS OPERATIONS, KERALA MOTIF Edakkal Caves The EdakY..a1 Caves are shuated at Ambukuthimala . near AmbalavayaL It is at an altitude of 4600 feet above MSL and is about 12 km. from Sulth:mbathery. It is a pre-historic rock shelter formed naturally out of three huge boulders, one resting on the other two. The exotic ancient carvings and scripts at Edalr...kal Caves speak of a civilized society of pre-historic age. The engravings stand out among the ancient archives and graphic signs all over the world. This can be termed as the richest pictographic gallery of its kind. o N 1: . ~ l c_>. 8 '6'" E '5 co Q) E E I­ !Ii o CJ C.9 -a: @ I­ m ( <I: ....~­ Q \ Q ~ ~ z w'" ~<C \ Z _- r ,. ; 'c _ Q) E '" III 2:' ", c "- ,_>- Q) 0 Q) i Q) IB z \ ~IIJ '. ..c LL.J .c ...... I c I- . 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OJ '0 "'" ~.~-=-=-=--------------------------------------------------------------------------==================--====--======--==========~ ~ 1)ISTRICT CENSUS HAND BOOK, 2001 WAYANAD· CONTENTS Page Foreword VII Preface lX Acknowledgements Xl District Highlights - 2001 Census Important Statistics in the District xiv Ranking ofTaluks in the District XV1 Statements 1-9 Statement-I: Name of the Headquarters of DistrictiTaluk, their rural-urban status and distance XVll from District Headquarters,200 1 Statement-2: Name of the Headquarters of DistrictlCD Block, their rural-urban status and distance from District Headquarters, 2001 XVlJ Statement-3 : Population of: the District at each Census from 190 I to 2001 xviii Statement-4: Area, Number of VillagesIT owns and Population in District and Taluk, 2001 xix Statement-5: CD Block-wise number of Villages and Rural population, 2001 XIX Statemem-6: Population DfUrban Agglomerations (including constituent units )/Towns, 2001 XIX Statement-/' : ViHages with population of 5,000 and above at Taluk level as per 2001 Census xx and amenities available Statemen t-8: Statutory Towns with population less than 5,000 as per 2001 Censlls and amenities available XXIl Statement-9: Houseless and Institutional population of Taluks, Rural and Urban, 2001 xxii Analytical Note (i) History and Scope of District Census Handbook 3 (ii) Brief History of the District 4 (iii) Administrative Setup 7 (Iv) Physical Features 8 (v) Census Concepts 29 (vi) Non-Census Concepts 35 (vii) 2001 Census Findings - Population, its distribution 39 (viii) Inset Tables based on 2001 Census Findings 50 (ix) Major Social and Cultural Events 83 (x) Places ofReligipus, Historical or Archaeological and Tourist importance 86 (xi) Prominent Personalities 90 (xii) Scope of Village Directory and Town Directory 91 iii DISTRICT CENSUS HAND BOOK, 2001 WAYANAD Page Part - A: Village Directory and Town Directory Section - I : Village Directory Note explaining the abbreviations used in Village Directory 95 List of Villages merged in Towns and Out-growths at 200 1 Census 98 Taluk Map - Mananthavady Taluk Alphabetical list ofVillages along with Location Code 1991 and 2001 - Mananthavady Taluk 99 Village Directory, 1999 - Mananthavady Taluk 100 Taluk Map - Sulthanbathery Taluk Alphabetical list ofVillages along with Location Code 1991 and 2001 - Sulthanbathery Taluk 107 Village Directory, 1999 - Sulthanbathery Taluk . 108 Taluk Map - Vythiri Ta1uk Alphabetical list of Villages along with Location Code 1991 and 2001 - Vythiri Taluk 115 Village Directory, 1999 - Vytniri Taluk 116 Appendices to Village Directory Appendix-I : Abstract of Educational, Medical and Other Amenities in Villages - Taluk level 122 Appendix-IA : Villages by number of Primary Schools 124 Appendix-IB : Villages by Primary, Middle and Secondary Schools 124 Appendix-IC : Villages with different sources ofdrinking water facilities available 124 Appendix-II : Villages with 5,000 and above population which do not have one or more 125 amenities Appendix-IIA : Census Towns which do not have one or more-amenities 126 Appendix-ill : Land utilisation data in respect of Census TownslNon-Municipal Towns 126 Appendix-IV : TaJuk-wise list of inhabited Villages where no amenity other than drinking water 127 facility is available Appendix-V : Summary showing number of Villages not having Scheduled Caste population 127 Appendix-VI : Summary showing number of Villages not having Scheduled Tribe population 127 Appendix-VilA: List of Villages according to proportion of Scheduled Castes to total popUlation 128 by ranges Appendix-VIm: List of Villages according to proportion of Scheduled Tribes to total population 129 by ranges Appendix-Vrn : Number of Villages under each Grama Panchayat (Taluk-wise) 130 Appendix-IX : Statement showing number of Girls' Schools in the Villages 133 iv DISTRICT CENSUS HAND BOOK, 2001 WAYANAD Page Section - II : Town Directory Note explaining the abbreviations used in Town Directory 136 Statement-I Status and <;:Jrowth History 139 Statement-II Physical aspects and location ofTowns-1999 139 Statement-III Municipal finance, 1998-99 140 Statement-IV Civic and Other amenities, 1999 140 Statement-V Medical, Educational, Recreational and Cultural facilities, 1999 141 Statement-VI Trade, Commerce, Industry and Banking, 1999 141 Statement-VII Civic and Other amenities in Slums 142 Appendix to Town Directory: Towns showing their Out-growth with population 142 Fart - B ~ Primary Census Abstract Brief Note on Prir..ary Census Abstract 145 Dis[rict Primary Cemus Abstract (General) 148 Appendix - I to District Primary Census Abstract (Taluk-wise) 154 Appendix - II to District Primary Census Abstract -- Total, Scheduled Caste & Scheduled Tlibe 160, population - Urban Block-wise Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Castes 162 Primary Census Abstract for Scheduled Tribes 168 Village Primary Census Abstract 174 Urban Primary Census Abstract 180 Panchayat Primary Census Abstract 188 Annexures Annexure - I Community Development Blocks Panchayats and Constituent Villages 242 Annexure - II Note on Fertility - Mortality and Migration, 1991 Census 246 Annexure - III Various measures of fertility and mean age at marriage, 1991 Census 252 Annexure - IV Percentage distribution of Migrants by place ofbirthlplace oflast residence, 253 1991 Census Annexure - V Brief account of main religions in the DistrictlTaluk as per 1991 Census 254 Annexure - VI Marital status of poput at ion as per 1991 Census 256 Annexure - VII Age, Sex, Literacy and Education in the District, 1991 Census 257 Annexure - VIII : Distribution of different mother-tongues returned in 1991 Census 258 37/20106iDTP/SMT-2 v ulSTRlCT CENSUS HAND BOOK, 2001 WAYANAO FOREWORD he District Census Handbook (DCHB) is brought out for each District since the first Census after TIndependence and is one of the most widely used publications compiled and prepared by the Census Organisation on behalf of the State Governments and the Union Territory Administrations. This publication provides Primary Census Abstract (PCA) data up to Village level for the rural areas and provides similar details ward-wise for each city or town, and also provides the present status on availability of important civic amenities/ infra-structural facilities in Villages and towns of the District concerned. This publication has proved to be of immense utility, as it is considered as an essential and basic document for the purpose of delimitation of constituencies, formulation oflocallevel and regional plan and also as an aid to District administration. The publication of District Census HandbOok (DCHB) was first introduced during the 1951 Census which contained a few important Census Tables and PCA for each Village and town of the District. Thereafter, at each successive Censuses, the scope and coverage of this publication was enlarged. The DCHB published at the 1961 Census provided a comprehensive descriptive account of the District, administrative statistics, census tables and a Village and town directory including PCA. The 1971 Census DCHB series was planned in three parts. Part-A related to Village and town directory, Part-B to Village and town PCA and Part-C comprised analytic,al report, administrative statistics. District census tables and certain analytical tables based on PCA and amenity data in respect of Villages. However, in some States, Part-C was confined to District census tables and in a few cases altugether given up due to delay in compilation and printing. At the 1981 Census, new features along with the restructuring of the format~ of Village and town directory were introduced in the DCHB. These were puhlished in two parts for each District. While Part-A comprised Village and town directories, the PCA of Village and town (ward-wise) including the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes PCA up to tahsil/town level were provided in Part-B. In restructuring the format of Village Directory, all the amenities except electricity were brought . together and if any amenity was not available in the referent Village, the distance in broad ranges from the nearest place having such amenity was given.
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