September 18, 1909

September 18, 1909

• firtantieut lirontrie INCLUDING Bank & Quotation Section Railway & Industrial Section Electric Railway Section Railway Earnings Section Bankers' Convention Section State and City Section VOL. 89. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 1909. NO. 2307. Week ending September 11. Clearings at- ght Tim:guide. Inc. or PUBLISHED WEEKLY. 1909. 1908. I Dec. , 1907. 1906. - Terms of Subscription-Payable In Advance $ $ '7 $ Chicago 31,755,967 198,175,620 +16.9 242,375.518 204203,623 For One Year $10 00 Cincinnati ------ -21,565,800 20,433,200 +5 6 25,398,450 22,749,050 For Six Months 6 00 Cleveland 13,344,087 12,493,984 +6.8 17,525,641 16,778,479 European Subscription (including postage) 13 00 Detroit 12,217,096 10,988,594 +11.2 14.617,375 11,851,909 European Subscription six months (including postage) 7 50 Milwaukee 10.159.240 10,293,056 -1.3 11,953,262 9,669,687 Annual Subscription in London (including peatage) 12 14s. Indianapolis _ _ 7,150.638 6,899,224 +3.6 7,189,200 7,225.910 Six Months Subscription in London (including postage) /1 11 S. Columbus 5,295,700 4,233,300 +25.1 5,874,800, 5,478,6(30 Canadian Subscription (including postage) $11 50 Toledo 3,230,975 3,051,019 +5.9 4,201,4121 4,575.531 Peoria 2,607,291 2,197,691 +18.7 3,520,810; 2,637,756 Subscription includes following Supplements- Grand Rapids_ _ _ 2,105,849 1,733,635 +21.5 2,412,471' 2,081,869 Dayton 1,650,422 1,2213356 4-35.1 2,088,785 1,771,754 B'NK AND QUOTATION (Monthly) S FATE AND CITY (semi.annually) Evansville 1,923,408 1,670,219 +25.1 1.999,203 1,743,736 . RAILWAY AND INDITsTmAI,(quarterly) ELECTRIC RaILWAy(3 tunes yearly) Kalamazoo 1,256,326 918,634 +36.8 1,217.684 1,013.914 RAILWAY EARNINO6(monthly) BANKE.-,8' CONVEN't lox (yea:33') Springfield, Di _ _ 956,018 787,860 +21.3 1,093,184 899,914 Youngstown __ - - 906,913 576,326 +57.3 1,012,605 643,536 Terms of Advertisind-Per Inch Space Fort M ayne , 844,387 694,563 +21.6 804,485 721,853 Akron 605,000 Transient matter per inch space (14,agate linea) $4 20 640,000 --5.5 655,000 708,090 Rockford 533,214 514,334 +3.7 638,189 553.410 Two Months (3 times) 22 00 Lexington 571,630 543,487 4-5.2 592,33)1 Three Months (13 29 00 517,719 Standing Business Cards Hums) Springfield, Ohio. 413,349 588,936 -30.0 563,2701 462.860 Slit Months •(2611ntes) 50 00 Canton 641,739 1406,393 +5.8 555,902 469.936 Twelve Months(52 times) 87 00 Bloomington- _ - 555,546i 415,192 4-33.8 484,352 391,527 CHICAGO OFFICE-P. Bartlett,513 Monadnock block; Tel. Harrison 4012. South Bend 423;013 379,972 -4-11.6 564,845 431,051 Quincy. 519,423 430,000 +20.8 430,468 370,940 LONDON OFFICE-Edwards & Smith,1 Drapers' Gardens, E. C. Decatur 385,580 442,982 -12.9 493,425 345,0(3) Mansfield 355,313 321.464 +10.6 380,237 391,493 WILLIAM B. DANA COMPANY, Publishers, Jackson 341,250 325,000 +5.0 363,5131 213,000 P.O.!lox 958. Front, Pi ne and Deleystee Sts.. Ness'0 I. ,I * Jacksonville, Ill. 385,222 273,175 +41.0 313,4191 260,214 Ann Arbor 117,5201 108,886 +7.9 92,563 93,017 Published Danville 333,551 257,446 +29.5 every Saturday Mornin't by WILLIAM B. DANA COM ['ANY Adrian __ _ _. __ _ 23,065 19,777 +16.6 20,300, William B. Dana,President; Jacob Seibert Jr., Vice•Pr,. ant Sue.; .Arnold 1 G. Dana,Treas. Addresses ot al1,0111613 of tho Company. Tot.3101.West_ 323.174,532 282,235,928 +14.6 ' 349,436,231 299.455,008 San Francisco.., 30,862,006 26,668,618 +15.7 38,331,290 42,790 781 CLEARING-HOUSE RETURNS. • . Los Angeles '3,661,096 8,271,734 +14 1 11,149,774 10,622,315 Seattle 11,340,927 9,179,252 +23.5 10,804,073 11.342,745 The following table, made up by telegraph, &c., indicates Portland 7,323,715 6,978,527 +4.9 8.230,972 6,646,636 Spokane. 3,858,315 2,933,153 +29.3 3,666,102 4,702,172 that the total bank clearings of all clearing houses of the U.S. Salt Lake City .. _ 5,584,6111 4.477,692 +24.7 6.223,574 5,154,720 for week end. Sept. 18 have been $3,292,700,723, against $2,- Tacoma 5,072,353 3,827.273 +36.5 4,958,172 3,938,974 Oakland 1.649,691, 1.220,824 +35.1 2.438,778 3,041.732 571,824,453 last week and $2,734,552,915 the week last year. Helena 913,639: 720.606 +26.8 1,124,511 661,359 Sacramento 852,000' 702,407 +21.3 Fargo 738,7061 6763100 4-9.2: 629,947 493,663 Clearings-Returns by Telegraph Sept.18. 1909. 1908. San Diego 817,000 547,000 +49.5: Sioux Falls 725,000 610,000 4 16.9 660,000 443,763 New York $1,766,269,091 31,358,474,947 +30.0 San Jose 481,768 448,271 +7.5 568,4611 443,455 Boston 134,133,115 113,985,498 +17.6 Stockton 491,732 449,506 +9.4 620,000 Philadelphia, 119,835,238 Fresno 508.824 480,264 +5.9 93,492,182 +28.2 North Yakima 431,095 267,065 +61.4 Baltimore 22,358,148 25,528,641 -12.4 Billings 158,478 . 162,339 -2.4 Chicago 210,210,513 200,988,404 +4.6 St. Louis 58,614,302 50,622,889 +15.8 Total Pacific_ _ 81,260,056 63,680,331 +18.3 89.405.654 87.932,354 New Orleans 14,582,985 11,104,891 +31.3 Kansas City . _ _ 43,724,055 35,727.517 +22.4 38,311,484 214,407 425 Seven cities, 5 days $2,326,033,392 81,854,197.452 +25.4 Minneapolis 18,536,941 22,337,150 -17.0 25,572.442 20,503'3168 Other cities, 5 days 415,017,608 397,648,496 +4.4 Omaha 13,166,036 10,877,236 +21.0 12,289,176 9,985,007 St. Paul 10,014,602 7,563,115 +32.4 8.882,842 7,577.339 Total all cities, 5 days $2,741,051,000 $2,251,845,948 +21,7 Denver 7,170,794 6,631,101 +8.1 9,140,175 7,181,868 All cities, 1 day 551,649;723 482,706,967 +14.3 St. Joseph.. 5,540,427 4,324,559 +28.1 5,638,328 4,398,692 Des Nioines 3,157,751 2,495,736 +26.5 3,258,613 '2,614,573 Total all cities for week Sioux City_ __ ._ 2,510,c86 2,013.272 +24.7 2,405,123 1,781,435 $3,292,700,723 $2,734,552,915 +20.4 Wichita 2,512,679 1.331,53x +88.7 1,394,048 1,292,896 Lincoln . _ 1,282,899 1,055,712 +21.5 1,157,228 1,115.363 Topeka 1,421.742 998,846 +42.4 1,096,502 951,556 The full details for the week covered by the above will be Davenport 955,503 889.160 +7.4 1,123,553 887,434 given next Saturday. We cannot Colorado Springs 666,550 718.074 -7.2 812,251 673,6451 furnish them to-day, Cedar Rapids... 971,840 01,869 +41.9' 754,333 573,301 clearings being made up by the clearing houses at noon on Pueblo 528,622 423.080 +24.9 636,610 531,363 Fremont 390,249 331...50 +17.6 420,213 344,320 Saturday, and hence in the above the last day of the week Duluth 3,457,962 Not Included in total has to be in all cases estimated, as we go to press Friday night. We present below detailed figures for the week ending with Tot. oth.West. 112.551,276 98,399,727 +14.4 112,883,221 88,820,275 Saturday noon, Sept. 11, for four years. St. Louis 57.972,959 52,127,233 +11.2 65,356,360 57,910,068 New Orleans.. _ _ 12,836,170 12,405,578 +3.5 16,655,883 16808.936 Louisville 9,554,444 8,850259 +7.9 11,914,264 11,0083039 Week ending September i 1. Houston 11,475,452 10,423;720 -1 10.1 14,072,696 12.019,(365 Cearings at- Galveston 5,436,000 6,046,000 -10.1 7,334,500 6,847,500 Inc. or Richmond 5,668,774 5,562,923 +1.7 6,170,650 5,942,621 1909. 1908, Dec. 1907. 1906, Savannah 9,961,615 „004,283 +39.1 6,022.737 5,286,884 Fort Vl orth _ _ _ . 5,41.7,687 4,727,718 +14.6 3,664.861 2,693,153 $ ss s Atlanta .7,097,555 3,555,596 +99.6 4,448,748 4,028,836 New York 1,576,1305,850 1,300,280,283 +11.2 1,640,045,9)6 2,018,671,584 Memphis 3,212,540 3,329,068 -3.5 3;654,936 3,276,261 Philadephia _ _ 103,936,088 102,170,337 +1.7 138,744,501 138,014,925 Nashville 2,900,000 2,669,081 +8.6 4,862,024 3,467,115 Pittsburgh 39,961,957 35,567,884 +12.4 46,525,609 47,236,036 Norfolk 2,164,233 1,624,289 +33.2 2.423,348 2,044,222 Baltimore 22,335,732 16,780,900 +33.1 26,097,232 24,175,210 131rininghant _ 1,785,074 1,677,341 +6.4 2,182,224 1.792,429 Buffalo 7,154,486 6,252,356 4-14.4 7,944,341 7.677,729 Augusta 1,835,000 1,312,313 +39.9 1,916,8,02 1,623,932 Albany 4,309,445 4,344,738 +0.6 5,373,572 6,325.036 Jacksonville 1,539,133 1,314.050 417.1 1,563,714 1,324,015 Washington _ 5,582,741 4,442,632 +23,7 5,700,168 4,863,715 Chattanooga 1,364,937 1,111,591 +22 8 1,479,014 1,321.157 Rochester 3,223,520 23799,279 +15.1 3;1383615 3,600,000 Knoxville 1,235,905 1,204,872 +20,2 1,436,305 1,406,308 Scranton 2,015,3:18 2,020,893 -0.3 2.027.401 1,800,000 Mobile 1,384,031 941,300 +47.1 1,3.'8,777 1,549,850 Syracuse 1,734,715 1.431,679 +21.2 2,307.837 1,596,951 Oklahoma __ ._.

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