' E o r l b the d D m e m e t Pr t Office s e S e te e t e . S G a y up rin n n of ocu nts , U . ov rn n in ing W sh t n D . 4 P 1 a ing o , C . , 20 02 rice 5 ce nts THE RE GISTRY OF N ATION AL HISTORIC LAN DM ARKS The Congres s in 1935 declared it building is overlooked and that no a national policy to preserve for substandard site is included in the public u se historic sites , buildings , Registry of National Hi storic Land and objects of national significance marks . From this list a limited for the inspiration and benefit of the number of historic sites and build A people of the United States . first ings may be selected for inclusion step in carrying out this policy is to in the National Park System , follow i i identify the sites , build ngs , and ing appropriate leg slative action by objects of national significance . For the Congres s . this purpo se the National Survey of The following criteria are used by Historic Sites and Buildings wa s the Consulting Committee and the activated in 1957 as part of the Advisory Board in judging the M ISS ION 66 program of the National national historical significance of Park Service . From this program sites and buildings . has grown the Registered National Historic Landmark program , through 1 . Structures or sites at which events which the sites , buildings , and occurred that have made a significant contribution to , and are identified objects of, national significance are recognized by the Federal Govern prominently with , or which outstand ment . ingly represent, the broad cultural, The s o study and identification of political, economic , military, or ' 8 historic sites and buildings 1 a cial history of the Nation, and from cooperative process in which State which an understanding and appr e and local agencies and professional ciation of the larger patterns of our ar che o lo . hi storians , architects , and American heritage may be gained gists share their knowledge With im staff historians and archeologists of 2 . Structures or sites a ssociate d the National Park Service . The field por tantly with the lives of persons of American history has been divided nationally significant in the history into periods or themes , ranging in of the United States . time from early man almost to the A present . study is prepared for each 3 Structures or sites associated theme and submitted for evaluation Significantly with an important event to a Consulting Committee of eight that outstandingly represents some per sons eminent in the fields of idea or ideal of the American people . history, architecture , and archeology . Th u eir findings are s bmitted to the 4 . Structures that embody the di s Advisory Board on National Parks , tinguis hing characteri stic s of an i e e xce Historic Sites , Build ngs, and Monu architec tural typ specimen, p ments for recommendations to the tionally valuable for a study of a T Secretary of the Interior . his double period style or method of c onstrue screening by the Consulting Com tion' or a notable structure r e pr e m ittee and the Advisory Board is to senting the work of a master builder , assure that no important site or designer , or architect . 5 . Objects that figured prominently in nationally significant events' or that were prominently a ssociated with nationally significant per sons' or that outstandingly represent some great idea or ideal of the American people' or that embody distingui shing charac te r is ic exce t s of a type specimen, p tionally valuable for study of a pe r iod style or method of c on struction' or that are notable as representations of the work of master workers or de signer s 6 . Archeological sites that have pro duced information of major scientific importance by revealing new cul tures , or by shedding light upon periods of occupation over large area s of the United State s . Such sites are those which have produced , or which may r e s onably be expected to produce , data affecting theories , concepts , and idea s to a major degree . 7 . When preserved or re stored as integral parts of the modern urban environment, historic buildings not sufficiently significant individually by reason of hi storical a ssociation or architectural merit to warrant recog nition may collectively compose a ' ' hi storic district that is of bi stori cal significance to the Nation in c ommemorating or illustrating a way of life in its developing culture . T 8. o s s e po ses national significanc , a historic or prehistoric structure , district, site, or object must posses s integrity . For a hi storic or prehistoric u struct re , integrity i s a composite quality derived from original work manship , original location, and intangible elements of feeling and as sociation (A structure no longer on the original site may possess national Significance if the pers on or event a ssociated with it was of tran SITES D ECLARED ELIGIBLE FOR REGISTERED NATION AL HISTORIC L — as o anua r 3 1 1965 ANDMARK STATUS ( f J y , ) A LA BAMA Apalachicola Fort Fort Toulouse T Russell County, near Holy rinity Elmore County, at junction of T 4 Coosa and allapoosa Rivers , Confederate Capitol miles south of Wetumpka Goat Hill, east end of Dexter n Avenue, Montgomery Mou dville Site Mound State Monument, 1 mile Fort Morgan west of the town of Moundville Baldwin County, at Mobile P oint A LASKA Americ an Flag Raising Site Old Sitk a Site S tar r i avan 6 On Castle Hill, Sitka On g Bay , miles north of Sitka Bir nir k Palu v k On stranded beach ridges , 5 g i miles northeast of Barrow, and At East P oint , on southern shore 3 south of P oint Barrow of Hawkins Island, miles east of Rip Rock, at southwestern Chaluka point of the island, Prince Adjacent to the present village of William Sound Nikolski , near we stern end and on northern coast of Umnak I sland, Rus sian Mi ssion Orphanage in Aleutian Islands Lincoln and Monastery Streets, Sitka Erskine House ' Near corner of Main Street and St . Michael s Cathedral M k o t Mis sion , village of Kodiak , a s utoff e , ORoad Lincoln and S r ets Kodiak I sland Sitka Fur Seal Rookeries Skagway and White Pass . I d T St Paul slan , in Pribilof Group , Head of aiya Inlet on Lynn Canal, 57 ° 10' Bering Sea, latitude N, Southeastern Alaska ° ’ longitude 170 15 W . Wales Complex Gambell Wales Village, Seward P eninsula Northwest Cape, St . Lawrence Island Yukon Island (Main Site) South side of Yukon I sland, on Ipiutak Kachemak Bay off Cook Inlet ° ’ ° ' 68 20 . 67 50 P oint Hope , N 1 W . lyataye t D 6 ° Cape enbigh, Norton Sound, 4 . 0 , W 28 N o 16 1 28 e ARI' ONA Aw atovi P oint of P ine s Navajo County , on Hopi Indian Near village of P oint of Pines , Reservation San Carlos Indian Reservation Casa Malpais Pueblo Grande Ruin Apache County , 2 miles north of Pueblo Grande City Park , Phoenix Springerville Roosevelt Dam Fort Bowie and Apache P ass 80 miles northeast of Phoenix on 3 8 Cochise County, 1 miles south Arizona 8 of Bowie San Bernardino Ranch Double Adobe About 17 miles east of Douglas 12 miles northwest of Douglas on the west bank of Whitewater San ' avier de I Bac Mission 250 U S 8 Creek, yards west of the We st of . 9, 9 miles south of T bridge on the Double Adobe' uc son, P ima County Lowell Road Sierra Bonita Ranch Gatlin Site Graham County , southwest of 3 Maricopa County, about miles Bonita north of Gila Bend Snaketown - Hohokam Pima Irrigation Sites P inal County, about 12 miles P ark of the Four Waters , Phoenix southwest of Chandler , in the Gila River Indian Re servation Hubbell Trading P ost Ganado Tombstone (Historic Di strict) Cochi se County Kinis hba Gila County, in the Fort Apache Ventana Cave Indian Reservation In the Castle Mountains on the 11 P apago Indian Re servation, Old Oraibi miles west of Santa Rosa Navajo County, Hopi Indian Reservation Winona (site) Coc onino County, in Coconino National Forest near Winona ARKANSAS Arkansas P ost and Historic Environs Nodena Arkansa s P ost State P ark, near Mississippi County , near Wilson Gillett , Arkansas County P arkin Indian Mound Fort Smith Cross County , in P arkin City of Fort Smith PORNIA ’ The Abbey, Joaquin Miller Home Jack London s Ranch 4 Gl n Joaquin Miller Road and Sanborn miles we st of e Ellen , D rive , Oakland Sonoma County Bancroft Ranch House Lower Klamath National Wildlife V a lle Bancroft Drive, Spring y, S San Diego County iskiy ou County . (See also Oregon) Big and Little Petroglyph Canyons U S In Inyo County on . Naval John Muir House T 4440 Ordnance est Station, China Lake Alhambra Avenue, Martinez, Contra Costa County Big Four House 20- 6 K 2 22 Street , Sacramento New Almaden 14 miles south of San Jose Bodie (Historic District) Mono County, 7 miles south of Frank Norris Cabin 12 10 Bridgeport and miles east of miles west of Gilroy , Santa U .S . 395 Clara County Luther Burbank House and Garden Oak Grove Butterfield Stage Station D Santa Rosa Oak Grove, San iego County , on Calif . 7 9 Carmel Mission Monterey County , Rio Road , Old Custom House Carmel Calle Principal at Decatur Street , Monterey Coloma 7 miles west of Placerville , on Old Mis sion Dam (P adre Dam) .
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