fl-^T 'SBc^SSSfroST •AYBBACQB D AILY CDBOHLAXION ' ta r tb o Month o f November, 19S0 5,572 Members of the AuAt Bureau of Clrcnlatlons. "r cWn. ’eSW^e-': .... ‘ ^ T " -—rT^"' - -^4' ' 'i ------ - h r T T 4 yOL» XLV,. NO. 53. (dasBlfled (dvertistng: on 10.); ' SOUTH^HANCHESTIWt^ CONN., TUESDAY, D E €E ^i® ^^2, 1980. - - - ; . » ITWBLYE<TWBLYE PAGES) - ' . PRlCXPRiCX; THREE CG E E im i^ ^ l •Vw FOUR DIE, 6 HURT AS BLAZE SWEEPS CABIN OF HUNTERS P r ^ e n t h Message To londy Structure At East £X-DIPLOMAT Congress U rg k H iltR ^ Otis, Mass., Destroyed By ASSASSINATE Message Gef L e c t io n Be Gi?M Fire — Connecticut Men, Washington, Dec. 2.—(AP) —^its own purpose, as such taxes di- Priori Oter EverytUi^’ Here are some pointed senteBces rectly diminish employment for the m m C A R I A from President Hoover’s message to­ r e ^ t or which extend commitments the Victims— 15 Hunters day to Congress: beyond this period are not war­ Else—Asks For |6S(^- “Economic depression cmmot be ranted.” In Party— Those Who Es­ cured by legislative action or execu­ “Our immediate problem Is the 000,000 To Be M. Tomalewsky, Who Repre tive pronouncement. Economia in cr^ e of erqployment for the next •wounds must be. healed by the action six months, and new plans which do cape, Forced To Jump ot the cells of the economic body— not pj^uce such Immediate result Next Twelve Months R ^ seated Macedonian Revo- the producers and consumers them­ or which extend commitments be­ m selves.” yond this period are not war­ From Windows— Injured lutionary Committee, Is “Some time ago it became evident ranted.” Economy Necessary If fa- that unemployment woulc^ continue ‘T urge'the strengthening of our In Winsted Hospital. over the winter. We have as a na­ deportation laws so as to more folly Shot Down Near His Home tion a definite duty that no deserv­ rid ourselves of criminal aliens.” crease fa Taxes Is T o Be ing person in our country suffers “The political agitation in Asia; The tumultous scene as a Communist riot outside the doors of the capitol marred the opening session of from hunger or cold.” re'volutiQns in South America and Avoided, He Dedarb. BULLETIN! “As a contribution to the situa­ political unrest in some European East Otis, Mass., Dec. 2.— Sofia, Bulgaria^ Dec. 2.— (A P )— Congress is pictured above. Police are ^hown as, firing tear gas shells from smadl revolvers, they repulsed Red demonstrators who attempted to invade the east entrance of the capitol builcdng. Note the smoke of tion, the Federal Government is en­ States; the methods of sale by Rus­ (AP)—^The charred bodies of M. Tomalewsky, formpr foreign rep­ gaged upon the greatest program of sia of her increasing agricultural ex­ four hunters were found today the tear gas and, at the right, several of the agistors fleeing from the choking fumes. Police clubs were Washington,' Dec. 2. — (AP.)'— resentative for the Macedonian swuhg freely as Communists resisted attempts to destroy Inflammatory posters which they carried. waterway, haxbor, flood control, ports to European markets; and our in the ruins of a cabin de­ revolutionary committee, was as­ public building, highway, and airway own drought—^have all contribfited Poised for immediate action. Con­ stroyed by fire at I.arkin Pond improvement In aU our history. This, to prolong and deepen the depres­ gress today received from President > In the early morning- hours sassinated today in front of his sion. together with loans to merchant Hoover recommendation 'that unem­ The dead men were; Otto home here. BANDITS MISS shipbuilders. Improvement of the “In the larger •view the major Bittner and Joseph Genni, both Tomalewsky was a member of the Navy and in military aviation, and forces of the depression now lie out­ ployment and drought relief leg^a- o f New Britain, Cionn., and group formerly headed by General TRUMBULL RAPS CLERGY TINY DRIVER other construction work of the side of the United States, and our tion be given priority. r V- Thomas Hill and Daniel Bellly, Alexander Progogueroff, who was Government will exceed $520,000,000 recuperation has been retarded by The annual presidential message both of Shelton, Conn. Medical assassinated here on July 8, 1928. for this fiscal year.” the unwarranted degree of fear and Examiner Franklin C. Down-' Fire at Him Again and Again was read first in the House, the After his death there were at­ ‘To increase taxation for pur­ apprehenMon created by these out­ membership listening attentively to ing of Stockbridge viewed the tempted reprisals in which ar attack FOR But Target is Too Small and pose of construction work defeats side forces.” bodies and authorized their re­ was made on the chief of police in He helps Cops C^tch One. the administration’s program for m ove to a Lfee undertaking es- Belgrade, and a month after the as­ prompt relief and disposal of unfin­ taUishment. sassination fifteen of the general’s ished business, including the contro­ Chicago, Dec. 2.—(AP.)—It versial Muscle Shoals bill. followers were lined to the moun­ Could Do Much Better If sometimes pays , to be small., Eaat Otis, Mass., Dec. 2.—(AP) tains and slain. SHIPPEE TO VISIT Authority to make increased teih- ' John Powers, 49, height 5 porary advances for Federal rteld ^Four hunters of a party of fifteen Prolonged Feud DAVIS TAKES HIS SEAT They Tried To Help the feet 5 inches proved it yester­ aid -was asked by the President'to- are missing as the result of a fire The feud in the Macedonian rev­ BANK IN NORWALK day when two holdup men rob­ gether with a request for $156,0616,. ' that destroyed a hunting cabin at olutionary organization began in bed the cleaners and dyers 000 to expedite construction and T^arVin Pond, south of Otis Center 1924 when- its leaders split on the Real Sufferers, the Rela­ company for which he is a driv­ AFTER VOTE OF S8-27 provide work. movement’s objectives. Protog^eroff er, and warned as they left they “Such action,” the President early to^y. Six others, variously stood for Federalism and wanted would kill anyone who* tried to injured were taken to Litchfield “will imply an expentfiture of . ‘ov*r the area called Macedonia divided tives, Says Governor. State Commissioner Tt) Fur- foDow. $650,000,000 during the next county (Conn.) hospital, a frigid among Jugo Slavia, Greece and Bul­ Apparently, however, they months.” ’ trip of 20 miles in the automobiles garia as a federal state in one of overlooked Powers. He started Motioit By Senator Nye To BOARD OF PARDONS them. tker Discuss Snspension Pledge Co-operation ' of nearby residents who were at­ Hartford, Dec. 2.— (AP.)—Severe­ after them. They fired—and tracted to the scene of the fire. His opponents stood firm for com­ missed. They fired again—and Deny Oath To Senator Republicans and Democrats,,*!-, The men missing, whose bodies plete autonomy, and the feud has ly criticizing critics of the adminis­ a g a?i n—missing each time. ready pledged to a hl-partisan em­ are almost certainly in the ru ^ of continued with assassinations in tration of the Connecticut state o f Trust Company* Their target was too ^ small. NEEDS IM PR O m ergency relief program by > their leaders, -vied -with one another .Aa the burned cabin, are Otto Rittner several European cities, in the past prison at Wethersfield as individuals Meanwhile a police car came Elect U Defeated— Party of New Britain, Conn., Joseph (]ien- two years more than a himdred along. Powers jumped on the putting forward measures to cany who pass up an opportunity to be of it into effect. > ni, of the same place and Thomas persons have been killed in the inter­ Norwalk, Dec. 2— (AP^^’With running board and the chase Hill and Daniel Reilly, both of Shel­ tribal warfare. real service to the inmates of the Lines'Forgotten In Ballots. No figure -was m entionftd-te‘con­ prison.and their relative's bacayse Stote Bank Commisekm^ ^ster E. was kept up until one of the GoV. Tnimhull Says It Cannot ton, Conn. - ^ to- men, an ex^ionvict was captur­ nection with drou^t relief; but i a desire to attract public Senator Robinson of'Arkansas, the Origin of the fire is at present im- to themselves. Governor Johii H. dky for -further discdfesi^'niF - the ed.-’Ilie others escaped Ser?€ Effidently By M ^ - explained. Reports that a stove ex­ “ Nour,” eaid Pow ers . as' the Washington, Dec, 2 — (AP) D em ocratic leader, bae iEerdpAned^a Trumbull today declared these suspension of the Central Fairfield bill, bearing Repnblican - support, ploded are discredited, .for it was NATIONS OPPOSED police were putting handcuffs James . J. Davis, of Pennsylvania said that the stove in the cabin was ics could render a distinct and hu­ Trust Co many, notice of a special which calls >for a $60.009,OOtt loan mane service if they directed their on their prisoner, “will you gained his seat -in the Senate-today ing But Twice a Year. fund. > an ordinary wood burner which meeting to be held on Saturday, please take me back to the could not have exploded. The ex­ sympathies to the real sufferers, the December 6 was received by stock- over protest from the campaign Fmesees ^Defidt ^ TO GAS WARFARE relatives of the convicts. plant, I’ve got to finish check­ fluids investigating committee. plosion of shot gun ammunition holtoaof the bank.
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