Every Reader RARITAN TOWNSHIP The Beacon at the Beacon •boald keep In mind that "ovites news articles and expressions the advertisements carry u much "punch" as the news articles. Every jt opinions on timely subjects from our advertiser hms a message for Ure read- readers. We welcome all such contri- ers and usea this medium because he butions and will publish them as tar knows the readers desire to keep as possible. But, it is very Important abreaat of every advantage as well aa that all correspondence be signed by know what'* going on. the writer. ''The ^Voice of the Raritan Bay District" VOL. III. No. 31. fORDS AND EARITAN TOWNSHIP FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 30, 1938. PRICE THREE CENTS OCT. 11 LAST DAY Township Police To The KEASBEY YOUTH FOR REGISTRATION VOTERS ASK TO Sponsor Social Event Voters of Fire District No. 1 Approve RAMBLING —_-*— RARITAN TOWNSHIP. — A ADMITS HOLDING CHANGE DISTRICT definite date for the annual fall WOODBRIDGE. — Citizens dinner-dance to be held by the Pa- REPORTER in the Township who have not trolmen's Benevolent Association, New Fire Station by Vote of 231 to 103 UP GAS STATION previously registered for vot- Local No. 75, of this place, will be ing, or who have not voted in POLLING. PLACE set next Monday afternoon when PISCATAWAYTOWN. — Resi- the last four consecutive gen- Strictly Entre Nous: It ANDREW DUNCH ARRESTED the organization meets in regular dents of Fire District Number 1 eral elections and desire to COUNTY ELECTION BOARD session at police headquarters last night by an overwhelming was a boy for the Edward BY CAPTAIN EGAN AND vote this year, or who have KEASBEY WATER LINES TO BE PUT SERGEANT BALINT IS PETITIONED BY 9TH here. vote of more than 2 to 1, gave Seylers recently. But we just turned 21 years or age, DISTRICT CITIZENS Tentative plans for the affair their stamp of approval to the new didn't see any of the cig- must register not later than were launched Monday afternoon firehouse for their volunteer fire KEASBEY.—A gas station hold- Tuesday, October 11, to be FORDS.—A citizens' committee, ON "PAYING BASIS" IMMEDIATELY company. ars as yet . Rather a up in Perth Amboy was cleared eligible to vote in the general at a special meeting of the associa- sparkling party did May- up and the clearing up several lo- election on Tuesday, Novem- headed by Herbert Kutcher andjtion. October 26 and November 2 WOODBRIDGE.—Immediate action will be taken to The final vote was 231 to 103. or Augie Greiner stage for cal "jobs" has become more than a ber 8. Hans Smith, filed a petition with were advanced as the dates from repair the Keasbey Water System and put the "lines on a A light vote insured success for possibility with the arrest of An- Township Clerk, B. J. Duni- which to select one. the firemen in their long-sought- the county mayors' asso- the Middlesex County Board of paying basis", a Township official said yesterday, as the for new headquarters, with only drew Dunch, 17, of Oakland ave- gan has announced that per- Elections to have the polling George R. Palko, president. ciation ... FLASH! Upper nue, Keasb.ey, yesterday afternoon sons may register at his of- named a committee of Thomas result of a public meeting held Monday night, at which 335 voters of the district showing Ford avenue (Fords) is toy Captain John Egan and Ser- fice at the Memorial Municip- place oi the Second Ward's ninth McKayj R> Wuest and Clarence time the Township Committee postponed the proposed sale up at the poll to cast their ballots. geant George Balint. al building every night next district, changed due to its poor Slout to make arrangements for of the system to the Middlesex Water Company at the de- The polls opened at 4 P. M., and finally being given a face- immediately it was apparent that Acting on few slight clues, week with the exception of location. Kutcher is judge of the the event. mands of the people of Keasbey. lifting". Saturday night during the election board in the nintn district the fire company and supporters Dunch was picked up by Egan and Action to defer the sale at the would carry the election. Through- Balint for questioning. Brought to hours of 7:30 o'clock aud 9:30 while Smith is an inspector of the o'clock in addition to the regu poll price of $5,000, which was to be out the four hour period that tho The Low Down: Second headquarters and. questioned lor subject to a township-wide refer- poll remained open, members uf two hours by the officers, Dunch lar business hours during the According to the petition deliv- DR. E, K. HANSON Ward Republican biggies day. ered to Waiter J. Keiily, presiuent FORDS LIONS TO endum, was authorized in a reso-- the company and their families is alleged to confessed that he held lution adopted by the committee were seen ever\\i\ere persuading are putting the heat on to up a gas station in Perth Amboy of the county election uoard, tne have the township commit- where he netted ?71. polling place, which is in the Hope NAMED TD LEAD after the session which was at-1 voters to vote foi their new hend- tee appoint a couple of BOATS RETURNED lawn school, is a detriment to me SPJINSORANNUAL tended by approximately 100 in- quarters. Although, until late Jast night, voters of the ninth district. terested Keasbey residents. ,new cops from this end of Dunch had not confessed to any lo- The question involved in yester- the municipality . Keas- It is pointed out that voters are In answer to numerous ques- day's election concerned $16,000 cal crimes, the authorities believe TO BASIN AFTER forced i<-> cross and recross a busy TOWiMfi. 0, P. lions, Township Attorney Leon &. which is lo be raised by a bond is- bey property owners are that they have enough evidence highway to vote; those voters who ULAIMBAKE HERE McElroy quoted .figures wtuch suo to provide the local contribu- against the Keasbey youth to tie SUCCEEDS HENRY TROGER, snowed thiit since the system was plenty mad over the water do not have automobiles are put ANNUAL AFFAIR EXPECTED tion for a WPA project for a com- question. him up with several Township under obligations in oider to vote; AS MUNICIPAL REPUB- installed, approximately thirty bination fjre headquarters, meet- robberies and thefts. MaORINGSBREAK und a majority ot the voters have LICAN CHAIRMAN IU AUAIN Bk AN years ago, it has been conducted ing rooms for tho Fin? Commis- • • • • TWELVE OF FIFTEEN BOATS to travel from a mile to two and tARLY SELLUUT at a deficit to the Township of ap- sioners and recreation moms for Contrary To Rumors: G. a half miles in order to cast their RARITAN TOWNSHIP. — At a proximately $25,000. the fire company. SAFE AGAIN—DOCK IS ballots. meeting of the local county com- FORDS.—At its weekly dinner- "Prior to 1929,.... McElroy said: Although officials of the company O. P., factional leaders COMPLETE WRECK are solidly behind Tony TOWNSHIP. IS IN The petition, which is signed by mittee members, Monday night, meeting in. Thomson's hall, the "the system cost the Township would not indicate the location of eighty-five voters, further states Dr. E. K. Hanson of 6S4 Amboy Fords .Lions club launched plans $7,55.2a. Since then the deficits the new building, if final approv- B a 1 i n t, Committeeman RARITAN TOWNSHIP. — The that by changing the place they avenue, Clara Barton section, was for a benefit clambake to be held have amounted to $14,940.04, n-ut al is granted by Washington, it is Cholly Alexander's oppon- GOOD FINANCIAL storm which wrecked property will be enabled to vote freely and elected municipal ' Republican the latter part of October. Charles including foreclosures to the ex- believed (hat its location will be and took over six hundred lives chairman. J. Alexander presided at the ses- tent of $0,131.90 tax title liens a.nd very close to the present building. ent next month .. Repub- along the Atlantic seaboard last with less danger. Kutcher told the county election Weil known and prominent in sion. interest charges." An attempt will be made to sell licans of the second ward week, also played havoc with local township affairs, Dr. Hanson suc- Ben Jensen, T. Wesley Liddle the building, built in 1916, in WNDITION NOW boat owners who anchored their board head that there aie several The biggest losses, McElroy said are with Jimmer Wight, desirable locations for the polling ceeds Henry Troger, Jr., who serv- and •'Butch"' Jensen were appoint- weie incurred in 1936 and 1934, which the company is housed at new municipal chairman, AUDITOR LAUDS BOARD OF crafts at the Raritan River Boat ed last year but refused to seek re- ed as the committee to maKe ne- present, to help the i\v£ commis- Club. Twelve of the fifteen boats place which would bring it within $2,760 and $1,014 respectively. The to a man . The Fords COMMISSIONERS FOR two blocks of the farthest voter election as the municipal leader. cessary arrangements for the bake. smallest was $124, in 1930. sioners defray the building costs, at anchor at the club were Other officers elected to serve Proceeds of the affair will be used or retire the bonds early. post office location will be GOOD WORK wrenched from their posts by the and less than ten minutes walking "This year we anticipate a loss distance to all registered voters in locally include: Vice-president, to help defray expenses of the an- of about $500," he added.
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