Plant Evaluation Notes ISSUE 36, 2013 A Comparative Study of Cultivated Asters Richard G. Hawke, Plant Evaluation Manager Jessie Vining Stevens Symphyotrichum oblongifolium ‘Raydon’s Favorite’ utumn is the time of asters. In days one of the largest and most evolutionarily sion, white. The ray florets surround the clus- suffused with the brilliant tones of specialized of plant families. The familial re- ter of disk florets; the number of rays varies senescing leaves, asters finally show semblance is evident among aster relatives from a few to hundreds in some double-flow- their true colors in gardens, both cultivated such as dahlias (Dahlia spp.), coneflowers ered cultivars. Each ray floret has one long, and natural, along roadsides, and in native (Echinacea spp.), sunflowers (Helianthus narrow ligule that is distinctly petallike in ap- places. Like clockwork, their starry flowers in spp.), Shasta daisies (Leucanthemum spp.), pearance, and acts much like the petal of a rich hues of blue, purple, pink, or white burst and zinnias (Zinnia spp.). Recently, changes in typical flower to attract pollinators to the forth to mark the change of seasons. A ubiq- the generic names of North American species plant. Ray florets come in varying shades of uitous nature often saddles asters with the from Aster to less melodious names such as pink, red, lavender, blue, violet, purple, and reputation of looking too wild, but their natu- Doellingeria, Eurybia, and Symphyotrichum white; the rays rather than the disks describe ral beauty and garden merit cannot be over- have complicated matters for gardeners. The the overall flower color. Another attribute of looked. Asters blend beautifully with a variety new names have not yet been universally asters is the leafy phyllaries or involucral of grasses and perennials in a quintessen- embraced—the Royal Horticultural Society bracts that surround and protect the ray tially autumnal tapestry. has not adopted the new names but most florets. The shape and prominence of the native plant organizations are using the new phyllaries are helpful in distinguishing one Approximately 250 types of asters are native nomenclature. Nonnative aster species are aster from another. Aster flowers are either to North America, Europe, Asia, and to a not immune to this development and chang- solitary or clustered in multiflowered cor- lesser extent, the southern hemisphere. es to additional generic names will undoubt- ymbs or racemes, and bloom for many Most cultivated asters are herbaceous pe- edly be forthcoming. weeks in summer and autumn. rennials, but there are annual, biennial, and woody species too. Asters are in the Astera- Aster flowers are made up of numerous disk Aster leaves are simple and may be linear, ceae or daisy family, notable for the unique and ray florets, which collectively give the ap- lanceolate, ovate, or cordate in shape. composite floral structure of disk and ray pearance of a single large flower. The central The leaves on the lower stems or in basal florets. The starburst effect of the aster flow- cluster holds the disk florets, which are tubu- clumps are commonly larger than the leaves er is the origin of both its common and ge- lar with exserted anthers and styles; as many on the upper stems. Leaves at the tips of neric names—aster comes from the Greek as 300 disk florets can be tightly packed into flowering stems are often significantly small- word for star. There are about 1,300 genera the circular flower head. Disk florets may be er yet. Foliage may be smooth to pubescent, and 21,000 species in Asteraceae, making it yellow, orange, brownish, purple, or, on occa- and occasionally fragrant, as is the case 2 Plant Evaluation Notes of aromatic aster (Symphyotrichum oblongi- (formerly A. ericoides), S. laeve (formerly Unfortunately, not all asters are easy-care folium). Plant habits range from less than a A. laevis), S. lateriflorum (formerly A. lateriflo- garden plants. Fast-growing asters such as foot to over 6 feet tall, and from clumping rus), S. oblongifolium (formerly A. oblongifo- Symphyotrichum novae-angliae, S.novi-bel- to rhizomatous (spreading by underground lius), S. oolentangiense (formerly A. azureus), gii, S. lateriflorum, and Doellingeria umbella- stems). In fact, some species can be S. sericeum (formerly A. sericeus), and ta benefit from regular crown division every aggressive spreaders. A common problem S. turbinellum (formerly A. turbinellus) prefer few years to reinvigorate the plants. Divide of many garden asters is that their lower moist soils but are more tolerant of dry sites the crown in early spring or fall when cen- leaves desiccate during the summer, be- than others. Tatarian aster, A. tataricus, ters begin to die out. Tall asters may require coming unsightly and resulting in bare lower seems to have the greatest adaptability to a staking, especially in partial shade or in ex- stems. Careful placement in the garden wide range of soil conditions. posed windy sites. Asters sheared to half so that other plants mask the dying leaves their height in early to mid-June result in mitigates this problem. The second group contains other sun-loving shorter plants that may not require staking. species such as Aster amellus, A. ×frikartii, Early shearing is helpful in improving uneven With such a large and diverse group of and A. tongolensis that prefer cool night habits, too. Deadheading is not usually plants it is not easy to summarize their temperatures and need average to rich soils required but will reduce unwanted seed- cultural needs in a few words. Generally with excellent drainage for optimum growth. lings. A number of foliar diseases such as speaking, asters grow best in moist, well- These asters are native to seashores and powdery mildew and rusts are problematic drained soils with plenty of sunlight. A few mountainous areas where good soil drain- for some asters, notably New England aster simple guidelines are helpful in choosing the age is common. This group may be short- (S. novae-angliae) and New York aster best locations for specific asters. Asters can lived in gardens, especially if good winter (S. novi-belgii). The usual recommendations be lumped into three broad groups based drainage is not provided. The third broad for reducing or eliminating foliar diseases on their native environments and garden group includes woodland asters that tolerate include choosing disease-resistant plants, requirements. The first group includes deep shade but bloom best in light to partial improving air circulation by providing good species that are native to meadows, prairies, shade. Symphyotrichum cordifolium (for- spacing between plants, thinning out one- marshes, and roadsides, and thrive in aver- merly A. cordifolius), S. drummondii (formerly third of the stems, and minimizing overhead age to rich, evenly moist soils in full sun. A. drummondii), Eurybia divaricata (formerly irrigation. Symphyotrichum novae-angliae (formerly A. divaricatus), and E. macrophylla (formerly Aster novae-angliae), S. novi-belgii (formerly A. macrophyllus) grow best in moist, hu- Along with goldenrods (Solidago spp.), A. novi-belgii), S. lanceolatum (formerly A. mus-rich soil but tolerate dry conditions too. asters are classic autumnal flowers of lanceolatus), and Doellingeria umbellata Despite their adaptability to shade, these gardens, roadsides, and native landscapes. (formerly A. umbellatus) do best with steady species will produce the best flower dis- They are wonderful companions to a soil moisture. Symphyotrichum ericoides plays when given morning sun. variety of other late-season perennials and Richard Hawke Symphyotrichum novae-angliae ‘Honeysong Pink’ 3 Plant Evaluation Notes grasses, whether peppered through a land- scape or planted in large sweeps. Some species such as East Indies aster (Aster ton- golensis) bloom in early summer. Asters come in a diversity of sizes and habits, adapting to perennial borders, rockeries, woodland gardens, and naturalistic land- scapes. For example, white wood aster (Eu- rybia divaricata) and heath aster (Symphyo- trichum ericoides ‘Snow Flurry’) mound beautifully into exceptional ground covers. Robust bushy species such as calico aster (S. lateriflorum) and aromatic aster (S. ob- longifolium) have shrublike habits that work well for massing. Many asters are good in mixed containers for seasonal display, while the use of certain asters as replacements for fall mums has become popular. Richard Hawke Symphyotrichum ericoides ‘Snow Flurry’ The Evaluation Study Between 2003 and 2009, the Chicago ed via overhead irrigation as needed and a The Performance Report Botanic Garden (USDA Hardiness Zone 5b, mulch of shredded leaves and wood chips In spring 2003, 104 taxa of asters were AHS Plant Heat Zone 5) evaluated 119 helped with water conservation and weed planted in the trial gardens, and 15 addition- different asters in full-sun and partial-shade suppression. Moreover, plants were not fer- al taxa were added the following year. trials. The goal of the comparative trial was tilized, winter mulched, or chemically treat- The asters were evaluated on four general to identify outstanding asters for Upper ed for insect or disease problems. The test criteria: 1) cultural adaptability to the soil Midwestern gardens. The study included garden was surrounded by an electrified and environmental conditions of the test species, cultivars, and hybrids of native and fence to deter deer browsing but did not site; 2) disease and pest problems; 3) winter nonnative asters. While the typical evalua- exclude rabbits. hardiness or survivability; and 4) ornamental tion period for perennials is four years, the qualities associated with flowers, foliage, average evaluation period for the asters was and plant habit. Final performance ratings six years. are based on flower production, plant health, habit quality, and winter hardiness. Five plants of each taxon were grown in Plant traits and final performance ratings for side-by-side plots for easy comparison of 116 of the 119 taxa are noted in Table 1. ornamental traits and landscape perfor- Excluded from the table are Aster anoma- mance.
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