Senior Office Bearers VISITOR His Excellency The Governor of Victoria, Professor David de Krester, AO MBBS Melb. MD Monash. FRACP FAA FTSE. CHANCELLOR The Hon. Mr Alex Chernov, AO QC BCom Melb. LLB Melb. Appointed to Council 1 January 1992. Elected Deputy Chancellor 8 March 2004. Re-elected 1 January 2008.Electe d Chancellor 10 October 2008. DEPUTY CHANCELLOR Ms Rosa Storelli, BEd Adel.CAE GDipStudWelf Hawthorn MEdSt Monash. MACE FACEA AFAIM Appointed to Council 1 January 2001. Elected Deputy Chancellor 1 January 2007. VICE-CHANCELLOR AND PRESIDENT Professor Glyn Conrad Davis, AC BA NSWPhDANU. Appointed 10Januar y 2005. PROVOST Professor Peter Balshaw McPhee, MA PhD DipEd Melb. FAHA FASSA. Appointed Deputy Vice- Chancellor (Academic) 1 October 2003. Appointed Provost 10 September 2007. DEPUTY VICE-CHANCELLORS Professor Peter Rathjen, BSc DPhil Oxf. Appointed Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) 1Ma y 2008. Professor John Dewar, MA Oxf. PhD Griff Appointed Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Global Relations) 6 April 2009. PRO-VICE-CHANCELLORS Professor Geoffrey Wayne Stevens, BE RMITPhD Melb.FIChem E FAusIMM FTSE CEng. Appointed 1 January 2007. Professor Ron Slocombe, MVSc PhD Mich. ACVP. Appointed 1 January 2009. PRO-VICE-CHANCELLOR (GLOBAL RELATIONS) Professor Warren Arthur Bebbington, MA Queens (NY) MPhil MMus PhD CUNY.Appointe d Pro- Vice-Chancellor (University Relations) 1 January 2006. Appointed Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Global Relations) 1 June 2008. PRO-VICE-CHANCELLOR (GRADUATE RESEARCH) Professor Richard Anthony Strugnell, BSc PhD Monash FASM. Appointed 10 December 2007. PRO-VICE-CHANCELLOR (RESEARCH) Professor Lyn Yates, BA Melb Dip Ed Melb MA Melb MEd Bristol PhD La Trobe Appointed 2007. PRO-VICE-CHANCELLOR (TEACHING, LEARNING AND EQUITY) Associate Professor Susan Leigh Elliott, MB BS Melb. MD Melb. FRACP. Appointed 1 August 2005. SENIOR VICE-PRINCIPAL Ray Ian Arthur Marshman, BA Melb. LLBANU .Appointe d 5 March 2001. Previously appointed Vice- Principal (Administration) 1 March 1999. HEAD OF UNIVERSITY SERVICES Elizabeth Bare, BA Melb. DipLib NSWGDipBusAdm Swinburne. Appointed 10 September 2007. VICE-PRINCIPAL (MAJOR PROJECTS) Linley Martin, BScAdel . MSc Adel. DipCompSc Adel . Appointed 30 March 2009. VICE-PRINCIPAL & ACADEMIC REGISTRAR Gillian Luck, BBus USQ MPubPol Griffith DipCompDir^/C£». Appointed 1 January 2006. VICE-PRINCIPAL & CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER Allan Tait, BSocSc Birm. ACA AICEW Appointed 16Apri l 2009. (Acting) VICE-PRINCIPAL (COMMERCIALISATION) Allan Tait, BSocSc Birm. ACA AICEW Appointed 22 March 2006. VICE-PRINCIPAL & GENERAL COUNSEL Christopher Penman, LLBSyd . LLM Lond. GDipNatRes Melb. Barrister and Solicitor ofthe Supreme Court of Victoria. Appointed 4 August 2003. VICE-PRINCIPAL (HUMAN RESOURCES) Nigel Waugh, BA Syd. GDipIR/HRM Canberra VICE-PRINCIPAL (MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS) Patrick Freeland-Small, BA Monash GDipAppPsych Monash. Appointed 20 March 2006. VICE-PRINCIPAL(PROPERTY & CAMPUS SERVICES) Chris White, Appointed 1Februar y 2008. VICE-PRINCIPAL (RESEARCH) David Cookson, Appointed 1Decembe r 2007. UNIVERSITY SECRETARY Janet Ann White, BSc Lond. Appointed 20 August 2007. Council Chancellor MRIA NANDRE WRENARD ,B AMelb . LLM Melb. Appointedt oCounci l 1 January 1994. Re-appointed 1 January2004 . Elected Chancellor 1 January2005 . Vice-Chancellor PROFESSORGLY NCONRA DDAVIS ,A CB ANS WPh DANU . Appointed 10 January2005 . President ofthe Academic Board PROFESSOR PHILIPPA PATTISON, BSc PhD Melb Elected 1 January2007 . OnePerso n appointed byth e Ministerfo r Education Term expiring 31Decembe r 2010 Professor Peter Dawkins,BS c HonsLoughboroug h MSc Econ LondPh DLoughboroug h Appointed 18Februar y 2008 Sixperson s appointed byth e Governor-in-Council Term expiring 31 December 2008 MSMELANI E SLOSS,S CBJuri s LLB W.Aust.LL MSyd . Appointed 29 March2006 . Term expiring 31 December 2009 DR MEREDITH DOIG, BA MEdStud Monash PhDRMI TDipE d Melb.GDipMg tRMIT . Appointed 23 October 2001. Re-appointed 6 March 2007. MR ROBERT JOHANSON, BA LLMMB A Appointed 6 March 2007. Term expiring 31 December 2010 MS ELIZABETH ALEXANDER, AM BCom Melb FAICDFC AFCP A Appointed 2Octobe r 2004, Re-appointed 1 January 2005,Re-appointe d 15Apri l 2008 JUDGEIREN EELIZABET H LAWSON,LL BMel b Appointed 23 October 2001. Re-appointed 16 February 2005. Re-appointed 15 April 2008. Vacancy Six persons appointed byth e Council Term expiring 31 December 2009 MRSLYNN E CATHERINE LANDY Appointed 1 January 2007. DR VIRGINIA MANSOUR, MB BS Melb PhDMonas h Appointed 9Jul y 2007 Vacancy Term expiring 31 December 2011 MS EDA NATALIE SANDFORD RITCHIE, GradDipBus Monash AMusA. Appointed 13Septembe r 2004. Re-appointed 1 January 2006. THE HON MR DAVID RONALD WHITE, BCom BA MBA Melb. FCPA. Appointed 1 March 2000. Re-appointed 1 January 2003. Re-appointed 1 January 2006. Term expiring 31 December 2007 2007 THE HON JUSTICE ALEX CHERNOV QC,BCo m Melb. LLB(Hons)Melb . Appointed 1 January 1992. Re-appointed 1Januar y 2005. Re-appointed 10 December 2007 MS ROSA STORELLI, BEd Adel.CAE GradDipStudWelf Hawthorn MEdStudies Monash MACE FACEA AFAIM Appointed 1 January 2001. Re-appointed 1 January 2005. Re-appointed 1 January2008 . Three persons elected byan d from the staff of the University Representing the Professors: Term expiring 31 December 2009 PROFESSOR GLENN BOWES MB BSPh D FRACP GradCertMgmt. Elected 1 January2008 . Representing theAcademi cStaff , Other than Professors: Term expiring 31Decembe r 2009 ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR MARK JOSHI, BA Oxon PhDMI T Elected 21 September 2005. Elected 1 January2008 . Representing Professional StaffMembers : Term expiring 31 December 2010 MR MICHAEL FRANCIS COYLE, BAMel b Elected 1 January 2007.Re-electe d 1 January 2009. Twoperson s elected byan dfro m thestudent s enrolleda t the University Terms expiring 31Decembe r 2008 Ms HAHHAH HAYMAN MS SALLY BEATTIE Secretary: The University Secretary Committees [Including Committees of Council and Committees ofthe Academic Board] The Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor and Senior Vice-Principal are by statute exoffici o members of all University bodies. The Deputy Vice-Chancellors may attend and speak at any meeting of a Council Committee and are members of all other bodies of the University. Their titles are not repeated in the following list of committees unless they attend as working members. A number of other ex officio members are expressed by title without name. The following persons hold these exoffici o positions during200 7 The Chancellor Mr IA Renard The Deputy Chancellors The Hon. Justice A Chernov Ms R Storelli The Vice-Chancellor Professor GC Davis AC The Provost Professor P B McPhee The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Global Relations) Professor FP Larkins The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) Professor P Rathjen The President ofthe Academic Board Professor P Pattison Vice-President ofthe Academic Board Professor G Stevens Deputy Vice-President ofthe Academic Board Professor RF Slocombe Senior Vice-Principal Mr R IA Marshman Vice-Principal and Head of Administration Ms EA Bare Vice^Principal and Academic Registrar Ms G Luck Vice-Principal & Chief Financial Officer Mr D Percival Vice-Principal (Commercialisation) Mr A Tait Vice-Principal (Human Resources) Mr N Waugh Vice-Principal (Marketing & Communications) Mr P Freeland-Small Vice-Principal (Property & Campus Services) Mr C White Vice-Principal (Research) Mr D Cookson Vice-Principal & General Counsel Mr C Penman The President of UMSU Ms L Buckingham The President of University of Melbourne Ms S Beattie Postgraduate Association The University Secretary Ms J White Committees of Council 3.1- FINANCE COMMITTEE Standing Resolution 3.1 I**Chairperso n and two Vice-Chairpersons, all three tob e MsE Alexande r (Chair) jexterna l members of Council with financial expertise MrR Johanso n Hon. DWhit e jThe Vice-Chancellor Professor GCDavi sA C TheChai r ofthe Buildings and Estates Committee TheHo nJustic eA Chernov The President ofthe Academic Board Professor P Pattison One member of Council IAssociat e Professor M •Josh i One member with financial expertise nominated byth e MrD Ford IChairperso n in consultation with the President of Convocation |On e member nominated byth e Chairperson in consultation MsH Hayma n jwith President of UMSU One member nominated byth e Chairperson in consultation Vacant with President of Melbourne Postgraduate Association | **three additional members (who mayo r may not be amember ! MrB Broo k : of Council)wit h expertise infinancial managemen t or two vacancies Ioversight , appointed byth e Council :Secretar y ; Ms TRos e 3.2 - LEGISLATION AND TRUSTS COMMITTEE Standing Resolution 3.2 : ThePresiden t ofthe Academic Board Professor PPattiso n "., Senior Vice-Principal or nominee MrC Penman (nominee) The University Secretary MsJ Whit e MrT Annin g I**Fou r persons appointed by Council at least three ofwho m MrM Coyl e :areCounci l members (Chairperson isappointe d byCounci l i.fro m the members appointed byCouncil ) Professor GBowe s MsM Sloss SC (Chair) One member nominated byth e Committee of Convocation MrJ Meeha n One member nominated byth e chairperson, in consultation with the President ofthe Student Union or nominee (provided that the nominee isa studen t ofthe University and isname d as MsE beane y a permanent member ofthe Committee for theyea r in question) One member nominated byth e chairperson, in consultation with the President ofthe Postgraduate Association or nominee, provided that the nominee isa studen t ofthe University and is MsK Hon g named asa permanen t member ofthe Committee for theyea ri
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