R14364_SummerNews.qxd 5/2/07 9:37 AM Page 1 www.stutteringhelp.org • 1-800-992-9392 • www.tartamudez.org THE STUTTERING FOUNDATION᭨ A Nonprofit Organization SUMMER 2007 Since 1947...Helping Those Who Stutter Is stuttering characterized by subtypes? Ehud Yairi, Ph.D. University of Illinois Stuttering With few exceptions, every en- tity in the universe can find its place within a system of classifi- didn’t bench cation. These have an impor- tant role in the Bob Love organization and enhancement of knowledge. Although certain features of stut- tering are rela- tively consistent, Ehud Yairi, Ph.D. such as the age at onset of the disorder and the presence of cer- tain core speech disfluencies, there are large differences in many aspects of the disorder across people who stutter, includ- Photo courtesy of the Chicago Bulls ing variations in expression of symptoms and their severity. In addition to symptom diver- NBA All-Star leads FACTS ABOUT BOB LOVE sity, in many ways the disorder Seasons with the Bulls: of stuttering is interwoven with 2007 campaign 1968-1977 linguistic, phonetic, cognitive, Jersey number: 10 NBA All-Star Bob Love will lead Jersey retired: social, emotional, physiological the 2007 campaign for National domains, as well as other do- Jan. 14, 1994 Stuttering Awareness Week, May Career highlights: mains. It has also been explained 14-20. NBA All-Star 1971, 1972, as emerging from a wide range 1973 of possible etiologies. Still, for a Love knows first-hand the experi- ences of someone who stutters. He All-NBA Second Team Continued on page 6 has overcome considerable frustra- 1970-71, 1971-72 NBA All-Defensive tions and setbacks since his glory Second Team 1971-72, years with the Chicago Bulls. 1973-74, 1974-75 Inside... “Bob is more than a great basket- Led the Bulls in scoring New genetic insights ball star and community leader,” said for seven straight into stuttering . 2 Jane Fraser, president of the 60-year- seasons Ranks third among Bulls New survey results old Stuttering Foundation. “He was all-time scorers (12,623 that may surprise you. 5 chosen to serve as chairman because his courage in coping with his speech points) Experts from around the world Currently serves as the join forces for new DVD . 6 impediment serves as an excellent Bulls director of Learn what Julia Roberts and her role model for the millions of people community affairs. brother have in common. 13 worldwide who stutter.” Source: www.nba.com Continued on page 10 R14364_SummerNews.qxd 5/2/07 9:37 AM Page 2 Years 2 www.stutteringhelp.org 60of Service 1-800-992-9392 Studies in a unique community give SFA launches new new genetic insights into stuttering public service By Dennis Drayna, Ph.D. tree that contains over 1600 indi- campaign NIDCD viduals, and can be traced back 13 generations. At the roots of A study by researchers in Illinois this family tree are a group of 64 Tillis educates public has recently been founding individuals, who came published that to the United States from Europe The new year ushered in a new provides new sup- in the 1800’s and settled in the radio campaign by the Stuttering port for genetic Northern United States. Their Foundation. factors in stutter- descendents have intermarried This year, the Foundation sent ing. The re- extensively over time, and such public service announcements fea- searchers were led populations often provide unique turing country music singer Mel by Dr. Nancy J. insights for geneticists. Tillis to every Cox at the The Illinois researchers tested country music station in the University of Dennis Drayna, Ph.D. genetic markers, which allowed Chicago, and the them to track all of the chromo- United States. study, published in the Journal of somes inherited through these “Our radio Fluency Disorders, had major con- families. These marker studies PSAs have cer- tributions from researchers at the showed regions on several chro- tainly resonated University of Illinois at Urbana- mosomes, including chromo- with listeners. Champaign and the University of somes 3, 13, and 15 that appear to The response has Mel Tillis Illinois at Chicago. carry genes that help cause stutter- been tremen- These investigators studied a ing in this population. These re- dous,” said Susie Hall, resource religious group known as the sults will help guide future studies coordinator for the Stuttering Hutterites, currently living in that will attempt to identify the Foundation. “We have received South Dakota. The group of specific causative genes, and thus calls from people across the coun- Hutterites that were studied are help researchers better understand try seeking more information on members of a remarkable family the causes of stuttering. ❑ stuttering.” Foundation President Jane Fraser added, “We look for- Stuttering makes national news ward to being a As seen on the screen, Dr. Phillip leading source of Schneider represented the SFA to continuing pub- discuss how to react when speaking lic education with someone who stutters and the through PSAs pros and cons of a device for stutter- and through all ing on ABC News Now in January. aspects of our John Stossel ABC News linked to the Stuttering comprehensive Foundation as a source of additional awareness campaign. And we in- help and information. vite others to join us in bringing View the interview at www.stut- attention to stuttering.” teringhelp.org. ❑ Last fall, the 30-second spot recorded by 20/20’s John Stossel went out to ABC radio Help for parents airs around the country stations nationwide. Many con- tinue to air John’s upbeat mes- Bobbi Conner, host of The Parents the better it is for children who sage about where and how to Journal on National stutter.” find help for stuttering. Public Radio, spoke with She emphasized that par- “This educational campaign Foundation President ents need to take the time has been a wonderful way to Jane Fraser about child- to educate themselves reach people who otherwise hood stuttering. about stuttering and sug- may be unfamiliar with the help “The more you gested many of the free re- we offer,” said Fraser. “The know about stuttering, sources — including tips radio stations have been most the more comfortable for parents — available at generous in providing air time.” you are,” Fraser told parents. the Foundation’s Web site, “The more comfortable you are, www.stutteringhelp.org. ❑ R14364_SummerNews.qxd 5/2/07 9:37 AM Page 3 Years SUMMER 2007 60of Service 1-800-992-9392 3 New drugs for stuttering may be on the horizon Gerald A. Maguire, M.D. tering. are being planned, and Indevus University of California, Pagoclone is a medication under is working closely with the Food Irvine School of Medicine development from Indevus and Drug Administration (FDA) A medication for stuttering? Pharmaceuticals. to achieve approval so that this This question has plagued clini- In May 2006, Indevus released medication may one day be rou- cians for years with the general results of the tinely available from a physi- consensus that it could never be largest pharma- cian’s prescription. attained. With advancements in cologic trial of For the time being, it is only neuropharmacology, medical sci- stuttering ever available as part of a research ence is now closer than ever in the completed. study. The next study of pago- development of medication treat- Pagoclone af- clone will begin this summer, and ment for stuttering. fects a natural one can learn more by accessing In the last ten years, studies sug- neurochemical in www.stutteringstudy.com. gest that dopamine-blocking med- the brain known In addition, the University of ications are effective in reducing as GABA which California, Irvine, has received a stuttering symptoms. has been postu- Gerald Maguire, M.D. generous gift from the philan- These studies employed the lated to play a thropists, Granville and Sidney gold-standard of being placebo- significant role in stuttering. Kirkup, which will support further controlled and double-blind The study utilized a double- research on the medical treatment (meaning that the subjects and blind, randomized design of of stuttering. clinicians did not know if the spe- over 130 adult individuals who The University of California, cific individuals were receiving a stutter. Pagoclone was found to Irvine will participate as a site in real pill or a fake pill). improve stuttering symptoms in the pagoclone study, but will These studies were of relatively over 50 percent of the individu- also be investigating other med- limited subject size so further re- als treated—statistically greater ications for the treatment of stut- search is warranted before these than those receiving a placebo. tering as well. medications are to be routinely Pagoclone was found to be For further information, please used in stuttering. well-tolerated with only minor e-mail [email protected]. No one medication is without side-effects of headache and fa- ❑ the potential of side-effects and tigue reported in a minority of Even though medications for this class of medication is associ- those treated. stuttering may be on the hori- ated with weight gain and the po- In this study, pagoclone not zon, no form of therapy for stut- tential for blood sugar increases. only improved the fluency of tering is a cure. Therefore, fu- However, a novel medication, speech but also reduced the so- ture treatment will likely involve pagoclone, holds promise as an cial anxiety that often accompa- the combination of medication effective, well-tolerated medi- nies stuttering. with speech therapy to achieve cation for the treatment of stut- More studies of this compound the optimal results. ❑ Annual Audit of Foundation The annual audit of the Stuttering Foundation fund raising are very low, and since we are for- financial reports for 2006 was recently com- tunate to have an endowment which more than pleted by the accounting firm of Cannon and covers our overhead expenses, donors can be Company, Certified Public Accountants, assured that their gifts will go directly to sup- Memphis, Tenn.
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