BANE VOLUME XXXIV. NO. 4. REUBANK, N. J.1, WEDNESDAY* JULY 19, 1911. PAGES 1 TO 8.1 which Is painted on the fence,,appear Tnrros TAILS EABVZBT BOUS. the words; <jj A JEW POULTRY FARM, SIX MONTHS FOR ALLGOR. Notice! Every soul aboard lost. It's Biff Crowd Tornttt Out to Annual T«rtl.. $400 FOR FIRE COMPANY, rotten—tho watered stock—Tlio famous l Mglit. ship Rulldlng triiot. What faraoUH Ruin- sis mure avABvzo ow vr. i. cow. BOI\ Uoad'BQiitteittQn W&s tho promoter of vnm Tfc*os watM BED BAHK. The annual harvest home of the JUSTICE JAMES H. SICKLES SENTENCES HIM TOtills rotten trust? Tinton Falls Methodist church was THREE DAYS' FAIR AT LITTLE SILVER LAST WEEK Below the picture is the statement: I Ownel b held last Wednesday night on the A GREAT SUCCESS. THE COUNTY JAIL Anything that Is wrongfully taken Is i Xettbll.hment of tlie church lawn under a large tent. A stolen, whether It la legalized or not. Him WIU Wen* w Outlay of About big crowd turned out to the festival. All the lawe tlmt can be panted onnot The ladies' aid society of the church The Firehouse and Grounds Thronged with Buyers Every Day the End of a Long Scrap Between Allxor antUtaidente of Seabright make right wrong;,. was in charge of the affair, and the Festival wa* in -Progress—Contest for a Watch Won. by Miw Many people believe that Allgor is Archibald Dalby of Chatham, New member/ of tho society received many and the Rumion Road—Allgor to take Cue to Supreme Court- of unsound mind. It la believed that Jcreey, is erecting a number of build- compliments for the successful man- Jennie Curtis—Many Articles DUpoied of on Co-pper%tiTe Plan- Many Believe AUgor is of Unsound Mind, and an Examination application will Boon be made to have ings on the farm 6n Riverdole avenue, net _ijr..which_the~liarv-est-homG~waB him-examined-a»-to~hiB- sanity^—If which.he-reoenUy-bought from Wi|; Pigs Auctioned Of f—Cash Donations Received. liara I. Conovpr. Riverdale avenue is managed. Tf -Will-JProbaWfbe Mad* to Decide physicians should declare him to be of Suppers were served'nnd the other The *re company of kittle Silver unsound mind he will be removed from near Bed. Blink and was formerly ants were Miss Jennie Curtis and known as the! old Lawcs Bridge road. usual attractions 'of a harvest home cleared about $400 by a fair, last Mis3 Alma Ziegler. Miss Curtia col- ( ' Jumes M, Allgor of Seabright was to any of the Rumson Neck people for the county jail to the state hospital at were in evidence. The grounds were Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, r convicted of being a dioorderly per- a dollar and would then give them the Trenton for treatment and cure. If The coBt of-tho improvements,, com- lected $52.60 for the company and bined with the price of the farm, will decorated with Japanese lanterns, nights. It was held on the firehouse Miss Zieglcr turned in $19.75. Both (. son in Justice - James H. Sleklcs'B dollar back. he should be held to be of unsound and music was provided by Gram- grounds and in the firehouse. The the contestants received gold watches J court last Saturday morning and he : mind his property would be cared for mean an outlay of about $25,000. Hlitory of tin Om«. Mr. Dalby has alarge poultry form man's orchestra. The articles not sold committee in charge consisted of as prizes, Miss Curtia being given first iwus sentenced to nix months in the by his relatives or by persons ap- were auctioned off by John McGuire. Hance Woolley, Lester C. Lovctt, choice. county jail. He was taken to the Red Mr. Allgor is a carpenter' and 1Bpointed by the court. They are ex-at Chatham, and in September he will 64 years old. Ho has always been a move his stock to his Red Bank prop- Last year the harvest home netted the Emerson Quackenbush, Thomas Fitz- Hance Woolley and J. Luke Davis •Bonk lockup nt onco and confined pected to order the fence and its signs church nbout $40, but the receipts maurice, Porman Ayres and J. Luke , there until the noon train left for little odd In his ways. A dozon years taken dowri','and what has, Jong beep erty. A number of buildings for acted as auctioneers on the last night or so ago he had a long contest with housing poulfW arc in course of con- from last Thursday night's festival Davis. > of the fair. A great many of the arti- •Freehold, whon ho was taken to the an eyesore to the people on the Rum- •will be considerably larger than this. cles donated were given to the fire- county seat and placed in the corinty the borough of' Seabright over the Bon road would'thus be removed. struction when these are com- The fair was,successful beyond the ownership of the river end of one of expectations of its most enthusiastic men for the express purpose of being jail. The lawyora eny that there is leted the farm will havo nccommo- sold at auction. A wide range of no, appeal from the justice's decision the streets of Seabright. Allgor Satioris for 25,000 birdB. Dingman, supporters. Practically everything claimed that he had a legal title to Darby & Dlngmnn are the contractors. sold was donated, the cash contribu- articles were disposed of, among them ' and thaa t theo only thing thaat Allgog r tions alone- amounting to $200. The being coffee pots, baseball masks," a can d' o is ico "hove the ease reviewed the property and the borough claimed WOMAN SENT TO ASYLUM The buildings will be of the latest A BIG CHURCH FESTIVAL. that the street waa open to the river. design of poultry houses arid no ex- proceeds of the fair will ho used to pnir of pigB, hags of salt and peanuts, fry a judge of the supreme court. COLT'S NECK PIOBIO lfETTl:i> MOBE help pay off a note of $675. This preserved jellies and fruits, fishing •Bvon .then* tho eupreme court judge The cose was carried through the pense will be spared to meet the ideas reels, pipes and cakes. The auction coiirtB but Allgor was finally beaten mt«. Emu. oooras or BXVSR of the owner. THAN SGOO. debt was caused by the turchase of cuii review the proceedings only/ and npany last caused a lot of fun. Most of the nnd the street Was opened. BTRBBT WEItl All of the buildings will have white new apparatus for the things fetched good prices although . -ennnot d<ml with the facts in Die cam. The Picnlo wan Held I.n«t Taeiday year. Nearly every merchant of Red If the papers In the case have been Five or six years ago Mr. Allgor Bb* Stiff Boutin tbi Otonna ond Unatr- asbestos roofing, making them as near some of them went at bargain reduc- bought a lot on the Rumson side of fireproof as Bt is possible to make Nlffht on the Oronndi of Bt. Mury'i Bank and Little Silver donated some- properly prepared, and if there has took to Tirow tat KonMboia loml. thing for the fair. \ tions. The pigs were donated by Ed- ueiciM" i no error In any of tho proceed- the river adjoining the Seabright tnr* Out of » Vlnaow—Xaken.to StaU wooden structures. A laying house Church—Stove Valued at $70 Donates ward Fielder and were bought by bridge. He raid $1,600 for the prop- 200 feet long (is in course of construc- by William O'Brien of Bed Bunk. On all three nights the firehoucc Mra-PrankL. Smith for $6.25. This ings, then Allgor must sorve his full Ho«plt»i Lmt Tbnriaar. and-grounds were-packed—with-buy- erty, . He "built & two-story house on f tion. Two rn^re buildings.flt:the same The- most successful festival ever was the biggest bargain of all tho term. • Mi s. Emma Cooper, who lived with ers. In the yard was the frankfurter, ' The Jiomplulnt atfulnst Allgor on the lot and opened an ice cream parlor. kind will be'put up in the spring. held by St. Mary's church of Colt's things sold at the fair. This wns objected to by some of the her mother, Mrs. DeNyse of River Twenty-five colony laying houses are Neck took, place on Tuesday night of coda and cigar booth. This was in "• \S4iifh. he was convicted of being ft street, was taken to the state insane charge of Lester C. Lovett, Emerson The firemen feel very grateful to iflisordorly pornon waa made by Kumson road people, who did not want being built, and there will be fifty last week. ThC receipts have not yet a business place- on the Rumson road. asylum at Trenton' last Thursday. small houseB for chicks. The brooder all been turned in, but it is certain Quackenbush and Myron L« Campbell, those who made donations and to /Charles D. .Halsey, ona of the council- Until recently she was employed at all oi whom possessed qualifications those who lent their services. One of men of tho borough of'Rumson. Over He applied to the Rumson board of house will^pr^vide quarters for 7,000 thnt the church will clear more than commissioners for a license to run a Point Pleasant. About a week pre- to serve as first-class barkers at any the most active workers outside of the ii year' ago AllRor was convicted <of chicks.
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