32498_000 Cover 13/16BB.qxd 12-14-2006 14:12 Page 1 OLD TESTAMENT STUDENT MANUAL: 1 KINGS–MALACHI TESTAMENT OLD OLD TESTAMENT STUDENT MANUAL 1 KINGS–MALACHI • Religion 302 • Third Edition ENGLISH 4 02324 98000 4 32498 OLD TESTAMENT STUDENT MANUAL 1 KINGS–MALACHI Religion 302 Prepared by the Church Educational System Published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Salt Lake City, Utah Send comments and corrections, including typographic errors, to CES Editing, 50 E. North Temple Street, Floor 8, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-2772 USA. E-mail: [email protected] Third edition Copyright © 1981, 1982, 2003 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America English approval: 11/02 Table of Contents Preface . v Chapter 16 The God of Israel and the Nations (Isaiah 36–47) . 179 Maps and Charts . viii Chapter 17 The Gathering of Israel and Chapter 1 Solomon: Man of Wisdom, Man of the Coming of the Messiah Foolishness (1 Kings 1–11) . 1 (Isaiah 48–54) . 191 Chapter 2 “Wisdom Is the Principal Thing; Chapter 18 The Last Days and the Millennium Therefore Get Wisdom” (Proverbs, (Isaiah 55–66) . 203 Ecclesiastes) . 13 Chapter 19 Judah’s Return to Wickedness Chapter 3 “Hast Thou Considered My Servant (2 Kings 21–25). 213 Job?” (Job) . 23 Chapter 20 “The Burden of Nineveh” Enrichment A The Divided Kingdoms . 33 (Nahum) . 219 Chapter 4 A Kingdom Divided against Itself Chapter 21 The Day of the Lord’s Wrath (1 Kings 12–16). 41 (Zephaniah) . 223 Enrichment B Prophets and Seers Chapter 22 A Question Is Asked of the Lord in Ancient Times . 53 (Habakkuk) . 227 Chapter 5 Elijah and the Sealing Power of Enrichment G Babylonia and the Conquest the Holy Priesthood of Judah . 231 (1 Kings 17–2 Kings 2). 59 Chapter 23 As Ye Sow, So Shall Ye Reap Enrichment C The Messianic Hope (Jeremiah 1–19) . 235 in Ancient Israel. 67 Chapter 24 The Babylonian Captivity Chapter 6 Hearkening unto the Counsel of (Jeremiah 20–22; 24–29; 32; God (2 Kings 3–13) . 73 34–45; 52; Lamentations). 245 Chapter 7 God Will Not Be Mocked (Joel) . 83 Chapter 25 Prophecies of a Latter-day Chapter 8 The Lord Reveals His Secrets to Gathering (Jeremiah 23; 30–31; 33; His Servants the Prophets (Amos) . 89 46–51; Obadiah) . 253 Chapter 9 One Cannot Flee from One’s Enrichment H The Lasting Effects of the Fall Responsibilities (Jonah). 97 and Captivity of Judah . 261 Chapter 10 The Ministry of Hosea: A Call to Chapter 26 Ezekiel: Watchman of Israel Faithfulness (Hosea) . 103 (Ezekiel 1–24) . 265 Enrichment D The Assyrian Conquest and the Chapter 27 Prophecies of the Restoration Lost Tribes . 113 (Ezekiel 25–48) . 279 Chapter 11 Promise of Judgments, Promise of Enrichment I The Battle of Armageddon: Salvation (Micah) . 119 A Prophetic View. 291 Chapter 12 The Fall of the Northern Kingdom Chapter 28 Daniel: Prophet of God, (2 Kings 14–20). 125 Companion of Kings (Daniel). 297 Enrichment E Understanding Isaiah . 131 Enrichment J The Persian Empire, the Return of the Jews, and the Diaspora . 311 Chapter 13 The Establishment of Zion (Isaiah 1–12) . 137 Chapter 29 The Exiles Return (Ezra) . 319 Chapter 14 A Voice of Warning to the Wicked Chapter 30 Haggai: Prophet of the Second (Isaiah 13–23) . 153 Temple (Haggai) . 325 Chapter 15 Prophecies of the Dispensation Chapter 31 Esther: Queen of Persia and of the Fulness of Times Advocate for Her People (Esther) . 329 (Isaiah 24–35) . 161 Chapter 32 Nehemiah: Builder of Walls and Enrichment F The World of Isaiah. 171 Wills (Nehemiah). 335 Chapter 33 Preparations for the Lord’s Chapter 35 The Old Testament Closes. 367 Return in Glory (Zechariah) . 341 Bibliography. 372 Chapter 34 “Behold, I Will Send You Elijah the Prophet” (Malachi) . 351 Author Index . 375 Enrichment K Between the Testaments. 359 Scripture Index. 384 Subject Index . 406 Preface The Importance of Studying the Old Testament and (3) the revelation of the fulness of the gospel in the The Old Testament has greatly influenced many other standard works, including the Book of Mormon, people down through time. The roots of three of the the Doctrine and Covenants, the Pearl of Great Price, world’s great religions—Christianity, Islam, and and Joseph Smith’s translation of the Bible. Judaism—have sprouted from the richness of its soil. Except perhaps to those for whom the books were Your Goal in Taking This Course originally written, these recorded messages are of To Israel Moses declared, “Unto thee it was shewed, greater value to those living in the dispensation of the that thou mightest know that the Lord he is God; there fulness of times than to any other people. And they are is none else beside him” (Deuteronomy 4:35). This course especially valuable to Latter-day Saints. of study is designed to increase your opportunity to Some of the lessons and insights that make a careful come to know the God of the Old Testament in an study of the Old Testament not only meaningful but intimate, personal, and powerful way. He is our critical are— Redeemer, and your goal in taking this course should 1. The testimony of the existence of God. be to declare as did Job: “For I know that my redeemer 2. The record of the beginnings of mankind as a liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the divine race placed on the earth for eternal purposes. earth” (Job 19:25). In the pages of the Old Testament we 3. The importance of establishing a covenant see the Lord, the premortal Jesus, working with our relationship with God. Heavenly Father’s children to save them from various 4. The history and purpose of the establishment of perils. From these accounts we can learn much about the elect lineage through which the priesthood would how to come unto Christ. Moses summed up the process be restored and the blessings of the gospel extended to with these words: “If . thou shalt seek the Lord thy all in the last days. God, thou shalt find him, if thou seek him with all thy 5. The revelation of a divine law upon which civil heart and with all thy soul” (Deuteronomy 4:29). What and criminal codes of many nations would be built. better guidance and greater goal could we seek? 6. The knowledge that God intervenes directly in the lives of men and nations and that through Him Reaching This Goal Most Effectively many are divinely led, directed, and protected. Through the prophet Jeremiah the Lord declared, 7. The blessings of obedience to the laws of God “My people have committed two evils; they have and faith in His name. forsaken me the fountain of living waters, and hewed 8. The consequences of disobedience and rebellion them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold against God and His laws. no water” (Jeremiah 2:13). Cisterns, as sources of a 9. The corruption that results from any form of reserve water supply, were extremely important to idolatry and the reasons for the commandments of the people in the arid lands of the Old Testament, for it Lord against it. was on these that they relied to preserve themselves 10. The need to live and endure throughout during the dry seasons. Cisterns were carved out of mortality in obedience to God’s laws, even though rock. They could only retain water; they could not suffering and pain and persecution may come. produce it. On occasion the rock would prove full of 11. The way by which the Saints can escape the fissures and be unable even to hold water. Using this corruptions and resulting judgments of the last days. fact as a metaphor, the Lord brought two accusations 12. The promises of a literal gathering of Israel in against Israel. The first was their lack of trust in Him. the last days and a time of restoration and redemption Jehovah, as the spring of living water, could always be for Israel. relied upon, but ancient Israel hewed new cisterns for 13. The greatness and the dreadfulness of the day themselves; that is, they turned to idolatrous sources when the Lord will come in His glory. for security and spiritual life and power. Second, the 14. The testimony that the God of the Old new cisterns could preserve the Spirit no better than Testament is Jesus Christ and that He came to earth to a fractured cistern could hold water. Thus, Israel was free us from death and make it possible for us to be like a people in a drought who ignore a living spring freed from sin and thus return to the presence of God that provides sufficient reserves and trust instead in the Father. broken wells that provide nothing. The spiritual gems in the book were meant to be Each chapter in this manual is designed to help you enjoyed. The prophets whose words are recorded in find the true source of living water—the Lord Jesus the Bible were anxious that their message be clear and Christ. Your study of the Old Testament is an comprehensible. Through time, mistranslation, and opportunity to come to know Him better. corruption, part of that clarity has been obscured. Each lesson designates a part of the Old Testament Fortunately for Latter-day Saints, much of this clarity as a reading assignment. This assignment will be the has been restored by (1) inspired commentary of core of your study and should be read carefully for modern prophets; (2) the guidance of the Holy Ghost; each lesson.
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