^ A : I i AL A' Y V 1.2224 LiEilLDElR usfmg America'a Larpent !Sew»paper for Public Employees - See Pages 8 & 9 Vol. XXXIV, No. 43 Tuesday, January 22, 1974 Price 15 Cents Creedmoor Director Defends His Staffers With Highest Praise NEW YORK CITY — "We have the finest state employees/' Dr. William Werner, di- rector of Creedmoor State Hospital, told a press conference at Civil Service Employees Assn. Headquarters here, "but they are being demoralized by the blowup of charges of crime at Creedmoor." Solomon Bendet, president of CSEA's New York dty Region, The chief of the big mental ident Solomon Bendet, who employees for some of the crimes. gesticulates emphatically as he defends employees at Creed- hospital in Queens came <to fne sought to counter the effects of In the question-and-answer moor State Hospital against charges linking them to a high CSEA New York City Region highly publicized charges by E>eriod, Dr. Werner was question- ed intensively about a statement crime rate. With him at the press conference in the CSEA offices at 11 Park Place on Jan. State Senator Prank Padavan 18 to defend the reputation of he had purportedly made that Manhattan offices are Terry Dawson, left, president of the about the supposed high inci- his 2,700 employees at a press dence of crime at the hospital. outsiders and insiders were re- CSEA chapter at Creedmoor, and Dr. William Werner, direc- briefing. The late-morning gath- Senator Padavan's dtiarges had sponsible for the crime incidents tor of the mental hospital. ering was called by Region pres- included allegations against the at Creedmoor. Dr. Werner re- plied that he never intended and never did cast doubt on the in- tegrity of the employees. A very Suffolk Wins In Three Demands few members might be involved, he said, but it is imfair to bal- RIVERHEAD — This week, a CSEA complaint, Mr. Porter will be hired in ttie proper step. loon charges so that the whole Suffolk chapter Civil Service said Sheriff Philip Corso had Step increments shall be effective staff feels victimized. Employees Assn. president agreed to retitle employees at at the start of each year. "The very great majority of E. Ben Porter announced an the jail as correction officers. The misplacement of employ- our employees are simply mar- agreement with the county elim- Mr. Porter paid "special com- ees had affected only a small velous," said Di. Wemcr. "Thty inating a practice of placine merdat.i'^n" to the chapter's centage of county employees, but just don't get enough credit some employees on the prior labor-management committee for the inequity had been a major for what they do. These civil ser- All Groups Interested year's pay scale, and granting successfully resolving the griev- irritant to the CSEA. (Continued on Page 14) increased allowances in cash for ances after "tedious negotiations In Money Target On nurses' unifonns. in which the county at first ap- The agreement will advance peared unusually intransigent." Assembly's Stephens about 300 employees one to two The committee is chaired by grades. Ewa Reid, with Prank Randall INSIDE THE LEADER HE state Legislative It also provides a reimburse- and Dominick Giordano as mem- Law pays special rec- Improve Dental Service In T ment to some employees whom bers. They were assisted by Bill Syracuse, Buffalo Areas — See Page 3 ognition to the Senate Fin- the county had docked after Griffin, CSEA field representative. ance Committee and the claiming they had been placed CSEA Calendar — See Page 3 Assembly Ways and Means Com- The pay scale agreement pro- on the wrong pay scale. vides that all employees shall be Latest State Eligibles — See Page 13 mittee. Under the law these The uniform agreement affects placed in the 1974 pay scale step Plan SUNY Workshop — See Page 14 committees serve throughout the about 500 members. The cash applicable, and new employees year and are empowered to payment has been sought by make, through their respective employees. In addition, allow- chairmen, such investigations of ances will be increased by $40 the various activities of the State to $50 to maximums of $100 to as will aid them in their con- $150. (Continued on Page 6) In another agreement settling Statewide Officers Lend Support For Acceptance Of Oneida Pact (Special To The Leader) UTICA — With Civil Service Employees Assn. executive vice-president Thomas H. McDonough attending hear- ings Inside, and CSEA Syracuse Region No. 5's president Richard deary and executive vice-president Louie Sunder- haft among the informational picketers outside, Oneida County orderly demonstration on behalf legislators knew the employees' of the report's acceptance. union meant business. The legislative hearing Ls the An average of 50 people a final stage in settling the dispute day took part in the information- between CSEA and Oneida Coun- al picketing during most of last ty over terms of a new work week as Oneida County's Legis- agreement for county employees. m- • • ••• lature met on a fact-finder's re-, Roger Kane, CSEA field repre- ON THE ISSUES —- Samuel Grossfleld. president of CSEA's Rpchester chapter, emphaaiaes ad- port on a contract settlement for sentative, said that negotiations vantages of four-day work week during current energy crunch. This and other topics, such as cost of county workers. on contract provisions had be- living, agency shop and insurance, were discussed at meeting last week between representatives of chap- Mr. Sunderhaft, who is also gun last July, but had ended ters of the Genesee Federation (an informai grouping of CSEA chapters in the northeastern area of president of the Oneida Coun- in an impasse when both sides the union's Buffalo Region 6) and 11 state senators and assemblymen from the area. Among partici- ty chapter, was joined by fellow could not agree on a settlement. pants at the session were, left, Kenneth Bennett, president of 8UNY at Geneseo chapter. Huddled at officers and chapter members, as The CoEA representative said right are Edison O'Brien. Newark State School president, and Newark delegate FraiUi Napoleon. Thomas well as statewide officers Mc- that, in his opinion, the County Gartley, president of SUNY at Brockport chapter, is identifiable in background. (Additional photoi Donough and Cleary, during the (Continued on Page 14) and story begin on page 3.) Housing, Transit Cop Poliee News Nine In HA Eligibles Now Being Win Awards HONORABLE MENTION Certified For Feb. The following 22 members of Nine employees of the New the Police Dept. were awarded York City Housing Authority departmental honorable mention Police Officer Class have been honored with cash recognition with 1.25 promotion awards and certificates of merit Certifications for a PoUce ON points, for extraordinary bravery, (including a posthumous award) Academy class — now expected intelligently performed in the to be initiated the first week in the Authority's Employees' line of duty at imminent and per- CM Suggestion Plan program. in February — began last week. sonal danger of life: Eligibles from the Police Dept. The top award of $50 went to Sgts. Stephen Gure and Ro- and Housing and Transit Au- Joseph Merola, resident building bert O'Neill; Detectives Step- thority lists were certified for r superintendent of Van Dyke s hen DelCorso, Hubert Erwin, the class, which the Police Dept. Houses, Brooklyn, for suggest- Cleave Bethae, Philip Mogan, hopes will Include about 400 ap- ing an easier and safer method Maurice Prescott, Dennis Dowd, pointments. for housing firemen to open and Richard Rossi, James Ward, To date, a total of 57 patrol- close the rear boiler doors of Woodrow Dury, Donald McNeil, men, police trainee eligibles and Superior and Cleaver-Brookes Alfred Genova, Harold Dice, Al- 15 policewomen eligibles from & boilers. 06 bert V. Casella Jr., Melvin Betty. the Police Dept. have been cer- U Other awards were: Sylvia William Hoy, Maximo Jimenez, tified. The patrolman eligibles Q < Maiman, senior clerk, of Carey Cleotis Wright, Rudolph Francis, are from eight different lists and Gardens, Brooklyn, $25; Patrol- John Brown, Bobby Hardwick. the policewoman eligibles are man Leroy L. Smith, of Lillian from list 9091, between the num- EXCEPTIONAL MERIT U SERVICE PLAQUE —* state Housing: Commissioner Lee Wald Houses, Manhattan, $25: bers of 194 and 1707. U <m Goodwin, riglit, presents the John T. Haugaard Jr. achievement Antoinette Tuccio, supervising The following 13 members of A total of 505 Transit Au- > award to Meyer Poses, given annually to a Civil Service employee clerk at Central Piles, $10: Sim- the Police Dept. were awarded thority patrolman eligibles from on Kalinkowitz (deceased) hous- u for outstanding service to the Division of Housing and Commu- departmental exceptional merit list 2225 have been certified so cn nity Renewal. Mr. Poses is an associate attorney specializing in ing assistant at Marlboro Houses, recognition witfn 1 promotion far. They are between the num- public housing law. The award's namesake, who died in 1965, had Brooklyn, $10: Robert G. Thomp- point for an act of bravery, in- ber 175 and 2900. Forty-four been Assistant Comissioner of Development and served the state for son, maintenance man at Gun telligently performed involving Housing Authority patrolman eli- Hill Houses, the Bronx, $10: Al- cj nearly 25 years. personal risk of life: gibles have l>een certified from bert Madison, housing assistant Sgt. Andre Alonge, Detectives list 2226, to date, between the of Holmes-Isaacs Houses, Man- Dominick Amemdolare, John D. numbers 101 and 2293. Wanna be a good guy? hattan. $10; Frances Gorman, Brady To Chair Flynn, William J Foley, Gerard Give a pint of blood. senior clerk at Central office, For more certification details, Marini, Neil O'Donnell, Thomas Call UN 1-7200 $10; and Greta I.
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