THE HATCHET'S ANNUAL GUIDE TO COMMENCEMENT Everything you need to know about graduation SEE THE B SECTION MONDAY The GW May 11, 2009 ALWAYS ONLINE: WWW.GWHATCHET.COM Vol. 106 • Iss. 1 Hatchet AN INDEPENDENT STUDENT NEWSPAPER - SERVING THE GW COMMUNITY SINCE 1904 MEDIAFRENZY Th ree swine fl u cases confi rmed by Emily Cahn Campus News Editor Three GW students have tested positive for the H1N1 infl uenza – better known as the swine fl u, the University announced in a statement Saturday morning. The positive tests represent no new cases of the virus at GW, but are instead confi rmations of three of the fi ve probable cases that were pre- viously announced. University spokeswoman Tracy Schario de- clined to comment further on the number of fl u swabs that were sent to the D.C. Department of Health for testing, but the University’s state- ment Saturday said all fi ve students at GW with probable and confi rmed cases of the swine fl u have fully recovered and are no longer conta- gious. The two remaining GW students who had See SWINE FLU, p. A5 Basketball team misses Michelle Rattinger/assistant photo editor News anchor Anita Brikman reports outside of Thurston Hall May 1 after D.C. offi cials announced two freshmen residents were the fi rst NCAA mark probable cases of swine fl u in D.C. SEE STORY ONLINE AT GWHATCHET.COM. by Dan Greene Sports Editor After an NCAA report released last week found that the GW men’s basketball team failed to meet academic standards, the University an- D.C. moves to recognize gay marriages nounced it will create a committee to evaluate the program and implement new oversight pol- by Gabrielle Bluestone icies, a top administrator said Friday. Metro News Editor Robert Chernak, senior vice president for Student and Academic Support Services, said The D.C. City Council approved a committee of University administrators from a bill to recognize same-sex mar- both inside and outside the athletic department riages performed in other states last is being formed to examine the reasons why week, setting the stage for a possible the men's basketball team's retention rate was debate of the issue in Congress. sub-par and to decide on any action moving The council voted 12-1 on Tues- forward. day to pass the bill, introduced by “We’ll fi rst assess what the problem was councilman Phil Mendelson, D-At Hatchet fi le photos specifi cally and then come up with some solu- tions to try to address them so that there are ac- Large, which would allow already- The D.C. City Council and Mayor Adrian M. Fenty approved a bill last week that would recognize out of state gay married gay couples from states that countable measures that are well-documented marriages. The city has been home to a number of protests, shown above, on both sides of the debate this year. have legalized gay marriage to retain and that you can track,” Chernak said. the rights and privileges afforded in body has 30 days to review the bill. the issue has proven to be divisive, discussed the bill publicly, but many In the NCAA’s 2009 Academic Progress Rate those states. Maine, Iowa, Massachu- While that could prompt a heated sparking complaints from same-sex local Democrats have voiced their report released last Wednesday, GW’s men’s setts, Connecticut and Vermont have gay marriage debate on a national marriage opponents. More than 100 support for the measure. basketball team received a score of 917, short all legalized gay marriage. scale, if Congress does not review the protestors from D.C.-area churches “I think this is a very important of the 925 satisfactory standard. As a result, Only councilman Marion Barry, bill in 30 days, it loses its chance for reportedly held a rally outside the step along our long journey to treat one of the team’s 13 scholarships was withheld D-Ward 8, voted against the mea- oversight. building where the vote was taking all of our residents as equal, full citi- from the program, a penalty that the University sure. Mayor Adrian M. Fenty signed Del. Eleanor Holmes-Norton, D- place, but Republican lawmakers in zens in the District of Columbia,” chose to self-impose this past season, Chernak the bill the following day. D.C., said in a news release she did Congress have remained largely si- councilman Jack Evans, D-Ward 2, and Director of Athletics Jack Kvancz said. Because Congress has author- not believe a serious attempt to over- lent on the issue. ity over D.C. lawmaking, the federal turn the bill would be made, but that President Barack Obama has not See MARRIAGE p. A3 See BBALL, p. A11 University Scientology founder's writings honored at event will not arm Alum Hubbard's novel performed UPD offi cers at SMPA by Emily Cahn by Lauren Hoenemeyer Campus News Editor Assistant News Editor After nearly a year of review, GW has decided not Aliens, brandy and guns were to arm University Police Department offi cers, Univer- the key components of a comedic sity President Steven Knapp announced last week. adaptation of an L. Ron Hubbard Knapp said he made his decision two weeks ago novel performed by Emmy-award after an exploratory study by the security consulta- winning actors in the Jack Morton tion company James Lee Witt Associates found “no Auditorium last week. compelling justifi cation for providing fi rearms to the Hubbard, whose writings be- University Police Department.” Knapp decided not came the founding documents of to arm UPD offi cers based on both the recommenda- the Church of Scientology, attended tions from the consulting fi rm and his own observa- GW for two semesters before leav- tions, he said. ing without a degree in 1931. The “When you are making a judgment like this you adaptation of his novel “The Cross- are taking all of the information into account, and roads” was followed by a presenta- you try to reserve jumping to conclusions,” Knapp tion on his life before, during and said, adding that he felt the consultant fi rm’s rec- after his time at the University. ommendations were sound because they received Dion Graham from HBO’s “The input from, “constituents of the University, whether Wire,” Emmy Award-winning actor those were faculty, administrators, students, staff [or] John Mariano from “The Sopranos” neighbors.” and “Desperate Housewives,” Jim The University began exploring the issue of arm- Meskimen from “Frost/Nixon,” ing UPD offi cers last summer, soon after University Tamra Meskimen from “The Fresh Police Chief Dolores Stafford co-authored a report Prince of Bel-Air” and Arnold that suggested sworn campus police forces be armed. Schwarzenegger impersonator Josh Anne Wernikoff/assistant photo editor Knapp, however, said he began speaking with Robert Thompson played voice Actors John Mariano (left), Jim Meskimen, and Dion Graham perform "The Crossroads" by L. Ron Hub- bard at Jack Morton Auditorium last week. See UPD, p. A10 See HUBBARD, p. A8 The GW Hatchet | Monday, May 11, 2009 H WWW.GWHATCHET.COM Page 2 Web Extra: Media outlets cover swine fl u at GW Gabrielle Bluestone – Metro News Editor ([email protected]) Newsroom: EU embassies open doors to the public Emily Cahn – Campus News Editor ([email protected]) Amanda Dick – Campus News Editor ([email protected]) Interactive Timeline: Swine fl u on campus Lauren Hoenemeyer – Assistant News Editor ([email protected]) CAMPUS Univ. to renovate SNAPSHOT Powder Play Prof. creates iPhone CALENDAR residence halls over application to help the summer users quit smoking The University plans to use iPhone users can listen to mu- about $1.5 million to upgrade sic, send text messages and now Monday or renovate several University – thanks to a couple of GW faculty buildings and residence halls members – quit smoking. HIGH 64 | LOW 51 over the summer, Executive My Quitline is a free iPhone ap- CRIMES OF OBEDIENCE: Vice President and Treasurer plication that allows users to instant "GROUPTHINK" AT ABU Lou Katz said last week. message and speak over the phone GHRAIB The most extensive renova- with trained quit-smoking counsel- GW professor Jerrold tions will occur in Francis Scott ors from the National Cancer Insti- Post discusses what went Key Hall, a sophomore dorm tute Quitline. The application was wrong at Abu Ghraib on 20th Street, and will include developed at the School of Public Prison in Iraq. updating the building with wa- Health and Health Services and the 12 p.m. ter and energy-saving modifi - National Tobacco Cessation Collab- Gelman Library room 207 cations to the heating system orative. The QuitLine is operated by and bathrooms, improving the the National Cancer Institute. fi re-safety sprinkler system and Dr. Lorien Abroms, GW’s assis- installing new elevator doors, tant research professor in the Depart- Wednesday Katz said. ment of Prevention and Communi- In addition, residence halls ty Health, designed the application HIGH 70 | LOW 52 like 1959 E Street, Fulbright after NTCC reported the lack of iP- “LET’S GET FREE: A HIP-HOP Hall, New Hall and Building JJ hone apps aimed to help users quit THEORY OF JUSTICE” will be repainted and the com- smoking with proven results. Join Law School professor mon area basement lounges in The 2008 Public Health Service Paul Butler for a hip-hop Building JJ, Strong Hall and The Guideline “Treating Tobacco Use reading and signing of his West End will be upgraded. and Dependence” recommended book. Carpet will be replaced as the QuitLine as an effective tool to Marie McGrory/Hatchet photographer 6:30 p.m.
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