CHURCH TODAY Volume XLVIII, No. 6 www.diocesealex.org Serving the Diocese of Alexandria, Louisiana Since 1970 June 12, 2017 O N T H E INSIDE USCCB to conduct 6th annual Fortnight for Freedom June 21- July 4 The 6th annual Fortnight for Freedom will begin June 21—the vigil of the Feasts of St. John Fish- er and St. Thomas More—and July 4, Independence Day. Let us take a few moments each day from June 21 - July 4 to pray, re- flect, and take action on religious liberty, both here in this country and abroad. See page 3 for more. Class of 2017 graduates Throughout the diocese, hun- dreds of seniors graduated from high school and college. Many churches held Senior Masses to honor these students. Go to pages 14-15 for a large group of graduating seniors. St. Augustine Church Newly ordained completes stained glass window project Transitional Deacon Twelve new stained glass windows depicting saints and Bi- Luke LaFleur ble stories have been installed at St. Augustine Church in Isle Brev- Bishop David Talley extends a warm welcome and con- elle, completing an 18-month-long gratulations to Luke LaFleur during the diaconate ordina- project. For more information, go tion Mass May 27 at Our Lady of Prompt Succor Church to pages 12-13. in Alexandria. For more on the diaconate ordination, go to page 7. PAGE 2 CHURCH TODAY JUNE 12, 2017 Melania Trump is first Catholic to live in White House since JFK Compiled from As she was leaving the hos- various news reports pital, she spent time in front of a statue of the Madonna and laid When President Donald flowers at Her feet. Trump and his wife Melania vis- “My visit to Bambino Gesu ited Pope Francis May 24 at the Children’s Hospital was very Vatican, it was discovered that moving,” the first lady said in a Melania Trump is Catholic. statement. “To spend time speak- The first lady’s spokesman ing to and coloring with children confirmed to several news outlets who have such a positive spirit that she is a practicing Catholic, despite illness was an amazing making her the first Catholic to gift. The time I spent with the occupy the White House since little ones in the Intensive Care John F. Kennedy was president. Unit is something I will never Melania accompanied her forget, and I will pray for each husband Donald Trump on his trip of them daily. I want to thank the to the Vatican to meet Pope Fran- doctors, nurses and staff of the cis. As the two men exchanged hospital, who all do such beauti- gifts inside of the Apostolic Pal- ful and critical work.” ace, the pope also gifted Melania Melania also shared a mov- with a rosary he had blessed. POPE FRANCIS places his hand over a rosary that First Lady Melania Trump asked him to bless during a private audi- ing story about a young boy who She described the visit with ence with him May 24. The pope also gave Melania a rosary he had blessed as a gift to her. After the meeting that Me- was just informed he received a the leader of the Catholic Church lania and President Donald Trump had with Pope Francis, it was discovered for the first time, that she is Catholic. This heart transplant, adding that she as “one I’ll never forget.” makes her the first Catholic first lady to occupy the White House since John F. Kennedy was president. During her visit visited with the boy just hours While President Trump ref- to the Bambinio Gesu children’s hospital, she spent time in front of a statue of the Madonna and laid flowers at Her feet. prior. erenced his Presbyterian identity “Upon landing in Belgium, during the campaign, her faith did I learned a young boy and his not come up. He and the first lady quisite soprano voice. The first lady, who became a in 1869, is the largest pediatric family who had been waiting for were married in 2005 in an Epis- Her spokeswoman, Stepha- U.S. citizen in 2006, grew up in hospital and research center in a heart transplant was informed copal church in Palm Beach, Fla., nie Grisham, confirmed in an what is today Slovenia, which has Europe. The first lady personally that the hospital has found a do- where their son Barron Trump email that Melania Trump identi- been heavily influenced by Ca- wrote a letter to Pope Francis ask- nor,” she said. “I read a book and was later baptized. fies as Catholic, but Grisham did tholicism. ing to visit the hospital, a spokes- held hands with this special little The church’s rector per- not respond to questions about if After the visit with the pope, person said. one just a few hours ago, and formed a traditional Episco- and when the first lady was bap- first lady Melania Trump paid a Once at the hospital she be- now my own heart is filled with pal wedding service. The bride tized, whether she attends Mass visit to Bambino Gesù children’s gan spending her time coloring joy over this news.” walked down the aisle carrying regularly at a specific parish and hospital in Rome. with patients, snapping selfies, Princess Diana and Mother only an ancient rosary, while a whether the first family are cur- The hospital, owned by the signing bandages and even speak- Teresa are among those who have vocalist sang Ave Maria in an ex- rent members of a church. Catholic Church and founded ing to them in Italian. visited Bambino Gesù hospital. VISIT TO THE VATICAN CHIL- DREN’S HOSPITAL BAMBINO GESU. While President Donald Trump was meeting privately with Pope Francis, Melania visited the Bambino Gesu, a children’s hospital owned by the Vatican. There she visited with sick children, speaking to them in Italian, coloring with them, and taking selfies. As she left the hospital, she stopped and prayed be- fore a statue of the Blessed Mother located outside the hospital. Happy Daniel Lacombe Floor Finishing Father’s 404 Bordelon Rd., Hessmer, LA 71341 • Behavior Modification • In home, Individual, and Specializing in installation Day • Obedience and Therapy Group Sessions Available • Floor Finishing • Ceramic Tile Floors Pet Training • Phone Consultations • Hardwood Floors • Reseal Tile Floors • 30-day Money Back Guarantee and Phone Assessments June 18 Ph: (318) 563-4753 • Cell (318) 305-0241 985.226.6458 • www.felinecaninecoach.com JUNE 12, 2017 CHURCH TODAY PAGE 3 USCCB to conduct 6th annual Fortnight for Freedom June 21-July 4 The USCCB’s 6th annual Fortnight for Freedom will con- sist of national and local efforts to educate Americans on challenges to religious liberty both at home eeee and abroad. Prayer for the Protection The Fortnight for Freedom eeeee will begin June 21—the vigil of of Religious Freedom the Feasts of St. John Fisher and eeee St. Thomas More—and July 4, O God our Creator, from your provident hand we have received Independence Day. our right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. “We are called to follow You have called us as your people and given us Christ as missionary disciples the right and the duty to worship you, the only true God, by seeking the truth, serving oth- and your Son, Jesus Christ. ers, and living our faith in all that Through the power and working of your Holy Spirit, we do,” said Bishop David Tal- you call us to live out our faith in the midst of the world, ley. “Let us take a few moments bringing the light and the saving truth of the Gospel to every corner of society. each day from June 21 - July 4 to tions on the part of the federal For more information, go to pray, reflect, and take action on government would “precipitate a www.usccb.org/issues-and-action We ask you to bless us religious liberty, both here in this national conflict between church The site hosts resources such in our vigilance for the gift of religious liberty. country and abroad.” and state of enormous propor- as one-page fact sheets outlining Give us the strength of mind and heart The Fortnight for Freedom is tions and to the detriment of both current threats to religious free- to readily defend our freedoms when they are threatened; a campaign initiated by the Cath- institutions. dom both in the United States give us courage in making our voices heard olic bishops of the U.S. Events An ad hoc committee was and abroad; frequently asked on behalf of the rights of your Church over the course of 14 days from formed and Bishop Thomas Pa- questions about religious liberty, and the freedom of conscience of all people of faith. June 21 to July 4 each year, call procki of Illinois, proposed the including quotes from the Found- upon Catholics to participate in name Fortnight for Freedom and ing Fathers, the Second Vatican Grant, we pray, O heavenly Father, a pledge to religious liberty and the schedule designed to cele- Council and Popes John Paul II a clear and united voice to all your sons and daughters an appeal for the inclusion of a brate the feast days of saints who and Benedict XVI; and a study gathered in your Church “conscience clause” for religious died for their faith, including guide on Dignitatis Humanae, in this decisive hour in the history of our nation, institutions and religious faithful Thomas More. Vatican II’s document on reli- so that, with every trial withstood to practice according to the moral gious liberty.
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