IAC-14,D3,1,4,x22217 Lunar Station, V1.2 Lunar Station: The Next Logical Step In Space Development By Mr. Robert Bruce Pittman* Ms. Lynn Harper** Mr. Mark NewfielD** anD Dr. Daniel J. Rasky** * - Space Portal, LockheeD; ** - Space Portal, NASA Ames September, 2014 The International Space Station (ISS) is putting tHe equivalent capability of tHe the proDuct of tHe efforts of sixteen na- ISS Down on the surface of the Moon, or tions over the course of several DecaDes. by developing the requireD capabilities It is now complete, operational, anD Has througH a combination of DelivereD mate- been continuously occupieD since No- rials anD equipment anD in situ resource vember of 20001. Since tHen tHe ISS Has utilization (ISRU). Scenarios that leverage been carrying out a wiDe variety of re- existing tecHnologies anD capabilities as search and technology development ex- well as capabilities tHat are unDer Devel- periments, anD starting to produce some opment and are expected to be available pleasantly startling results2. The ISS Has a witHin tHe next 3-5 years, will be exam- mass of 420 metric tons, supports a crew ineD. This paper will explore how best of six witH a yearly resupply requirement practices anD expertise gained from De- of arounD 30 metric tons, witHin a pres- veloping anD operating the ISS anD otHer surizeD volume of 916 cubic meters, anD a relevant programs can be applieD to effec- habitable volume of 388 cubic meters. Its tively developing Lunar Station. solar arrays proDuce up to 84 kilowatts of power. In the course of Developing the Why Lunar Station? – A Lunar Station ISS, many lessons were learneD anD mucH can proviDe many benefits to NASA and valuable expertise was gained. Where Do the country. It woulD serve as a very use- we go from Here? ful development step between our cur- rent capabilities in LEO, anD our aspira- The ISS offers an existence proof of tHe tions to one-day travel in person to Mars. feasibility of sustaineD Human occupation It can proviDe a testing and proving anD operations in space over Decades. It grounD for a variety of important ad- also Demonstrates tHe ability of many vanced tecHnologies anD capabilities, in- countries to work collaboratively on a cluDing robotics, ISRU, resource Depots, very complex anD expensive project in deep space crew habitats, closed loop life space over an extended perioD of time to support, in-space propulsion, optical acHieve a common goal. By harvesting communication anD space aDDitive manu- best practices and lessons learneD, the ISS facturing to name a few. can also serve as a useful moDel for ex- ploring arcHitectures for beyond low- The large permanently sHaDeD craters in eartH-orbit (LEO) space Development. the pole regions of the Moon have tem- peratures as low as 40 °K (minus This paper will explore tHe concept anD 388 °F)3, anD offer opportunities for new feasibility for a Lunar Station. THe Station scientific observations, exploration, inves- concept can be implemented by eitHer tigation, anD learning. THe Moon Has re- 1 http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/main 2 See Microgravity Imperative Report, Office of the Chief 3 http://www.space.com/7311-moon-craters-colDest- TecHnologist, 2014 place-solar-system.Html Page 1 of 14 IAC-14,D3,1,4,x22217 Lunar Station, V1.2 sources, incluDing large quantities of wa- lunar surface and returned tantalizing ter in the permanently sHaDeD craters, hints of the presence of water in the per- whicH coulD be very useful for lunar anD manently sHaDoweD lunar craters. The eventual Mars missions anD activities. Lunar Prospector7 mission in 1998 con- firmeD tHese initial observations. Lunar Station woulD establisH important infrastructure in transportation, high val- In Oct. 2009, the LCROSS mission impact- ue extraterrestrial resources, power anD ed one of tHese permanently sHaDowed communications, crew Habitats anD facili- craters anD the Data obtaineD from tHis ties that woulD significantly lower tech- project confirmeD tHe presence of large nical and financial risks for missions be- quantities of water, as well as metHane, yonD tHe Moon. AnD it woulD give our ammonia, carbon DioxiDe anD carbon space program a mucH-needed clear, monoxiDe8; all very useful materials for timely anD logical next step to strengthen future lunar activities. our relevance with the public, maintain our international space leaDersHip, anD NASA Has pursueD otHer lunar orbital hone our technical cutting edge. missions, incluDing the Lunar Resource Orbiter (LRO)9 that is currently in orbit US Lunar Exploration – A Brief History arounD tHe Moon, anD most recently tHe Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment President Kennedy launched the Apollo Explorer (LADEE)10 mission whicH enDeD Program in May 1961. This program sent its mission witH an impact on lunar sur- 12 Americans to the surface of the Moon face on April 17th of this year. NASA anD between July 1969 and December 19724. other space organizations are also work- The Apollo-17 astronauts were the last ing on a lunar rover mission calleD the humans to visit the Moon. A recent as- Resource Prospector Mission (RPM) 11 . sessment put tHe program cost for Apollo This mission Has the Regolith and Envi- at $174 billion in toDay’s dollars 5 . ronment Science and Oxygen and Lunar Planned missions beyond Apollo-17 were Volatile Extraction (RESOLVE) device as a cancelled, even though the Saturn-5 rock- primary payloaD, and a tentative launcH ets HaD been built anD were operational, date of 2018. because of the large cost of tHe program. Despite tHe unquestionable success of Returning To The Moon – Some Failed Apollo, many people now realize tHat the Attempts suite of conDitions tHat enableD it was an anomaly tHat is not likely to be repeateD. On July 20th 1989, tHe 20th anniversary of No one has been back to the Moon, or the Apollo 11 lanDing, President George even travelled beyonD LEO, in 42 years. H.W. BusH initiateD tHe Space Exploration Initiative to return Americans to tHe Moon After tHe Apollo program, the Moon was anD eventually to Mars12. A NASA “90 Day mostly ignoreD for many years. THe first US mission to tHe Moon after Apollo was 7 the Clementine mission in 19946. THis http://www.nasa.gov/centers/ames/missions/archive/l was a low cost mission tHat mappeD tHe unarprospector.Html 8 http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/LCROSS/main/ind ex.Html 4 http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/apollo/ 9 http://lunar.gsfc.nasa.gov/ 5 http://beforeitsnews.com/space/2014/03/nasa-enD- 10 http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/ladee/main manneD-space-fligHt-2-2476914.html 11 http://www.spacenews.com/article/civil- 6 space/39307nasa-planning-for-mission-to-mine-water- http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/LCROSS/searchfor on-the-moon water/clementine.Html 12 http://history.nasa.gov/sei.htm Page 2 of 14 IAC-14,D3,1,4,x22217 Lunar Station, V1.2 StuDy” group was formeD to explore op- ration missions beyond low Earth or- tions to carry out this assignment. The bit”. price tag for tHis 20-30 year program 5. Return US astronauts to surface of tHe came out to be a wHopping $400-500 bil- Moon by 2020. lion. THe program quietly died in tHe ear- To fulfill tHe VSE, new NASA ADministra- ly 1990’s. tor Mike Griffin initiateD the Constellation Program14. Constellation consisteD of two On February 1st 2003 the Space Shuttle launcH veHicles: the Ares-1 for launching Columbia disintegrated upon reentry over crew, anD tHe Ares-5, a large Heavy lift Texas killing all seven astronauts on launcH veHicle for cargo. In aDDition to boarD. ResponDing to tHis Disaster Presi- the launcH veHicles, there was also a new dent George W. Bush rolled out an ex- crew capsule (Orion) anD a large lunar traorDinary Vision for Space Exploration lanDer (Altair) proposeD. Following the (VSE)13 on January 14, 2004. THe VSE haD program rollout in tHe autumn of 2005, a been carefully DevelopeD and HaD four number of criticisms quickly arose re- major tHrusts: garDing tHe viability of tHe proposeD 1. Implement a sustaineD anD afforDable launcH systems, particularly tHe Ares-1. human and robotic program to ex- Work proceeDeD on Constellation Despite plore tHe solar system and beyond. these criticisms. 2. Extend Human presence across tHe solar system, starting witH a Human In May 2009 newly elected President return to tHe Moon by tHe year 2020, Barack Obama commissioneD a “Review in preparation of Human exploration of the US Human SpacefligHt Plan Com- of Mars and other destinations. mittee” (the Augustine Committee15). THe 3. Develop tHe innovative tecHnology, Committee spent five montHs reviewing knowledge and infrastructures both the Constellation program anD concluDeD to explore anD to support Decisions that, contrary to the VSE guiDelines, the about tHe Destinations for Human ex- program was not “sustainable”. On Feb- ploration. ruary 1st, 2010 with the rollout of the his 4. Promote international and commer- FY 2011 NASA budget, President Obama cial participation in exploration to cancelleD tHe Constellation program anD furtHer U.S. scientific, security anD retargeteD NASA to senD astronauts to an economic interests. asteroiD anD eventually onto Mars, ratHer than returning them to the Moon. There were several important new ele- ments in tHe VSE as well: The cancellation of tHe Constellation pro- 1. Direct references to sustainable, af- gram anD tHe re-vectoring of US Human forDable anD flexible exploration. space program to visiting an asteroiD anD 2. The realization tHat infrastructure eventually Mars, ratHer tHan returning to woulD be neeDeD to enable tHis long- the Moon, was a major blow to many in term exploration. the aerospace community.
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