Charles Z. Smith papers file://///files/shareddocs/librarycollections/manuscriptsarchives/findaidsi... UNIVERSITY UBRARIES w UNIVERSITY of WASH INCTON Spe, ial Colle tions. Charles Z. Smith papers Inventory Accession No: 3306-001 Special Collections Division University of Washington Libraries Box 352900 Seattle, Washington, 98195-2900 USA (206) 543-1929 This document forms part of the Guide to the Charles Z. Smith Papers. To find out more about the history, context, arrangement, availability and restrictions on this collection, click on the following link: http://digital.lib.washington.edu/findingaids/permalink/SmithCharlesZUA3306/ Special Collections home page: http://www.lib.washington.edu/specialcollections/ Search Collection Guides: http://digital.lib.washington.edu/findingaids/search 1 of 1 8/19/2015 6:33 PM CHARLES Z. SMITH Accession No. 3306-83-5 INVENTORY Box Seri es Folders Dates BIOGRAPH I CAL FEATURES GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE A - Z 5 1973-80 Unsorted Correspondence l 966-79 American Jewish Committee 1974 American Judicature Society 1973-74 Atlantic Richfield Company 1977 First Baptist Church 1976-81 National College of Criminal Defense Lawyers and Public Defenders 1973-75 National College of the State Judiciary 1975-76 Seattle (correspondence with various offices) 1974-78 Seattle. Pol ice Department 1971-80 Seattle . Schools 1974-80 Seattle-King County Public Defender 1972-79 United States (correspondence with various governmental departments) 1974 U. S. Defense Department. Military Appeals Court 1979 U.S. Health, Education and Welfare Department 1974-79 University of Puget Sound. Law School 1973-77 Washington (correspondence with various governmental departments) 1974-78 Washington. Governor (Daniel J. Evans) 1966-76 Washington . Governor (Dixy Lee Ray) 1976-80 Washington. Prison Terms and Paroles Board 1967-73 Washington . Social and Health Services Department 1973 Washington Shorthand Reporters Association 1974 Washington State Bar Association 1972-80 INTRA-UNIVERSITY CORRESPONDENCE Faculty Members (various UW) 1973-77 W. U. Daily 3 1972-78 W.U. Faculty Personnel Policy and Practice Task Force 1974 2 W. U. Graduate School 1975-80 W.U. Placement Office 1974 W.U. Provost 1974-79 W.U. President (John R. Hogness) 1974-78 W.U. Vice President for Minority Affairs (Samuel E. Ke l l ey) 1974-75 W.U. Vice President for University Relations (Robert G. Waldo) 1974-75 Smith 3306-83-5 Page 2 Box Series Fo 1ders Dates 2 (cont.) SPEECHES & WRITINGS 11 0ur American Judicial System: The Black Man 11 and the Law ( for production on KI NG-TV) 1972 11 Prosecuting Alcoholics and Addicts" 1976 REPORTS Executive , Legislative and Judicial Salaries Commission Report 1976 Washington Judicial Council. Biennial Reports 1971-74 CONFERENCES AND CONVENTIONS Alcoholics Anonymous Convention. Denver. 4-6 July, 1975 Child Labor Conference. Tacoma Schools. 4 March, 1978 Legal Rights of the Interpreter; Workshop for · the National Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf Convention. Seattle. 28 June, 1974 U. S. Federal Bureau of Investigation. National Executive Institute. 1976-77 Washing t on Public Health Law for Health Officers and Sanitarians. Washington. Health De- pa r tment and W. U. Law School 1957 CASE FILES Brazil , Joseph 1975 Donley, Mary (vs . Seattle. Schools) 1976-78 Enslow, David (grievance against Mercer Island. Sc hools) 1973-74 Martin, Douglas A. (vs. Seattle. Schools) 1974 Moore , William B. 1972 Seattle. (vs . Robert Johnson) 1965 Seattle . (vs. Paul Eugene Myers) 1965 NEWSLETTERS Washington Correctional Association Newsletter 11 11 (al so called PROBE ) 1975-77 CLIPPINGS 11 Pol ice Beat" (column from Seattle . Post- Intel ligencer) 3 1965-66 3 Seattle Post-Intelligencer (incl. some related correspondence) 2 1965-76 Se~ttle Times (incl. some related correspondence) 1965-79 General Clippings 1966-78 MISCELLANY cal975 SUBJECT SER I ES A1 coho 1 ism 1967-77 American Bar Association 2 1973-79 American Jewish Committee 1978-79 Smith 3306-83-5 Page 3 Box Series Folders Dates 3 (cont.) SUBJECT SERIES (cont.) Black Student Union (University of Washington) 1973-76 B'na i B' r i th 1978-79 Campus Christian Ministry (University of Wash- ington) 1974-75 Carter, Jimmy (U.S. President; incl. corres- pondence and clippings) 1977-78 Central Seattle Community Council Federation 1974-75 Churches of Seattle 1973-74 Citizens Against Hanging (campaign against Initiative 316) 1975 Community Relations Service 1974-79 COYOTE (Seattle; incl. prostitution handbook and correspondence with Jennifer James) 1975-76 11 Crank Letters" 1965-73 Deaf Community Projects (incl. correspondence re: State Law, S-242) 2 1971-79 Federal Bar Association 1975-78 Joint Degree Programs (University of Washing- ton) 1974 Judicial Campaigns (various) 1975-76 King County. Ombudsman 1978 Loren Mi l ler Law Association (formerly Loren 3 & 4 Mil l er Law Club) 2 1974-80 National Bar Association (incl. newsletters) 2 1971-81 National Judicial College 1978 National Lawyers Guild n.d. Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity. Dunbar Chap- ter (University of Washington) 1965-77 Prosterman, Roy L. 1972-77 Psycho-Legal Discussion Group 1978-79 Rice (No rman) City Council Campaign 1978 Seattle . City Council 1978-79 Seattle . Human Rights Department 1972-78 Seattle. Municipal Court 1966-80 Seattle. Pol ice Department 1974-78 Seattle . Schools 1973-78 Seattle-King County Bar Association 1977-80 Seattle Urban League 1965-79 U.S. State Department 1977-78 W.U. Black Action Committee 1975-79 W.U. Closed Circuit Television Services (name changed to Instructional Media Services) 1974-77 W.U. Educational Opportunity Program 1973-80 W. U. Intercollegiate Athletics Department 1974-80 5 W.U. Senate 1973-77 W.U. Police Department 1973-78 W.U. Work Study Program 1975 Washington . Attorney General 1976-77 Washington. Humanities Commission 1976 Washington. Rehabil itati~e Services Department. Corrections Development Task Force 1975-79 Smith 3306-83-5 Page 4 Box Series Folders Dates 5 (cont.) SUBJECT SERIES (cont.) Washington. Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion (Special Education Due Process Hear- ings) 2 1980-81 Washington. Superior Court 1972-80 Washington. Supreme Court 1976-80 Washington Association for Children with Learn- i ng Di sab i l i ti es 1978-79 Washington State Bar Association 1974-81 Young, Andrew J. (U.S. Ambassador to U.N.) 1977 Z0RZA Project (University of Washington) 1976-77 Subgroups (most inc l ude correspondence, reports, minutes) Alcohol ism Professional Staff Society of Washington State. Alcoholism Certification Board 2 1975-79 5 & 6 American Bar Association. Federal Judiciary Stand- ing Cammi ttee 6 1977-79 6 & 7 American Bar Association. Juvenile Justice Standards Joint Commission (with Institute of Judicial Administration) 8 1973-74 7 & 8 American Cancer Society. Directors Board 9 1977-79 Bellevue. Pol i ce Department. Minority Recruitment Committee 1974-78 Camp Brotherhood, Inc. Trustees 1973-80 Church Council of Greater Seattle. Criminal Justice Task Force 1976-77 The Community Group (concerned with human relations training in the Seattle Schools; Frances B. North incident) 2 1978-80 Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Community Service Center. Trustees Board 2 1976-81 Deaf Drivers Driver Improvement Program Committee 1968 Foster Children Action Committee (King County) 1973-74 Institute of Judicial Administration. Fellows Board 2 1977-79 8 & 9 Japanese-American Citizens League. Directors Board. (Seattle Chapter) 3 1976-80 Kawabe Memorial House. Directors Board 1979-81 Smith 3306-83-5 Page 5 Box Subgroups Folders Dates 9 (cont.) King County. Metropolitan Correction Center. Advisory Committee 1977-78 King County. Rehabilitative Services Department. Advisory Board 4 1974-80 King County. Superior Court. Human Relations Com- mittee (incl. Human Rights Committee and Discrimination Survey Advisory Committee) 1974-75 Linfield College. Trustees Board 3 1969-79 National Center for State Courts. Gault Expert Advisory Panel 1979 9 & 10 National Conference of Christians and Jews. Wash- ington Region . Directors Board 3 1968-74 National lnterrel igious Task Force on Soviet Jewry. Seattle Chapter. Steering Committee 2 1977-79 National Registry for Interpreters for the Deaf. Washington Chapter. Inter preters Law Com- mittee 1970-72 Odessa Brown Children 1 s Clinic Building Program Fund Raising Campaign. Advisory Committee 1977-79 Pacific Science Center Foundation. Trustees Board. Executive Committee 4 1977-79 Perez-Pena (Fernando E.) Campaign Committee 1978 Pioneer Cooperative Affiliation. Trustees Board 1977-80 Puget Counsel i ng Center. Directors Board 1978-80 Seattle. City Council . Prostitution Task Force 1975 Seattle . Mayo r . Beer Sheva Sister City Committee 1977-79 Seattle Committee on Foreign Relations. Executive Board 2 1965-78 11 The Seattle Foundation. Trustees 1970-80 Seattle Opera Association (Trustees Board, Executive Committee, Nominating Committee intermixed) 3 1976-79 Seattle Opera Association. Trustees Board. Executive Committee 1978-80 Smith 3306-83-5 Page 6 Box Subgroups Folders Dates 11 (cont.) Seattle Psychoanalytic Institute. Advisory Board 1975-77 Seattle Symphony Orchestra. Trustees Board 4 1977-80 Seattle Symphony Orchestra. Public Affairs Committee 2 1977-79 11 & 12 Seattle University. Trustees Board 5 1976-80 12 & 13 Security Savings and Loan Association. Directors Board 1976-80 Security Savings and Loan Association. Audit Committee 1979-80 Sutton (Pabt) for School Board. Campaign Committee 1979 United Negro College Fund. Washington (State) Advisory Board 1976-79 Washington.
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