The Number 143 COURIERNewsletter of the OSCE Office in Zagreb March/April 2009 For Ever Croatia - OSCE Parliamentary Assembly - HoO in Vienna - NATO entry celebration - Meeting in the MoJ and NGOs report on war crimes procedures - HoO meets Zagreb County Court President - Interview with Kristijan Turkalj, Head of Department for European Union and Human Rights, Ministry of Justice - South Eastern Europe Regional Heads of Missions Meeting - Farewell reception for Ambassador Fuentes Words by the Head of Office: For ever Croatia ne always has an impression States, from the U.S. and Canada to Russia, age, to our landlords, to the owners of res- that the moment to go, to say Uzbekistan and Japan. Most of them Croa- taurants and cafes that we frequent, to the “see you later”, is something tian citizens, with cultural backgrounds de- waiters, to the merchants, to the box office that only happens to others, rived from almost all the existing national clerks of concert halls, of theatres and cin- Othat one is going to remain here forever. But, minorities in the country, all united in the emas, to the anonymous citizen we pass by naturally, it cannot be like that, and on 10 common effort to propel the country on its in the street. May 2009, four years after arriving in Croa- path towards democratic progress that fa- tia, after a great many activities inside and cilitates its Euro-Atlantic integration. A thank you to Cardinal Bozanić, to the outside the country, aiming to support the Archbishops and Bishops, to the clergy, to the country on its path to democratization, I am Gratitude above all to the Government and novices and sacristans with whom I felt like returning to the Spanish diplomatic service the people of Croatia. Thanking the Govern- home listening to their sermons in Croatian. to continue there my career, this time as ment is an obvious, as well as a contradictory To the nuns who grace the urban panoramas Spanish Ambassador in the neighbouring thing, since in reality the OSCE Mission was of the cities with their elegance. And here I Bulgaria. installed in Croatia to assist the country and should express gratitude for something no therefore, in theory, it is the Government less indispensable: a thank you to my wife, Representing an International Organiza- that should thank the OSCE for the services Cristina Leja Stross, for accompanying me tion such as the OSCE, with 56 Participat- rendered. But it is evident that without the on this new course, a particularly meritori- ing States from Europe and North America, understanding of the Government, without ous task because of not finding herself this and 11 Partners for Co-operation from the its positive approach, without its decision to time warmly protected by the Spanish State Mediterranean and Asian regions, is a much implement the mandate that we defined to- but by the OSCE, a “non-family, non-career different and perhaps more complicated task gether in 1996, the work of the Mission, my organisation”. My wife accompanied me and than serving a single country, since, in the work, would have been a lot more difficult if she enjoyed Croatia in these years, except in OSCE it is necessary to satisfy the diverse not impossible. So much gratitude to Presi- the months in which our son Javier needed opinions of such a great number of coun- dent Mesic and his team with his always kind her more than I did in the finalizing suc- tries among which there are the most pow- advice, as well as to Prime Minister Sanader cessful efforts of entering the Spanish dip- erful ones in the world such as all the EU and his Government with whom we carry lomatic career. members, the U.S., Russia and all the crucial ahead the project of democratic progress of neighbours of the Balkans, all of them repre- Croatia, basing ourselves particularly on the Not long ago, I presented my last Status Re- sented in the Permanent Council in Vienna established political Platform, on the ple- port in Vienna. Seeking the usual equilib- and, many of them, in Croatia itself. nary meetings, on a great many conferences, rium, I believe that in the document I left a roundtables, high level workshops held in clear reflection of a country that has worked, In particular, it was necessary to keep a Zagreb and throughout the entire country. progressed and that is already prepared to delicate equilibrium between Croatia and confront on its own the responsibilities that Vienna. Croatia, a newly born independent Gratitude to the kind, hospitable, friendly signify its future. I would have wanted that country that recently came out of a war and Croatian people. My work would not have this document was not only my last Report a centralized economy. Vienna, the Head- been possible without the good reception by but the last one in the life of the Mission/ quarters of the Council, of the Ministerial the country in general. Especially by all those Office in Croatia. I believe, nevertheless, that Troika of the CiO Representative, of the en- who, in one way or another, were affected the Report reflects the situation of a Croatia tire administrative apparatus of the OSCE, by the war and by the measures aiming to which is mature, prepared to face its inter- all of which offer their support to the coun- surpass its consequences and reintegrate the national obligations without serious declines tries that need it, such as those that basically refugees, displaced persons and returnees. and to occupy a noticeable place in the Euro- emerged after the disintegration of the for- To war crime victims, those who consid- pean and global settings. mer USSR and the former Yugoslavia. ered the sentences excessive, to those who At the moment of my departure, my grati- endeavoured to understand the good faith My wife and I are moving some kilome- tude goes to all of them, to the members of that guided our work, the search for neutral- tres further in the region, to the appealing the Secretariat of the Permanent Council, ity in our support to all Croatian citizens in Bulgaria, an EU and NATO country, with the Institutions, to the Ambassadors in Cro- general and to the members of the national which we have already been acquainted. atia and, in a very particular form, to the five minorities in particular. A thank you to the There we await you with open arms and countries that carried out the Chairmanship politicians, to the judges, to the officials, to from there we will follow with great emo- between 2005 and 2009: Slovenia, Belgium, the prefects, to the mayors, to the police offi- tion the progress of our dear Croatia. Hasta Spain, Finland and Greece. cers, to the journalists, to the teachers, to the siempre, Croacia! members of NGOs, a lot of whom, in one Gratitude to the hundreds, perhaps thou- way or another, were our partners and cli- sands of people that along the years formed ents. But thanks once more to the common part of the Mission (Office since 2008) in citizen, to our medical doctors, dentists, to Zagreb. Many of them international, com- the veterinary of our dearest “Dandy” who Ambassador Jorge Fuentes ing almost entirely from the Participating ended his career in Croatia at 16 years of Head of Office Calendar: 17-03-09 HC Plenary Meeting with DPM Uzelac and Minister Čobanković OSCE: 15-03-09 Meeting with Ambassador Radivoj Parliamentary Assembly in Dubrovnik Cvetićanin, Emb of Rep of Serbia 18-03-09 Meeting with President County Court Zagreb, Mirjana Rigljan 18-03-09 Meeting with Mr. Mario Zubović, Chairman of Foreign Policy Committee Croa- tian Parliament 20-03-09 Diplomatic Outing to Lonjsko Polje National Park sponsored by the President of the Republic of Croatia 24-03-09 CPC Director Ambassador Herbert Salber visited Zagreb 25/26-03-09 Ambassador Fuentes presented the Office´s Status Report to the Permanent Council in Vienna. HoO was offered farewell dinners by the Ambassador of the Greek CiO, Mara Marinaki, the Ambassador of Croatia, Neven Madey and the Ambassador of Spain, Marta Betanzos. 30-03-09 Amb. Fuentes’ Farewell Party in ne of the tasks that I needed to beginning of July of 2011. Muzeji Ivana Meštrovića-Atelijer Meštrović carry out in the final stage of Farewell dinners and cocktails offered to my stay in Croatia – a pleasant This forum, conceived at the 1990 Summit Ambassador and Mrs. Fuentes and attended by task indeed – was to meet once in Paris, perfected in Madrid and Berlin in other members of the diplomatic community Oagain with the Speaker of the Parliament, 1991, and having had its inaugural meeting and Croatian authorities: Luka Bebić, as well as with the Chairman of in Budapest in 1992, was seen reinforced in 19 03 09 Ambassador of Korea, Dae-Ho Byun 23-03-09 Former Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Foreign Policy Committee of the Croa- the successive CSCE/OSCE summits in Miomir Žužul tian Parliament, Mr. Mario Zubović, and Helsinki (1992), Budapest (1994) and Is- 01-04-09 Ambassador and Mrs. Salazar, Em- the Chairman of the Physical Planning and tanbul (1999). bassy of Spain Construction Committee, Mr. Jerko Rošin. 02-04-09 Ambassador of Bulgaria, Ivan Sirakov It was not only a courtesy call and a farewell, Aside from the annual session, there is also a 02-04-09 Ambassador and Mrs Adamovich, Order of Malta as I also had an important message to convey winter session held in Vienna each February 06-04-09 Ambassador of Belgium, Marc De to them.
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